If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 300: 【Touch your old bottom】!

"Artifact-level props!"

When Chen Yilang heard it, he was so happy that he wanted to take off in place.

Man, this reward is the heavyweight tonight!

Artifact-level props, good guy!

You must know that after being a player for so long, Chen Yilang has never seen an artifact-level item, let alone used it.

It doesn't seem right. If I see it, I have seen it, but it seems that every time I see this kind of item, it is basically in the nonsense mall of the system... and it will always be the one with the most outrageous price. It is impossible for normal players to buy it. The one you get.

At least after playing for so long, the gold coins Chen Yilang saved were really not enough to buy one of them.

But starting from today, Brother Lang will have an artifact-level item that belongs to him.

Let's end it quickly, it's almost gone, let's go back to each family and find each other's mother... Chen Yilang muttered frantically in his heart, at this moment, his heart is like an arrow, and he doesn't want to stay here for a second at all. Thinking about it, just thinking about how to get back to the dormitory quickly, open his treasure chest, what big treasure can Kangkang open.

Because he knows that there must be a lot of things that he needs to deal with next.

As soon as they walked from the stage to the backstage, the students from various departments of the student union who had been waiting here came forward to express their congratulations to Chen Yilang with enthusiasm.

"Brother Lang is awesome!!"

"Xiao Chen, in this evening's performance, you are ranked second, and no one will be interested in competing for the first place!"

"I've already watched it so much? Xiao Chen Xuedi, I'll leave my words here. The next top ten singers on campus, I won't watch it without you!"

"Coach Xiao Chen, I want to learn to sing!"

"Don't say it, I announce that from now on, this place will be called Chen Yilang Auditorium!"

"I said that tomorrow's hot search on our school forum has been booked by Brother Lang. You shouldn't have any comments, right?"


Chen Yilang passed through the lively backstage like this, and at the same time kept smiling and greeting classmates in various departments,

Before that, most of the students in the school's student union didn't know Chen Yilang.

And after tonight, almost everyone remembered the guy's name, remembered the guy's unparalleled singing voice at the school party, and brought them a wonderful and unforgettable finale.

Is that what it feels like to be famous overnight? I was numb... Chen Yilang, who was surrounded and tightly surrounded by the crowd, didn't have any joy in his heart. The only thing he could feel was fear and panic.

Damn it, don't come here!

After all, when you look at the large group of classmates around you like zombies, you probably don’t have any happy thoughts. You only worry about your personal safety. some type of……

In this way, Chen Yilang took Luoluo sauce, and it took them nearly ten minutes to finally break free from the crowd.

Just now, the crowd came out of the crowd, followed by high-level student cadres from all walks of life.

"The performance tonight was very good." Han Qiujing was the first to speak. She looked at Chen Yilang, nodded affirmatively and said, "The climax of this year's school celebration party is all supported by you."

Chairman Han still had the usual plain and watery expression. Although she was full of emotions at this moment, she did not show the slightest joy, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

As for how Brother Lang knew...the [Ecstasy] logo on top of her head is already flashing and bursting on the screen!

Sure enough, women are still too scary. If Chen Yilang is not a [player], he can't see all the psychological activities in her heart at all, right?

"Thank you, Senior Sister Han Qiujing, for your praise." Chen Yilang hurriedly smiled modestly.

Just as Han Qiujing finished speaking here, Cao Ze suddenly jumped out from nowhere, and said with a signature Cao's smile: "As expected of our classmates from the logistics department, all of them are talented!"

After that, Cao Ze immediately said to Han Qiujing: "Chairman Han, look, I told you before that this little brother Chen really has great potential, is young and promising, and is a good seedling worth cultivating!"

It's a good thing to say, don't say it next time... Chen Yilang kept a smile on his face: "Thank you Vice Cao."

Cao Ze and Han Qiujing, like Han Qiujing, both have unrecognizable smiles on their faces, but the two are completely different.

