If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 279: Big brother, do you have paper?

"My grandson's kindergarten is about to finish school, I have to pick up my grandson, classmate!"

"Give me a bag of toilet paper first, I'm running out of time!"


The client shouted loudly, like a bell, in the entire large conference room, like a bell, as if the air was resounding...

Almost all the customers sitting around were taken aback by the sudden loud voice, followed by bursts of laughter that could not be held back.

Guys, something!

Isn't this more interesting than listening to this classmate Lan Jiabin babbling a bunch of nonsense?

"..." Lan Jiabin, who was standing on the stage, was immediately stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

Where did this aunt come from?

How could such a strange smelly fish and rotten shrimp be mixed into their high-quality customer base?

At this time, he remembered what the Minister Li Yuxiao said not long ago.

Many new customers came to participate in the Thanksgiving event today, which allowed the External Relations Department to successfully open two more good sponsorships.

But this price is that it also allows a lot of weird customers to take the opportunity to intrude and mix in... This energetic and loud aunt is probably one of them.

"Boy, do you still have toilet paper? You squeak, but I'm going to pick up my grandson!"

The aunt was a little impatient. Seeing that Lan Jiabin stayed there for a long time without leaving him, she cried out impatiently, "If I don't have toilet paper, I'll go first, young man, your young people's speech level is too high, let's talk about it. I don't understand anything, and it's useless to sit here, sorry!"

"Auntie, we don't have any tissues anymore!" Helpless, Lan Jiabin had to tell the truth, "Our gifts are limited in number, first come, first served. If you come late, you will surely lose them!"

"Hey, hey, then why am I late!" Auntie's blood pressure rose suddenly, "I came early, who would have known that they came earlier than me! Why are you talking at such a young age? Just rushing like this? Bullying my age, right? You all look at me and judge me."

The laughter in the conference room grew louder and louder, and the environment became noisy.

Lan Jiabin had never encountered such a situation, so he subconsciously looked at the environment outside the front door. Under normal circumstances, Li Yuxiao would stand there.

But I don't know why Li Yuxiao just happened to be absent this time. I guess he happened to go to the toilet, which is very annoying.

Lan Jiabin has never done this kind of work before, so it can be said that the current situation really makes him a little helpless.

"Damn, can I just slap the money in her face and make him slap her?"

Lan Jiabin was very annoyed, and this thought almost popped into his mind subconsciously.

Brother Lan, who was born with a golden spoon in his hand, deeply felt for the first time that in this world, there are really some things that money can't solve...

At this time, something even more disturbing happened to Lan Jiabin.

"What's the matter with you here?"

A short, stocky man with a short haircut, with a group of students, suddenly walked in.

"Senior Peng Weilong?" Lan Jiabin was taken aback.

Lan Jiabin naturally knew this person. The head of the discipline inspection department was also one of the most difficult ministers in the entire student council.

I heard that this person did not get good grades in high school, and he was a very famous gangster who fought every day. He was able to get into Nanxuan University because of his sports expertise. You can basically guess by looking at the pile of tendons on his body. It's seven, seven, eight, eight.

"You come out with me first." Peng Weilong said coldly.

"But I'm hosting..." Lan Jiabin was a little embarrassed.

"I know, it's none of my business?" Peng Weilong interrupted coldly, "This is your business, not ours. Come out now."

Lan Jiabin was helpless, he could only take a deep breath, and followed Peng Weilong out.

No way, among all the departments in the student union, the discipline inspection department is almost the most powerful one.

Because the main responsibility of the Disciplinary Inspection Department is to rectify the violations of discipline in the school. Although it appears to be under the Secretariat on the surface, its actual power is not lost at all.

This is why, although the External Liaison Department is the largest and can bring the most benefits to the Student Union, it still cannot do the Disciplinary Inspection Department.

"Where's your Minister Li Yuxiao?"

After calling Lan Jiabin out, Peng Weilong asked.

"I don't know, I was here just now. Did Minister Peng have anything to do with him?" Lan Jiabin asked.

"My department organized such a big event, but I wasn't there..." Peng Weilong said to Lan Jiabin after muttering, "Do you know what's going on downstairs?"

"College Student Activity Center." Lan Jiabin replied.

When it came to this, Lan Jiabin actually understood why Peng Weilong came to the door.

The so-called "college student activity center" of Nanxuan University should actually be called "a study room that sounds better."

After all, there is nothing in this so-called activity room except for tables and chairs~www.readwn.com~, and it is also expressly forbidden to make loud noises. If you don't study, what kind of "activity" can you do?

"You know that too?" Peng Weilong's tone became cold, "Since you know, you still make such a loud noise? You are the loudest in the whole building!"

"Let you have a thanksgiving meeting, not a party!"

"Someone called and complained to us within half an hour, saying that you disturbed the people and disturbed their reading and review!"

"I order you now, you can either handle the order of the venue, or cancel the Thanksgiving event, you can decide!"



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