If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 291: 【Fantastic Dance King】


Chen Yilang had to make a big deal out of it.

The so-called major event should be understood as an event that, as long as it is done successfully, it will be able to cause a sensation and make everyone in the entire student union remember them.

This kind of thing usually doesn't need to go through too much, just once.

And most people, most of the time, are extremely poor all their lives, maybe they have experienced that once.

For example, after sitting on the bench for a long time, Lin Laixian started his famous battle at the home of the New York Knicks.

Another example is Wei Xiang, who has been playing for decades, and finally appeared as the male lead in "The Killer Is Not Too Calm", and conquered all the audience with his acting skills...

It's like a volcano that has been burning silently for a long time, and finally waited for the day when it erupted at the end of the world.

——Chen Yilang felt that he should have been burning long enough.

It's not that Chen Yilang is arrogant, he just realizes that the days left for him to burn slowly are running out.

He had to erupt, and if he couldn't, he had to bite the bullet... because if he didn't, there would be no chance.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang didn't say anything, but buried his head and silently started his own work.

He also didn't join the conversation with other people, because he had a hunch in his heart that if he went up to chat at this time, he would be suspicious of a team.

After all, there are still half of the classmates who did not express their position. Although [conspirator] Cao Ze's trick seems quite clumsy, as long as he uses it a lot, there will always be a few who will be hooked.

At this time, the team is obviously not very wise.

What he needs to do now is to be a harmless little sheep, not to attract hatred or attract firepower, but to let people see his ability and strength.

So, with the help of [Cotton Making Hammer], Chen Yilang completed his task by making three out of five cuts.

"Uh, everyone, is there anyone else who needs my help?"

After finishing the work in his hand, Chen Yilang asked the surrounding teammates loudly,

【Ding! 】

[You used [Non-Human Work Efficiency], causing a lot of mental shock to a large number of [Workers]! 】

[You got: Gold +4831, Experience +2612! 】


Guys, with so much gold and experience, are you all so suspicious of my speed and power? Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly, isn't he not like those big muscled men who move bricks like drinking water?

"Xiao Chen, come and help!" a student said to him, "This piano is too heavy, let's lift it to the stage together!"

"?" Chen Yilang felt a pain in the ass: "Okay, here we come!"

Although the promise was very pleasant, Chen Yilang's mood at this time was very complicated.

He never imagined that he would lift heavy objects together. If so, he would not be able to blatantly use [Cotton-Made Hammer]...

But he can't directly say "I can carry it myself", after all, it is a piano, how can one person do it?

Unless you really grew up eating spinach...

Helpless, Chen Yilang could only grit his teeth and bite the bullet to carry the piano with them.

Fortunately, this is just an upright piano. If it is a grand piano, it is estimated that it cannot be pulled by manpower alone. It is necessary to invite some professional teams to come here...not the kind of team that plays suona.

There is only a short distance of less than 100 meters from the back of the stage to the top of the stage, but because of this piano, it has become so long and difficult...

Although several people carry it together, it is still not an easy task.

After finally successfully carrying the piano to the designated position, Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

When I looked down, my clothes were already wet.

Just one word... tired.

【Ding! 】

[Current [Physical Strength] is low, and your [Agility] and [Strength] have dropped significantly! 】


Chen Yilang looked at his character panel and found that not only his various attribute values, but also the length of his health bar was reduced.

To move a piano, he actually lost half of his life... that's outrageous.

"Thank you, brother!"

The students from the logistics department, who were sitting beside them, were also exhausted and panting frantically, while panting:

"It's fortunate to have you, otherwise this work would have to be delayed for at least half an hour."

"It's alright, it's just a little effort." Chen Yilang smiled and waved his hand, "Is there anything else I can help?"

"No more for now, hehe!" One of the dark-skinned boys grinned, "Let's go, bro, invite you to a Coke!"

"Ah? Is it okay?" Chen Yilang looked around, "This job..."

"The main thing is to carry this piano. It doesn't matter if you do other work or not!"

The dark-skinned boy tapped Chen Yilang's shoulder and smiled, "Aren't you worried about Deputy Cao?"

"Don't worry, he only dares to scare freshmen like you."

"You follow us, I dare to guarantee that he will never deduct your volunteer hours, I know where his beloved little tram is parked, if he dares, you know what will happen to him, hey hey-hey……"

You are great, bro! Chen Yilang silently gave a thumbs up to the ruthless elder brother, but it was a pity that the ruthless elder brother was actually not afraid of Cao Ze at all, because he did not need volunteer service hours at all. thing……

Brother Ruthless didn't know that the innocent and innocent looking younger brother in front of him was actually a "military training pacesetter", "class monitor", "college student entrepreneurship gold award team leader", "community club" "Long"... a more ruthless wolf annihilation in one.

You must know that any one of these titles can be exchanged for a lot of innovation credits.

Volunteering hours?

Only kids need to trade this stuff for innovation credits.

"So the reason why they are afraid of Cao Ze is because of this?" Chen Yilang laughed helplessly.

"What's wrong? Your expression sounds disdainful? Most students have to take this graduation exam, and not everyone is a boss." The dark boy smiled and joked, "Let's go, let's go out, go first Buy Coke!"

Chen Yilang naturally did not refuse, and followed a large group of boys led by dark boys, sneaking out of the auditorium before Cao Ze returned.

Along the way, Chen Yilang also found a new logo popped up above their heads.

【Status: Trust】

[Trust: In this state, the target’s aggression against you drops to zero, the probability of obedience to you increases by 50%, and the favorability increases by 10%! 】


Yes, that's right.

