If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 278: If the salted fish turns over...

"I wipe?"

"what's the situation?"

"Why is the Secretary-General here too?"

Chen Yilang, who had already been surrounded by a large number of people, was shocked when he heard the system's voice.

The toughest character is back...

Although Chen Yilang is not a person who is afraid of things, he has one thing to say. Every time he sees Secretary-General Lu Shanshan, his first subconscious reaction is always to take a detour.

I'm afraid it doesn't exist, mainly because it's too troublesome...

After staying in the student union organization for a long time, Chen Yilang has long understood the temperament and behavior of the leaders.

Among many student cadres, Chen Yilang can be sure that the easiest person to deal with is actually Chairman Han Qiujing who everyone fears the most.

Because when I communicate with Chairman Han Qiujing, there is basically no nonsense. Chairman Han is very busy and does not have much time to do Tai Chi with you.

And someone like Cao Ze is an advanced tai chi player, a master of going around in circles. One sentence can give you eighteen bends in the mountain, but you can't quite understand what he meant after he said it.

Thinking, you have to rack your brains for a long time.

And this secretary-general Lu Shanshan is an old-fashioned athlete. She is unselfish, has a straightforward temperament, will open up when she disagrees, and is good at compulsive nagging, and can drive people crazy in minutes.

Drop... Chen Yilang, who has personally accepted the test of Brother Lu's interview, is the first victim, which is particularly uncomfortable.

At this moment, looking at the scene in the chaotic corridor, Lu Shanshan's face suddenly darkened, she pulled over a staff member of the External Relations Department, and then said angrily: "Go and call You ministers come out."

"Okay, Secretary-General, please wait a moment." The younger brother of the External Relations Department naturally recognized the eldest sister in front of him, smiled immediately, and ran to convey the news in a puff of smoke.

Sure enough, not long after, Li Yuxiao and Lan Jiabin were called out.

"What's going on here today?" Lu Shanshan said with a frown. "Noisy, what does it look like? The meeting will give you the right to use the large conference room, not for you to have a party here!"

"I'm sorry Secretary Lu, it's my problem."

Lan Jiabin was not afraid of the menacing Lu Shanshan, and said in a decent and generous tone, "There are a few new people from the logistics department here today to assist in the work, but I didn't take them well."

"What's the matter with that bear?" Lu Shanshan said, looking at the Kumamon standing near the back door of the classroom.

"That's the younger brother of Chen Yilang, who is from the business school like me. You should know the secretary general." Lan Jiabin said, "He's a little bit unconcerned about his work today, I'll talk to him later. …”

"Wait, let me tell you." Li Yuxiao interrupted Lan Jiabin softly, and then said to Lu Shanshan, "This is actually the case, Secretary-General."

"The work plan of our outreach department today is actually to hold a thanksgiving event to attract new sponsors for the upcoming school celebration."

"So today, in addition to the old customers that we specially invited, there are many potential customers who come here because of our publicity."

"But to be honest, I actually didn't have much hope, because the Thanksgiving activities we have held over the years have not actually worked very well..."

"Basically, the only people who are willing to join us are those old customers who have worked with us for a long time."

"New customers are basically not interested in learning about our school celebration activities. Even if there are, most of them are wool parties who come to pick up gifts..."

"But today, the people who read our brochures carefully are a lot more than every previous year!"

The more Li Yuxiao said, the more excited, "This morning, just now, before you came, I negotiated two more merchants and won two good sponsorships."

"Oh?" Lu Shanshan's brows rose slightly, "That's not bad, thanks for your hard work, Minister Li."

"No, no, that's not the point of what I want to say." Li Yuxiao shook his head and said, "What I want to say is that we were able to go so well today, in fact, thanks to the classmates in the logistics department who came to help!"

"Logistics department? Which ones?" Lu Shanshan wondered.

"It's the classmates who greeted guests with dolls."

Li Yuxiao said, and pointed to the bear surrounded by a sea of ​​people in the distance, "Especially the Kumamon Bear, I have observed that at least half of the new merchants attracted today are drawn by that bear. ... and while he does make it a little noisy here, it's really useful."

Lan Jiabin, who was standing on the side, was stunned for a moment, and the whole person was stunned.

What the heck, you dare to do it for a long time, boss, you want to praise this guy! ?

Lan Jiabin is completely stupid. Li Yuxiao said that he would report the situation to the top. He thought he was going to criticize Chen Yilang, but it turned out to be praising him?

It has been a long time since he saw that Chen Yilang was upset, so he specially arranged the hardest and most tiring job of welcoming guests in doll costumes for their group. Give this product a trance assist?

