If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 285: 【Take your monkey】


Chen Yilang's heart moved slightly when he saw the news sent by Xia Ling.

Mom, is it such a coincidence?

It was obvious that one second he was still sighing that no one was going out to play with him, but the next second, a little friend came to the door, and it was a girl...

It can only be said that the arrangement of this system is too intimate.

After all, the beautiful younger sister with a soft body and the tough and powerful elder brother, which one should you choose to go out with you, so there is no need to say more?

"If you look at it this way, the lucky value bonus of this [event] is still very powerful!"

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

It looks like a lot of good things are going to happen today.

So, Chen Yilang immediately made an appointment with Xia Ling, then quickly changed his clothes, and after finishing his hairstyle, he quickly went downstairs and met with Ling.

The slender and tall girl had been waiting on the edge of the school road for a while, and when she saw Chen Yilang, she smiled and waved: "Here!"

Looking from a distance, Chen Yilang could only see the girl wearing the simplest white T-shirt, the hem of which was inserted into the light blue denim shorts, and the waistline highlighted by the thin brown belt made the two long legs even more beautiful. Slender, under the sun, his eyes are full of white skin.

"Morning." Chen Yilang was still a little sleepy at this time. Seeing this scene, he suddenly became energetic for some reason, and said hello very gentlemanly, "Aren't you going to rehearse today?"

The school celebration party is the highlight of the school day, and the party is mainly in charge of the Department of Literature and Art.

Therefore, seeing Xia Ling appear here at this time, Chen Yilang was indeed a little surprised.

"I don't know, they should already be working on the stage." Xia Ling shook his head and said, "Our ordinary members only gathered in the afternoon, and we have nothing to do for the time being."

"Oh." Hearing this, Chen Yilang probably understood.

Xia Ling was actually just like him, a newcomer in the department.

The literature and art department was indeed very busy, but Xia Ling was not needed for a while, just like the logistics department didn't need Chen Yilang very much.

It should be said that the Student Union does not actually need the logistics department... After all, the logistics department is full of wage earners, and there are no particularly important tasks and tasks that it needs to be responsible for.

It is estimated that at the party tonight, the only job that all the members of the logistics department need to do is to stay in the back of the stage to deliver water and move things...

However, Chen Yilang doesn't really care in his heart. He can do chores. Anyway, he is happy and comfortable. He doesn't have to worry about this and that like the person in charge of the literature and art department. He is very busy with this arrangement.

And sitting in the backstage watching the performance, even more clearly than the leaders of the various schools sitting in the first row, why not do it?

It was still early, and Chen Yilang took Xia Ling to the dining hall to have a light breakfast.

Chen Yilang ordered the most popular boiled noodles in Xiuyuan breakfast. Most of the students like to make it their first choice for breakfast, because it has a large amount and can be eaten for two yuan or five.

A big bowl, if it's not enough, you can add an extra boiled egg for a piece of five.

However, Brother Lang generally doesn't like to make so many bells and whistles. He usually only orders a bowl of boiled noodles, plus some green onions, and the minced pork that comes with the soup noodles, which is just right for breakfast.

So, when Chen Yilang and Xia Ling sat down with a bowl of boiled noodles at the same time, he discovered the unevenness of this world.

——On top of the lowest soup noodles with boiled noodles, there was only a thin layer of minced meat and a few sparse chopped green onions.

And the bowl on Xia Ling's table, compared to Chen Yilang's, is a completely different world...

Chen Yilang glanced over, and the expression on his face instantly changed slightly.

On Xia Ling's bowl of noodles, he saw not only boiled eggs, but also about seven or eight pieces of beef, two sausages, two chicken wings, half a chicken leg, and a cup of sour plum soup...

"..." Chen Yilang.

"..." Xia Ling.

The two looked at each other and suddenly fell silent in unison.

"Don't you boys have a big appetite?"

Xia Ling's face turned red involuntarily, and in a mosquito-like voice, he said in a low voice, "You eat so little, won't you be hungry?"

"...Ah? Hahaha, yes." Chen Yilang showed a stiff smile, "Well, I've been losing weight recently!"

Damn, I didn't see it at all.

So are there really thin girls in this world who love to eat and eat a lot without gaining weight?

Other girls say that they have eight cups of milk tea a day, and that they never eat meat. They are just kidding. Xia Ling and Xia Ling ate more than 20 yuan for a breakfast, which is true...

"But you're not fat at all." The upright Xia Ling blinked and said confusedly.

"I have a hunch." Chen Yilang patted his stomach calmly and said, "It must be eliminated in the swaddling clothes before it takes shape."

【Ding! 】

[Your equipment [Clown Mask] triggered the passive effect, and the laugh of the target [npc Xia Ling] dropped by 50%! 】



After listening to Chen Yilang's words, Xia Ling couldn't hold back, she covered her mouth and laughed, "What are you talking about, it's so funny!"

ha? That's fine... Chen Yilang also laughed helplessly. Damn, I don't even understand where the joke is.

But this doesn't seem to be a bad thing, because Chen Yilang soon heard the prompt sound popped up by the system, indicating that Xia Ling's favorability has been commissioned again...

"There's such an operation!" Chen Yilang was shocked. This girl's favorability is really good, it's just chaotic.

The two of them talked and laughed over the breakfast, and at the end, Chen Yilang helped Xia Ling eat a chicken wing and a sausage.

Xia Ling's reason was that he ordered too much, and found that he couldn't eat more after eating, so he asked Chen Yilang for help.

Lang Ge, who was willing to help others, naturally helped Xia Ling solve this problem very understandingly.

Ahh...that's really good.

After eating and drinking, the two walked slowly for a while before arriving at the stadium on the west campus.

The Western Sports is the largest stadium in Nanxuan University, so most of the time, the larger sports events in the school, such as the school sports meeting, are basically held in this place.

But on this day, this place has become the main battlefield of the school celebration activities.

At this moment, the school stadium is almost full of people, students and counselors of all grades, and even teachers and mentors can be seen everywhere.

No one wants to miss this annual event~www.readwn.com~ Even the scumbags who were struggling under the shadow of the review week ran out happily.

On this day of the school celebration, everyone can set up a stall on the playground, sell food, kill werewolves, play poker, and even throw sandbags without any problem.

Chen Yilang and Xia Ling were walking and eating, and then in a corner of the playground, they found a stall with a lot of people.

"Hey, what happened there?" Xia Ling's eyes lit up and curiously said, "Let's go over there and see."

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded and agreed, and he was actually a little interested.

After walking in and taking a look, Chen Yilang realized that it turned out to be a large ring game booth.


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