If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 298: 【Soul Out of Body】

The latest website: [Ding! 】

[You activated the skill: [Tian Lai Bomb]! 】

[Heavenly Sound Bomb: A skill that can only be issued by a target who has mastered an advanced [singing] skill. 】

[After the [Sound of Heaven Bomb] is activated, it will cause a large amount of AOE damage to the target within a large range, causing a huge [Mind Shock] effect to the target within the range, as well as a relatively short [Soul Out of Body] effect! 】

[After the [Tian Lai Bomb] is launched, there is still a small probability that the target's ears will enter the state of [pregnancy], please use it with caution to avoid hurting [friendly units] and [neutral units]...]


Good guy, is it so fierce... The [Tian Lai Bomb] skill that he used inexplicably, even he was taken aback.

This effect is really awesome, and if there is no accident, it is likely to be an operation that a monster like [Yin Cao Singer] may not be able to play it once in a lifetime... Even if you use an electric sound to become an electric eel in Canada, it will not work.

"You brother is still a bull!" Chen Yilang couldn't help but sighed silently in his heart.

Brother Lang is still very self-aware of his true singing level.

Growing up, every time the class went to a party, he consciously sat far away from the jukebox.

Because the place where the karaoke machine was located was basically the place where the Maiba and the God of Songs gathered together and where the gods fought... not a place where mortals like him could stay.

So whenever the song **** Maiba is frantically soaring high-pitched vibrato, Brother Lang will consciously stay in the entertainment area away from the jukebox...

Playing flying chess with mortal girls, and eating a lot of fruit plates and hot and sour chicken feet, isn't it delicious?

The happiness of mortal Langge is so simple.

But today, everything is different.

At this moment, he is no longer the old-fashioned brother Lang.

Now he has long stood under the light and became Chen Xueyou Yilang.

And just after Chen Xueyou Yilang's lyrics were sung.

Another new beam of light fell next to Chen Yilang.

This time, it was a girl who appeared under the light.

Lolo sauce.

This is the first time for the audience, the first time for Chen Yilang, and the first time for the tens of thousands of fans of Luoluo Jiang to see her true face hidden under sunglasses and masks.

I have to admit that what Chen Yilang saw really exceeded his expectations.

——Luo Luojiang is actually a good-looking anchor.

Although the appearance is not the same as Shen Yu Luoyan and Shuyue Shaohua, but compared to those anchors who rely on amazing makeup techniques and beauty filters, Luoluo Jiang is already a breath of fresh air.

She has delicate eyebrows and fair skin. Even if she can't be described as a beautiful woman, at least she can be said to be good-looking.

And after the healthy girl came on stage, the audience sitting under the stage naturally became a lot more excited.

Cheers and applause came one after another, and everyone welcomed the girl's debut in the simplest and most rude way.

However, even so, Chen Yilang still saw very obvious nervousness and fear on Luoluojiang's face.

As her partner, even though the lights on the stage were still a little dim at this time, Chen Yilang could still clearly see the panic in her eyes.

Sure enough, after the next second, an orange and slowly flickering [panic] state popped up above Luo Luojiang's head.

Obviously, this girl, who has always been accustomed to covering her face in front of the camera, was still a little scared when she faced the real stage with her real face.

But of course... This does not rule out the reason why Luo Luojiang is too happy and excited.

But no matter what, this state does not seem to be very good.


Study hard, and aim far.

Through the vicissitudes of life, jade becomes a pillar.

Information is turbulent,

Knowledge soars in the sky.

Keeping upright and seeking newness, the sun and the moon are shining.

The three provinces ask the sky, and the air is full of greatness.


Luo Luo Jiang sang the part of the main song that she was responsible for with her trembling voice because she was too nervous.

If this is normal, Chen Yilang probably can't hear the difference between Luoluo sauce and normal singing.

But now, Chen Xueyou Yilang's hearing is quite keen.

He heard it almost at once, Luoluo Jiang's breath was already swaying, a little erratic.

Based on the experience of so many live broadcasts he watched in Luoluojiang's live broadcast room, Chen Yilang quickly judged that this was not the true level of Luoluojiang.

Although Luo Luojiang is not a professional singer, if she sings the song "Language of Nanxuan", at her real level, there must be no problem.

So, in between, it must be because of some unexpected situation.

When Chen Yilang just thought of this, the system prompt sound immediately verified his guess.

【Ding! 】

[Due to the high level of the [Panic] state, the monster [Rank One Killer] has suffered a lot of negative effects! 】

[The mental attributes of [Rank One Killer] are greatly declining, and the body has entered a state of [high tension]! 】


It's no wonder...

Hearing this, Chen Yilang immediately understood what was going on.

As a singer, one of the most taboo things is to be too nervous when singing songs.

If you can't relax, your body will be in a state of high tension, so your breath will naturally be difficult to control and stabilize, and the position of your larynx will be difficult to relax and stabilize...

All in all, it becomes very difficult to speak up.

At this moment, the professional knowledge in Chen Yilang's mind is constantly telling him that if Luoluo Jiang's state can't be calmed down, then what awaits her next is likely to be the scene of a car rollover.

Unstable breath is still a trivial matter. The most fearful thing is to sing a melody at the back, go a different tune, and even forget a word... If you imagine the picture, it is really tragic enough.

Chen Yilang felt that he could not let such a thing happen.

But he doesn't seem to have any way to control and change. After all, he is also standing on the stage now. He also wants to sing, so he can't be distracted and help Luoluo Jiang.

The only thing he can make sure is that he won't roll over on his side...

