If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 299: 【Invincible Prophet】

Latest website: "How did you know someone gave me a rocket?"

When he heard this question, Chen Yilang couldn't help but "squeak" in his heart.

If you don't poke the needle, this question is very level. Don't ask it again next time... Chen Yilang felt a bit of a pain in the ass, and he didn't know how to respond to Luoluo Jiang's words.

The key is that this little girl asks very seriously, her face is serious, and her eyes are full of excitement and anticipation...

Brother Lang panicked, feeling like a big bad wolf pretending to be a grandma with his tail tucked.

Just when he faltered and organized the language to start quibbling...

【Ding! 】

[With the addition of the [School Celebration Day] Luck Index, the lucky effect has been activated! 】

[Due to the influence of the lucky effect, you activated the skill: [Invincible Prophecy]! 】

[Invincible Prediction: This skill usually has a certain chance of triggering when the luck value is high. After the skill is triggered, the predictions and guesses you say will come true,]

[Tips 1: [Invincible Prophecy] This skill does not always have positive effects. Sometimes [Invincible Prophecy] will also become [Crow's Mouth] and [A Prophecy], so be prepared for your mentality Come on, Sao Nian! 】

[Tips 2: If you are [African Chief], please pay attention to [Tips 1]. Likewise, if you are the Emperor, then treat me as a fart. 】

"Invincible prophecy? I activated it?"

Chen Yilang was a little stunned, and he didn't realize what happened for a while.

I just listened to the "ding" sound of the mobile phone, took a look, and saw a new message appeared on the screen. I opened it, and it was a notification from the live broadcast platform.

[Broadcast on all platforms: User "Big Brother" tipped "Luo Luojiang" with "Yuya No. 1 Rocket"! ]


Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, stunned on the spot.

So he just drew a naan pancake for Luoluo Jiang, and it came true?

Brother Lang is starting to be messy...

"Then it's too late for me to predict a few more times now?"

Chen Yilang immediately said to himself, "Chen Yilang, you bought a lottery ticket tonight and won five million... No, ten million!"

"What are you mumbling about?" Luoluo Jiang, who was beside him, couldn't help asking curiously when she saw Chen Yilang's dazed look.

"Ah, it's nothing!" Chen Yilang hurriedly laughed, "I mean, you'll know what's going on when you log in to your live broadcast room later!"

"Really? Don't lie to me."

After listening to Chen Yilang's words, the first thing Luoluo Jiang did when she returned to the backstage was to get her phone back.

Her mobile phone was connected to the camera, and she had been aiming at the picture on the stage just now, which was used to live broadcast the singing scene of the "Language of Nanxuan" program.

As soon as she landed on her live broadcast room, Luoluo Jiang was dumbfounded, and someone really gave her a big rocket.

The id of the person who brushed the rocket was named "Big Brother", a real big rocket, which directly put him on the top of the list, and directly squeezed the previous "little brother" from the top of the list.

"What the hell? The new big brother on the list!"

"Big brother is here, everyone stands and applauds!"

"Welcome new big brother to Luoluojiang's live broadcast room!"


At the scene of the live broadcast room, a large group of actors began to play involuntarily.

However, although the welcome ceremony in the live broadcast room was so organized, everyone still hadn't seen their new eldest brother appear for a long time.

Not even a squeak.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was puzzled, my dear, are all the big brothers now so rich and willful?

At this moment, the first person to break the defense appeared.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Airborne Big Family], causing a lot of mental damage to [Big Brother on the lv13 list]! 】

[You caused a [disabled] effect to [the eldest brother on the lv13 list] on the spot, and the [the eldest brother on the lv13 list] has degenerated into [the second child on the lv10 list]! 】

Good guy, it's okay to be knocked down... Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, and he soon realized that something wasn't right.

This new "big brother" on the first list seriously injured "little brother" with [money ability], what does it have to do with him.

"Could it be because..."

Chen Yilang was slightly startled, and suddenly realized that this "big brother" was probably one of his summons in a certain game mechanism...

After all, this is what he summoned with [Invincible Prophecy]. If you play it according to the normal game routine, the head of the unit killed by the summoned beast will naturally be counted on the summoner!

Hmm, yes, very reasonable reasoning and explanation... Chen Yilang nodded silently in his heart, affirming himself.

Brother Lang's doubts were indeed solved, but the party involved, Luo Luojiang, was stunned.

She wanted to find out who the new "big brother" on the list was, but when she clicked on his id, she found that all the personal information of this id was blank.

And this person has not left any records in the fish tooth platform before, the only one is that he fired a rocket for her today.

"..." Luoluo Jiang was greatly surprised, but at the same time, she was very moved.

- This new "big brother" on the list came here specially for her!

And she didn't even send her a private message. After the rocket was lit, it went offline silently, directly hiding her merits and fame...

"This big brother is a good man!" Luoluo Jiang was so moved that she could barely close her legs.

But then again... Who is this big brother?

It's impossible to give her a rocket for no reason, right? Even if a lot of money is really stupid, there is no need to be on a little-known live broadcast, right?

After thinking about it carefully, Luoluo Jiang's heart seemed to have an answer all of a sudden.

She seems to know... who the big brother is!

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[LV14 Rank One Killer] used [Blade Gaze] to lock you in! 】

[Monsters will be significantly more aggressive and suspicious of units locked by [Blade Gaze]! 】

At the same moment as the system prompt sounded, Chen Yilang also noticed that Luoluo Jiang's gaze shifted to him in an instant, and locked him firmly.

Gan, what's the matter with this woman? Why are you staring at me like this all of a sudden... Chen Yilang's back involuntarily felt a little cold.

He didn't understand Luoluo Jiang's intention for a while. In order to ensure his own safety, he subconsciously accelerated his pace, trying to stay away from the latter.

