If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 287: 【High-end operation】

【Ding! 】

【The lucky effect has been activated! 】

The moment he heard the system prompt, the corner of Chen Yilang's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

In fact, Chen Yilang's hunch was even faster than the prompt popped up by the system.

Because the moment the ferrule left his palm, he realized - this time, there's a show!

Two seconds later, the ring that was flutteringly thrown away settled down like dust.

And at this same instant, the continuous laughter that surrounded Chen Yilang all the time came to an abrupt end.

—Because the collar, unmistakably, fell on top of the brand new, delicate lipstick that was still in the box.

The whole place was suddenly silent.

【Ding! 】

[You used [High-end Operation], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv14 Rogue Party]! 】

[You got: Gold +1967, Experience +1023! 】

【Ding! 】

[You used [High-end Operation], causing a lot of mental damage to a large number of [Neutral Units]! 】

[You got: Gold +3467, Experience +2023! 】

"Damn it, he actually got caught?"

"How did you do it? I didn't see the flight path of the loop clearly just now."

"I saw it. The thief is **** tricky. It's not an operation that humans can throw out."

"Tsk tsk tsk, then from this perspective, this guy has operations. No wonder he bought a hundred of them in one go."

"Just blow it up. Are you sure it's not a probability that depends on the number of times? He just got lucky and got this lipstick."

"Hehe, you're good to go? If I give you two hundred hoops, you can only go home empty-handed!"

The surrounding people chattered, and from the beginning of all kinds of ridicule, it gradually evolved into a heated discussion.

But at this time, the person with the most ugly expression was naturally Zhang Ran himself.

Seeing Chen Yilang take off his lipstick, Zhang Ran suddenly felt a burst of heartache.

He never imagined that Chen Yilang's luck would be so good, he bought a hundred rings, and only used about half of it, he got the lipstick.

Then there is no way to do it now, I can only hope that none of Chen Yilang's remaining circles will be caught.

People can get lucky from time to time, but they can't always go this far, right?

That's very Fei Yangshou...

I saw that Chen Yilang temporarily stopped the game, found a Shuangxie student who was acting as a staff member, and exchanged the lipstick for the prize.

"Hey, it's for you."

Chen Yilang walked to Xia Ling and stuffed the lipstick into her hand.

"Huh? This is for me?"

Xia Ling obviously did not expect Chen Yilang's behavior, and was stunned for a while, clutching the lipstick in his hand, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded naturally.

"But..." Xia Ling hesitated.

"It's okay, it's okay, just take it." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "And even if you give it to me, I won't be able to use it."

It turns out that Chen Yilang worked so hard to put on that lipstick, is it for me... Xia Ling blushed slightly, and whispered: "Thank you..."

【Ding! 】

[You used [Unexpected Surprise], which shocked [npc Xia Ling], and received thanks from [npc Xia Ling]! 】

[[npc Xia Ling]'s favorability has been improved! 】

[Current favorability: 61%]

Seeing that Xia Ling's favorability has skyrocketed again, Chen Yilang felt extremely happy.

The excitement of exchanging a lipstick for a girl is totally worth it.

But what Chen Yilang wants to ask is, why hasn't the new event line and other quests been triggered... Except for the plot line of the student union, he hasn't continued to push the main quest seriously for a long time.

After the lipstick was given to Xia Ling, Chen Yilang had no plans to stop the game.

Even... this is just the beginning.

He came back to the throwing line and continued to throw the circle.

This time, there were no more noisy laughter and lively voices around.

Almost all the melon eaters in the audience were watching Chen Yilang's operation seriously at this moment...or a performance.

After all, this person still has about fifty hoops in his hands, and no one can guess if something unexpected will happen next.

So Chen Yilang continued to start his game.

This time, his goals clearly shifted.

After taking away the lipstick on the field, his goal was replaced by a red envelope.

The red envelope is a little less difficult than lipstick, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Without a little skill and technique, there's absolutely no way to score a brace just by relying on things like luck.

At least Zhang Ran doesn't believe that Chen Yilang's luck can be so good.

The ring game continues.

And the system beep has never been interrupted.

[Lucky Blessing: 50%]

[Lucky Blessing: 60%]

【Lucky Blessing: 70%】

When the value of [Lucky Blessing] reached 80%, Chen Yilang heard a familiar voice again.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[The value of the current lucky blessing is higher, and the level of the [lucky] state has been improved! 】

【Ding! The current lucky effect has been triggered! 】

"Ness." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

So, sure enough, the ring thrown this time hit the red envelope on the field again.



A large gasp sound came from all directions.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Brace twice], causing mental damage to a large number of [neutral units]! 】

[You got: Gold +3213, Experience +1876]

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[A large number of [Neutral Targets] activated the skill [Breathing Air], and the temperature of the surrounding environment is rapidly dropping! 】

【You have suffered low temperature damage! 】



The low temperature damage is okay... Chen Yilang did feel that the skin on the surface of the body also felt a very cool feeling at this time, but this damage was not much different from scratching.

"I got caught, why did he get caught again?"

"This guy is awesome. After this wave, it seems that the double association is starting to lose money?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't tell me, I'm really curious, how much money is in that red envelope?"

"In any case, it should be comparable to that lipstick..."

The melon-eating crowd began to discuss again.

At the same time, while the masses were chatting and laughing, there were also many scattered people who left the Shuangxie ring booth ahead of schedule.

These people who left early were also quite tacit understanding, because they all felt that there was nothing worth seeing so far.

After all, the most valuable red envelopes and lipsticks on the field have already been taken away by Chen Yilang, so the remaining chicken feathers are really meaningless, the kind that are too lazy to give away.

Everyone thought that the game should almost end here, but only Chen Yilang knew that it was far from the time.

Lipstick and red envelopes are actually not Chen Yilang's real purpose.

From the very beginning until now, what Brother Lang really wants has always been only one.

- Zhang Ran's monkey.

Yes, that's right, Chen Yilang wanted to trap him, literally.

This is also the reason why he only drafted a small ferrule, because only a small ferrule could fall into the small hole surrounded by several peaks and have a little chance to set his monkey.

At this point, Chen Yilang actually began to understand a little what the meaning of this monkey design was.

This monkey surrounded by several peaks, isn't UU reading www.uukanshu.com the sun-poo monkey that was pressed down by the Tathagata Buddha with the Five Elements Mountains...

Using this circle to contain the sloppy monkey, isn't it equivalent to Tang Sanzang subduing the sloppy monkey with a tight-hoop spell?

After putting away the red envelope again, Chen Yilang started to attack his final target.

The moment the next collar was thrown out, everyone present was stunned at this moment.

-Because this time, Chen Yilang's target was actually that monkey!


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