It is impossible to roll over, and it is estimated that it is impossible in this life.

After all, his current [singing] has reached lv9, which is a level where he can directly fight with Xueyou brother, and it is almost impossible for a car to roll over.

In this way, the singing of the song gradually begins to transition to the part of the chorus.

At this time, the lights on the stage were all turned on.

The whole picture of the entire stage was presented in front of all the audience at this moment.

Chen Yilang and Luoluojiang stood in the center of the stage and sang. Behind them was a row of teenage harmony groups. The dancers on both sides were also performing hard. The atmosphere of the whole show was constantly being pushed to a climax. stage.

In the eyes of everyone, this is already an impeccable performance.

As long as the current rhythm can be maintained and continued, then this is an absolutely high-level finale performance.

Of course, all of this is mainly due to the boy on stage who is very good at singing.

——Everyone thinks this way, except for Luoluo Jiang, and Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang could see that Luoluo sauce was a little bit unbearable.

As the performance progressed, not only did she not gradually relax, but she became more nervous.

In order to boost the atmosphere, the last chorus of "Language of Nanxuan", they designed a rising tone, which was raised by half an octave.

And this half-octave will become the fatal blow of Luoluo sauce.

Now the state of Luoluo sauce, it is already visible to the naked eye, jumping wildly left and right on the verge of breaking the power.

Although Chen Yilang could see it, she was indeed trying very hard to control it, and even because of this, a layer of fine sweat appeared on her forehead.

what to do?

As Chen Yilang sang, his brain was spinning rapidly, frantically thinking about the next steps.

At this time, the singing of "Language of Nanxuan" just came to the interlude.

So Chen Yilang had a flash of inspiration and immediately thought of a possible strategy.

At this moment, there was another round of applause from the audience. Chen Yilang took the opportunity of the interlude to put down the microphone and walked slowly to the position where Luo Luojiang was.

Although there seems to be nothing wrong with this move in the eyes of the audience, but in the eyes of Luo Luojiang, it is a big move.

Luo Luojiang was obviously frightened by Chen Yilang, and subconsciously wanted to take a step back in the opposite direction, but realized that both of them were still on the stage now.

But what does this mean?

When the two discussed the steps before, it seemed that there was no such link?

Luoluo Jiang's gaze rose slightly, and then she saw Chen Yilang's gaze at her, which seemed to imply something to her.

So she seemed to understand something and pricked up her ears seriously.

Sure enough, after getting close to her for a short distance, Chen Yilang said to her in a very low voice that was not easy to be detected, but was enough to make her hear clearly, "Someone gave you a rocket."

Luo Luo Jiang was stunned.

【Ding! 】

[You used [White Lies], causing a lot of mental shock damage to [Rank One Killer]! 】

【Ding! 】

[Your [White Lie] has a [Purification] effect on [Rank One Killer], purifying the negative debuff attached to him! The target has entered the [Excited] state! 】

[You got: Gold +2011, Experience +1746! 】


When the system's voice sounded in his mind, Chen Yilang also discovered at the same moment that the state of [panic] above Luo Luojiang's head disappeared immediately.

Instead, there is a [Exciting] logo with a flashing effect.

I succeeded... Chen Yilang's heart was overjoyed, this method was also suddenly thought of when his mind was hot just now, and he didn't expect that it would actually work.

In this way, Luoluo Jiang's nervous state will no longer exist.

After all, in this world, what anchor can refuse a vigorous rocket?

Is this a money and bill thing?

This is an absolute affirmation of her singing level and true appearance!

For an anchor, no amount of bragging and rainbow farts are more inspiring than a real reward from a fan!

So at this moment, Luoluo Jiang no longer felt nervous and afraid.



Even for this rocket, she must present this song with all her might and perfection in front of so many fans until the moment it ends!

At this time, the singing progress of "Language of Nanxuan" also reached its final climax.

Chen Yilang and Luoluojiang will sing the last raised chorus together at this time.


work hard!

Let's work together!

Get knowledge, train your body,

Be more disciplined.

work hard!

Let's work together!

Diligence and sincerity, learning and innovation


With the singing of the climax, the enthusiasm of the audience was also peaked.


This is an absolutely perfect singing performance!

The male voice, the female voice, and the harmony, the three cooperated seamlessly and blended together.

Every audience who heard this performance would never have imagined that the two singers who presented such a performance were actually only collaborating for the first time.

And...someone just saw each other's face for the first time.

Even under the auditorium, there are several students who like to make troubles, and they are not too serious to watch the fun, shouting at the two people on the stage: "Together!"

Then, the class leader and the student union staff with badges came up and pressed them down...

After all, tonight's program is a solemn and solemn school celebration party, not a performance that needs atmosphere support like the top ten singers or top ten dancers.

After all, the well-known alumni and university leaders sitting in the front row are not interested in this noisy atmosphere~www.readwn.com~ The only thing they want to do is to quietly watch a perfect school celebration party, Reminisce about their long lost youth, or the boys and girls they had a crush on in those years.

Of course, the young students did not understand their feelings, and the young people only felt happy and lively.

In this way, although there were many episodes in the middle, no matter what, the singing of this "Language of Nanda" was successfully completed.

When the last lyric of the duo's chorus ended, there was a wave of applause from the audience again, and it lasted for a long time.

The two stood so shallow that they bowed and walked off the stage with all the other actors on the stage.

On the way, after leaving the audience's sight, Luoluo Jiang just had some free time and asked Chen Yilang:

"How did you know someone gave me rockets just now?"


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