If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 294: 【Relentless fury】

Ten p.m.

There is only one hour left until the end and closing time of the school celebration party.

The audience who were sitting under the stage watching the performance, at this point, inevitably began to get a little tired, their spirits began to be a little trance, and they began to be distracted.

Generally, at such a time, a slightly explosive show is needed to revive the interest of the audience.

Therefore, the program originally scheduled to be performed at this time was the singing of "Language of Nanxuan".

At this moment, due to the temporary release of the plane by the two singers originally scheduled, the tension in the entire student council has been pushed to zero.

From superiors to inferiors, from big to small, almost everyone is in a state where they dare not let the air out.

No one knows how to face what should happen next.

Three times the liquidated damages, this is not a small number.

This kind of problem, the school will definitely not decentralize funds to help solve this kind of loss, and the student union can only be responsible for this loss.

In addition, they will also lose Li Xiang, a very high-quality customer.

Leaving aside his bad temper, Li Xiang is of great significance to the student union of Nanxuan University.

He was originally from the student union of the school, and after graduating, he worked hard in Nanxuan City for so many years. Naturally, the resources in his hands were beyond the reach of the student union.

For example, at least half of the sponsoring clients that the External Relations Department can currently attract for the student union are introduced by Li Xiang.

That is to say, what the NTU will lose is not only Li Xiang, but also the rich resources that he could have shared and provided to the Student Union.

Therefore, today's failed program planning is definitely an extremely tragic blow to the student union.

As the president of the student council, Han Qiujing's face also seemed heavy.

From the time this emergency started to now, she has been pacing in the backcourt unconsciously, the heels of her high heels falling to the ground and making a slight knocking sound.

Ren Jing was like a child who was found truant from school and brought home on the spot, with a look of panic and fear, but she could only stand by obediently, staring down at her toes, not daring to say a word.

How to do how to do?

We dare not ask...

Ren Jing has even thought of the worst plan in her heart. She must be mainly responsible for this matter, and she must pay a large part of the liquidated damages herself.

Then after the follow-up of this matter was all dealt with, she offered to resign.

She also knew Han Qiujing relatively well. Although their chairman looked indifferent, he was actually a very nice person, and he was the type who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

So Chairman Han will definitely not blame her, she can only take the initiative to go.

If she doesn't voluntarily resign, Ren Jing feels that she has no face to stay here.

Chairman Han is a good person, but I let it down... Thinking of this, Ren Jing's mood at this moment became more and more depressed.

Kizhuang raised his hand and glanced at the time, frowned slightly, and said impatiently: "How is it, Xiao Han? Have you decided? I have to report to the leader of the company."

Han Qiujing's footsteps stagnated slightly, and finally he sighed softly: "Think about it, brother, we will compensate you for the liquidated damages, I'm really sorry for today's incident, we will definitely learn from it in the future, absolutely not. Make a similar mistake again."

"Future? Sorry, we don't have a future."

There was no smile on Li Xiang's face, and his tone was also cold, "I will never seek cooperation with you again in the future."

"To be honest, I used to be the president of our student union."

"Also as one of the leaders of the student union, I am very sorry for your performance.

Look, Xiao Han. "

"You have always been very careful and reliable in your work. I never thought that such a thing would happen to you."

"Such a large-scale event, such an important cooperation, how could you be able to break such a chain?"

"In the past few years, I have sponsored almost every year's large-scale activities in the school. It is the first time I have encountered such an outrageous thing."

"After the event tonight, go back and reflect on it."

There was a hint of hatred in Li Xiang's tone.

When he was in the student union of NTU, Han Qiujing happened to be a freshman in the freshman year.

Han Qiujing, a newcomer, chose to join the External Relations Department. At that time, she was still a young girl who was embarrassed to greet her teachers, classmates and seniors. Who would have thought that after not seeing her for a few years, this little girl had already become a student council member. the chairman.

And at that time, Li Xiang felt that Han Qiujing was very smart. Although she usually doesn't talk much, no matter what kind of task is given to her, she can always comprehend the meaning of her superiors quickly, and then use the fastest speed and highest Efficiency completes the task in hand perfectly.

He could always hear their comments on Han Qiujing from the other students in the student council.

Hard work, steadfastness, carefulness, steadiness, and sense of responsibility... almost all good words are used.

So this is why Li Xiang has always felt at ease with Han Qiujing.

But who would have thought that such a reliable and reassuring person would mess up such an important matter?

Li Xiang was really disappointed. In addition, he made up for the scene of being scolded by his boss. He was very irritable and couldn't help adding another sentence:

"When I agreed that the External Relations Department would accept you, I was simply overwhelmed."

【Ding! 】

[Neutral target [Li Xiang] launched [Relentless Fury], and launched a violent attack on [lv20 Work Girl Demon]! 】

【Ding! 】

[[lv20 Work Girl Demon] Due to its powerful [psychological shield], she is immune to a lot of damage from the neutral target [Li Xiang]! 】

"Sorry." Han Qiujing could only apologize.

And this scene was seen by Chen Yilang who just arrived.

All he can say is that Han Qiujing really deserves to be a 20th-level ****...

Her heart is really strong.

On the surface, it seems that Li Xiang has been frantically scolding and teaching him, but in fact there is no turbulence in his heart...

No, it can't be said to be without turbulence.

After going through this incident, Han Qiujing will definitely accumulate more skills to deal with this matter. She just said that she will not belittle herself because of Li Xiang's scolding and suppression, and she will not doubt herself or lose confidence because of it. .

This greasy and potbellied senior brother can't hurt her at all...

She is not overconfident, nor is she indifferent, but because she knows that knowing and being discouraged will not change anything, nor will it bring her new good luck.

As the saying goes, where you fall, you must get up from there. The best way to overcome fear is to face it.

It is not terrible to fall down once or twice. What is terrible is that from now on, you will no longer have the courage to get up and run again.

Obviously, Han Qiujing knew this very well.

But Ren Jing on the side obviously couldn't maintain such calmness and composure like Han Qiujing.

She clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and took a step forward.

She couldn't just watch Chairman Han being reprimanded by this client all the time. After all, it was because of her that she couldn't just hide behind Han Qiujing and do nothing.

Just as she mustered up the courage and was about to prepare

When she was talking, a voice took a step ahead of her and said the words first.

"sorry for disturbance."

"I want to ask, are you free now?"

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