If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 281: 1 very "golden fart" story

[Wool hunter: A monster that is extremely keen on the behavior of [sweeping wool]. Once there is an activity of [sweeping wool] that can be performed within their cognitive range, it will instantly enter the [runaway] state. 】

[Fever: In this state, the target's [Agility] and [Strength] attributes will be greatly improved, and the [Intelligence] attribute will be greatly reduced! 】

[Intelligence: [Wool Hunter] is a very extreme creature, and it can be called two different creatures in its normal state and in its [Rampant] state. 】

[Intelligence: The [Wool Hunter] in the [Runaway] state has absolutely no less initiative and initiative than most dangerous monsters, please be vigilant! 】


But in fact, even if the system did not give a prompt, Chen Yilang had already fully felt it.

Look at this aunt who has a big heart and a fat body. At first glance, the impression is that she is kind, kind, and easy to talk. In the end, she was killed on the spot for the gift of nothing more than a bag of toilet paper... Even the grandson didn't want it!

However, at this moment, Chen Yilang looked completely unhurried.

Lan Jiabin is right, what lives in Brother Lang's bones is the soul of salted fish.

Therefore, Brother Lang has always advocated the moderate style of play, and there are very few reckless behaviors.

The reason why Chen Yilang was reckless this time was because he came prepared.

In his heart, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

After taking the microphone, Chen Yilang walked to the podium unhurriedly. After clearing his throat, he said to the noisy crowd under the stage:

"Good afternoon, dear guests."

"Our previous manager Lan has something to do temporarily, so I will continue to host for you first."

"Then let's move on now."

"Everyone here, stay calm."

"And the excited auntie, don't get excited yet."

"Listen to me first..."

Chen Yilang said calmly.

However, the real situation is that no one buys Chen Yilang's account at all.

The merchants sitting at the bottom just politely gave a sparse applause, and then continued to do whatever they had to do.

I didn't intend to ignore Chen Yilang...except for the irascible [Wool Hunter].

"Can you go around talking here and there, lad?"

[Wool Hunter] Auntie got a little impatient, "Don't do Tai Chi for me here!"

"Tissues! Tissues! Tissues! Important things said three times!"

【Ding! 】

[[lv14 Wool Hunter] has entered the [runaway] state! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】


At the moment when the sound of the system popped up, Chen Yilang also saw the aunt who started rolling up her sleeves, and two bright red, flashing red-eye special effects appeared on her face.

Is this the [Runaway]? It looks really scary... Chen Yilang complained silently, always feeling that this kind-hearted chubby aunt was about to rush up and rub him on the ground.

But it doesn't really matter, after all, this is indeed what Chen Yilang expected.

Because next... the good drama has just begun.

Chen Yilang took a deep breath in his lower abdomen, and then activated a skill that he hadn't used for a long time: [Lion Roar].

This skill can be considered quite a long time ago. Chen Yilang vaguely remembers that it was stolen from the then instructor Wu Qing when he first started military training.

So, everyone present only heard Chen Yilang suddenly let out a loud roar in the conference room:

"Everyone here, good afternoon!!!"

At the same moment when the sound came out, Chen Yilang was visible to the naked eye, and almost everyone present was shocked by the sudden decibel volume.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Lion Roar], causing a lot of mental shock damage to [neutral units] in a large area! 】

[You got: Gold +1192, Experience +513! 】


【Ding! 】

[[lv14 Wool Hunter] in the [Runaway] state has high damage resistance and is immune to your [Lion Roar] attack! 】

[Intelligence: Your [Lion Roar] attack further angered the [lv14 Wool Hunter], and the target's [Rampage] level has been further improved! 】


"This [Wool Hunter] is not afraid of my roar at all..." Chen Yilang felt a little bit of pain when he looked at the aunt whose expression became more and more hideous.

It even angered the other party...

But it's not surprising to think about it, after all, no matter how loud his voice is, can he be as big as the aunts and uncles who are madly grabbing vegetables in the vegetable market?

Chen Yilang's roar not only alarmed the customers in the entire conference room, but also everyone who was watching outside.

"Fuck, what is Chen Yilang doing?"

"What kind of human delusional operation is this?"

"It can't be fixed for me... In terms of dominance, it seems that I really haven't beat Brother Lang."

A large group of dolls couldn't help but frantically complained.

Naturally, Li Yuxiao is the one who hurts the most. In short, as a client, what he thinks in his heart now is regret or **** regret.

"I'm **** laughing, I'm afraid this kid isn't the monkey I invited?"

Du Weilong, Deputy Minister of External Relations, laughed until his double chin couldn't stop shaking, "Lan Jiabin, this is the foreign aid you invited? All I can say is, it really belongs to you!"

Li Yuxiao's face was even more ugly, and Lan Jiabin didn't get any better, so he could only smile helplessly: "The deputy minister is right, it's my eyesight."

Du Weilong is not very happy to see Lan Jiabin on weekdays. After all, the latter always exposes his intention to become a minister intentionally or unintentionally. As a deputy minister with the same idea, Du Weilong naturally cannot have a good impression of Lan Jiabin. .

So once he gets a good opportunity, he will definitely suppress Lan Jiabin.

But this time, the two of them are one who wants to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

After all, although Du Weilong did ridicule Lan Jiabin, in the final analysis, the person who was really suppressed was actually Chen Yilang.

So isn't that done?

After all, Lan Jiabin also saw that Chen Yilang was unhappy, so it was just right.


Neither the teammates in the Logistics Department nor the senior management in the External Relations Department really guessed Chen Yilang's intentions.

For Chen Yilang, this wave is actually not a big problem at all.

After all, the real purpose in his heart has actually been achieved.

