If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Two hundred and eighty-six [lucky blessing]


Chen Yilang felt a little numb.

Good guy, this [Fighting Stick Party] doesn't talk about martial arts, it's just a fighter among profiteers!

Temporary price increases, especially doubled, are **** outrageous.

"No, senior, do you want to increase the price?" Another passerby student on the side was also a little lost, and couldn't help but ask.

"No, I didn't tell you." Zhang Ran pointed at Chen Yilang and Xia Lingdao, "I only add their price."

"Oh, that's it, that's all right, I want twenty laps." The passers-by and students immediately said happily, "I must confuse your monkey, senior, today."

Chen Yilang: "???"

Set of monkeys?

I really want to trick you monkey now...

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Rogue Party] used [Tit-to-Tit], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【hp-524! 】


The damage was even higher.

It seems that the power of this stubborn party cannot be underestimated. It is indeed a monster with a very low anger threshold and a very high aggressiveness and danger. It is indeed a little bit difficult to overcome.

"Then I'll try it out first, it's alright, right?"

Chen Yilang pointed to the sign beside him and said.

It's clearly written, everyone can try it once, but there are no prizes for the trial, and even if you can really get a monkey, you won't be able to get an iPhone.

"Yeah." Zhang Ran nodded impatiently. He was naturally reluctant, but everyone around him had already cast suspicious eyes, so he could only agree.

Otherwise, if you don't even give the chance to try it, it would be too stingy.

And this rule is clearly written on the brand by their double association. If they go back on it at this time, there is indeed a point that cannot be justified.

In this way, Chen Yilang got two big rings and two small rings, and he and Xia Ling had two rings each.

Xia Ling tried first. She threw two rings one after another, but all of them were missed and landed directly on the grass.

"Oh." Xia Ling sighed regretfully, "This is a lot harder to play than it looks!"

"Really? I'll try it too."

Chen Yilang was eager to try, and after grabbing the position, he shot decisively and threw the ring out.

Then unexpectedly, it was exactly the same as what Xia Ling said.

The rings provided by Shuangxie to tourists are all made of plastic. It feels like a fluffy feather in the hand. There is no way to control the direction of its flight and the position of its landing point by conventional means.

So the moment Chen Yilang threw it away, the ring floated left and right, and it landed on the grass not far in front of him.

Chen Yilang heard a low burst of laughter from all around him.

【Ding! 】

[You were taunted by [neutral unit x14]! 】



North, what's so funny?

Acting like you're awesome?

Chen Yilang complained silently, when he heard another voice from the system.

【Ding! 】

[The passive effect of [Carnival] has been triggered! 】

[Current Luck Value: 1%]



"What is this?"

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, this seemed to be a new way of boating that he had never encountered before.

But... what does this lucky value mean?

Brother Lang fell into contemplation again.

At the same time, for some unknown reason, he felt that the term seemed to be quite familiar...


Another new aura suddenly emerged from Chen Yilang's forehead.

In order to verify his guess, Chen Yilang threw out the other ring in his hand.

This time his luck was a little better, the collar was just a little bit worse, and it landed on a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, but it still fell.

【Ding! 】

[Current Luck Value: 2%]

"Knew it."

At this moment, Chen Yilang finally successfully verified his guess.

——In the state of [Carnival], every time he tries to lose the ring, he can add a bit of luck to himself!


Chen Yilang suddenly realized something, and suddenly took a breath.

He understood something.

Isn't this thing... the diamond treasure hunting mechanism in the League of Kings? !

As long as the lottery draws 201 times, the king crystal will be released!

Thinking that in order to open a Han Xin, he really had to bite the bullet 201 times.

If that's the case, then everything will be fine...

"This game seems to be a bit difficult, are we still playing?"

Chen Yilang was still wandering in the sky, until Xia Ling tugged at the hem of his clothes, he suddenly came back to his senses.

"This circle is so expensive. It will cost a lot of money to play, and you may not be able to get anything." Xia Ling whispered, "And that senior doesn't seem to like us very much... Do you know the reason?"