Believe it or not, friendship between boys is as simple as that.

Maybe one second, they had a hard fight, greeting each other for the three generations of their ancestors, but the next second, they could become good brothers directly because of a bottle of fat house happy water.

And of course that's not a bad thing.

Because according to Chen Yilang's observation, this dark-skinned boy named Wang Chen seems to be the big brother in the logistics department.

The large group of students who didn't have much of a cold against Cao Ze basically revolved around him.

That is to say, after this time, Chen Yilang inexplicably had a good relationship with Cao Ze's opponents in the logistics department.

And just before, he hadn't had a chance to say a few words to them.

"What would happen if Cao Ze became the minister?"

When talking about this topic, Chen Yilang pretended to ask casually.

"I don't know, it's none of my business."

Wang Chen shrugged, "If he becomes a minister, I'll apply for withdrawal from the club! It's not necessary to stay in the student union, just let him play by himself."

"And even if we don't leave, he will definitely support the newcomers he likes. It will be even more boring to stay here. It is better to leave on his own initiative."

"What if he didn't become a minister?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"Then keep doing it!" Wang Chen smiled happily, "I'm just like this anyway, I don't have any lofty goals or ideals, I'll work for anyone who pleases me, it's that simple!"

It turns out that you people in the city are so good at playing... Chen Yilang silently complained, and raised the happy water of the fat house in his hand to drink with Zhang Ran again.

After returning to the backstage of the auditorium, everyone saw Cao Ze waiting here.

"What's the matter with you? Strolling around again during working hours?"

Cao Ze put his hands on his hips, a rare irritable expression on his face.

His usual iconic Cao-style smile has disappeared completely at this moment.

"Oh, Deputy Cao, I'm sorry, we went to the bathroom just now."

Wang Chen hilariously slapped haha, with his unhurried appearance and demeanor, it seemed that he had been dealing and dealing with their deputy Cao a lot.

Going to the bathroom and holding a bottle of Coke alone? Does it mean that others treat others as fools if they don't get angry... Cao Ze's heart is galloping with 10,000 grass and mud horses. He really wanted to scold Wang Chen on the spot here, but then he thought about it. A little more conscientious.

He heard that Wang Chen was also considered a half-problem student. He had been punished three times in the first half year of school. If he really irritated this guy, he was very afraid that this guy would burn with him.

So until he officially becomes a minister, it is better to proceed with caution.

"Hmph, then let you be arrogant for a while." Cao Ze thought to himself.

"So what happened, Vice-Minister Cao?" Chen Yilang asked obediently when he saw that the two of them seemed to be froze.

You're not a good bird either, don't pretend to be so harmless... Cao Ze's eyebrows twitched, and he only felt a little pain in his eggs: "It's not a big deal, the school celebration party is about to start, come here to let you know, and hurry behind the stage to concentrate. "

"Okay, okay, I'll be there soon." Wang Chen still laughed.

After Chen Yilang glanced at the time, he found that it was indeed almost time, so he followed the people in the logistics department and walked behind the scenes all the way, talking and laughing.

The atmosphere in the backstage is completely different from that in the backstage.

Behind the scenes are actors who are about to take the stage, so most of them are ready to go on stage and fight at any time.

If you look down from the stage, you can see that the auditorium at this moment has been filled with people one after another.

The major alumni and guests sitting in the front row also took their seats one after another under the leadership of Han Qiujing and other school leaders.

The current atmosphere, when approaching the beginning of the party, gradually ignited slowly.

Chen Yilang, Wang Chen and the others sat in the corner behind the scenes, boredly looking at all the living beings around them.

By the time we got here, the workers in the logistics department had basically no more jobs, and they were just standing by and doing odd jobs.

And in order to maintain order, the staff behind the scenes were not allowed to chat, so Chen Yilang gradually felt a little boring.

At this moment, the new system prompt sounded in my mind again.

【Ding! 】

[Announcement: [Campus Carnival Day] The event day is coming to an end, let's enter the final stage first: the end of the carnival! 】

[The end of the carnival: the duration is from 8:00 to 12:00 today, the [heat wave stage] has been generated, please enjoy the last happiness! 】


"The end of the carnival?"

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that today's event day was officially started now.

But what does this "stage has been generated" mean?

Chen Yilang was puzzled, and then his eyes subconsciously drifted through the curtain to the front of the stage.

"..." Then he widened his eyes.

——Because the entire spacious and huge stage has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

A striking and bright light band, after chasing its own tail like a long snake on the surface of the stage, quickly formed a ring of light.

And the circular area formed by this ring pops up a familiar system logo.

[Field: Heatwave Stage].

[Heatwave Stage: The area generated during the [Campus Carnival Day] event. 】

[Details: It is said that a long, long time ago, [Nanxuan University] gave birth to a talented dance wizard. Every audience who has seen him sing and dance rap will inevitably have a crush on this self-proclaimed "fanatic dancer" The dance lover was deeply impressed~www.readwn.com~ On the day of the graduation ceremony, he put on his favorite big gold chain and sunglasses, the coolest flower shirt and pointed leather shoes , on this stage, he completed his most highlight performance in four years of college... 】

[Since then, the name of this stage has been named "Fever Stage". 】

[Effect: During the event of [Campus Carnival Day], players who enter the field of [Fever Stage] will receive [Blessing] from [Fever Dance King]! 】

[In the state of [Blessing], players will automatically master the skills [lv9 singing], [lv9 jumping] and [lv9rap]! 】



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