Because the logo on the top of Cao Ze's head is a [resentment] with particularly dark special effects.

This means that Cao Ze was very unhappy about the fact that Chen Yilang was praised by Han Qiujing, on the contrary there was a trace of jealousy.

So obviously, the compliment that this guy put on his mouth was just to please Han Qiujing.

Oh, good you [conspirator], there are quite a lot of inner dramas... Chen Yilang said silently.

"Not bad, the logistics department has made great achievements this year."

Han Qiujing smiled and nodded, "Of course, the students in other departments have also worked hard!"

"The complete success of this year's school celebration performance is inseparable from the efforts of everyone!"

"After the meeting is officially over, I invite everyone to go to Dongmen Food Street for BBQ!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded happily.

Soon, without suspense or surprise, the school celebration party came to an end in a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere.

Luo Luo Jiang said goodbye to Chen Yilang, and then prepared to rush back to the Flower Club to continue working.

In fact, Chen Yilang gave Luoluo Jiang a day off, but he still chose to continue to add another night shift.

Chen Yilang said in his heart that it was unnecessary. After all, tonight's work is not as easy as singing in the club, but Luoluo Jiang still insisted very much, and insisted that no overtime pay was needed, and the overtime work tonight was entirely from the her personal wishes.

The reason is that he wants to express his gratitude to Chen Yilang through his own actions.

Luoluojiang's attitude is as firm as iron, the kind that can't be pulled by three cows, Chen Yilang persuaded for a long time and there is no way to do it, but to give up...

Although Chen Yilang feels that there is really no need for Luoluo sauce to enjoy the blessings, if it really doesn't work, it's not impossible for you to sing two songs of "Faith" to me when I suddenly emo one night...

However, before Chen Yilang had time to chat with Luoluo Jiang, he was surrounded by everyone and dragged to the east gate.

The barbecue at night is naturally quite refreshing.

Brother Dead House Lang is also an out-and-out big foodie. Since there is free barbecue to enjoy, it is naturally completely welcome.

Almost everyone was happy that night.

All kinds of barbecue food fill several tables, beer and juice are also counted by the box.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, especially the heads of various departments, and they talked very happily.

Of course, Brother Shizhailang is generally not interested in such occasions.

But it can't be said that he is not interested at all, but for Brother Lang, what he is really interested in is not this - but eating.

At this moment, Chen Yilang is sitting in a corner far away from the hustle and bustle, holding a skewer in his left hand and a chicken leg in his right hand. He is frantically eating and drinking, tons, tons, tons... The joy was all stuffed down the esophagus into the stomach.

In this world, is there any trouble that a fat house happy meal can't solve?

If there is, then one more meal and it's over...

Just when Chen Yilang was still feasting, frantically harvesting his own happiness.

Suddenly, a person sat down at the side.

Chen Yilang chewed the roast beef skewer in his mouth, and glanced at the person beside him unconsciously.

Unexpectedly, it was actually Cao Ze.

"Come on, Xiao Chen."

"There were too many people when you came down just now. I always wanted to say hello to you and find a time to chat with you, but I haven't been able to find any chance."

Cao Ze said with a smile, "Come on, let's have a drink."

"Oh, okay, Deputy Cao."

Chen Yilang put down the skewer in his hand, picked up the wine bottle on the table, and poured half a bottle of wine into both himself and Cao Ze's glasses.

There is no way, although he really has no interest in drinking with Cao Ze, but the latter is still a deputy minister after all, and he still has to look like something on the bright side.

"Do Vice Cao have any instructions to explain?" Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Please feel free to point out Vice President Cao, I have already listened carefully."

"Hehe, instructions or something, it doesn't count! You don't have to use such words, it's too serious, and it's not the usual atmosphere and style of our department!"

Cao Ze said with a smile, "You can just call me Brother Cao in the future. Deputy Cao or something, it still sounds a bit too natural... We are friends after all, aren't we?"

