If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 295: "Because You Are So Beautiful"...

Han Qiujing's eyes moved slightly, the voice was quite familiar, she looked in the direction of the source, and found that the person who came was actually Chen Yilang.

This really surprised her.

She was very optimistic about Chen Yilang, a junior, just like the previous Li Xiang was so optimistic about Han Qiujing.

But on an occasion like today, Han Qiujing did not think of Chen Yilang.

After all, the problems faced right now are indeed not something that a freshman who has just joined the student union can help.

And among the characters present, he was indeed the only one who was a freshman.

So when Chen Yilang appeared, almost everyone present was immediately attracted to him.

"Why are you here?" Han Qiujing blurted out subconsciously.

"Huh?" Chen Yilang was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect that Han Qiujing would ask him this question, and he would be a little confused for a while.

In his original idea, he thought that the first sentence Han Jingqiu saw him should be a line like "You are finally here"...

Damn! So the Puxin man is actually me!

"Cough, um, I just went to the bathroom and just passed by." Chen Yilang made a random excuse, "Then I heard that there seems to be a little trouble here, so I stopped by to take a look. "

"Who is this?" Li Xiang looked at Han Qiujing in confusion.

He hadn't seen Chen Yilang before, so his first impression after seeing Chen Yilang was "probably a stinky brat who can't tell the occasion and identity when speaking".

"Ah, it's a classmate from our logistics department."

Han Qiujing said to Li Xiang, then pulled Chen Yilang to the other side and whispered:

"Do you have anything to do? If you have nothing to do, you can go first. There is no work behind the scenes? Go and ask your minister if there is still work to do."

The meaning is obvious, this is to prepare to send him away.

After all, this place really doesn't have anything to do with him, Chen Yilang. If it doesn't work here, it will prevent the big figures of the student union from discussing important matters.

But Han Qiujing didn't expect Chen Yilang to reply with a smile: "Yes, I have something to tell you, Chairman Han."

Han Qiujing wondered, "What's the matter?"

"How long until the last show starts?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Almost an hour." Han Qiujing said.

"That's enough." Chen Yilang nodded.

"What do you mean?" Han Qiujing frowned slightly.

"I found a suitable singer who can sing this song." Chen Yilang said, "The show can be resumed, and an hour for rehearsal is just enough."

Han Qiujing was a little taken aback: "Where did you find it?"

"We'll talk about this later. It's a long story. We don't have time." Chen Yilang said, "People have already brought them here, so let's meet you."

Did this kid really find someone? Han Qiujing followed Chen Yilang suspiciously to another room, and saw Luoluo Jiang who was already waiting here.

"Hello, hello." Han Qiujing shook hands with Luoluo Jiang, who was wearing sunglasses and a mask.

"...She's from a good-looking anchor, so she rarely shows her face." Seeing that Han Qiujing's expression looked a little out of place, Chen Yilang could only explain it immediately.

"Oh...it's okay, but if you're going to perform on stage, it's definitely not like this."

Han Qiujing said, "The face must still be exposed... After all, we are singing the school song seriously, and the leaders and alumni are sitting below."

This is easy to understand, after all, a slightly older audience generally can't understand these relatively trendy cultures...

Chen Yilang was just about to persuade Luoluojiang to come, but he didn't expect the other party to speak first.

"I can show my face." Luoluo Jiang said.

Chen Yilang was slightly surprised: "You're not..."

"Today is a good day." Luoluo Jiang said, "If I can really perform on the big stage... The fans must also want to see what I really look like."

So even if there are no 100,000 fans... Chen Yilang muttered silently, nodded and said, "Okay, then please."

"Wait, why do I feel like I'm missing something..."

Han Qiujing frowned slightly, as if remembering something, her eyes lit up, and she quickly said to Chen Yilang, "You only found one singer, right?"

""The Language of Nanxuan" is a duet song by a man and a woman, and it is not feasible to change it to a solo."

