If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 292: 【Indiscriminate attack】


The moment he saw the effect of [Fever Stage], Chen Yilang was so shocked that he couldn't help but blurt out.

Wang Chen, who was sitting next to him, gave him a suspicious look: "Good brother, what happened, good brother?"

"It's nothing, good brother." Chen Yilang smiled awkwardly, and casually found a reason: "There is a sister whose skirt is too short."

Who knew that Cao Ze was directly excited: "Really? Which one? Where? What color?"

Chen Yilang was helpless, so he had to hit a haha ​​casually and continue to study new ways to play.

This [Fever Stage] has a lot of things!

Moreover, this [Fever Zone] just happened to be brushed on the stage of the auditorium, and it was only less than ten meters away from Chen Yilang himself.

As long as he walks up and stands there, he can frantically radiate his charm to everyone here...

"Hello everyone, I've been training for two and a half years... Forget it, I'll just start performing." Chen Yilang had already thought about the opening remarks.

Unfortunately, this was actually useless, because he didn't have any chance to perform on stage at all.

The school celebration party is a very formal and solemn large-scale performance. The program and the list of actors have been determined a month ago.

So it is almost impossible to insert a new program in the middle.

Besides, he doesn't know the person in charge and the planner of the party either, he's just an ordinary worker in the logistics department...

Workers don't deserve to sing and dance rap, it's impossible in this life, they can only survive by doing errands and moving performance props...

Thinking of this, the helpless Chen Yilang could only take a long sigh.

What a pity, what a pity.

It's such a pity that I finally caught up with such a rare system activity day, and I didn't even have the chance to try it.

But of course, although he said so, in fact, Chen Yilang was just complaining casually.

If he really wanted him to perform on stage, maybe he would be cowardly, and he thought it was troublesome, and naturally he was not very interested in such a tiring thing as rehearsing the show.

So if there is really a choice, Chen Yilang estimates that in the end, he will still choose to be a mediocre small audience, sitting down and eating melons while enjoying the beauty and happiness of watching the show.

It didn't take long for the party to start on time.

As usual, after the host made an opening speech on stage, he began to introduce the famous alumni sitting under the stage one by one.

Chen Yilang and Wang Chen naturally didn't know any of these big men.

After all, even the youngest in this row of well-known alumni are in their thirties.

Most of the people basically only when they are in their 30s or 40s can they make a small breakthrough in their own industry and be worthy of the name of "well-known alumni".

Soon, not long after, the self-introduction session of well-known alumni also ended.

Then there is the welcome session, the speeches of unknown leaders from all walks of life, and then the theatrical show officially begins.

The arrangement of the literature and art department is also very straightforward. The opening scene is the hot dance performance of the Sea Wave Dance Association, the young ladies and sisters who are cool in clothes but hot in body.

They twisted the willow waist that Yingying was holding, and the youthful breath rushed to their faces, and they sent a wave of king bombs directly to the stage at the beginning.

Chen Yilang could see to the naked eye that almost everyone on the scene had an [excited] sign on their heads, including a 60-year-old alumnus who was sitting in the front row.

Sure enough, men are lustful until they die... Chen Yilang complained silently.

Facts have also proved that the arrangement of the performance program sequence by the experienced literature and art department is indeed very reasonable and ingenious.

In the entire first half of the school celebration party, the Department of Literature and Art perfectly interspersed the **** point program and the explosive point program, which made the rhythm of the whole party show a perfect look and feel of ups and downs.

Not only the audience sitting below, but also the workers behind the scenes, including Chen Yilang.

About an hour after the party, during a poem recitation performance, when Chen Yilang felt that it was about time to pee, there was a sudden violent quarrel from the backstage, which attracted the surrounding friends. They couldn't help but look sideways.

"What happened?" someone asked.

"Listening to that voice, it seems like someone from the Literature and Art Department is arguing?" Wang Chen said.

"It seems to be..." Chen Yilang said.

A while ago, when he and his teammates from the logistics department went to work in the literature and art department, he had contact with people from the literature and art department. Although he did not know many of them, he could still hear many familiar voices.

"How about, let's go have a look?" The [excited] logo on Wang Chen's head flashed faster.

After confirming his eyes, he is a troublemaker again... Hearing that Wang Chen also expressed his true thoughts, Chen Yilang agreed immediately.

When it comes to doing things and joining in the fun, Chen Yilang's enthusiasm is no less than Wang Chen's.

So the two took a few younger brothers from the logistics department to temporarily leave the backstage to see what happened backstage.

Then I discovered that the one who had been making a fuss here was a man in a suit, leather boots, and sparsely oiled hair. He didn't look like a student.

"Who is this person?" Chen Yilang subconsciously asked Wang Chen next to him, without considering that Wang Chen probably didn't know this guy either.

In the end, I didn't expect Wang Chen to really know him: "It's Li Xiang, the former president of the school's student union! I heard that he seems to have graduated for seven or eight years, so why is he here?"

Seven or eight years after graduation?

That is indeed a veteran-level figure, no wonder it looks a little greasy... Chen Yilang couldn't help but glanced at Li Xiang's round general belly and the top of his head that looked particularly cool.

Not long after walking into the backstage, the two heard a rushing sound of high heels coming, it was Han Qiujing.

His speed was not much slower than that of Chen Yilang and Wang Chen. As soon as he heard the sound, he rushed over to inquire about the situation.

"what's up?"

"Don't you all have to work for such an important event tonight?"

"Or is it that you have finished all the work in your hands and are now bored?"

Han Qiujing said in a cold voice.

"Xiao Han, you came just in time."

Seeing Han Qiujing coming, Li Xiang immediately said to him: "We had a good talk before, and I also gave the sponsorship fee, which is not a lot, am I right?"