Of course I know, he just looks at me upset, you are the one by the way, Aiwu Jiwu... Chen Yilang thought to himself.

When Xia Ling said these words, Chen Yilang noticed that her eyes were looking in a certain direction on the stall intentionally or unintentionally.

He followed Xia Ling's line of sight and found something she had been paying attention to.

——The lipstick that many girls are frantically throwing rings at.

But of course, as a straight man, Chen Yilang naturally doesn't know what brand of lipstick it is, let alone what shade it is, just like a straight girl can't tell which is Tiga and which is Dina.

But whether Xia Ling likes it or not, Chen Yilang can still tell.

After all, this girl who can't hide her thoughts on her face, her eyes like autumn water are already full of expectations.

Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing and said, "Play, why don't you play?"

"But..." Xia Ling was still a little hesitant at this time, but saw that Chen Yilang had already walked towards Zhang Ran.

"Why?" Seeing Chen Yilang coming over again, Zhang Ran glanced at him angrily, "I just said I would increase the price, it's no use begging me."

"I didn't say I asked you, why are you excited?" Chen Yilang spread his hands and said calmly, "I'm here to discuss something with you."

"Speak up if you have something to say, and let it go if you have a fart." Zhang Ran said impatiently.

"I want to buy a hundred small circles." Chen Yilang said, "I bought so many at once. The original price of two hundred yuan should not be too much for me, right?"

"What did you say?" Zhang Ran wondered what was wrong with his ears.

"I said, I want to buy a hundred small circles." Chen Yilang repeated.

"..." Zhang Ran was dumbfounded.

After confirming that there is no problem with his ears, there is only one possible answer left - something is wrong with Chen Yilang's brain.

After all, in these days, who would buy a hundred hoops to play at a hooping booth in one go!

Even if you are really rich, you can't live like this, right?

If this brain is still normal, then this person is pure and innocent.

"Hello? What's the situation? Squeak, but you are."

Seeing Zhang Ran's appearance as if his soul was about to leave his body, Chen Yilang said again.

The former came to his senses just now, and quickly thought about it in his heart.

Although buying a hundred circles in one go to play this kind of thing no matter how outrageous it sounds, if you put these aside, if you can earn these two hundred dollars, it is still very fragrant...

And to be honest, the cost of their double association coming here today to set up this booth, if you have to count it, is actually not that big.

The real bulk of the expenses actually comes from the lipstick on the booth, and the other is the red envelope.

However, the setting of this red envelope, Zhang Ran actually had a little bit of scheming.

After all, no one knew how much cash was in it, so Zhang Ran stuffed a lot of one dollar in it, making the red envelope look very bulging, and placed it in a particularly tricky position. They successfully created the illusion of a lot of small money inside.

But in fact, the entire red envelope is only 88 yuan...

So the most precious thing in the audience is actually that lipstick.

As for the monkey that symbolizes the latest iPhone?

If it doesn't exist, it's fine, that thing can't be caught even if the king and Lao Tzu come, and it's not counted in it at all.

But that lipstick is not a particularly luxurious brand. If Zhang Ran remembers correctly, it seems to be only about 200 yuan.

And the point is, Zhang Ran can almost conclude that just by how tricky he is with the placement of the prizes, it is almost impossible for anyone to get this lipstick and this red envelope.

Unless you are really determined like Chen Yilang and just buy a bunch of ferrules and throw them away, there is still some hope... but it's not too big.

All in all, no matter what, as long as Chen Yilang spends these two hundred dollars and goes back 10,000 steps, even if this guy can really wear this lipstick, he Zhang Ran will at least pay back the money properly. , there is no such claim at all.

Moreover, when Chen Yilang and Xia Ling were playing the game just now, Zhang Ran had a panoramic view of the skills of these two guys.

In this regard, Zhang Ran's evaluation of the skills of these two guys is that it's hard to say...

To sum up, selling these 100 small circles to Chen Yilang is a sure-fire business.

