If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 282: 【Fatal hint】

As soon as Chen Yilang's voice fell, a burst of laughter resounded throughout the entire large conference room.

"Hahahahaha, what the hell, laughing at me to death!"

"Aha, ah, ah, damn, if you have the guts to talk a little bit colder, you can't keep up with half of this central air conditioner!"

"Damn, although I don't know how funny this joke is, what should I do if I just want to laugh?"


Everyone else around the conference room was almost dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

They, who were not affected by the [Clown Mask], were a little bit helpless by this wave of operations by Chen Yilang.

"No, is this funny?" Du Weikai said suspiciously.

"I don't know either..." Li Yuxiao shook his head and said solemnly, "But we have to admit that, judging from the audience's reaction, Chen Yilang's opening remarks are indeed very infectious. Power."

Lan Jiabin shrank into a ball directly and subconsciously, and his whole body couldn't help shaking and trembling frantically on the spot.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Top Cold Joke], causing huge mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[[Top Cold Joke] caused the effect of [Frost Shock] to the target, and [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] has entered the [Frostbite] state! 】

[You got: Gold +3212, Experience +1741! 】


Lady Ganlin!

Cold on a word, I only say once!

After listening to Chen Yilang's joke, Lan Jiabin only felt that a thin layer of ice had formed on the surface of his body, which made his teeth chatter up and down, and he couldn't close his legs at all.

Minister, can you stop deceiving yourself?

Where does such a cold joke come from? !

However, although Lan Jiabin is completely reluctant to admit it, he has to say that the laughing points of the large group of customers are simply ridiculous to him!

On the other side, inside the venue.

A large group of customers whose stomach hurts from laughing due to the influence of the [Clown Mask] gradually calmed down.

Although their laughter is due to the effect of the equipment, their happiness is real and visible to the naked eye.

Except for one person——【lv14 Wool Hunter】.

When hearing Chen Yilang's joke, the aunt was the first to laugh, and the one who laughed the happiest.

But with a smile, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Ouch, I'm going, I'm a jerk!" [Wool Hunter] Auntie realized afterward, "This kid seems to be hinting at me?"

The moment she realized this, she remembered the way a large group of people were laughing just now, and a burst of embarrassment burst out from under her feet, hitting her forehead.

So, everyone is laughing not only the little monk in this "golden fart" joke, but herself?

[Wool Hunter], didn't react until this moment.

When she thought that the person who laughed the loudest was herself, she suddenly felt like a clown...

Aunt's laughter and the smile on her face disappeared in an instant. She didn't say a word, left her seat silently, walked to the back of the conference room, and then left the back door in a daze when no one noticed. Venue...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Fatal Hint], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv14 Wool Hunter]! 】

[[Fatal Suggestion] A further [Shame] debuff has been added to [lv14 Wool Hunter], and [lv14 Wool Hunter] has been successfully repelled! 】

[The aggression of the target is greatly reduced, and you have a [Fear] effect! 】


After hearing the voice of this system, Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Finally got rid of the toughest guy first.

In this way, the next task is expected to be much smoother.

Li Yuxiao, Du Weilong, Lan Jiabin and others were still standing at the back door at this time, and they all looked surprised when they saw this [Wool Hunter] aunt walking out of the door.

This aunt... was persuaded to quit?

How did that boy Chen Yilang do it?

"Is that aunt from the difficult customer you mentioned just now?" Du Weilong gave Lan Jiabin a sideways glance.

"...Yes." Lan Jiabin's face was a little ugly, and he could only nod helplessly.

"That's it?" Du Weilong shrugged, with a bit of disdain in his tone, "A new student from the logistics department can handle something, why did you do it here?"

"What the deputy minister said is that I have to learn more from others."

The one who was most surprised was Lan Jiabin himself, because in his opinion, this was simply an ultimate task with a full difficulty level.

Lan Jiabin, who has always been good at using superpowers to solve problems, deeply felt an unprecedented sense of pressure and frustration at this moment...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Unexpectedly], causing huge mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +2419, Experience +1231! 】


After [lv14 Wool Hunter] was repelled, the order in the scene slowly stabilized.

The guests in the venue were originally not very interested, but just now, a joke from Chen Yilang made them focus again.

After laughing and making trouble, he began to listen to Chen Yilang's words attentively.

Logically speaking, after getting here, Chen Yilang's mission is actually complete.

He could just say hello to the audience and then walk off the stage, and then replace the more experienced Li Yuxiao or Du Weikai to continue to take over the work of the host.

But it was also at this time that Chen Yilang discovered that the people in the External Relations Department seemed to have no such plans at all.

Because the three of them seemed to have discussed it now, standing in unison at the back door, motionless, staring at Chen Yilang...

It seems to be three stone statues.

They seem to have long since forgotten who they are, substituting themselves among the clients who come in for the Thanksgiving event.

Mainly, Chen Yilang's series of operations have already made them dumbfounded.

What the hell, is there such a way of playing?

If that's the case, let's continue handing over the stage to this guy...

The other two didn't know what was going on, but Li Yuxiao thought so anyway.

"Sure enough, he really deserves to be the person the chairman is optimistic about. He still has two brushes." Li Yuxiao felt very satisfied and thought silently in his heart.

Seeing that the few people in the External Relations Department who could talk didn't say anything, Chen Yilang naturally understood.

Then there is nothing to say, only bite the bullet!

However, this problem is not really a big problem. After all, Chen Yilang has been the monitor and the president, and he has also won the gold medal in the college student entrepreneurship competition.