Because the next moment, he heard the most pleasant system prompt tone he had been looking forward to:

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[You have entered the state: focus! 】


Yes, that's right, he's been waiting for this [focus] state to appear.

Since everyone present was unwilling to pay attention to him, he could only use the [Lion Roar] method to put himself into the [Focus] state.

In this way, he can unlock the big treasure that has been pressing under the pocket of his trousers.

Chen Yilang quickly controlled his system with his mind and opened the [Backpack] column.

Then, with his eyes, he quickly locked on the only one, the pink [Legendary] level weapon——[The Eye of Deceit]!

Then he put it on without hesitation.

The moment the equipment was put on, Chen Yilang saw a dazzling special effect on the system panel in front of him.

- A large patch of pink light.

"...?" Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, leaning to the north, is this a divine weapon-level pink weapon? It's quite powdery...

And don't you really think there's something wrong with this pink light? I always feel that this lighting effect and style of painting are somewhat similar to the hair salon in the alley near his house...

【Ding! 】

[You have successfully worn the artifact equipment: Eye of Deception! 】

[You are in the [Focus] state, and the passive effects of this equipment have been triggered: [Pink ink], [Hypocrisy]! 】

[Pink: You increase the trust and favorability of the source target of [Focus] by 50%. 】

[Hypocritical: Your Charisma value +2, the attack of nearby units against you will be reduced by 50%]


The moment the system prompt sounded, Chen Yilang saw everyone in the venue, and a [smiley] icon popped up above his head.

Of course, the pattern of this [smiley face] is neither the famous "fangs", nor the "smile" that makes people look a little malicious at first glance...it is a very kind smile.

That's right, that's the sign of the [friendly] state.

Although Chen Yilang is the first to see such a logo, but according to his experience as an old fritters player, as long as such a logo appears on the top of the target's head, then most of them can start cheating... No, Started a long conversation.

"Before our Thanksgiving activities continue, allow me to make an opening statement."

"Everyone may have heard the story of the golden axe and the silver axe, but not necessarily the story of the golden toilet paper."

"So, I'll tell you a story about Jin toilet paper later."

With that said, Chen Yilang took out another piece of equipment from the bottom of the box from his backpack.

--【clown mask】.

This piece of equipment has been silent in Chen Yilang's [Inventory] for a long time, and it was even about to be forgotten by Brother Lang for a while.

But today is a great time for it to shine.

Because the nature of this [Clown Mask] is a little more special, because it is classified in [Accessories], not [Equipment], just like the [Sunshine Doll] that Chen Yilang bought in [Mo Xiaoxi's Goods] before. ] are of the same type.

That is to say, it does not occupy the grid of the equipment, and it can function at the same time as [Eye of Deception].

【Ding! 】

[You successfully put on the accessories: clown mask! 】

[Clown mask: advanced accessories, passive effect [funny], talk to you, or hear the target of your conversation, the threshold of laughter is reduced by 80%! 】

[You have obtained the passive effect: Funny! 】


Yes, that's right.

This [Clown Mask] is so strong.

A smile that directly dropped by 80%!

What is this concept?

It's like you have no jokes at all, and the rest of your body is full of jokes. Just poking your glutes can make you laugh on the spot.

At this point, everything is ready.

So Chen Yilang slowed down and lowered his voice, and with a voice full of emotion, he slowly started his narration:

"This is the story of this golden toilet paper."

"It is said that..."

"Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple in the mountain..."

"There is a river halfway down the mountain, and there is a bridge over the river."

"One day, a little monk passed by the bridge, and the river **** suddenly emerged from the river. He said: 'Little friend, is this the golden toilet paper you dropped?'"

"When the little monk saw it, He Shen was actually holding a roll of golden toilet paper in the palm of his hand."

"When the little monk saw it, he couldn't help thinking: 'Wow, such a high-end and elegant toilet paper, it must be very comfortable to use it to wipe the butt!'".

"Although the little monk knows that this roll of golden toilet paper is not something he dropped, and he doesn't know who this roll of golden toilet paper belongs to... But what does it matter? River God just asked him, and he just wanted to , it's that simple."

"Then the little monk said to the River God: 'Right, Lord River God, I dropped this roll of golden toilet paper'."

"So the little monk got the golden toilet paper from the river **** as he wished."

"He was so happy, he immediately took the golden toilet paper, trotted back to the thatched hut in the temple, and immediately experienced it."

When the story came to this point, Chen Yilang's voice suddenly stopped.

He stopped talking.

"Fuck? What happened later?"

"Gan! There are two kinds of people I hate the most in my life. One is people who only speak half of their speech!"

"The speech is cut in half, and the **** becomes three flaps!"


All the customers sitting at the bottom couldn't hold back.

【Ding! 】

[You activated the skill [Ultimate Sellers], causing huge mental damage to [neutral units] in a large area! 】

[You got: Gold +1235, Experience +510! 】

[Your [Extreme Salesman] has successfully attracted the attention of a large number of [Neutral Units], and your [Focus] level has increased! 】

[Due to the [Focus] level has been improved~www.readwn.com~ Your [Eye of Deceit] passive effects: [Pink] and [Hypocrisy] have also been enhanced! 】


At this time, Chen Yilang knew that his appetite-hunting tactics were somewhat effective.

Brother Lang was quite satisfied with the response of the group of customers sitting below.

So he continued with a smile:

"After the little monk experienced the touch of Jin toilet paper - he died."

"The little monk's experience has taught us a truth, that is, don't have crooked thoughts about things that don't belong to you, because the gifts given by fate have long been marked with prices."

"How about this story, isn't it very 'golden fart'?"


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