The latest website: "You can figure it out."


Although Li Xiang's tone has softened and his aggression has been significantly reduced, the meaning revealed in his tone is still ruthless indifference.

The department he is currently working in is the corporate department. Although it sounds awesome on the surface, it is actually sales.

Although in the sales industry, accumulating contacts is indeed a very important thing, but the ultimate purpose of doing this industry is to make money. If you can't make money, and even lose money, then this kind of favor is not worth saving. Not much effect.

Therefore, Li Xiang naturally won't leave some sympathy for everyone just because he used to be the senior of Han Qiujing and other students' union members.

After all, in the eyes of social old fritters like them, the students in the school will be able to make a fool of themselves?

Unless you're at the level of Skull and Bones, but this level of organization has a half-cent relationship with me?

As soon as Li Xiang's voice fell, the atmosphere in the backstage of the entire stage began to cool down, as if water droplets could be squeezed out of the air.



Only the sound of the phone dialing remains.

From half an hour before the official start of the party, Ren Jing had been calling the phone numbers of the two singers, but she couldn't get through.

And what I heard before is that the man and the woman seem to be a couple... Then isn't this interesting? It's worthy of being a family, and the pigeons are also pigeons together.

Everyone knows in their hearts that this is most likely to meet a real old pigeon.

If you want to contact them at this time, it is estimated that there is not much possibility.

"I guess I really can't get in touch..."

After the call was unsuccessful again, Ren Jing said weakly, while looking at Han Qiujing a little worriedly.

She knew she had made a big mistake this time, so she didn't dare to speak out loud at all.

In the current situation, only Chairman Han Qiujing can protect her.

"Then pay the liquidated damages, no need to say more." Li Xiang rubbed his eyebrows and said impatiently, "If there is any activity in the future, you don't have to contact me again... Children are just unreliable. I thought it was just a simple matter, but it also screwed me up?"

Listening to Li Xiang complaining with particular dissatisfaction, Ren Jing lowered her head, looked at her toes, and did not dare to speak.

Han Qiujing, who has always been calm and composed, also fell silent at this time.

The whole thing happened was still a little too sudden, and it really caught her off guard.

At this time and half, it is indeed too difficult for them to come up with a perfect solution immediately.

This time, Han Qiujing felt that this problem was really out of line.

"Hey, so this is the trouble of the senior figures of the student union? It's really a bit tricky..." Wang Chen, who had been watching the lively from a distance, couldn't help but whispered, "Yuanfang, what do you think? Eh? , people..."

Wang Chen was about to discuss this matter with Chen Yilang, but when he turned around, he couldn't find a shadow of Chen Yilang, and he didn't know where he went.

As a result, he looked up again, only to find that Chen Yilang actually walked directly towards Li Xiang, which is the direction of the center of the crowd.


"You, you, what are you doing..."

Wang Chen was dumbfounded on the spot, and quickly shouted loudly, trying to stop Chen Yilang, but it was too late, the latter had already left.

What is this kid going to do?

Shouldn't he be an iron boy, he's going to go up and try to persuade him?

Wang Chen was a little bit hurt, and was a little curious about Chen Yilang's next move, so he subconsciously wanted to catch up, but he was very quick in his heart.

Cowardly down.

"The people arguing over there are all boss-level characters, right? How dare this guy..." Wang Chen thought to himself.

He also guessed that it was because he was thinking too much. Maybe Chen Yilang just wanted to get up a little and see the excitement from a close distance?

However, what I didn't expect was that Chen Yilang actually went up to speak.

"Chairman Han."

"I don't know if my understanding is skewed."

"Excuse me, the current situation is that as long as a suitable candidate can be found to replace the two singers, then the show can continue, right?"

Chen Yilang walked over to Chairman Han and asked.

Han Qiujing was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect Chen Yilang to suddenly appear from her side at this time.

"Ah... Yes, yes." Han Qiujing nodded slightly, "But the problem is, at this time, there is no such person as you mentioned at all."

"What if there is?" Chen Yilang quickly asked again.

"That's fine," Han Qiujing replied.

The sudden appearance of Chen Yilang also attracted the attention of the surrounding students at this time.

"If you can't find it, don't think about it." Peng Weilong, the head of the discipline inspection department, happened to be there, and when he saw Chen Yilang appeared, he couldn't help throwing a bucket of cold water on him, "Our classmates in the literature and art department are able to complete the Few people memorized the school song's ironic."

Before Chen Yilang could speak, the students of the Literature and Art Department immediately turned back: "What are you doing here? It's like you are familiar with the school song? If it wasn't for rehearsals or other tasks at hand. If you do, who will deliberately learn our school's school song?"

Then a commotion broke out again...

Chen Yilang couldn't help frowning. Under such circumstances, there could still be infighting within the Student Union, which was something he never expected.

Isn't it like this, shouldn't the most important thing the big guys need to do is to unite and solve this difficult thing first?

If you have to say it seriously, Li Xiang is actually the common enemy of everyone now.

But Chen Yilang didn't have time to talk to them now.

He now has a wonderful idea in his heart, and if he can put it into practice, he might be able to solve this big problem.

So he temporarily exited the backstage where the smell of gunpowder gradually began to permeate again, returned to the corridor outside, picked up his mobile phone and called someone.

