If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 280: The ditch is a bit big...

Lan Jiabin and Li Yuxiao followed the voice at the same time, and then jumped behind them in fright at the same time, and their hind legs fell for several meters.

"Fuck, who are you?" Li Yuxiao was so frightened that he burst out a beautiful national quintessence.

Because what suddenly appeared in front of him was a huge bear, which gave him a solid start.

Li Yuxiao can be said to be a veteran-level figure. This year, he has already entered the second year of graduate school. He has spent six years in Nanxuan University together with the four years of his undergraduate degree.

So as a big brother, sometimes, he does still feel a little generation gap with these younger brothers and sisters.

For example, he didn't recognize what the bear in front of him was at all, and only thought it looked a bit scary and creepy.

"Don't be afraid, Minister, this is just a Kumamon!"

When Lan Jiabin saw Li Yuxiao's frightened expression as if he had been eaten up, he immediately explained to Li Yuxiao that he couldn't stop laughing and crying.

"Kumamon?" Li Yuxiao was stunned, "That bear that looks like a sallow and likes to drink honey?"

Minister, your generation gap is indeed a bit big... Lan Jiabin twitched the corner of his mouth and explained, "Uh, Minister, the one you are talking about is Winnie the Pooh."

Li Yuxiao continued to immerse himself in his own world: "But he's not yellow..."

"Minister, I said it's not Winnie the Pooh!" Lan Jiabin was anxious.

At this time, Kumamon's round head suddenly separated from his chubby body, and Chen Yilang stuck his head out from his body like a whack-a-mole.

"Hello, Minister Li Yuxiao!" Chen Yilang greeted enthusiastically.

Li Yuxiao took a step back tactically in fright.

"Don't be so surprised, the minister and I are going to have a heart attack from you." Lan Jiabin couldn't help complaining.

In fact, Lan Jiabin was not frightened, but in order to take care of the minister's face, he had to mention his name in passing.

"I'm sorry, I just happened to hear the two of you talking."

Chen Yilang grinned.

He really didn't eavesdrop on the speeches of these two people. To be precise, he actually didn't have much interest in most of the information and intelligence in the External Relations Department.

It's just that the two people were so close to him when they were talking just now that they didn't perceive his existence at all, as if they were directly treating him as air.

Obviously people are right in front of you, but they ignore me directly? Anyway, Brother Lang couldn't help it.

I just heard Li Yuxiao talking about the Thanksgiving activity again, so Chen Yilang simply interjected.


Li Yuxiao was still a little frightened, "That... Junior Brother Chen Yilang, right?"

"What did you just say?"

Chen Yilang said: "Ah, I said, haven't you encountered some more difficult problems?"

"I think I can try to help, Minister Li Yuxiao."

Both Li Yuxiao and Lan Jiabin were taken aback for a moment~www.readwn.com~ The reason why the former was surprised was that he didn't quite understand where the courage of this apprentice came from.

The latter is because he did not expect Chen Yilang to have such a spontaneous suggestion.

Lan Jiabin thought that he knew Chen Yilang quite well. Judging from this guy's temperament, it must be more than less.

This kind of active life for himself will basically not happen to Chen Yilang.

However, no matter how you guess, these two guys are definitely not able to guess the real reason behind it.

Because the real reason is... the voice of the system appeared in Chen Yilang's mind again.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

【You have triggered a new hidden mission: the hero who saves the field! 】


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