If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 289: 【Ice Popsicle Party】

【Ding! 】

[You used [Heartless Rejection], causing tons of mental damage to [lv14 Rogue Party]! 】

[[lv14 Rogue Party] has been killed! 】

[You got: Gold +3012, Experience +1872! 】

[Intelligence: The young, frivolous, and full of enthusiasm, the fierce stick party can no longer be ignited... Your repeated attacks and suppression have completely extinguished his domineering arrogance. From this heavenly device, the [Royal Stick Party] has officially become: [The Popsicle Party]. 】


Chen Yilang: "?"

Good guy, the popsicle party is okay...

Since you are called the [Pseudo Popsicle Party], can you just order Wangwang crushed ice and green good mood by the way? If it really doesn't work, the Seven Dwarfs can...

Chen Yilang complained silently, but found that the logo on Zhang Ran's head had actually changed. Not only was it downgraded to [lv13 Popsicle Party], but it also really radiated cool air around him.

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[Because of suffering a lot of mental damage and attacks, the cold-hearted [popsicle party] triggered the passive skill [Cold Air Shock]! 】

[[Cold air shock] is coming, please be careful to avoid damage! 】



Hiss, it still hurts... Chen Yilang shivered subconsciously.

However, the damage of this [Cold Air Shock] is just a wave of things, and it will pass after it is over, and basically there will be no follow-up damage, which is equivalent to the death whisper effect after the death of [Fighting Stick Party]...

In this way, Chen Yilang has nothing to worry about. After the level has been raised, his current body is already rough and fleshy, and he can basically bear this damage.

"Support support, just half a month!"

"That's right, me too!"

"Let's talk about it, a month is still too long, and it will pass by dragging on the heat, or if the Vivid Shuangxie Association is not good enough, they will pass by!"

"I'm also in favor of half a month!"

"Hey hey hey, it's just like watching these profiteers who draw flat cakes play and kill themselves!"


Zhang Ran completely felt despair.

The surrounding [melon-eating crowd] evaluations were almost completely one-sided. Everyone was talking for Chen Yilang, and some even shouted "Lang Ge, look at that is Lang Ge." Zhang Ran's blood pressure was about to rise.

Who the **** is this guy? Why are you all talking to this stinky guy?

Just because this guy looks better than me?

"Okay...for half a month, then half a month!"

Under the pressure of various public opinions coming from all directions, he finally agreed through gritted teeth.

"Senior Zhang Ran, this is what you said!" Chen Yilang smiled happily, "I remember it!"

In this way, under Chen Yilang and the all-around [melon-eating crowd], Zhang Ran could only admit his failure and agreed to Chen Yilang's conditions.

This Apple mobile phone is worth tens of thousands of dollars, and he can only bite the bullet and pay for it himself.

There is no way, after all, so many people around have heard what Zhang Ran said. If he dares to go back on his words in this situation, once it is exposed, this group of sand sculpture netizens who like to make troubles will definitely be able to put him back in minutes. Sending it to the hot search of the campus forum, then he will have no face to continue to mix in Nanxuan University... Especially since he is the founder of the double association, and he recently has the idea of ​​running for the Association of Social Associations, which is even more deadly a blow.

In this way, Chen Yilang took Xia Ling and took today's huge victory.

After the hoop booth game was over, the two walked around the entire playground together again, experiencing all the fun things they wanted to play and the delicious things they wanted to eat.

After all, in the review week, which is no different from fighting a war, a day like the school celebration where you can revel and be reckless is really a rare existence.

"You are amazing." After walking around, Xia Ling couldn't help but praised on the way back, "I didn't expect you to be so good at a small game like hooping."

"No, no, it's just luck." Chen Yilang smiled.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Humble and Low-key], and won the favor of [npc Xia Ling]! 】

[[npc Xia Ling] Current favorability: 63%! 】


Ah this?

I'm not being humble, I'm telling the truth... Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

He is really just seeking truth from facts. If it weren't for the fact that he just happened to meet the system's [event day] today and was put on a layer of lucky buff, according to Chen Yilang's consistent and steady style of play, it would be absolutely impossible to insist. Scalp to challenge the double-association ring game.

And as long as there is this bonus of [Lucky Blessing], let alone playing hoops, even if you play chickens and ducks and cows and monkeys, it's completely out of the question... Oh no, he is indeed a troll today. That's right, monkey, nothing wrong with it.

At this time, it was almost noon.

After taking Xia Ling for another lunch, Chen Yilang returned to the dormitory during the lunch break.

After looking at the time, I can just rest for an hour and prepare well for the afternoon work and tonight's highlight.

——Tonight is the long-awaited school celebration party.

When all the teachers and students of the school were still having a good time on the playground, the student unions of various colleges and all the members of the school-level student unions were still busy in the auditorium.


What does this have to do with the grassroots staff in the logistics department that I work professionally?

All morning, he had not received a call from Cao Ze and Ma Yichuan, indicating that most of the important tasks in the logistics department were not arranged.

If that's the case, then I can only take a nap in peace.

Before falling asleep, Chen Yilang briefly communicated with the manager of the Flower Club on WeChat about the recent situation in the club.

During this time, he didn't have time to take care of the flowers, so he could only understand the situation in this way.

However, nothing major or important has happened recently on Fanhua's side. Luoluo Jiang's labor contract has been signed, and now she is basically singing every night.

The Magic Hands Club has also been in existence and has been operating very well.

This made Chen Yilang couldn't help but have a feeling——

Everything is going well~www.readwn.com~ It seems that everything that has happened recently has been very relaxed and pleasant.

Especially today, he and Xia Ling had a wonderful morning thanks to the system activity day and the [Lucky Blessing] effect.

"According to this situation, today should be very pleasant, right?"

"If nothing else, the school celebration party must be the same..."

Chen Yilang thought so, and gradually fell asleep.



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