If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 290: Do a big event!

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up.

There was plenty of time. After Chen Yilang got up and brushed his teeth, he changed into a set of casual clothes and walked slowly towards the auditorium.

On the way, Chen Yilang walked and seemed to have discovered something.

That is, the bonus of his [Lucky Blessing] seems to have disappeared.

"So the effect of this [Lucky Blessing] is only one time... Will it be gone after you use it up to 100%?"

Chen Yilang felt a little pity.

After all, the effect of this [Lucky Bonus] is really easy to use. If there is another round, he should be able to play another monkey...

Thinking back a little now, Chen Yilang finds that his pattern seems to be a little smaller.

Why use the opportunity of [Lucky Blessing] to trick him into a monkey?

At that time, if I went directly to the lottery shop outside the school gate, I might have seen lottery tickets with [highlight marks]... Wouldn't it be cool?

It's a pity, it's a pity, as expected, I'm not an insatiable child...

Chen Yilang silently comforted himself.

Chen Yilang went to the receptionist at the entrance of the auditorium, took a student union badge, put it on his neck, and walked into the infield.

At this moment, there are still almost three hours before the official start of the party, and the student union is still finishing the final work.

Not long after walking into the auditorium, Chen Yilang felt a warm aura coming from his face.

Almost all the people from the various departments of the school's student union have been present. The work that should be done, the maintenance of order should be maintained, the fish and the water should be touched...

All in all, there are all kinds of living beings, and people who do what they do.

In this place tonight, Chen Yilang also saw a lot of boss-level people who are not usually seen in the student council.

For example, the students of the secretariat who usually do not show up easily, as well as the vice chairman of the student union Guan Lu and the chairman Han Qiujing, etc.

At this moment, these few people seem to be the central characters of the normal party. They are dealing with the crowds of other student union departments and third-party staff, constantly coordinating and arranging work.

Especially Han Qiujing, she put on extra delicate light makeup tonight, put on a black ol skirt, stepped on high heels, and showed her bumpy figure vividly.

All in all, it is quite aura.

Chen Yilang sighed like this, and slowly swayed away towards the unoccupied corner.

To be honest, he didn't really like this kind of overly lively and noisy occasion.

When I think of dealing with so many people coming and going, my nerves have to be in a tense state all the time, and it is estimated that any person will feel very tired.

Therefore, for Chen Yilang, the happiest time for the school celebration party is only after the party starts, when you can relax and enjoy the performance.

Unfortunately, he is destined to be a staff member tonight, and he will definitely not be able to watch the performance as easily as the audience.

What I didn't expect was that Chen Yilang was wandering around, and he actually saw a lot of acquaintances.

For example, Xiong Yuwei.

She is also the backbone of the sports department. When Chen Yilang saw her, she was wearing a cool and sassy basketball uniform, and her long hair was tied into a neat high ponytail.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Chen Yilang asked with a curious smile.

"Don't mention it, it's not the Northern Hemisphere Basketball Club. There is a fancy basketball show. You have to take me to participate, saying that there are not enough people." Xiong Yuwei shrugged helplessly. Come, but I heard that you entered the logistics department during that time, there must be a lot of things, and then forget it. "

"Damn, what a pity, next time will definitely." Chen Yilang also smiled helplessly.

In fact, he could vaguely feel in his heart that this might not be the real reason...

The real reason is probably that the Northern Hemisphere Basketball Club didn't plan to invite him at all... After all, when he was playing the All-Star Game, he was merciless at all, and brought a group of freshmen to beat the old bird team to pieces.

Now if I bring him over to perform the show together again, I always feel as if something is a little weird.

Besides Xiong Yuwei, Chen Yilang actually met the most unexpected person, that is Chen Jiahui.

It turned out that Chen Jiahui, who was later in the study department, was also attracted by the people in the study department. For the privileged study room dedicated to members of the student union, Chen Jiahui, who had always been uninterested in activities other than study, agreed to join.

In addition to these two people, there are other old school alumni who haven't seen each other for a long time... I didn't expect that on today's school anniversary night, everyone had a very rare encounter.

However, the time for happy fishing and paddling is always quite short.

Before he could chat with his old friends for a long time, Chen Yilang heard the voice of Ma Yichuan, the head of the logistics department, from a distance: "Students from the logistics department, come here to gather!"

There is no way, looking at this posture, it is estimated that there is work to be arranged.

So after hearing Ma Yichuan's voice, Chen Yilang walked over with other students from the logistics department.

"Our chairman Han Qiujing told me just now. Tonight, our task is to stay in the backstage of the stage, move things, organize costumes, act as a group performer, and do errands..."

"Although the work we do is not very technical, we still hope that everyone can take their work seriously."

"Chairman Han also said that after the party is over tonight, please go to Ali Mama to eat barbecue!"

After Ma Yichuan finished speaking, the students in the logistics department were also very supportive of the venue.

Afterwards, Ma Yichuan arranged for Cao Ze to take the students from the logistics department to the backstage to work first.

Like the ministers of other departments, Ma Yichuan had to stay in the venue to cooperate with the secretariat and the chairman, so Cao Ze, the vice chairman, temporarily took over the leadership of the team.

"Come with me." [Conspirator] Cao Ze said.

Hey, I'm going to work again... Chen Yilang only felt that every brain cell in his body seemed to be rejecting him, but he could only be forced to temporarily support his business.