This Nima is too painful...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Unexpectedly], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +2382, Experience +1235! 】

"That's it." Lu Shanshan said thoughtfully, "That's fine, but there is still a problem."

"What's the problem, Secretary-General, feel free to ask." Li Yuxiao took out a small notebook from nowhere, and said with a serious face, ready to record the Secretary-General's opinion at any time.

"Where did you make these doll suits? Is it strong?" Lu Shanshan asked.

Li Yuxiao was taken aback: "It's okay, what's wrong?"

"No, it's been tossed about by those customers all the time. I'm quite worried that the quality of the clothes is not good enough and will be torn apart by then." Lu Shanshan also said solemnly, "And this merchant's

The work is not detailed enough, the tail of the Kumamon prototype is not so long, it looks very strange! This will give customers a feeling that we are not serious enough. "

"... There is no problem with the quality, you can rest assured Secretary Lu, as for the tail... I will pay more attention next time."

Li Yuxiao couldn't help rubbing the sweat on his forehead, thinking that he was indeed the Secretary-General. Sure enough, his brain circuits and focus are not the same as normal people...

Although he has been in the student union for so long, he has heard about the temperament of their Secretary-General Lu, and he has experienced many times of being speechless.

But even so, every time he did not predict the sudden action of the Secretary-General.

"Who is that classmate wearing a Kumamon?" Li Yuxiao said.

"Chen Yilang... Uh, didn't classmate Lan Jiabin just say it?"

"I forgot." Lu Shanshan said honestly, "Okay, I remember now."

"...Our thanksgiving event this afternoon will start soon. If Secretary-General Lu is interested, he can stay and cheer." Li Yuxiao said.

"Thank you for the invitation, but no need, I still have a lot of things to deal with in the afternoon. The school celebration is approaching, and everyone is as busy as a top." Lu Shanshan said, "Work hard, hard work.

. From Chen Yilang's side, I took time to tell the chairman that this freshman is really good, and it is said that the chairman also likes to come here. "

"Okay, Secretary Lu has worked hard." Li Yuxiao said.

After another lap or two in the venue, Lu Shanshan's inspection mission today was over.

After Lu Shanshan had gone away, Li Yuxiao restrained his smile and said to Lan Jiabin with some displeasure:

"Take a look at your head before speaking in the future, especially for someone like Secretary-General Lu."

"If I wasn't there just now, you said, the students in the logistics department wearing dolls must have been removed?"

"Besides, classmate Chen Yilang has done a good job, why do you say it's not someone else's?"

Lan Jiabin gritted his teeth and said, "...the minister is right, I think I'm right."

"I heard that you and that Chen Yilang are alumni?" Li Yuxiao said.

"Yes, yes, Minister." Li Yuxiao nodded and said, "But it's only half an alumnus, because he was next door to me in high school...and he's not particularly familiar."

"It doesn't matter, since you have such a relationship with him, you must learn to use it well."

Li Yuxiao said, "What do we rely on for our external affairs department? Isn't it just a human accident?"

"This kid needs to be able to work, to be appreciated by his superiors, to be obedient, and to work hard. For a person like this, why do you speak ill of him?"

Reading at zero

"You should say more good things about him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com makes him feel the enthusiasm and warmth of our External Relations Department!"

"He will say good things about us when he feels comfortable in the External Relations Department. You don't understand such a simple truth?"

"The person the leader likes is our friend. Even if he is not from our External Relations Department, he must be a friend, at least not an enemy!"

"Hey, okay, I know the minister." Lan Jiabin nodded and said annoyed.

It's really annoying...

As we all know, Lan Jiabin was born in a family of merchants, and he has been fascinated since he was a child. How could he not understand such a reason, and he still needs Li Yuxiao to teach him?

He understands the reason, he is just unhappy...

After all, how could he let this Chen Yilang succeed?

In the freshman year, the only person who can make Lan Jiabin his opponent is Chen Yilang.

As for the other freshmen of the same generation, looking at the entire student union, it can be said that there is not a single one who can fight.

Originally, after learning that Chen Yilang had a conflict with the sports department, Lan Jiabin felt extremely happy, thinking that with this guy's temperament, he probably wouldn't have anything to do with the student union in the future.

In the end, who knows, what scared Lan Jiabin the most happened.

—Chen Yilang, actually came to the student union.

"Although this person is a salted fish, sometimes, the salted fish is the most difficult existence." Lan Jiabin thought to himself.

Most of the salted fish are indeed real salted fish, the kind that can't be pulled away by eight cars as long as they lie on the ground.

But Chen Yilang is not.

This product is a fake salted fish.

He's really harmless when he's lying flat, but if he starts rolling over...

Lan Jiabin couldn't imagine it.

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