If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 283: you're not really happy but i am

"I lost."

This was the first thought that popped into Lan Jiabin's mind after Chen Yilang stepped off the stage.

Of course, the one who lost was himself.

Look at the applause and cheers, and look at this guy's complacent expression... Lan Jiabin is already starting to get angry.

"That's obviously the PPT I made!" Lan Jiabin said bitterly.

After Chen Yilang stepped down, the first person who walked up to meet him was Li Yuxiao.

"It's hard work, Junior Brother Chen." Li Yuxiao smiled, "I'm really thankful for you today... You did a great job! I don't even know what to say to describe it, in short, you're really great!"

"Thank you, Minister Li Yuxiao." Chen Yilang smiled.

Du Weikai, who was on the side, didn't really like Chen Yilang, but when he heard their Li Yuxiao said so, he quickly put on a smile and greeted him:

"Yeah, yeah, it's really all thanks to Junior Brother Chen Yilang today!"

"Our keynote speaker today is a novice and has no experience, so he didn't speak well."

"If there is a chance in the future, I will ask you to help him give more pointers."

With that said, Du Weikai grabbed Lan Jiabin and said with a smile, "Let me introduce, this is the new backbone of our External Relations Department, classmate Lan Jiabin."

"I don't dare to act, I'm just a real rookie. I have to learn a lot from the seniors." Chen Yilang smiled modestly.

What a pure newcomer... When I heard Chen Yilang say this, Lan Jiabin suddenly felt a pain in the ass.

I always feel that you are mocking, and it is still a very advanced Versailles-style mocking!

You, a rookie, can do this job like this, so why don't we, a large group of old fritters, lose face?

"Oh?" Du Weikai was stunned for a moment, but soon laughed again, "Hello, newcomers, wouldn't it be more convenient for you to communicate with each other if you were both newcomers?"

"Deputy Minister, we know each other." Lan Jiabin said with a helpless expression, a little angrily.

"Huh? Are you still friends?" Dewey Kay was happy, "That's even better, we will be a family from now on!"

Although Du Weikai didn't actually know the relationship between Lan Jiabin and Chen Yilang, what he knew was that the relationship between this little Chen Xuedi still had to be climbed.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Minister Li Yuxiao is very optimistic about this junior.

The person who is favored by the big brother may become the new big brother one day, but he must be decisive and straightforward when it is time to establish a relationship.

To improve the favorability of the boss, you have to start from the early stage of swaddle development.

After Du Weikai's cliché was over, several people all laughed.

The only difference is that Li Yuxiao smiled gratifyingly, Du Weikai himself smiled awkwardly, Lan Jiabin was smiling, only Chen Yilang smiled alone, you are truly happy.

you are not really happy but i am.jpg

Not long after, the activity of thanking new and old customers that lasted for nearly a whole day came to an end.

Almost everyone is happy.

With the help of Chen Yilang, Li Yuxiao successfully won a lot of new sponsorship orders today.

The results of the External Relations Department today are enough for Li Yuxiao to report the results to the Secretary Department without panic or even pretending.

And everyone in the logistics department has also received satisfactory remuneration.

Although it was only a measly one hundred yuan, for the students, it was already a considerable amount of income, and it could even be said to be a huge sum of money, enough for them to be happy for a long time.

The only unpleasant one might be Lan Jiabin alone.

"I am so rich, why am I the loser?"

Brother Lan started to be a little too much for Sister Li.

He felt that in today's event, everyone seemed to be very happy, and he was the only one who didn't get any oil or water...

Really big injustice is right.

After the Thanksgiving activity, Chen Yilang said goodbye to his classmates in the External Relations Department and the Logistics Department, and then left first.

A group of people originally shouted that they would go to the top of the mountain to have a celebration feast together, but Chen Yilang refused.

To tell the truth, working part-time is really tiring, especially working for others.

This whole afternoon, Chen Yilang stood on the podium and talked non-stop for most of the day, with almost no pause in the middle.

This not only made his mouth dry, but also extremely tired... even though he was only reading PPT.

Probably because equipping [Eye of Deceit] and [Joker Mask] will consume some energy when the effect is activated~www.readwn.com~, he doesn't understand.

Not long after walking out, someone suddenly patted him behind him.

Chen Yilang looked back and saw that it was his good brother [Giant Trench Maniac] Lan Jiabin.

"Uh, what's the matter?" Chen Yilang scratched his face and said, "I won't go to that celebration party tonight..."

"It has nothing to do with this." Lan Jiabin's expression was not too much, and his tone was a little cold, "How do you say... You are quite good today, and it is indeed a bit unexpected for me."

"I've won the prize." Chen Yilang said.

"This semester is almost over, and it won't be long before the summer vacation." Lan Jiabin added, "This summer, our Beijiang No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School organized a 'going home to see the alma mater' activity, and the official invited us."

"You should go, right?"


(Today I went out and waved QAQ again, first change and then change)

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