If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 297: Who said that a hero is the one who stands in the light?

"The Language of Nanxuan!"


The moment the host finished the announcement.

Almost all the audience in the audience started to cheer and applaud at the same time as if they had negotiated it!

The light sticks and applause in their hands were also raised high by them, and the colorful lights and crackling applause soon drowned the entire auditorium.

Such pomp and enthusiasm have nothing to do with the host, appearance and voice, nor because the last classical dance performance was too dull.

But because they heard those four words.

"The Language of Nanxuan".

Strange to say, at Nanxuan University, the school song is a very special existence.

First of all, the chorus of the song "Language of Nanxuan" can be said to be brisk and catchy.

Therefore, most of the students of Nanxuan University can basically hum the chorus of this song, but they are particularly unfamiliar with the main song and the melody of the interlude...

In other words, there are only a handful of students who can actually sing "The Language of NTU" completely from beginning to end.

But this does not prevent this beautiful and lively song from gaining popularity and fame among the students of Nanxuan University.

No matter which stage it is on, as long as the prelude to this song plays, there will never be a lack of cheers and applause - just like the scene at this moment.

Especially today, it is still such a special day, a day of such great significance to the Nanxuan students.

——Today is the centennial anniversary of Nanxuan University!

So, tonight, what NTU student could not feel moved when they heard the melody of this song?

Not only the young students waving light sticks, but also the old friends sitting in the front row of the auditorium, their eyes also showed complex and emotional gazes at this moment.

so familiar...

This tune, this rhythm...

After so many years, the school song of Nanxuan University, like the school motto engraved on the stone tablet in front of the school gate, has never changed.

The only thing that has been changed in the torrent of time is the group of handsome teenagers.

As if suddenly, they went back to that summer decades ago.

They wore white shirts, rode Phoenix bicycles, and carried the girl with the ponytail, walking on the school road that smelled of camphor wood...

Ah, it's nice to be young!

Their slightly wrinkled DNA couldn't help but start to move.

"I wonder what the two male and female classmates who are going to sing this song look like?"

The old alumni who can't help but miss the past in their hearts are starting to look forward to it.

After the host's announcement, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, the only light came down, illuminating the figure of a boy on the stage.

Under such a light effect, the audience under the stage could not see his face and facial features clearly.

The only thing that could be distinguished was the silhouette of a thin, black teenager.

Under the beam, he walked slowly from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

At the same time, in line with his footsteps, the background sound outside the screen also rang.

The deep and magnetic male voice, if there are some people who understand pedestrians here, you can immediately tell that this is a professional broadcasting student.

"I still remember the summer of that year..."

"The sound of cicadas was very loud. The asphalt road was scorched by the hot sun. Sweat slid down the side of my face and dripped onto the uppers of my canvas shoes."

"I was at a loss, pushing a big suitcase, standing in front of the tall and unfamiliar school gate, looking up blankly..."

"That year... I was eighteen."

When the voiceover came to this section, the lights on the stage suddenly became brighter.

The audience under the stage also saw the boy's appearance at the same time.

Many students below quickly recognized the boy standing in the center of the stage.

"Fuck, Brother Lang!!?"

The people who first burst out in shock were naturally the [monsters] from East Sixth 414.

Then, all the students of Marketing Class 174: "That's... the monitor!?"

Then there are all the members of the [weird] club, then the members of the [sexy and full shell] project team, and then the various alumni of Beijiang City...

all in all.

When Chen Yilang stood under the light, many people in the audience were boiling.

——I know this dog boy!

This was the first thought that popped into their minds.

In the one or two hours before this school celebration party, they basically did not watch the show seriously, but sat down and played several qualifying rounds.

Only when the young ladies with slender waists and long legs and wearing short skirts came to the stage to sing and dance, would they reluctantly put down their mobile phones and reluctantly raised their heads to take a look.

For nothing else, it is because most of the programs on the school celebration party are actually boring.

Or it can't be said to be boring. It can only be said that the form of performance is not very appealing to young people, or that it can't touch the G-spot of these young people, then naturally there is no atmosphere and enthusiasm.

"Help, Brother Lang is so handsome! Ahhhh!"

"Brother Lang, I'm going to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Who said that standing in the light is a hero? Brother Lang standing in the light is!"


The support groups below were noisily shouting, which made people who didn't know Chen Yilang couldn't help but raise their heads, wanting to see who this guy was.

In fact, Chen Yilang himself said that he was frightened... He didn't even think that such a scene was waiting for him.

The staff of other student union departments who were behind the scenes at this time were also shocked.

What came right after was a surprise that everyone couldn't hold back.

——This new junior from the logistics department has actually heated up the place!

You must know that, as the main organizer of the school celebration party, the most feared thing by the student union is naturally the silent and lifeless scene of the party.

If the atmosphere is still so depressed on such a day worthy of joy and celebration, it means that the school celebration party planned and organized by them this year is a great failure.

Before Chen Yilang took the stage, they had been very worried about it.

Because the current freshmen can be said to be more difficult to discipline each year.

Although the student union has issued a notice, it is specially stipulated that the students designated by each class must attend the school celebration party on site, and even set up a check-in and check-out mechanism for the sake of attendance.