As soon as he walked into the backstage, the scene in front of him made Chen Yilang dumbfounded on the spot.

The stage props that were thrown around, the costumes and bags scattered everywhere, the stage actors who were doing their makeup intensively, and the smell of makeup and dust in the air…

"Good guy, so this is the real backstage?" Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

Before that, his impression of every performance in the auditorium of Nanxuan University was solemn, solemn and lofty, but he never imagined the backstage position that people could not see before, it turned out to be so messy...

Today, it can be regarded as a complete eye-opening for him.

The other teammates in the logistics department were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene. How long does it take to clean up the mess in this place to finish this job?

Seeing that everyone was stunned, Cao Ze immediately encouraged with a smile: "Come on, let's go all out, let's try to solve the battle before entering the arena!"

"Okay!" The migrant workers in the logistics department replied energetically.

When did you become so motivated... Chen Yilang didn't react a little to this situation, so he could only reply.

Although Chen Yilang's time in the logistics department was not very long, it was enough for him to get a clear idea of ​​the urination of this group of teammates.

Unlike those scroll kings in the External Relations Department and the Secretariat, the biggest feature of the workers in the logistics department is that they are Buddhist, and they have the ability to lie down close to full level.

So, in the logistics department, it's really hard to see the enthusiasm of the staff, unless they can get off work early... Obviously, the school celebration tonight is unlikely to be the case.

However, the Buddhist system belongs to the Buddhist system, and the migrant workers are still very professional, and at least their work will be completed in a down-to-earth manner.

Fishing is good, but don't be greedy!

After hearing the energetic answers from his subordinates, Cao Ze nodded with satisfaction, and then began to arrange some tasks for everyone.

After doing this, he walked to the girls on the other side who were still doing makeup, and started chatting with them.

Chen Yilang is actually not surprised by Cao Ze's operation. According to Cao Ze's own words, this is called "socialization necessary for work", and it cannot be called simply chatting up girls and paddling water.

Cao Ze's reason is that the logistics department is a department with a low sense of presence in the student union. If there is not much communication and friendship with other departments, it will basically be directly marginalized.

Therefore, in the logistics department, someone must have the courage to stand up and undertake the work of communicating with other departments.

The Minister Ma Yichuan was too busy with the management of the department, and it was already a certainty that he would be promoted in the next school year. Naturally, he did not have so much energy to pay attention to this aspect.

So there is no other way, this arduous task can only fall on his hard-working deputy minister... Hey, I am really a good deputy minister with due diligence.

Sure enough, just as Chen Yilang expected, when Cao Ze walked away, the expressions of the surrounding teammates suddenly collapsed.

"Bah, I knew he must have no good intentions. He left us here to work, and then ran away at ease."

"That's right, it's like this every time, just arrange work for us, and find various reasons for doing nothing."

"Relax, you've all been here for so long, don't you know our Vice Cao's urination?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, do you still want to spend time volunteering? I heard that the school celebration party is twice as long!"

"Yeah, if Deputy Cao is offended, we won't be able to get it for a minute..."


Listening to the voices of the surrounding teammates, Chen Yilang also noticed that almost everyone was staring at a small sign in the shape of a dark cloud above their heads.

[Status: Resentment]

[Resentment: In this state, the target's various attribute values ​​will decrease, the aggression will increase, and [Resentment] will be continuously generated. When the accumulation of [Resentment] in the environment is high, there is a certain chance to generate [Resentment]. Breath], causing a certain amount of damage to the surrounding units! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】


Migrant workers are about to stand up... Chen Yilang thought silently.

But for a while, Chen Yilang didn't really dare to say more, so he could only listen secretly.

No, this can no longer be said to be eavesdropping, because the voices of the group of teammates chatting and complaining together are too loud. He is actually quite far away from them, but he can still hear clearly... It's embarrassing.

And he had to pretend that he didn't hear it, and pretended to work hard beside him.

Pretending to work hard is much more laborious than the work itself, because Chen Yilang has [Cotton Making Hammer] in his hand, so for him, most of the physical work is basically no big problem.

But in order not to attract the attention of others too much, he still had to show a look that looked extraordinarily hard, which was outrageous.

So in this way, Chen Yilang was doing his own work while secretly eavesdropping on the exchanges of his teammates around him.

After eavesdropping for a while, Chen Yilang discovered some things that he usually didn't notice.

——Almost half of the members of the logistics department were complaining about Cao Ze behind their backs.

Either it's talking about his black stuff, or it's talking bad about him.

Chen Yilang quietly pricked up his ears, feeling that he had caught some incredible news.

This is critical!

In the past, he just thought that conspirators like [Cao Ze] must have people who dislike him in the logistics department.

But what he didn't expect was that there were so many people who disliked him.

He hadn't had the opportunity to observe this situation on weekdays, but just today, taking advantage of this opportunity, these hidden news were successfully magnified exponentially.

"If that's the case, then I have nothing to worry about at all."

"Cao Ze's character is obvious to all. I can openly run for deputy minister, and maybe I will get a wave of unpopularity."

"After all, as long as there is a better choice than Cao Ze~www.readwn.com~ everyone will give up on him decisively..."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

But now, the time is clearly not ripe.

His heat is not enough, and now he still needs to do one very important thing, which is to leave a deep impression on everyone's heart.

After all, although his performance in the student council has been pretty good during this period of time, just relying on these piecemeal performances, there is no way to establish his image.

——He needs a big event!


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