If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Two hundred and eighty-eight [shake before casting]

【Ding! 】

[The bonus of [Lucky Blessing] detected has reached the highest level! 】

[The lucky effect has been successfully activated! 】


When the sound of the system sounded again, a miraculous scene happened under the gaze of almost everyone in the audience.

The ring that was thrown by Chen Yilang and had a [highlight mark] floated right above the monkey doll.

As if attracted by a sudden external force, its gravity suddenly increased, and then it fell straight down in the afternoon.

Bia snorted, and, accurately, put it on the monkey doll.

He even stumbled a little or two.


At this moment, the whole place was dead silent.

Immediately afterwards, there was a turbulent undercurrent.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Non-Human Operation], causing tons of mental damage to [lv14 Rogue Party]! 】

[You got: Gold +1982, Experience +1021! 】

【Ding! 】

[You used [non-human operation], causing huge mental shock damage to a large number of [melon eaters] on the field! 】

[You got: Gold +3334, Experience +1821! 】


"Cow... awesome!?"

"What the hell? Got caught, got caught!"

"I r me r? So was there some hallucination in my eyes just now? I seem to see the circle being sucked by the monkey?"

"Gan! What kind of looping trick is this? Newton has to shake his head when he sees it, okay?"

"Is this the ring that the bosses play? It doesn't seem to be the same game at all as I understand it?"


For a while, the melon-eating crowd around them suddenly fried the pot.

The shocked voices from all walks of life drowned out the ring stall in an instant, attracting the surrounding cotton candy stalls, werewolf killing stalls and even the friends of the cheap second-hand book stalls to put down what they were doing. The hoops stand here to see what's going on.

At this time, Zhang Ran himself, who witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, couldn't control his excitement, and blurted out a beautiful Chinese sentence: "Fucking mud horse, how is it possible!?"

It's impossible, absolutely impossible!

Even the monkeys are covered, is this reasonable? This is not reasonable!

Zhang Ran said that she could not accept this fact.

However, his embarrassed roar caused almost all the melon eaters around him to get excited.

With the mentality of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, some mischievous students who like to make trouble shouted loudly in the crowd: "iPhone!"

This roar directly opened the prelude.

The people who eat melons have a good understanding of each other, and they know what the other party wants to do as soon as they hear it, so they all followed behind him and shouted:





【Ding! 】

[A large number of [Melon Eaters] launched the skill [Cry Wave], causing a lot of physical and mental damage to the [lv14 Rogue Party]! 】

[You got: Gold +2112, Experience +1021! 】

[[lv14 Rogue Party] was hit hard by [wave of cries] and entered a state of [distress]! 】


At this moment, Zhang Ran just came back to his senses and realized that he seemed to have a little gaffe just now.

But the current state seems to have begun to get out of his control. This big gang of melon eaters is not too concerned to watch the fun. Now he suddenly has a feeling of standing on the stage, unable to find the steps to go down. a feeling of.


Or the latest version?


He didn't put this thing in his budget at all. If Chen Yilang really won it, it would not be enough to drain all the funds of the entire department!

In desperation, Zhang Ran, whose face was flushed red, could only stand up immediately, trying to maintain order around him: "Cough, fellow students, please be patient! Please listen to my explanation about the iPhone. …”

"It's okay to explain, no problem! It's not too late to give us the prize first." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Interjection] to interrupt the casting front of [lv14 Rod Party]'s skill [Crazy Sophistry], causing a lot of mental damage to it! 】

[You get: Gold +1832, Experience +1021! 】


"No, I...that..." After Zhang Ran was interrupted by a sudden sentence from Chen Yilang, he couldn't organize a new language.

Seeing Zhang Ran's hesitant appearance, the melon-eating crowd who were watching the fun and not being too big seemed to be even more excited:

"A society as big as the Shuangxie Association, shouldn't it want to default on its debts!"

"That's right, so many of us can see it clearly, that circle is on the monkey!"

"Yes, yes, the rules of the game are also clearly written on the board. As long as you can get a monkey, you can get an iPhone!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if Zhang Ran goes back on his word, it will be too unstructured!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter what you say, you're ashamed!"


There was a lot of chatter and chatter, which instantly made Zhang Ran retreat in his heart.

At first, he had planned to forcefully explain that this wave of iPhones was a gimmick, and they didn't prepare iPhones at all, but when he saw the crowd's voices, it seemed a bit scary. All of a sudden, he shrank his neck and cowardly fell.

"Everyone, you think too much!"

"How could our double associations do something like this?"

"I just want to explain that we don't have any Apple mobile phones in stock for the time being, so we can't get them immediately after winning the prize. It will take some time for our prizes to be distributed..."

"So how long does it take?" Chen Yilang asked.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ran said, "... within this semester, the end of the recent semester, everyone has a lot of things to do, you also have to prepare for the exam, right?"

"One semester? It's outrageous, senior. After a semester has passed, Apple 18 will come out." Chen Yilang said.

Among the surrounding melon-eating crowd, there was another burst of laughter.

Although Chen Yilang's words were a little exaggerated, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

It takes a semester to get the prize. Although it is nearing the end of the semester, there is still a bit of suspicion of playing Tai Chi.

"...a month is enough, right?"

Zhang Ran was a little embarrassed by the laughter from all around him, his face flushed slightly, his teeth grinned, and he said with a mask of pain.

He didn't actually want to play Tai Chi with Chen Yilang.

He just wanted to delay the time tactically.

Because Double Twelve is approaching recently, he wants to take advantage of that time to buy another Apple, or maybe he can get a discount event or something...

Although he is not sure if there is, but this thing is not sure, what if?

He has no stock, so he can only buy it with the funds of the club, or maybe he has to pay for it himself...

And whether other members agree to move the funds is still a problem, after all, this is not a small amount.

All in all, no matter what, this time, Zhang Ran is definitely going to lose blood, the difference is just whether he loses more or less...

At this moment, Zhang Ran really wanted to cry without tears.

Originally, he thought that he could smash a piece of wool on the body of Chen Yilang, a foolish apprentice~www.readwn.com~ But he didn't expect that the person who was finally stabbed was himself...

No, Chen Yilang, where is the wool?

This is to pluck out the wool, then drain the blood for nourishment, and finally bring a large pot of boiling water to simmer the whole sheep.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Yilang still didn't give him a chance: "It's still too long, half a month!"

When Zhang Ran heard this, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted on the spot.

You nasty stinky bastard... I remember it!



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