If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Twenty-nine [sign-in] tasks

Chen Yilang began to doubt life.

Compared with the previous time when the memory bread was synthesized with the blueprint, the synthesis success rate of this thing was extremely low.

Chen Yilang couldn't remember how long he tried.

He only knew that the materials he had worked so hard to save during this period of time were almost at the bottom.

Not right.

I can't see Low for the time being. After all, he still has a lot of [waste] in his library.

When Chen Yilang was about to give up struggling...

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! You have successfully synthesized! 】

[Consumed materials: [Spirit of Scholar x3] [Soul of Immortal Cultivator x3] [Study Scum x10]]

[Get: Crystal Cold Spring Water x1]

[Crystal Cold Spring Water: After using this item, it will purify the target's [anxiety], [fear], [nervous]... and other negative states, and enter the [calm] state. 】

[Calm: In this state, the target's mental attributes and intelligence attributes are improved. 】

Chen Yilang felt a little pained.

Although it looks very powerful, but if you take a closer look, why does it feel like a sedative?

However, since it is a prop given by the system, it should be much easier to use than the sedative in reality.

Moreover, he has only just mastered the [synthesis technique], and he really can't expect to be able to make a big guy all at once.

Chen Yilang put [Jinghan Spring Water] into his backpack.

I don't know when it will come in handy. I guess I'll take it out and use it when the emo is suddenly suppressed by the Internet one night.

The somewhat sleepy Chen Yilang yawned, got up to take a shower, and was about to go to sleep.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang wildly.

Chen Yilang clicked on WeChat, and sure enough, it was their class group that was frying.

For the senior high school dogs, tonight is the day of their liberation, and it is impossible to justify without a little carnival.

Chen Yilang casually flipped through the chat records.

Most of the talk was about the exam this afternoon.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this year's science subjects will be good, but the difficulty of English has come up!"

"That's right, especially listening, the long conversation part is so difficult, it's like listening to a scripture..."

"It's okay, it's just that difficult, I dare to say, except for those who are not human beings, I don't think many of them can pass the English test this year. If you don't believe me, just wait for the score to come out..."

Chen Yilang silently glanced at the screen for a while, not daring to make a sound.

After all, he wrote smoothly in today's English test, and he felt no pressure at all...

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yilang decided to be a quiet and beautiful man.

At this moment.

Chen Yilang found that he seemed to be pulled into a group chat.

Opening it, it was called "Graduation Tourism Team".

It was a small group with several classmates in the class and a few WeChat IDs that Chen Yilang didn't know.

"Family cute!"

"The college entrance examination is over, do you guys want to go on a trip together?"

"I've already prepared the strategy. Let's go to Yunzhou City for about three days. We won't go with the group!"

"Everything is ready now, just wait until you bring your luggage and money to the car with me!"

The speaker is Chen Jiahui, who is also the group leader of this group.

Chen Yilang was slightly startled.

A little surprised.

He really did not expect that Chen Jiahui would invite him to go on a graduation trip together.

Although the two of them have been at the same table for quite a long time, and they are very familiar with each other, it seems that they are not yet connected to this level.

After all, the communication between him and Chen Jiahui has always been limited to the school. Although there are usually many topics to discuss, they basically don't chat much after returning home.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have triggered a new hidden mission! 】

[Mission: Start from signing in! 】

[Details: Any dream related to the sea of ​​stars starts from a small goal, such as earning him 100 million first. Of course, it is enough to think about one hundred million, but you can still try to sign this small goal. 】

[Conditions fulfilled: Sign in in Yunzhou City. 】

"Sign in?"

Chen Yilang was stunned again.

He never thought that this system could still have so many ways to play.

The task of signing in is basically set in any online game.

In most cases, it is to let players go online to play a card, and then give a small gift or something. Generally, the longer the sign-in time, the more generous the reward.

The ultimate purpose of this gadget is actually to increase the player's stickiness to the game, so that players can form a habit of feeling uncomfortable if they don't sign in one day.

But now, this system actually allows him to sign in in Yunzhou City?

It's really a little far.

But after thinking about it for a while, Chen Yilang felt that it didn't matter.

After all, the vacation after the college entrance examination is really boring.

For a salted fish like Chen Yilang, it is impossible to work in the summer vacation, and it is impossible in this life.

Studying college courses ahead of time?

I don't think it's necessary anymore. I won't be able to play when I'm killed by myself.

In this case, there is no choice but to play.

Moreover, the travel itinerary has been arranged by someone, and they don't need to use their brains at all, why not do it?

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang readily sent a message: "Okay, add me."

Lin Jie: "Oh my God, Brother Barang has spoken! I thought that the candidates scheduled for Qingbei had already started to learn calculus! (Screams his teeth

【Ding! 】

[[lv3 Learning Bitch] activated the skill [Yin-Yang Weird Qi], causing damage to you! 】


Why is this guy also...

Chen Yilang was in pain again.

At that time, I didn't kill the blame on the spot, I can only say that I made a mistake.

But now, Chen Yilang is no longer afraid of this [study bitch].

Chen Yilang was only level 1 when he encountered him for the first time, so naturally he was a little out of luck.

But now that Chen Yilang is already level 5, isn't it easy to get a [study bitch] who is only level 3?

It's a pity that I can't see anyone now, so Chen Yilang can only type a message and send it:

Chen Yilang: "?"

Chen Yilang: smile

Lin Jie quickly replied: shut up

【Ding! 】

[You use [Intimidation], UU reading www.uukanshu. com caused a lot of mental damage to [lv3 school bitch]! 】

[[lv3 school bitch] has entered the state of [fear]! 】

[Get ①Gold +68 ②Experience +45]

"Hahaha, Lin Jie, look at your cowardice!"

"There's no way, Lin Jie can't beat Brother Lang. Brother Lang is a man who can beat even a bully outside the school on the ground."

"Don't say it, don't say it, Lin Jie will quit the group later, hahaha."

Two other people in the group who Chen Yilang had never seen before also jokingly chimed in.

Chen Jie also dived very obediently and didn't show up again.

But there is a small prompt box on the avatars of these two people.

One is [lv4 ace pigeon].

One is [lv5 thousand gold].

"..." Chen Yilang's forehead sweated slightly.


Whose tour group is this, because Mao doesn't seem to be easy to mess with?

However, Chen Yilang was too lazy to think about it.

He was already very sleepy.

Probably went through the high-intensity torture of the exam for two consecutive days.

This night, Chen Yilang slept extraordinarily sweet.

When he woke up early in the morning, Chen Yilang received a group notification.

Chen Jiahui posted the details of the plan to the group, and set off early the next morning.

Taking advantage of this day's effort, Chen Yilang greeted his parents and asked for a little money.

Then I went to the supermarket to buy some travel supplies, and when I got home, I packed them all in a suitcase.


After finishing his work, Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

Now everything is ready, just sign in!

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