If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 302: General Assembly

the next day.

Saturday morning.

Nanxuan University, Mingde Building, large conference room.

At this moment, this place is full of people.

The huge conference room was almost full of people. Under the management of the staff, the atmosphere was extraordinarily quiet and solemn.

——Today is the day of Nanxuan University's annual general meeting of the student union.

Today is definitely a very important and solemn day for the students of the Student Union.

Representatives of the student unions of each college of Nanxuan University, large and small, as well as all members of the school's student union, will attend this large-scale meeting today.

This battle is not small, after all, there are at least ten representatives of the student union in each college, and in addition to these, it is not even counted as a collective affiliated to the student union...

All in all, at this moment, if you look at it at a glance, the stair seat in the large conference hall is already full of dark crowds at this moment.

Every student who came here today, without exception, put on formal clothes, tied their bow ties, and combed their hair into adult appearances.

The boys and girls whose faces had not yet completely faded away wore leather shoes, and some of the more mature girls even stepped on high heels, although their steps were still a little staggering.

Chen Yilang is naturally one of them.

As a student about to take the stage to give a campaign speech, he was placed in the second row for the first time.

And sitting in the first row was naturally the high-level cadres of the school's student union headed by Han Qiujing.

"Tsk tsk, it's quite stylish..." Chen Yilang sat quietly in his seat, while meditating silently, he couldn't help shaking his legs.

In fact, Brother Lang has always had a habitual movement that even he himself has never noticed, that is, when he is nervous, he will shake his legs unconsciously.

That's right.

Brother Lang, who always thought he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, still couldn't help being nervous in today's scene.

Damn, why are there so many people!

Chen Yilang felt that even his glutes couldn't help shaking.

But in fact, if you have to go deeper, in fact, the number of audiences at the general meeting is far less than that of the school celebration party.

However, the situation at this time is completely different.

After all, singing on the stage of the school celebration party, he has the effect of [Fever Stage], and he is also allowed to do social **** behavior on the spot.

It's not possible to change the general assembly...

On this occasion, the emphasis is on a seriousness and rigor, without any performance and entertainment attributes.

——The purpose of his trip is not to please the audience, but to conquer.

After all, everyone has a ticket in their hands.

However, that doesn't mean everyone is the same.

In the student union ~www.readwn.com~, the more powerful people are, the more votes they have in their hands.

For example, an ordinary representative of the academy student union would have a mediocre vote in his hand.

The head of the student union is equivalent to three votes.

The Secretary-General and Deputy Ministers have the same status, and their votes in hand are equivalent to no votes.

And the vote in the hands of their Chairman Han Qiujing is equivalent to ten votes!

Those who can make Chairman Han nod have an absolute advantage.

But of course, if Chairman Han thinks that there is no candidate that she is satisfied with, she can abstain from voting.

In this way, even if a candidate gets the first number of votes, but the total number of votes does not reach the passing threshold, there is no way to succeed in the election.


(Because of writing a more critical plot, today is a bit stagnant... Change first and then change QAQ)

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