"The position I'm running for is - Minister of Logistics!"

Chen Yilang's loud voice echoed clearly in the conference room.

There was a sound of gasping for a while from below. After all, in a big occasion like this, everyone basically didn't dare to make a sound, so they could only express their huge shock in this way.

However, although……

This apprentice is really good.

What is youth? This is called youth!

But after the shock, naturally followed by deep doubts.

Is this kid really okay?

Whether it's due to relationship or experience, he can't take on the position of minister, right?

Moreover, he doesn't seem to have any achievements that can be achieved, right?

Except for the day of the school celebration party, he was indeed ordered in danger, stood up, and saved the party... But no matter how you look at it, it's just luck, right?

Just relying on such a thing can blow up his true strength?

Obviously not possible...

But for some reason, they just felt for no reason that this apprentice's voice was actually quite high.

At least, if you just look at the battle situation on the forum, there are actually quite a few people who speak for Chen Yilang.

The old fritters began to not understand.

So, the most famous person in the freshman year is such a No. 1 person?

It feels far from what they imagined to be excellent...

The old frowns frowned, and they had no intention of continuing to listen to Chen Yilang's speech. At this meeting, they all began to bow their heads and began to look for the next vote on the voting paper.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Nutritious Nonsense Shooting], causing a lot of mental damage to targets in a wide range! 】

[You got: Gold +4691, Experience +3132! 】


Chen Yilang: "???"


Can you explain to me what is meant by [non-nutritious nonsense shooting]...

However, when he saw this, Chen Yilang also seemed to have vaguely noticed that his speech style was probably a bit problematic.

——It can’t be said that it is not well spoken, it can only be said that it is not suitable for this scene.

"I still suffer from being too young..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

After all, for an inexperienced Tie Hanhan, it's really too difficult to get something done right the first time.

For this result, Brother Lang actually had a little psychological preparation.

I just didn't expect the situation to be so optimistic...

"In that case..."

"That's the time to bring out that big killer."

Chen Yilang thought silently.

He quickly opened the system's backpack, took out the [Stage Controller] that was inside, and quickly equipped it.

This big treasure was obtained from completing a hidden mission during the school celebration not long ago.

And it is precisely because of this thing that Chen Yilang dared to stand on this stage today and run for the post of Minister of Logistics.

For Brother Lang - [Stage Master], it is one of the ultimate killers for him to stand on the podium today, complete the Jedi counterattack and turn the tide against the wind.

【Ding! 】

[You have worn the title [Stage Master]! 】

[You have successfully triggered the skill: [Stage Control]! 】

[Your attribute values ​​will increase by 20%! 】

[Please choose to get one of the skills: [lv9 singing], [lv9 jumping] [lv9rap], [lv9 basketball]! 】


(change first...)

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