He is basically used to such occasions that he needs to speak or speak publicly.

Brother Lang now is no longer nervous and afraid of such a big scene.

What's more... There is also a ppt on the computer desktop.

This ppt was originally prepared for him by Lan Jiabin himself, but no one thought of it. This is not even halfway through, but the host himself was pulled down first.

So it happened that Chen Yilang took over the fruits of Lan Jiabin's labor.

With all the PPTs in hand, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to continue hosting?

There is no difficulty at all!

Since he went to university and listened to several courses on thinking and modern history, Chen Yilang may not have learned solid knowledge from the teachers' loving lectures, but he has mastered a skill of the teachers. Got to be pure fire.

- Read PPT.

Yes, that's right.

In the university classroom, there are always a few teachers who compare Buddhism and paddling, who like and are proficient in this kind of operation.

They are good at putting a lot of text and less pictures on the PPT used for lectures, and at 0.5 times the speed, they read the PPT aloud with an extremely smooth and unwavering tone...

Usually, their ability to grasp speed and rhythm is first-class.

Basically, when they finish reading the PPT successfully, a class is over.

——And all of this has been seen and remembered by the clever little ghost Lang, who is good at observing and imitating.

So, Chen Yilang gently cleared his throat and opened the PPT on the desktop.

After the projection screen on the podium was turned on, he began to face the crowd, smiling and using a voice full of emotion, and began to read the PPT.

This wave is not touted or criticized. Brother Lang's level of reading PPT can even beat the teacher of the Sixiu class... After all, there is an emotional component in his voice, which is quite rare.

"No, he's reading PPT?"

Du Weilong couldn't help laughing and said, "Good guy, although I know he's not a professional, isn't this a bit too unprofessional?"

"The PPT was made by me. He is a pure white female ticket..." Lan Jiabin felt that his heart was bleeding.

But on second thought, he actually paid someone else to get this PPT. He only charged 30 yuan per page, but it wasn't a big deal, and he felt a lot better.

That's not right, but he still works for Chen Yilangbai!

It still doesn't feel good to think about it...

"Minister, what do you think of this?"

Du Weilong glanced at Li Yuxiao who was standing aside.

Among the three of them, Li Yuxiao was the one who listened the most seriously.

After all, their big brother is still the big brother. No matter what the situation is, his words and deeds are basically the most mature and stable one.

"Of course we don't advocate the behavior of reading PPT." Li Yuxiao said almost without advantage, "but..."


Du Weilong's ears "suddenly" perked up. After all, everyone knows that in the evaluation of the superior leaders, "but" what was said before is generally nonsense, and the next is the feature film.

"But have you noticed that although this little Chen Xuedi has been reading PPT all the time, the customers sitting below are actually listening very carefully?"

Li Yuxiao touched his nose, frowned slightly unconsciously, and analyzed it very seriously, "I just watched a paragraph of his speech seriously, and found that his ability to mobilize emotions and infection is almost far superior to that of him. Above all of us!"

"So, even if he is really reading a PPT, he can prevent the audience from getting tired and bored, and even make them listen carefully!"

"This is Xiao Chen's greatest strength!"

"..." Du Weilong was stunned and dumbfounded.

Is it true or false, is it that exaggerated?

It was not until Du Weilong put his head in doubtfully and looked at it a few more times that he realized that it was actually exactly the same as what Li Yuxiao said.

At this moment, Peng Weilong, the head of the Disciplinary Inspection Department, who had been around the neighborhood, just came to the large conference room again.

When he came over, the expression on his face was originally aggressive, but when he approached the large conference room, it softened.

"Has it become so quiet?"

Peng Weilong was full of doubts. After all, he had only left for less than five minutes. The atmosphere here had changed 360 degrees?

He also leaned up to take a look, and then was stunned.

What the hell, why is that Chen Yilang?

Peng Weilong was particularly impressed by Chen Yilang. This kid had a small conflict with him when he was in the Flower Club, and naturally it was not so easy to forget.

"Minister Li, why did you ask this person to speak?"

Peng Weilong couldn't help but muttered to Li Yuxiao beside him, "This person is not good. I knew him before. He is the agent of our school's flower club, and he is half a businessman!"

"Businessmen, you know, all of them are very bad. Anyway, I can't trust them."

Who knew that Lan Jiabin, who was on the side, just heard Peng Weilong's words, and couldn't help but interjected: "What happened to the businessman? The businessman must be a bad person?"

He was originally from a businessman's family, so how could he bear Peng Weilong's words?

Lan Jiabin now has every reason to suspect that Peng Weilong is targeting him.

If it weren't for Peng Weilong, he wouldn't have been dragged from under the podium just now.

"Damn, I'll just say it, no wonder this person can only read PPT!" Du Weikai couldn't help but tease.

The voices of a few people who said something to me ~www.readwn.com~ became louder and louder, which quickly attracted the attention of several customers in the back row of the venue.

At this moment, Li Yuxiao suddenly cast a sharp look at them.

Du Weikai was so frightened that he was the first to shut up, and the other two also noticed Li Yuxiao's aura and became quiet.

At this point, the entire conference room was completely calm.

Everyone inside and outside is listening carefully to Chen Yilang's speech... No, reading PPT.

Then they were amazed to find that...it was a really interesting feeling!

Although he clearly knew that Chen Yilang was reading according to him, he just wanted to hear him read.

I don't know why, but it's just wicked.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Yilang read the last word on the PPT.

In the large conference room, there was a thunderous applause.


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