Yes, yes, you are right, you are really my good friend... Chen Yilang didn't even have the desire to complain, he used his life's strength to squeeze out a smile that looked extraordinarily kind, and nodded. Said: "Yes, we are friends!"

"That's right, between good friends, there's no need to be so outwardly." Cao Ze still smiled, "Tonight, I came to chat with you as a friend, so please relax and don't be so nervous. "

I'm not nervous, just seeing your smiling face, I don't know why I suddenly lost my appetite... Chen Yilang touched his belly, and replied: "Cao Fu, look at what you said, you So kind, when did I get nervous?"

"It's your boy who speaks nicely!" Cao Ze was delighted when he heard it, and laughed, "How is it? You've been in our department for so long, so you should be able to get used to it more or less, right?"

Chen Yilang immediately said: "Of course, it's all thanks to Cao Ze's guidance and care."

"It's you who are smart, sensible, and capable!" Cao Ze said with a smile, "The end of the semester is coming, and our student union is about to change. Have you heard about this?"

"Ah? Change of term? So soon?"

Sensing that the topic seemed to be starting to be a little out of place, Chen Yilang decisively started to play stupid tactics, "Ah, I just heard about it from some other classmates before, but I didn't expect it to be so fast... So After the change of term, you have to say goodbye to many seniors and sisters in the department, right?"


Cao Ze nodded and smiled, "But don't worry, there won't be many people leaving... For example, I will definitely stay in the logistics department."

When talking about this, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chen Yilang seemed to clearly feel that Cao Ze looked at him with an intriguing change in meaning.

Cao Ze went on to say: "Brother Ma Yichuan will be promoted to be the new secretary-general after the change of office, but it's amazing, he is the first minister in history who can take the position of secretary-general from the logistics department, one can imagine his ability. How strong."

"So, after Brother Ma Yichuan leaves, the position of the minister will be vacated, and this important task will fall on me... So I can't leave."

A bitter smile appeared on Cao Ze's face, "What about you, Xiao Chen? I said before, you are a newcomer with great potential, so I also hope you can stay in the logistics department... so I think May I ask you, do you have any intention of continuing to serve?"

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[lv15 conspirator] used [touch your old bottom] and launched an attack on you, please be careful and be vigilant! 】


Hehe, sure enough, have you already begun to test... Chen Yilang is not in a hurry, and the expression on his face is not wavered.

Because of all Cao Ze's actions, he basically predicted it completely and smoothly.

This guy, who came to him to talk such a big bullshit, didn't he just want to give himself a wave of disapproval?

Although it does sound convoluted, if you translate it a little bit, the meaning will become very clear:

"Brother, let me tell you in advance, I have already settled for the position of minister. From now on, I will be your immediate boss. When the time comes, who should you lick, I don't need to say more?"

However, Chen Yilang naturally doesn't eat his way.

"Yes." Chen Yilang replied lightly, without saying much.

"Really? Good!"

Cao Ze also smiled and continued to ask, "Xiao Chen, you want to stay in the logistics department, which is definitely good news for our department."

"Then let me tell you in advance."

"As long as you are willing to stay, I will definitely keep your name in the next year's backbone list."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'll thank Deputy Cao first."

Chen Yilang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, played with the wine glass in his hand, and swayed gently from left to right~www.readwn.com~ But it's a pity... I didn't plan to run for the backbone, Vice Cao. "

"Hahahaha! I knew it, you kid, it's not easy!"

Cao Ze laughed heartily, but his voice was extraordinarily shrill, more like Xiaofu Guchuan.

"Actually, I already guessed it, you are an ambitious little guy."

Saying that, Cao Ze stretched out a wine glass towards Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang also generously pushed the cup forward.

But at the moment when the two cups gradually collided.

Cao Ze suddenly stretched out a finger and pressed the rim of Chen Yilang's cup down a few centimeters.

Then, with a bang, they touched each other.


"You want to be deputy minister and take my place...right?"

Cao Ze stared at Chen Yilang's eyes and smiled softly.

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