But even so, there are still many students who are not interested in this kind of activity at all, as if they didn't see it, or simply leave after signing in, and then come back to sign and withdraw when the party is almost over.

Or there are more high-end gameplays. For example, when the whole dormitory does not want to participate in this kind of activity, they will send a son of heaven who has a heavy responsibility to go to the event site, and then send the whole dormitory. Everyone's arrival will be signed together...

And when the event is almost over and it is time to sign out, send another death squad in the same way to maximize efficiency through tactical methods.

But of course, this tactic is a high-yield game after all, and naturally it will be accompanied by high risks. For example, if the department responsible for signing in is more strict one day, it will suddenly need to sign in person, and everyone will sign in. If you keep staring at you all the time, it can be said that there is absolutely no chance to start...

But in any case, the students are not very interested in many activities organized by the student union.

The students who work in the student union department are actually very helpless about this.

But they have no other way. After all, this is the task assigned by the school. Even if it is inevitable to be madly complained and bombarded by the students, they have to bite the bullet and do it.

So, for this evening's school celebration, their hearts are actually quite bottomless.

After all, the last time the school held such a large party was on the school's 90th anniversary... a full ten years ago.

No one knows how the school celebration activities were organized that year. After all, everyone ten years ago was still a group of elementary school students who were rolling and bouncing glass **** in the mud...

At this school celebration party, everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and no one knows what the results will be.

But now, when Chen Yilang took the stage, a big stone fell in everyone's heart.

After all, the atmosphere under the stage is really quite warm!

The cheers and the wave-like applause alone are completely worthy of a lineup like the school's celebration party.

However, after this, there was a new worry.

Indeed, this junior Chen Yilang can bring his own applause and scream when he comes on stage, which is very awesome, but then what?

The fact that he can cause a wave when he stands on the stage can only mean that he has a good image and brings his own audience.

But only when he opens his mouth can also cause thunder, to prove that he really has singing skills and strength, and can let him sing the song perfectly.

Soon, the prelude to "Language of Nanxuan" is almost over.

Everyone behind the curtain was holding their breath involuntarily.

Then, with full attention, he stared at Chen Yilang on the stage, opened his eyes slowly, and raised the microphone in his hand.

coming, coming...

In the entire auditorium, almost every pair of eyes focused on Chen Yilang at this moment.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

【You have entered the state of [high focus]! 】

[Tips: [Highly Focused] is an enhanced version of the [Focused] state. In the [Highly Focused] state, your probability of entering the [Social Death] and [Social Bull] states will increase by 50%! So be careful with everything you say and do! 】


The moment he heard the sound of the system, Chen Yilang was also a little panicked, and the hand holding the microphone began to tremble slightly.

-Nima, I'm really nervous!

One thing to say, the feeling of standing on the stage and sitting off the stage is almost completely two worlds.

When you sit below, you will be surrounded by glow sticks and no one will pay attention to you except the star on the stage.

And when you stand on the stage, the moment the lights are turned on, you will have a very lonely feeling.

Everything you can see is the sea of ​​stars gathered by the light of the light sticks, like a thousand troops blocking your eyes.

And standing behind you, there is only that cold and ruthless big screen...

Those who are raving about you are watching you expectantly and watching you.

"Those dance kings and song gods are really amazing..."

"How many challenges do they have to go through and how many tons of pressure they have to withstand before they can become a big old man who can easily control the stage..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

But right now, it's really not the time for him to continue thinking about these things.

The prelude was coming to an end, and the lyrics of the first verse would soon fall on his side.

At the same time, he took a step forward.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[Detected that you have entered the range of the field [Fever Stage]! 】

【Ding! 】

[You have acquired new skills: [lv9 singing], [lv9 jumping], [lv9rap]! 】

[Please keep your position within the field of [Fever Stage], the skills will continue until today's 23:59:59]

[I wish you a happy [campus activity day], please enjoy the carnival tonight! 】


At the same time, countless skills and experiences about singing and dancing rap were poured into Chen Yilang's mind directly from the sky above.

At that moment, Chen Yilang felt that within his body, he instantly lived in Brother You, Brother Cheng, Brother Mu, and Brother Kun...

"Oh, God, this feeling is so **** refreshing."

Chen Yilang couldn't help shivering, took a deep breath, and then sang his first lyrics into the microphone.


"Rejuvenate China, build the motherland,

This is our school's original intention.

Dedicate to the country, work for the people,

It's the purpose of our study..."


When Chen Yilang's voice echoed through the microphone and loudspeaker on the honeycomb-shaped top of the large auditorium.

The audience under the stage was instantly shocked.

How to describe Chen Yilang's voice and singing?

I feel that no matter how many words and descriptions are used, it is not worth the simple two words——


If two words are not enough, then add one more——

Kneel down!

This boy's timbre may not be called particularly magnetic, but the way he speaks, the control of pitch~www.readwn.com~ the control of breath, and even the control of emotions... have almost all achieved absolute perfection the point!

"The Language of Nanxuan" is not a particularly difficult song to sing, and there are no particularly amazing skills in the original song.

But this boy just stood here and sang the melody lightly, but he already gave people an extremely amazing sense of sight!

this moment.

Just when Chen Yilang sang the first sentence.

In the auditorium, there was another thunderous applause.



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