What I didn't expect was that although Luo Luo Jiang was small, her strength was not weak at all.

She strode over, walked in front of Chen Yilang with three steps and two steps, and grabbed Chen Yilang's arm!

Girl, don't do this! Men and women do not kiss... Chen Yilang was so frightened that he almost shouted indecent assault, but at this time, Luo Luojiang took the lead and said:

"Little waves!"

"Is that person you?"

Chen Yilang: "...Huh?"

"I said, that account is actually you, right?!"

Luoluo Jiang bit her lip and said like a little bunny being annoyed, "That account is obviously a trumpet, and it was a rocket that rewarded me after you told me about it!"

"So the person who really gave me rockets was you!"

"???" Chen Yilang was shocked, "No, you made a mistake..."

"You don't need to say it, I understand!"

In Luoluojiang's eyes, there was a look like a sunflower looking at the sun.

She looked at Chen Yilang with those fiery eyes that seemed to melt the air, and said sincerely to Chen Yilang in a tone of gratitude:

"Thank you, sad little waves."

"Actually, I've always known that I'm just a little streamer who likes to do a bunch of unrealistic music dreams, but his own strength is far from enough to support his ambitions..."

"Before I met you, I always thought I would definitely not be able to."

"For a little streamer like me who only has three-legged cat kung fu, the word "music dream" is as far away as a cloud in the sky to me..."

"Don't talk about music dreams, I haven't even been on a decent stage. The only audience is the hundreds of people in the live broadcast room..."

"But now, because of your presence, I think I have really found my self-confidence..."

"Maybe, I'm really not as bad as I thought... At least... At least there are so many fans supporting me in my live broadcast room."

"Thank you for your rocket, Xiao Langlang."

"Although I know that you are just encouraging me, after all, my current singing skills and level are far from worthy of this 'Fish Ya No. 1'..."

"But in the future, I will definitely work harder."

"I won't let my fans down, and I won't let you down... I will definitely pursue my musical dreams!"

"Thank you, Xiao Langlang!"

Luo Luojiang said solemnly.

【Ding! 】

[[lv14 Rank One Killer] has entered the [High Burning] state! 】

[High Burning: In this state, the target's spiritual attributes will be greatly improved, and its various debuff states will be purified! 】

Looking at the logo with the beating flame special effect on the top of Luoluojiang's head, Chen Yilang only felt a panic in his heart.


Although he didn't know what happened, for some reason, Chen Yilang felt inexplicably as if he had saved a girl who stumbled?

But if you really want to get to the bottom of it, that rocket really wasn't created by me... At most, I accidentally summoned it, but it actually seems to mean the same thing?

Looking at Luoluojiang who was about to burst into tears, Chen Yilang was naturally unwilling to hurt the girl who had a musical dream, so he returned the same warm eyes and said earnestly:

"You're welcome, if a rocket can really inspire you, it's my honor."

"Because of your music, it has indeed given me countless strengths in many lonely and long nights..."

"To be able to work with you on such a stage tonight is also the most precious and unforgettable memory of my college days and even my entire life..."

"I wish you a bright future and your dreams come true!"

【Ding! 】

[In this way, a girl with a musical dream and a boy selling Indian-Indian cakes had a violent collision of mind and soul on such a wonderful night. 】

【They support each other, move each other, and achieve each other... 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You successfully completed the hidden task in [campus activity day]: [the stage we longed for in those years]! 】

[You got: Gold +5649, Experience +5942! 】

【Ding! 】

【Your level has been improved! 】

[Current level: lv15→lv16! 】

【Ding! 】

【You have gained a lot of prestige! 】

[Current reputation value: 4000]

【Ding! 】

[You have obtained the title: [Stage Dominator]! 】

[Stage Dominator: Artifact level title, when you wear this title, you will get the passive skill of [Stage Domination]! 】

[Stage Control: When you are in the [Stage] environment, the skill [Stage Control] will be triggered. Your various attribute values ​​are increased by 20%, and you will randomly obtain one of the three skills of [lv9 singing], [lv9 jumping], [lv9rap], and [lv9 basketball], and at the same time purify your own [nervous], [panic] Wait for the debuff, and 100% enter the state of [High Focus]! 】

[Tips: As the old saying goes, self-confidence is the pinnacle. However, it is worth noting that the skill [Stage Control] itself also has certain negative effects. When using this skill, you must be careful and careful, because when you activate this skill, there is a certain probability of entering the [expansion] state, causing Intellect dropped significantly. 】


I understand, to put it bluntly, this [Stage Control] can easily make people suffer from stage bullshit?

Chen Yilang's mind couldn't help but start to make up all kinds of scenes where he started playing basketball frantically after introducing himself on stage... It was so terrifying, it could be said to be a nightmare, he absolutely couldn't let this happen. situation occurs.

In addition, Chen Yilang also observed one of the most powerful effects of [Stage Control], that is, 100% entering the state of [High Focus].

Although other skills and effects are quite powerful, once compared with this, it is completely insignificant.

Because in Chen Yilang's view, this effect is actually not as simple as what it said on the surface.

If applied properly, it can even be used as a control skill.

After all, the effect of 100% entering [High Focus] means 100% making the other party look at you?

Well, that's right, that's how you should understand it, just like [Magic Pomodoro], there are many ways to play and pose, it depends on whether you are enough city people...

Just when Chen Yilang was thinking about it, the last system message also popped up.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

【You got a big gift package of upgrade rewards! 】

[You have opened the big gift package and obtained: Artifact-level props treasure chest! 】

[Artifact-level item treasure chest: As the name suggests, after opening the treasure box, you can get an artifact-level item! 】

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