If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 28: New gameplay [Synthesis]

Hot June.

The electric fan above the classroom was spinning, making a slight wind noise.

At the same time, the classroom was filled with the rustling sound of candidates writing on the scroll.

Three in the afternoon.

At this time, it is the time for Huaxia's 2021 college entrance examination foreign language subjects.

Audition materials for English listening are playing in the loudspeaker.

"The price of the shirt is nine pounds and fifteenpence, so you choose item c..."

Almost all the candidates are carefully browsing the listening questions and marking them.

The atmosphere is very solemn.

Soon, the official listening test began.

All sentient beings quickly took on a variety of expressions.

Some candidates can hear clearly and understand the logic of the dialogue, so they confidently write, check the answer, and fill in the answer sheet.

Some candidates did not understand after listening to it for the second time, so they frantically pulled their hair and scratched their ears and cheeks, sighing incompetently.

This is really uncomfortable.

After all, there is only one chance for listening questions. If you can't hear it, you can't hear it. There is no way to try it again.

And some candidates, just like coming to play, the listening questions of the college entrance examination are not difficult for him at all, just like listening to a dialogue in Mandarin.

Take Chen Yilang for example.

Now, he has reached the level of CET-4 high score in English, and there is no problem with simple listening in the college entrance examination.

Twenty minutes later, the English listening test session ended.

Although the atmosphere in the examination room was very solemn, many people could still be heard sighing in a low voice.

"It seems that this year's English listening is not easy."

Chen Yilang made a silent judgment in his heart.

In the next part of the written test, Chen Yilang also passed it very smoothly.

"Nothing is impossible."


Chen Yilang wrote the last sentence on the composition answer sheet of the English test paper.

The bell at the end of the exam rang immediately.

The students all stood up.

The invigilator stepped forward to collect the papers, and after checking, announced that the candidates could leave the examination room.


Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the classroom.

It's finally over.

As soon as he stepped out the door, he was greeted by the gray sky.

The pattering rain was falling, and it was converging into a small stream on the side of the flagstone road in front of the classroom.

There are various young voices floating in my ears:

"The exam is over, the exam is over!"

"Damn, hurry home and get on the number, it will be dark all night tonight!"

"It's grass, why is it raining again?"

"Isn't it normal for it to rain in the college entrance examination? Is it about the same every year?"


People come and go.

Chen Yilang stood quietly in front of the corridor, watching the rain in a daze.

"After all the exams, you still haven't gone home, Chen Yilang?"

Chen Yilang came back to his senses, only to realize that Molly, the head teacher, was greeting him.

"Ah, wait for the rain to stop, Mo!" Chen Yilang responded with a smile.

"Looking at you, you did well in the test, right?" Lao Mo also laughed.

"Play it normally." Chen Yilang said.

"That's very good." Molly patted Chen Yilang on the shoulder and said, "I have been the head teacher for so many years, so far, your kid is the most exaggerated improvement I have ever seen."

"That's not because Mo taught well." Chen Yilang smiled embarrassedly.

"You're the only one who can talk! If you don't say anything, I should go shopping for groceries and go home. My child is screaming and hungry again. There's something to be done in the future, remember to go back to school to have a look!"

"Of course."

Chen Yilang smiled and waved his hands to say goodbye to Molly.

The back of the slightly fat middle-aged woman gradually disappeared behind the rain curtain.

Watching Molly go away, he looked up at the teaching building where he had stayed for three years.

Chen Yilang froze again.

The rain is about to stop.

Half an hour later, Chen Yilang returned home.

The nature waiting for Chen Yilang is another table of good dishes.

Yang Si cooked the meal early, and his father Chen Junfeng also got off work early today, and the family of three enjoyed themselves happily.

After eating and drinking, Chen Yilang lay on his bed.

One word, tired.

But the moment I touched the bed, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Chen Yilang, who was finally free, just opened the system panel and began to check the gains of the past two days.

In the past few days of the exam, he didn't have time to pay attention to his panel.

In the past two days, he has written four test papers in a row, and they are still the original questions of the college entrance examination. The experience value and gold coins earned this wave will definitely not be less.

【Ding! 】

[In the process of settlement of income...]

[Get ①Gold +2453②Experience +467]

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! Your level has been boosted! 】

[Level: lv4→lv5]

【Congratulations! You have unlocked new skills! 】

[Acquire a new skill: Synthesis. 】



The system prompts the new ability acquired, which caught Chen Yilang's attention.

Not bad.

Another new ability to do things!

Chen Yilang, who was in high spirits, was no longer sleepy. He got up with a catapult and sat up directly, and began to study new ways to play.

[lv1 Synthesis: A skill that combines two or more materials or elements into another brand-new item. 】

[Note: As a synthesizer just getting started, failures and accidents are inevitable, so please be mentally prepared. 】




Chen Yilang, who played online games a lot in the past, is of course no stranger to this.

Chen Yilang guessed that this thing usually has a proficiency level, and as the number of synthesis times increases, the proficiency level will increase.

"Don't worry about him so much."

"Since there is a new way to play, let's try it out first and see."

Chen Yilang no longer hesitated, and directly opened his inventory.

【Knowledge point x154】

[Soul of the Immortal Cultivator x16]

[Spirit of Scholar x24]

【Learning Slag Pieces x156】


There are not many varieties of materials.

Probably because his current scope of activity is limited to the school, so there are only so many materials that he can obtain from the people around him.

Chen Yilang activated his [lv1 synthesis technique]

A composite panel popped up in front of him.

The synthesis panel is also very simple. Inside the background panel of Black Blondon, there is only a burning furnace.

He dragged the items with his mind, selected some of these four items respectively~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and threw them directly into the smelting furnace.

【Combining in progress...】

[Synthesis failed! 】

[Synthesis Proficiency: (1/100)]

[You got: Waste **** x13]

Chen Yilang: "..."


Anyway, I was mentally prepared before.

Chen Yilang put this pile of [waste residue] into the inventory, then put the same material into the furnace again, and restarted it once.

【Ding! 】

[Synthesis failed! 】

[Proficiency: (2/100)]

[You got the waste residue x9]

Oh shit!

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched violently.

Why is there still less waste?

"I really don't believe in this evil."

Chen Yilang restarted the furnace again.

[Synthesis failed! 】

[Synthesis failed! 】

[Synthesis failed! 】

Chen Yilang: "..."

began to doubt life.

Compared with the previous time when the memory bread was synthesized with the blueprint, the synthesis success rate of this thing was extremely low.

Chen Yilang couldn't remember how long he tried.

He only knew that the materials he had worked so hard to save during this period of time were almost at the bottom.

Not right.

I can't see Low for the time being. After all, he still has a lot of [waste] in his library.

When Chen Yilang was about to give up struggling...

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! You have successfully synthesized! 】

[Consumed materials: [Spirit of Scholar x3] [Soul of Immortal Cultivator x3] [Study Scum x10]]

[Get: Crystal Cold Spring Water! 】


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