"The students are used to listening to the duet version. If it is suddenly changed to a solo, they will definitely not adapt and will be bombarded."

Han Qiujing said, "In addition to this lady Luoluo sauce, there is also a lack of a male singer."

"I know." Chen Yilang just smiled lightly, "However, who said there is only one singer here?"

"Huh?" Han Qiujing's eyes revealed a hint of doubt.

"The male singer you want is here." Chen Yilang stretched out a finger and poked his chest.

Han Qiujing: "???"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bombshell], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv20 work madman]! 】

[[lv20 work madman] has [doubt] about you! 】

[You got: Gold +2321, Experience +1921! 】


The experience gained by attacking the boss seems to be much more than other mobs... Chen Yilang saw that Han Qiujing was completely unexpected, and said helplessly:

"Chairman Han, I'm not joking, it's true."

Han Qiujing paused for a while before saying, "...If I understand correctly, what do you mean, you want to sing "Language of Nanxuan" on stage with this lady Luoluojiang?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

"I've never heard that you can sing before." Han Qiujing stared at Chen Yilang, her eyes clearly showing her distrust.

While speaking, Chen Yilang also saw the [Doubt] sign on the top of Han Qiujing's head flashing.

"It's just because there has been no chance before." Chen Yilang shrugged and said, "Now there is."

"It's hard for you to convince me like this." Han Qiujing sighed and said, "unless you sing a sentence now for me to listen to."

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment: "Uh... It's not necessary, senior, there are a lot of people here, and the location is not very open. In fact, it is not very convenient to perform... I will be shy."

"You are shy, someone who dares to perform on such a big stage show, would you be shy here with me?"

Han Qiujing frowned and said, "Hurry up, don't tell me that you can't even finish a short freestyle, then it's even more impossible for me to agree to let you on stage, okay?"

This... Hearing what Han Qiujing said, a few drops of cold sweat broke out on Chen Yilang's forehead.

Good guy, how should he show this?

He is indeed proficient in singing and dancing rap, and he can give Han Qiujing an explosive song "Because You Are So Beautiful", but this has preconditions, that is, he must be on the [Fever Stage]. Performing within the range of...

This is very uncomfortable.

If he doesn't perform on stage, there is no way for Han Qiujing to see his strength and powerful stage appeal.

But if Han Qiujing can't be convinced, he won't be able to go on stage.

Isn't this very embarrassing, it's just an unsolved problem...

Chen Yilang would be a little overwhelmed for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, Brother Lang seemed to recall something.

In his pocket, there seems to be a very awesome prop that has not been used.

——【Heroic Laurel】!

A thing that can be used to activate the [King's Order]!

If he remembers correctly, the effect of this [King's Order] can greatly increase the [Trust Value] of other [targets] towards the player.

After equipping [Heroic Laurel], Chen Yilang immediately activated the effect of the equipment.

"Activate the skill on the target [[lv20 Work Girl Demon]: [The King's Order]!]"

Chen Yilang gave orders silently in his heart.

【Ding! 】

[You activated the skill [The King's Order] on [lv20 Work Girl Demon]! 】

[The skill is being activated...]

【stare! 】

[Detecting the [Spiritual] attribute of [lv20 Work Girl Demon] is high, and the success rate of your [King's Order] skill is greatly reduced! 】

[Current skill success rate: 0.1%]

"???" Chen Yilang.

what the hell!

What is the outrageous success rate of getting home?

According to this calculation, in theory, he would have to use the [King's Order] skill on Han Qiujing almost a thousand times, so that there is a slight possibility that Han Qiujing will enter the state of [Submission]...

"This useless spicy chicken equipment..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but muttered in his heart, but soon heard a new prompt from the system.

