If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 296: Sister Han Qiujing, something is wrong with you!


Just when Han Qiujing uttered the first word, her identity as the president of the school's student union suddenly dragged her sanity back from the brink of loss.

What the hell, she is a student council president?

Can you be a little more rational and reserved?

However, Han Qiujing's reason ended here. Although she did not shamelessly shout out the word "Master", she still nodded uncontrollably and agreed to Chen Yilang's request:

"Okay, if it's not convenient for you to perform now, then forget it."

【Ding! 】

[The effect of the skill [The King's Order] has been activated successfully! 】


"Then I can also go on stage to participate in the performance?" Chen Yilang chased after the victory again.

"Yes." Han Qiujing nodded and said earnestly, "I believe you!"

【Ding! 】

[The effect of the skill [The King's Order] has been activated successfully! x2】


What a perfect double hit!

Chen Yilang was very satisfied with the improvement in the success rate of this skill. The hundreds of small colorless energy crystals with white flowers really did not have white flowers, which was quite powerful.

And at this moment, the most confused person is naturally Luoluo sauce.

She just watched the whole strange and outrageous communication between Chen Yilang and Han Qiujing. Her little head was full of big question marks, but she didn't dare to speak or move.

In this way, under the arrangement of Han Qiujing, Chen Yilang and Luoluojiang successfully became the singers of the "Language of Nanxuan" show.

"Urgent news, urgent news! The original singing program "The Speech of Nanxuan" doesn't need to be canceled, it will start again!" Several students from the Literature and Art Department rushed to the backcourt where the atmosphere was tense and loudly announced to everyone present. road.

"Started?" Vice President Guan Lu looked surprised, "Are the two singers back?"

"No, it's not because of this." The student who sent the interrogation immediately shook his head and said, "According to Chairman Han, we have found two new singers to sing this song!"

"Have you found a new singer?" Guan Lu was even more surprised.

He clearly said just now that it is impossible to find a singer, so how did this happen all of a sudden?

"Are you sure you didn't hear the wrong news?" Guan Lu was not sure and asked again.

Just as the student who sent the communication was about to speak, Han Qiujing walked in just at this moment and said in a deep and calm voice: "Yes, he is right, we have found a new singer."

Guan Lu was taken aback: "Sister Jing, where are you from..."

"It's too late to tell you in detail."

Han Qiujing said, "What I need you to do right now is to adjust the program sequence and arrange for "The Word of Nanxuan" to appear in the penultimate show."

"The singer is already rehearsing for the show, Ren Jing, here we need the help of the staff from the Literature and Art Department to adjust the order."

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Ren Jing nodded, immediately went to work, and left the backcourt.

She was nervous and excited now, because what Han Qiujing brought back was undoubtedly an excellent piece of good news for him.

After all, today's accident was entirely caused by her, so she cherishes any opportunity to make up for it.

"Rehearsal?" After listening for a while, Li Xiang couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart, "What do you mean? Rehearsal has just started?"

"Yes." Han Qiujing nodded.

"...?" Han Qiujing's straightforward admission made Li Xiang a little messy for a while, "Are you serious, Xiao Han? For such an important show, you found two singers temporarily, and then let them rehearse together temporarily. this show?"

However, what I didn't expect was that Han Qiujing was still very straightforward: "Yes."

Li Xiang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

good guy.

Why do you feel like you can't take this?

It doesn't look like it came out of Chairman Han Qiujing's mouth at all!

Their chairman Han Qiujing has always been reliable and stable in the student council, and basically would not make such an unreasonable and unreliable decision.

"Xiao Han... Are you stunned?" Li Xiang said uncertainly, "Why do I think you... seem to have changed?"

"Ah? Yes? Is there a problem? No problem." Han Qiujing seemed even more surprised than him.

In fact, even she herself didn't realize, where did she suddenly get so much self-confidence.

But she was inexplicably sure that Chen Yilang had no problem.

It's like a minister listening to the king... Wait a minute, this doesn't seem right. If you have to make an analogy, she is clearly the king, right? Han Qiujing can't figure it out either...

At this time, Li Xiang's cell phone rang.

Before answering the call, Li Xiang hesitated for a while, and then confirmed to Han Qiujing again and asked, "My leader called me to find me. It's probably because I haven't seen the show for a long time and came to ask me about it...I Tell them that the show is the finale, okay?"

"No problem." Han Qiujing said again with great certainty.

"...Okay." Li Xiang answered the phone and replied according to Han Qiujing's words.

He was putting all his hopes on Han Qiujing.

If this performance can't be presented smoothly in the end, he can already make up the appearance of being scolded by his boss and bosses...

On the other hand, when the "Language of Nanxuan" program was restarted, the Ministry of Literature and Art also exploded.

The grassroots members who didn't understand the thoughts of their superiors just didn't have a long time to sit down and rest, and then their minister Ren Jing was pulled up and started to work again like an eagle catching a chicken.

"What's the matter? Is he still singing this song?"

"That's not it, so many battles, don't mess it up when the time comes, then it's better not to do it."

"That's right! Have you heard? These two singers seem to have been recruited by the people above to make up the numbers. Only ghosts know if they can sing the school song!"


The members were chattering and gurgling, but most of them were not optimistic about it at all.

But what can they do?

To the top executives, they are nothing more than a group of ordinary migrant workers.

What kind of bad thoughts can a wage earner have? A wage earner can only obediently work for others.