"Now someone from your Literature and Art Department suddenly told me to cancel my show, what does this mean?"

When he heard Li Xiang's words, Chen Yilang immediately realized that this character is definitely not simple at all.

After all, looking at the entire school student union, how many people dare to call Han Qiujing Xiao Han directly?

From this, it can be reasonably inferred that Li Xiang must have had friendship and cooperation with Han Qiujing before. Maybe Li Xiang was Han Qiujing's direct predecessor before.

"Canceling the show?" Han Qiujing was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of doubt on her face. Obviously, she didn't quite understand what was going on. "Why do you want to cancel the show?"

"You have to ask the people in your department." Li Xiang said.

"We didn't mean to withdraw, Chairman Han!" Ren Jing, Minister of Literature and Art, was also forced to stand up and explain: "That's right, Chairman Han..."

At this time, more and more students from the Student Union gradually gathered in the backstage.

Chen Yilang and Wang Chen mixed in, secretly listening to the ins and outs of the matter.

Actually, that's what happened.

As early as the preparatory stage of this year's school celebration party, Li Xiang contacted the outreach department of the student union and put forward a request for cooperation.

The specific cooperation method is that Li Xiang provides sponsorship fees for the school celebration party, and the student union will insert the advertisement of Li Xiang's current company in a performance on the day of the party.

And this show was almost the highlight of the whole party - the school song singing of Nanxuan University.

The performance form of this show is that a man and a woman sing a duet to interpret Nanxuan University's school song "Language of Nanxuan".

After all, it is a school song that symbolizes the spirit of the entire Nanxuan University, so in order to support the scene, the student union even contacted a very professional youth choir to perform harmony in the back, as well as two or three pairs of dancers.

This row is predictable.

Originally, Li Xiang was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Therefore, Li Xiang was also very generous and generous when he paid for the sponsorship. It can be said that he believed in the strength of the student union of his alma mater.

But just now, when the party was just halfway through, the Nantong University Student Union suddenly sent someone over to tell him that the show might be canceled.

And the most ridiculous reason is that the two professional singers they had talked about before suddenly released pigeons and stopped coming!

So the direct consequence is that there is no suitable singer to sing the school song!

Moreover, the school song of Nanxuan University is in the form of a duet of two men and women, so even if two players with a good professional level can be found temporarily, it is estimated that the cooperation degree may not be high enough for a while.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that Ren Jing, who was in desperation, wanted to propose the idea of ​​​​temporarily canceling the program, which was obviously not what she wanted.

However, having said that, Li Xiang is naturally completely unwilling to buy it.

"I spent so much money and boasted about Haikou in front of so many leaders, and now they are sitting there, waiting to see the 'friendship results' between me and my alma mater, and now you suddenly tell me that it's gone, my job Do you still want to do it?"

Li Xiang was so angry that his head was about to smoke like a steam train, "And just a few days ago, my immediate boss promised me that he would give me a promotion and a salary increase, and you fixed this for me today. out?"

With the sound of "ding", Chen Yilang saw a new state [Rage] popping up on top of Li Xiang's head.

[Rage: In this state, the target's [Strength Value] and [Agility Value] have been greatly improved, the attack has been greatly increased, and there is a greater probability of attacking [neutral units]! 】

It's over, this irritable old man is angry, and he will still attack indiscriminately. It is estimated that whoever is unhappy will fight whoever... Chen Yilang thought to himself.

However, Chen Yilang can understand Li Xiang quite well. After all, the latter did nothing wrong. Everything has been negotiated before. As a result, who knows that a wave of pigeons will be temporarily released by the student union. What about the explosion?

"I'm sorry Senior Brother, I'm really sorry!" Ren Jing was so frightened by Li Xiang's posture that she couldn't help but back up several steps, like a little white rabbit being forced back by a lion.

"I'm sorry? Your Ministry of Literature and Art played me like this, so I'm sorry now?" The [Rage] sign above Li Xiang's head suddenly flashed a special effect of flames, "If it's useful to be sorry, then what do you need the police to do!?"

【Ding! 】

[The neutral target [Li Xiang] used [Angry Roar], causing a lot of physical damage to a large number of targets around! 】

[[Angry Roar] caused a certain amount of physical damage to you, and you entered a short-term [stun] state! 】


Li Xiang's roar was like a Hong bell being struck heavily, and it shook Chen Yilang's head a little.

The feeling of this [stun] effect to the player is actually unusually real.

Ren Jing's damage is estimated to be even higher. Her little face has been turned white with fright, and she doesn't know what to say, so she can only keep repeating the word "sorry", it seems to be fast. cry out.

Although Ren Jing is already an old senior in junior year, she is still a student who deals more with each other on weekdays. It was the first time she saw a social person like Li Xiang, and she was immediately struck by his aura. Intimidated.

Han Qiujing's performance was the exact opposite, worthy of her status and aura as the student council president:

"Senior brother, calm down for a while. Our student union didn't handle this matter well. We apologize to you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"But now the top priority is to think of a remedy, so even if there is a slight possibility, we all hope that we can restore your losses as much as possible."

Han Qiujing said in a calm and calm voice, neither humble nor arrogant.

After listening to Han Qiujing's words, Li Xiang's expression softened a little, and his tone gradually slowed down:

"Okay, look at your little Han's face."

"But I have to say what I have to say. No matter what, I must come up with a plan that satisfies me."

"Otherwise, you only have two choices."

"Either hurry up and reschedule the show, or at least compensate me for more than three times the liquidated damages."

"These are all written clearly in black and white before. I didn't take advantage of others, and I didn't have a lion to open up."

"You can do it."

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