【Ding! 】

[Detected that the success rate of the current skill activation is low, do you consume [colorless energy crystal block x500] to increase the success rate of the skill to 90%? 】

[The current number of [colorless energy small crystal blocks] is: 1864]

[Tips: If the above effect increase costs are converted into standard colorless energy crystal blocks, almost every 0.18% increase only needs to consume a colorless energy crystal block! 】

【Tips: Are you sure you don't want to try it? With such a strong discount, if you buy it, you will earn it! 】


Chen Yilang: "...?"

I really believe in you, you bad old man is very bad... Obviously the word "profiteer" is written on his face.

But this is not the point, after all, Chen Yilang has long been accustomed to the urine nature of this profiteer system.

What surprised him the most was the consumption of [colorless energy crystal blocks] by Chairman Han Qiujing...

If you want to get her as a person, you have to consume 500 [Colorless]!

It really deserves to be a big boss. It is really not an easy thing to make such a proud big devil bow his head...

You must know that Chen Yilang has kept [Colorless] for so long, and the result has been kept until now, and it is less than 2,000...

And this was done under the premise that Chen Yilang did not use crystal-consuming skills so frequently.

But of course, although Brother Lang's crystal stock is not much, there are still a lot of various equipment in the backpack.

If Brother Lang really needs something like colorless crystals one day, he can also pour out all the things in the backpack and decompose them for a round... A living person can't be suffocated by urine, isn't it? reason?

But these five hundred colorless crystals... I guess most of them can't be saved.

I can't bear to have a child without a wolf... Chen Yilang was cruel, he gritted his teeth and stomped his foot: "Choose 'Yes'!"

【Ding! 】

[You have consumed [colorless energy crystal block x500], greatly increasing the effect of [King's Order]! 】

【Ding! 】

[The success rate of [The King's Order] against [lv20 Female Workaholic] has been increased to 90%! 】

[Please launch your [King's Order] to the [lv20 female workaholic]! 】


At this moment, Chen Yilang saw a burning flame sign in his status bar.

That's the sign that the [King's Order] skill is already in a ready state.

"So what should I do next..." Chen Yilang would be a little confused for a while.

But the system has always only responded with the same sentence:

[Warm tip: Please launch [The King's Order] to the target [lv20 Work Girl Demon]! 】

This skill teaching is really perfunctory... Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

At this time, seeing that Chen Yilang had been in a daze, Han Qiujing couldn't help but urged: "You should hurry up, our time is quite precious now."

no way.

Now that the situation is urgent, even if he can't think of any way for a while, Chen Yilang can only bite the bullet.

According to his own understanding of the [King's Order], Chen Yilang cleared his throat, and suddenly his dantian vigorously shouted in a short and powerful voice:

"I don't!"

"????" Luoluo Jiang, who was beside him, was frightened by Chen Yilang's sudden roar, and almost thought that Chen Yilang had some old disease that was about to recur.

But what Luo Luojiang didn't expect was that Han Qiujing's reaction was like she was in another world.

The moment she heard Chen Yilang's voice, Han Qiujing's delicate body trembled violently, and her pupils trembled wildly.

A good "I don't"!

The moment Chen Yilang spoke, Han Qiujing only felt a domineering aura that seemed to come from the ancient princes and generals, and the two words spit out by Chen Yilang.

Good... what a powerful sense of oppression!

Although I don't know what is so wonderful about Chen Yilang's words~www.readwn.com~, Han Qiujing can feel that in Chen Yilang's eyes that are burning like beacon fires, it seems that thousands of troops are galloping!

"How can it be……"

"This kid is just a little brother..."

Han Qiujing couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Although Chen Yilang did nothing, inexplicably, his image grew taller in her heart.

【Ding! 】

[You used [The King's Order] on [lv20 Work Madness]! 】

[[The King's Order] caused a lot of mental shock damage to the target, and the target has had the effects of [Reverence] and [Submission] to you! 】


Han Qiujing was shocked and subconsciously spoke, wanting to blurt out a word "Master" to Chen Yilang...

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