If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 301: 【Invisibility Cloak】!

【Ding! 】

【Dangerous! 】

【caution! 】

[[lv15 Conspirator]'s aggression and anger are greatly increasing! 】

[Warm tip: Please think about your current predicament properly. After all, sometimes, let alone a dog, even a rabbit will bite people if you are in a hurry. 】


The system's voice rang out in Chen Yilang's mind at a very timely time.

However, in fact, even without the voice's reminder, Chen Yilang was aware of the danger he was facing.

Because that look in Cao Ze's eyes... is indeed a bit scary.

Although he still had that iconic smile on his face, it was as if a knife had been thrown into his eyes, and countless blades were reflecting the cold light, as if they were going to slash him!

At this moment, Chen Yilang's heart involuntarily groaned.

After being a [player] for so long, this is the first time he has seen such a dangerous [monster].

This aggressiveness... is too high!

Brother Lang is really afraid that this little guy from Guchuan will directly pick up the beer bottle on the table and put it on his head...

But of course, the probability of such a thing happening is still very low. After all, everyone is a civilized person, and a top student from Nanxuan University should not be able to do something like this.

"So what should I do now?" Chen Yilang felt a little helpless at this moment.

He doesn't know how to explain the situation to Cao Ze now...

Do you want to tell this guy directly: "No, you guessed wrong, I think the candidate is actually the minister, I didn't expect it, hehe!"

It feels like the beer bottle in this guy's hand will really fall off after that.

In order to keep this [conspirator] as calm as possible, Chen Yilang had to be vague and said with a smile: "Where is it, Deputy Cao, you are joking!"

"The responsibility of the position of deputy minister is so great, how could I be able to take it? You know, I have only been in the logistics department for about a month. There are many work processes and details in our department. I don't understand it at all!"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Intrigue] and successfully evaded the attack of [lv15 conspirator]'s [touch your old bottom]! 】

[You got: Gold +2198, Experience +1021! 】

It's okay, it's finally fooled... Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it was not because he was cowardly, but because he knew that now was not the time to tear his face off from Cao Ze.

There is always a chance... As for which one it will favor in the end, it has to be seen who is more calm.

"Be humble, little brother Chen."

Hearing Chen Yilang say this, Cao Ze's tone seemed to soften a little, intentionally or unintentionally, "It's not that I won the award, you are indeed the youngest and most promising one among the freshmen... You are better than anyone else in terms of vision, perception, or level of diligence."

Chen Yilang could clearly see that on his attribute bar, the aggressiveness value was dropping rapidly.

This treacherous Mr. Guchuan seems to really believe his nonsense...

But this is not surprising. After all, when Brother Lang opened his mouth, his face was not red or his heart skipped a beat, and with those big innocent eyes, even this [lv15 conspirator] might not be able to be so relaxed. to see through his true thoughts.

Well, they are just a harmless little [player]!

[Players] What bad thoughts do you have?

"I'm not afraid to tell you that if I were the minister, I would definitely promote you to the position of vice minister." When he said this, Cao Ze showed an intriguing smile on his face, "After all It seems that there is indeed no one who is more suitable for this position than you."

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[lv15 conspirator] used [sugar-coated cannonballs] and launched a violent attack on you! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】

This hint is a little too obvious... Chen Yilang silently complained.

But at the moment, Chen Yilang really can't find any way to respond. He can only brighten his eyes and pretend to be happy: "Ah? Vice Cao, are you telling the truth?"

【Ding! 】

[[Sugar-coated cannonball] caused a lot of mental damage to you! 】


Hiss...a little pain.

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, and he felt a sudden burst of strong sweetness in his mouth. If you guessed correctly, this is probably the special effect of [Sugar-Coated Cannonball]...

But he couldn't help it. He really couldn't find any chance or possibility to avoid this [Sugar-Coated Cannonball], so he simply took a bite of the damage.

I didn't expect it, it seems to be really difficult...

As soon as the [Sugar-Coated Cannonball] came down, his blood tank was cleared by nearly a quarter.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

"Of course it's true. When did Senior Cao Ze lie to you, right?" Cao Ze said with a smile, "Come on, let's have a drink with the two of us!"

"Okay, okay." Chen Yilang quickly picked up the wine glass and greeted him with a smile.

"I wish Xiao Chen a successful academic and all the best!"

"Then I'll give Brother Cao a bit of a dash. I wish Brother Cao riches overnight and become a Sina every night!"

"Good boy, I really have you!"

The two laughed heartily at the same time.


The atmosphere was pleasant and friendly touching glasses.

Of course, this time, Chen Yilang consciously lowered the height of the rim of the cup.

The smile on Cao Ze's face became more and more satisfied.

After eating and drinking.

Chen Yilang returned to the dormitory at twelve o'clock in the evening.

The reaction of the dog sons is still exactly the same as before. Those who should play games will play games like crazy, those who should read books will read books without sleep, and those who should review their ancestral craftsmanship... Well, I'm not sure about this, our top bunk has been squeaking. Yeah, it's hard not to wonder if something unspeakable happened here, okay?

However, Chen Yilang naturally didn't have time to pay attention to them. After saying hello to the dogs, he quickly took a hot bath and climbed into bed.

