If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 30: 【Versailles】

The next day.


The wind is warm and the sun is bright, and the sky is clear.

Chen Yilang arrived at Beijiang City Station at the agreed time.

Chen Jiahui arrived at the same time with him.

Above her head was still the familiar message bar of [lv5 Ultimate Learning God].

Next in place was [lv3 school bitch] Lin Jie.

The three of them waited while chatting, but after another ten minutes, they still didn't see any new people.

"What happened to them?"

Chen Yilang asked after looking at the time on his phone.

The departure time is getting closer and closer. If you drag it a little longer, it is very likely that you will not be able to catch up with the train.

"I don't understand either. Let me urge her to take a look." Chen Jiahui took out her mobile phone and made a call.

However, there is still no one to be seen.

"Hey, women are trouble." Chen Yilang heard Lin Jie whispering from the side.

But it happened to be the volume that Chen Jiahui couldn't hear.

After another ten minutes or so, the three of them saw a figure who was long overdue.

She is a slightly familiar girl whom Chen Yilang has not seen before.

This girl has a pair of ponytails, wearing a white cotton skirt and lace-trimmed socks, stepping on a pair of small black leather shoes,

She is quite Japanese-style and has a sweet voice. She belongs to the type of cute and cute girl.

As soon as she saw the three, the girl greeted with a smile: "I bow down! I'm sorry, I'm late!"

"???" This stunned Chen Yilang.

Bow down?

What waist?

"'I bow down' means good morning in Japanese." Chen Jiahui explained with a smile, "Let me introduce, this is my best friend, Jiang Linguo from the next class."

It turned out to be a girl from the next class.

Only then did Chen Yilang react with a little hindsight.

No wonder he thought this girl was a little familiar just now. She graduated from the next class, so he would meet him a few times by accident.

But Chen Yilang is usually a housekeeper. Recently, he was addicted to studying and couldn't extricate himself. Naturally, he didn't think much about socializing, so he didn't think of it all of a sudden.

On the contrary, the [lv5 daughter] logo on Jiang Linguo's head aroused Chen Yilang's interest.

[Qianjin: A kind of monster who looks cute and charming, but is actually quite difficult to deal with. Note: Don't be fascinated by their appearance, remember, there is a knife on the head of the color! 】

Chen Yilang thought that you should tell Lin Jie...

The system voice just fell.

Before Chen Jiahui could continue to introduce himself, Lin Jie couldn't help but jumped out:

"Hello, hello, my name is Lin Jie, nice to meet you!"

"I heard about you when I was a freshman in high school. Everyone said that your English is very good!"

As Lin Jie's three-year classmate, Chen Yilang knows the former.

Obviously, Jiang Linguo is the type that Lin Jie likes.

Because Chen Yilang has seen Lin Jie's QQ, his photo wall is almost full of pictures of two-dimensional beautiful girls.

And even if you don't look at them.

Just by looking at Lin Jie's eyes, you can see so much meaning. After all, this guy's eyes are no different from a searchlight...

The most outrageous thing is that this guy had a completely impatient expression on his face for a second.

As a result, when Jiang Linguo appeared, he instantly laughed like a flower...

"No, no, no." Jiang Linguo waved his hand and said, "Actually, it's just like that, every time I only get more than 140 points, and I've only had two or three full marks in the exam in the past three years."

Chen Yilang: "???"


Is this also called human language?

[[lv5 daughter] activated [Versailles], causing damage to you! 】


The damage isn't that high.

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

With such a small number, it was ticklish for him now.

But in any case, it is better to be a little cautious.

After all, this [Qianjin] has level 5 anyway, and it is already a monster of the same level as [LV Ultimate Learning God], so it is definitely not that easy to solve.

"Hey, don't we have one more person?"

Chen Yilang suddenly remembered something and asked, "I remember that I saw five people in the group yesterday?"

"Oh, that's also a good sister of mine." Chen Jiahui said a little embarrassedly, "This morning, she suddenly had an emergency, so she didn't come."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah." Chen Jiahui nodded and said, "It's alright, don't worry about her, she told us to have fun and come next time."

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

As expected of an lv4 [Ace Pigeon]...

I always feel that the monsters I have encountered recently are getting harder and harder to deal with.

It's really hard to do.

"Then let's go." Chen Jiahui said energetically, "Everyone follow me."

Just like that, everyone followed Chen Jiahui into the station.

Chen Yilang dragged his suitcase to the front when he heard Jiang Linguo's voice behind him:

"Oh, oh, just wait for me!"

Jiang Linguo pulled her suitcase and shouted, "Your legs are too long, I can't keep up with you!"

"Need help?" Chen Yilang asked subconsciously.

"Mmmm, classmate, this is very heavy, can you push it for me!" Jiang Linguo said softly.

Only then did Chen Yilang catch a glimpse of the 16-inch trolley case in Jiang Linguo's hands.

Is it too small to take it?

Chen Yilang suddenly had doubts about the power of girls. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

You must know that the 16-inch trolley case is already the smallest size, and it can't hold much things at all.

And this thing still has wheels, if it can't be pushed, it's too weak.


Chen Yilang didn't say much, and grabbed the trolley case from Jiang Linguo's hand.

This is unacceptable.

Chen Yilang felt that the box was so full of air that he almost threw the box out.


Your sister's, obviously it's as light as a foam board, isn't it?

"What are you putting in here?" Chen Yilang couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Of course it's cosmetics!" Jiang Linguo replied, "Girls go out to play, of course they have to dress up beautifully."

"Then don't you put your clothes inside?"

"No." Jiang Linguo replied.

...no wonder it's so light.

"Then you didn't bring any clothes?"

Chen Yilang took a look at Jiang Linguo and found that her whole body seemed to have no other luggage other than this luggage.

"If you don't bring it, that would be too much trouble." Jiang Linguo said.


Chen Yilang felt that he was completely stunned.

"Uh, no, did I hear it right?" Chen Yilang asked again with some uncertainty, "We're going to travel for three days, eh, did you only bring one set of clothes?"


"It's so troublesome to pack up my clothes, I don't want to go back and forth."

Jiang Linguo said confidently, "Anyway, you have to go shopping when you travel, so why don't you just go to the mall and buy a few sets?"

Chen Yilang: "????"

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