When thinking of this, Zhang Ran actually felt a little bit sorry in his heart, but then he thought again, this person is Chen Yilang, then it's alright...

After all, when the new conference was recruited, this guy didn't make a lot of fun with him, but now he's a little tricked by himself, is there a problem? no problem.

Even if there is a problem, it is not a big problem.

So Zhang Ran felt a lot more at ease. With the idea of ​​picking up another wave of Chen Yilang's wool at the end, he said, "Two hundred and fifty yuan."

"Two hundred and three." Chen Yilang said.

"Two hundred and four." Zhang Ran refused to forgive.

"Then two hundred and two." Chen Yilang didn't take his cues at all.

"Okay, okay, two hundred and two, just two hundred and two!" Zhang Ran quickly agreed.

A little more is a little, and now he is even worried that Chen Yilang will go back on it.

I saw that this unscrupulous junior brother Chen Yilang also took out his mobile phone quite simply, and paid directly by scanning the code, without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Xia Ling on the side also showed a surprised and distressed expression: "Why did you buy so much? Wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

"No, no, how can it be wasted?" Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Don't underestimate this pile of circles, you can change your lipstick and come back."

"Eh?" Xia Ling was slightly startled, her cherry lips slightly parted.

She really didn't expect that, on weekdays, she looks like a straight brother Lang.

After Chen Yilang paid the money, Zhang Ran instructed his members to take back all the rings on the field, then counted 100 of them, and stacked them all beside Chen Yilang. .

And this scene naturally attracted the attention of many people around.

"I'm going, who is this person? Where did he get so many rings?"

"Good guy, with this posture, I'm afraid that all the booths will be cleared?"

"Hehe, I think this person is a fool with a lot of money. Let's spend a little money just to be happy, but this kid is pure greed!"

"I'd like to see what kind of **** he can pull out of his pile of rings."


Before he knew it, Chen Yilang was surrounded by people eating melons.

But of course, most people want to see Chen Yilang make a fool of himself.

After all, because this guy bought 100 sets of rings in one go, other players wouldn't have to play for a while, so he was forced to enter the spectator mode helplessly.

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[You have entered the [focus] state! 】


Chen Yilang's brain directly filtered out the system's prompt sound, grabbed a collar and put it in his hand first, and then started to shoot.

With a wave of his hand, he threw the ring towards the place where the lipstick was placed.

call out.

The first ferrule thrown out was not unexpectedly lost, and landed on the grass again, without catching anything.

There was another low-pitched laughter around.

However, Chen Yilang didn't care at all.

Because he heard the sound from the system again.

【Ding! 】

[Current lucky value: 3%]


"Sure enough."

Seeing this, Chen Yilang strengthened his thoughts even more.

So he threw the second one, but unfortunately it was empty again.

Then, just as he expected, the luck value changed again.

[Current Luck Value: 4%]

So he followed suit and threw the next, the next, the next...

During this period, the laughter around has not stopped.

Although it doesn't feel very good to say, I have to admit that it is indeed a bit of a relief to watch the big head throwing misses frantically.

However, Chen Yilang was completely indifferent to the reactions of the people around him.

He just concentrates on playing the ring game and keeps targeting that lipstick... that's all.

During this period, Chen Yilang also threw out a few outrageous rings. They were not covered with lipstick, but were covered with some incredible things.

For example, this thing called a "nunchaku show ticket" or something.

According to the double association, as long as you have this coupon in your hand, you can take this coupon to the double association's activity room to watch a simple nunchaku show for free after school... What's so outrageous? Shit, please don't go too!

What's even more outrageous is that this coupon is actually set as the third prize, that is to say, second only to the special prize monkey, and the first and second prize red envelopes and lipsticks...

But ~www.readwn.com~ this is not what Chen Yilang cares about.

Until [Lucky Blessing] just reached 50%.

The moment Chen Yilang threw the next collar out, he heard the system's voice——

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[Currently, the bonus of [Lucky Blessing] is high, and the lucky effect has been activated! 】



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