He has more important things to do...

After lying on the bed, Chen Yilang immediately opened the system, found the [artifact level] treasure chest, and chose to open it immediately.

"You must drive a big baby!" Chen Yilang frantically rubbed his hands like a green-headed fly.

He looked forward to the whole night today, so he didn't have any interest at all when drinking and eating barbecue.

【Ding! 】

[You have chosen to open the [Artifact Level Item Treasure Chest]! 】

[The treasure chest is opening, please be patient...]

【Ding! 】

【The treasure chest has been successfully opened! 】

【You got the item: Invisibility cloak! 】

"Fuck?" Chen Yilang was so frightened that he almost rolled on the bed.

Good guy, he actually drove out this big baby!

Since this nonsense mall put this good thing on the shelves, Chen Yilang has always felt that this thing must be a rare prop for trouble.

As for what kind of things can be done with this item... Hehehe, just refer to Nobita Nobita's various operations.

[Invisibility cloak (pink): an artifact-level item, when the player wears the cloak, he can enter the [Void] state. In this state, the player's figure will be perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment to achieve visual and optical levels. Invisibility effect on! 】

[Note that when wearing the cloak of invisibility, 100 colorless energy crystals will be consumed every 0.5h! 】


"This prop is really awesome, but burning money is really burning money..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help taking a breath in silence, and then put the [Invisibility Cloak] into the inventory.

Such a high consumption of [colorless energy crystals] means that the frequency of use of this item must not be too high.

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's such a pity, it seems that I can't wear this thing and sneak into some places to find some good things... I plan to go to the library to find some useful study materials, it seems Just do it."

Chen Yilang pinched his chin and thought about it seriously.

After casually playing with the cape in his hand, Chen Yilang's freshness gradually began to fade away.

After stuffing the [Invisibility Cloak] into the inventory, the sleepy Chen Yilang fell into a drowsy sleep with a whole night of happiness.

In the days that followed, happiness began to decrease day by day.

Because with the passage of time, this semester has also entered the final stage - the real nightmare in the heart of every student, especially the scumbags, the review week.

It can be said that if there are 20 weeks in a whole semester, the happier the 19 weeks will be, and the more painful and tormenting the final review week will be.

For example, Li Zixian, who is rooting directly in front of the desk at this moment, is already crying and nibbling on the book at this moment.

Damn, when the **** did I learn this?

This question is actually a homework left over last week? I'm not impressed at all!

And this question seems to have been taught to me by Feng Tian last night, but I can't remember it at all...

Brother Xian is in pain, Brother Xian wants to cry.

And the thing that broke his defense the most was not that a semester had passed, and he was still a dead salted fish, but that Feng Tian, ​​who had promised to be each other's angels together, had secretly rolled up behind his back...

In less than a semester of Nima's work, this dead dog can already teach him to write linear algebra problems, right?

The hard-working Li Zixian suddenly had a desolate feeling of being stabbed in the back by his good brother.

The dog sons began to study seriously. As a father, Chen Yilang was naturally unwilling to lag behind.

During this period of time, Brother Lang has also often asked Chen Jiahui and Gan Di to go to the library together to form a team to make a mad roll, frantically creating a powerful [Breath of Inner Rolling] for innocent passers-by in the study room... Almost a shark is crazy. Yes.

But fortunately, with the previous experience and lessons, this semester's brother Lang also listened to the class well when he was in class, so the review week of this semester was not too bad, and there was no big problem.

So, during the review week, everyone was seriously reading the book and studying the questions, and while preparing for the final exam, Brother Lang was thinking about other more important things.

- The general meeting of the school's student union.

On the eve of the general meeting, Chen Yilang was sitting in front of the computer. What was playing on the screen was a series of videos called "The Art of Speech".

Like its name, the main content of this series of videos is actually to teach you how to give a speech and give you some basic theories and techniques.

Although, most of the content is just above the surface... If you really want to learn to speak, just watching a few videos is actually useless at all.

But if it is used to deal with the general meeting of the student council, it is basically enough.

After all... Brother Lang did not intend to rely entirely on "convincing people with virtue".

Just then, the phone rang.

Chen Yilang glanced at the screen, and the person who sent the message was Wang Chen.

Wang Chen: "Brother, come on for the election tomorrow, you must be fine!"

Wang Chen: "I've already told the good brothers here that as long as you come to power, no matter which position you run for, we will all vote for you!"

"Thank you, good brother." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

For Chen Yilang, his biggest achievement at this year's school celebration party was actually getting to know Wang Chen.

Chen Yilang could feel that Wang Chen was a man of loyalty, and he was very good at handling things.

Originally, Chen Yilang was still very uncertain about the matter of the general election.

It wasn't until he met Wang Chen that Chen Yilang began to feel a little more confident.

But of course, he didn't dare to tell Wang Chen what position he was running for... The thoughtful brother Lang was afraid that his good brother's little heart would not be able to take it for a while.

In addition to Wang Chen, Chen Yilang also received many blessings from friends who served in the student union.

Looking at these sincere words, Chen Yilang also felt that his heart was gradually filled with strength.

"Let the storm come a little harder."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

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