If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 303: 【Bomb Madman】


The smile on Cao Ze's face froze instantly.

Countless question marks drowned him, and at that moment he wondered if something was wrong with his ears.

The next candidate for the logistics department?

How can it be?

How could anyone else be brave enough to take this position with him?

Looking at the entire student council of the school, is there any guy who doesn't know that the position of this deputy minister has long been his?

If you still stand up and run for this position with him at this time, it will really give him no face at all...

The other candidates sitting below also all showed surprise in their eyes.

"Who is so courageous?"

Although they are not members of the logistics department, they have heard of melons from the logistics department.

Among them, the most famous big melon is naturally the matter of Cao Ze of the logistics department who lost his position as the minister.

At this time last year, Cao Ze, who was proud of the spring breeze, was once considered the best candidate for the new minister.

At that time, he was in the limelight, and even Ma Yichuan might not be able to cover up his sharpness at that time.

So the two of them ran on the same stage that year, and everyone thought that Cao Ze was about to take off the crown symbolizing the name of the minister.

Of course, Cao Ze thought so too, so when he heard the thunderous applause at the end of the speech, he, who has always been excellent in expression management, didn't hold back for a while, and showed a wild and wild smile on his face, which was very similar. That classic black boxer's wicked smile.

As a result, what I never expected was that the final election result was that Cao Ze, who was favored by countless people, actually lost by one vote in the final voting session...

At that time, the entire venue suddenly exploded.

And the smile on Cao Ze's face disappeared instantly.

Since then, Cao Ze's smile at that moment has been photographed by the students in the audience, and it has become a popular expression pack at that time.

At that time, the Vice Minister Cao was even played as a meme by the students. They used "Cao Xiao" to describe the ecstasy before the joy became sad...

But now, after just one year, the familiar scene seems to have reappeared.

The speed at which the smile on Vice Minister Cao's face disappeared seems to be exactly the same as that time...

"Good guy, the smile on Vice Cao's face seems to have disappeared again!"

"Is this a prelude to overturning?"

"Good guy, 'Cao Xiao' warns!"

"Can you be a little older..."

"If you don't have a stalk, you can't post it."


Inside the conference room that seemed to be harmonious on the surface, in fact, undercurrents were already surging.

A post on the Nanxuan University Insomniac Forum "Live the election of the student union general meeting of the school" has been rated as the most popular.

At this moment, all the students in the venue are frantically posting and discussing with their mobile phones under the table, and they are constantly broadcasting the live situation to the students who are not members of the student council but are keen to eat melons.

Just when the atmosphere in the venue gradually became tense, a figure stood up from the candidate's seat.

At this moment, all the students in the candidate seats were immediately shocked.

——That person turned out to be Chen Yilang! ?

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bombshell], causing a large range of mental damage to a large number of units around! 】

[You got: Gold +6211, Experience +5191! 】

【Ding! 】

[Due to multiple uses of [Bombshell] causing large-scale damage~www.readwn.com~ You have acquired a new title: Bomb Madman! 】

[Bomb Maniac: Every time you release a [Bomb] skill, the damage of the [Bomb] skill you release will increase by 20%! 】


"Little Brother Chen?"

Seeing Chen Yilang standing up from his seat and Ma Yichuan sitting beside him, he was stunned in an instant: "You want to run for deputy minister?"

Chen Yilang just smiled and nodded.

So, Chen Yilang walked to the podium under the surprised or suspicious gazes of the other students in the surrounding candidates.

On the way to the stage, it was very coincidental that Chen Yilang and Cao Ze had a face-to-face encounter and passed by.

"Good luck."

Cao Ze looked directly at Chen Yilang, smiled slightly, and said in a calm tone.

Although his smile is extraordinarily friendly, it is a pity that his eyes cannot deceive people.

Chen Yilang can clearly see the cold, blade-like cold light buried under his gaze...

(Kavin, change QAQ first)

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