The Ministry of Literature and Art is frantically modifying the next program flow and arranging a new appearance order.

At the same moment, in the rehearsal room, under the guidance of Chen Yilang, Luoluo Jiang quickly followed the lyrics of the two.

After finishing the lyrics, I discussed and cooperated with the steps and the harmony again.

In short, during the whole rehearsal process, Chen Yilang basically focused on the process of walking with Luoluo Jiang.

As for the part that really needs to be sung, Chen Yilang omitted it directly.

"Don't we really need to sing a duet?" Luoluo Jiang felt a little flustered and couldn't help asking.

"No, no, I have often listened to songs in your live broadcast room before. I am very relieved about your singing level." Chen Yilang said solemnly.

Thank you so much for your compliment, but the problem is that I am not at ease... Luoluo Jiang is depressed, she is really afraid that her first show in front of fans will be because of this "sad little wave" "And overturned.

But seeing his confident expression again, and Han Qiujing's undisputed absolute trust... Luo Luojiang didn't dare to speak again.

Of course, Chen Yilang naturally understood what she meant.

It is precisely because he understands that he has to pretend to be a wave of lakes at this time...

Once forced to sing at this time, Luoluo Jiang will definitely break the defense on the spot, and tonight's performance will be a proper blow.

Soon, time passed by minute by minute.

The school celebration party has gradually come to the end.

Chen Yilang, who received the waiting notice, stopped his rehearsal with Luoluo Jiang and came to the backstage area of ​​the stage.

When Chen Yilang and the two people appeared, the faces of the staff of the Literature and Art Department and the Logistics Department showed an extremely surprised expression.

"Xiao Chen, why are you here?" Ma Yichuan was very puzzled, "I just looked for you for a long time, but I don't know where you went."

"That's right, I sent you so many messages just now, can't you see it?" When Cao Ze, the [conspirator] on the side, heard it, he immediately pointed the words to Chen Yilang, and repeatedly said, "You are Didn't you run away with Wang Chen to be lazy again?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv15 Conspirator] launched the skill [First Strike] and attacked you! 】

[[First Head Start] caused a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【HP-562! 】


Cao Ze's voice was very bright, and this "first move" really caught the attention of many people around.

After everyone heard Cao Ze's voice, they all turned their attention to one after another, and began to drip.

However, Chen Yilang was naturally not interested at all to find out what they were talking about. Anyway, he was definitely not saying good things about him.

Helpless, Chen Yilang had to shrug his shoulders and say, "I'm sorry, Deputy Cao, it's not that I didn't reply to you, but I was too busy just now, so I didn't have time to reply."

"You? What are you busy with? Are you busy going out with Wang Chenlao to buy Happy Water from the Fat House?" Cao Ze sneered expressionlessly.

【Ding! 】

[[lv15 Conspirator] used [Yin-Yang Weird Qi], causing a lot of damage to you! 】

【HP-461! 】


After he was injured, Chen Yilang heard a new [ding] sound, and then saw a special damage effect pop up in the crowd.

It was Wang Chen who was with him just now. This guy has been quietly staying at the edge of the crowd. He didn't expect that he would be shot in this way and suffered the same damage as Chen Yilang.

"There's no way, Deputy Cao, you misunderstood me..." Chen Yilang shrugged helplessly, "We just went to rehearsal for the show."

"Rehearsal show? What do you mean?" Cao Ze's eyebrows were twisted together exaggeratedly, "You're not an actor, what show are you rehearsing?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "I was really not an actor before, but now I am."


After listening to Chen Yilang's words, a large number of question marks popped up all around.

Chen Yilang had no choice but to explain with a smile: "I'm going to sing "The Language of Nanxuan" with this girl later. This is my first stage show. Please support me."

"???????" There were more question marks frantically popping up all around.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bright Appearance], causing a lot of mental damage to a large number of [neutral units]! 】

[You got: Gold +3482, Experience +2821! 】

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bright Appearance], to [lv15 Conspirator], [lv13 Inspector Captain[], [lv12 Ballet Dancer], [lv9

11 Yin Cao Singer]...inflicted a lot of damage! 】

[You got: Gold +5641, Experience +2191! 】


Good guy, it turns out that there are so many monsters mixed in here behind the scenes?

Wait a minute, that doesn't seem right...

What's going on with this [Yin Cao Singer]? How did you even put such terrorists in? It seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement in security measures... Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

But no matter what, Chen Yilang's "sparkling debut" still shocked everyone around him.

What's going on here?

How did this kid suddenly become a performer?

And it's still the school song?

It was a little too sudden, and even quite outrageous.

At this time, Han Qiujing just happened to be standing aside.

Everyone looked at her almost subconsciously, and found that their student council president didn't say anything, but just stood quietly and listened to Chen Yilang.

It is clear.

There is no meaning to say anything, in fact, it is the default.

Their Chairman, he did not express any objection to this.

This is completely unscientific. If it hadn't been seen and experienced personally, no one present would have believed it to be true.

As a result, the area behind the scenes soon became quiet~www.readwn.com~ The students who were originally surrounded by the front also automatically and consciously spread out to both sides, giving way to the stage.

On the stage, the performance of classical dance has just ended.

The host walked to the stage with generous and dignified steps, and announced to the audience with a sweet voice.

After some official and literary foreshadowing, she pronounced the name of the next show.


"Please enjoy the song performance - "Language of Nanxuan"!"


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