- Luoluo sauce.

Today is the day of the school celebration. All the students gathered in the auditorium to watch the performance. Naturally, no one went to the Flower Club to listen to songs.

So after the phone rang a few times, Luoluo Jiang answered the phone.

"Hey, Xiao Langlang? Is there something wrong?" asked Luo Luojiang.

Every time Chen Yilang heard Luoluo Jiang call him that, he always felt a little unbearable in his heart.

Mainly because when Chen Yilang entered Luoluojiang's live broadcast room for the first time, his id was called "Sorrowful Little Langlang".

It is estimated that this is also the reason. Since then, Luo Luojiang has habitually called Chen Yilang Xiaolanglang.

"Can you sing "The Language of Nanxuan"?" Chen Yilang asked straight to the point, "We need a singer."

"Yes, what's wrong?" Luoluo Jiang replied.

"Really?" Chen Yilang was a little surprised, "How could you sing this song?"

"Isn't this song your school's school song?" asked Luo Luojiang.

"Yes, but does it matter?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Then you probably don't come to the club very often."

Luo Luo Jiang smiled and said, "Not long after I went to work, I discovered that basically every week, there would be four or five people ordering orders.

This song. "

"At the beginning, I didn't know how to do it, so I had to apologize to them. Later, I found out that this is not possible, because this song will be ordered every week. I can't refuse it every time, right?"

"Anyway, the difficulty of this song is not very big. It took me a day or two to learn this song."

Chen Yilang: "...?"

Chen Yilang, who didn't know anything about playing the piano and singing, was stunned for a moment after listening to what Luoluo Jiang said.

Can you learn in two days?

What is this efficiency?

It is true that there are some super class...

When Chen Yilang learned this song before, it took almost a week before and after, and she just sang it. Unlike Luoluo Jiang, she has to play and sing, and the difficulty is not at the same level. .

As for why Chen Yilang also sings the song "Language of Nanxuan"... It's mainly because of his status as the squad leader.

Not long after school started, the monitor of each class received the same task, that is, to lead the students in the class to learn this school song during the class meeting.

When he first learned about this, Chen Yilang's heart was actually very painful.

Let Brother Lang, who has no musical skills all over his body, teach his classmates to sing?

This picture, just thinking about it, is too beautiful, I dare not look at it at all.

"Then what is the level of your current song?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"It can be performed at a normal live broadcast level."

Loro Sauce said:

"Singing anchors like us, if you practice a song, you can either practice it to the point where it can be used for live broadcast, or you don't practice...otherwise, it's a waste of time. After all, half-familiar songs are basically useless. Martial arts is equivalent to a hundred training."

What Luo Luojiang said, Chen Yilang probably had a number in his heart.

After all, he had seen Luo Luojiang's performance in the live broadcast room, and he naturally knew quite a lot about the quality of Luo Luojiang's performance.

I have to say that on the platform where Luoluo Jiang is staying, her singing skills are indeed quite good.

At least every time Chen Yilang entered her live broadcast room to listen to a song, Chen Yilang was very satisfied, and he had never seen Luoluo Jiang overturned.

"Come and sing." Chen Yilang said.

"Ah?" Luoluo Jiang was slightly taken aback.

"There is a shortage of people in our school's celebration party. Come here now." Chen Yilang said, "Just sing "The Language of Nanxuan."

"Wait a minute... What did you just say, the school celebration party?" Luoluo Jiang said in surprise.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Chen Yilang asked.

"That should be a very large performance, right?" Luoluo Jiang said worriedly, "Why are you looking for me?"

Can I say that the only person I can think of now is you... Chen Yilang said calmly, "Because you sing very well, I appreciate it very much."

"..." Luoluo Jiang seemed to be hesitant.

Seeing that there was no response from Luoluojiang for a long time, Chen Yilang said, "If you behave well tonight, the commission will be increased by 1,000 yuan, and you will be given two more days of vacation this month."

As a migrant worker, Chen Yilang naturally knows what migrant workers want most.

Painting cakes is useless. No matter how flamboyant and flamboyant it is, it will not be more useful than giving a little more.

Therefore, the condition offered by Chen Yilang can be said to be very tempting.

As for the small money... He can make it himself, without relying on Sister Bing, and deduct it directly from the bonus he got as an agent.

Brother Lang felt that if Luoluo Jiang could really save this scene, this little money would be nothing at all.

However, Chen Yilang did not expect it at all

The only thing is, Luoluo Jiang actually didn't seem to be interested in the reward he offered.

"No, no, I don't want money." Luoluo Jiang said.

Chen Yilang was taken aback: "Ah? Then you..."

"Because...I've never been on a real stage."

After being silent for a while, Luoluo Jiang continued, "So whether I can complete a qualified performance or not, I don't know in my It turns out that this is the case...Chen Yilang said again: " So what do you want? "

"I don't want anything, just let me open the live broadcast room." Luoluo Jiang said, "A lot of fans have been sending me private messages before, and they said they want to see me singing on stage once."

"I think this time... maybe I can fulfill their wishes."

Hearing this, Chen Yilang unconsciously fell silent for a while.

There are no other superfluous thoughts in my mind.

The only feeling is...

It seems very happy to be a fan of Luoluo sauce.

"it is good."

Chen Yilang smiled and readily agreed.


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