If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 275: The culture of the [Wild Wolf]...


When the system broadcast the words "Hungry Wolf Corps", Chen Yilang was shocked.

Because together with the voice broadcast, not only the words "Er Hungry Wolf Corps", but also an environmental bgm that appeared at the same time as the system's voice.

The style of this bmg is quite indescribable. It has the ups and downs and passion of the Croatian Rhapsody, the murmur and tactfulness of the Undead Overture, and even the weirdness of the little sister carrying a doll...

All in all, this bgm can be said to be quite catchy.

"So, is this [Hungry Wolf Corps] actually so good?"

Chen Yilang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, but he walked into the conference room very calmly.

Then he saw that the long square table was already full of people.

Almost every member of the Outreach Department has a logo named [Wild Wolf] on the top of his head.

[Wild Wolf: A monster with an extremely ferocious temperament, with extremely high mental attributes, far more physical attributes than ordinary people, extremely aggressive and extremely dangerous! Skills good at: [Mouth Gatling], [Relentless Ignore], [Steel City Wall Face]...etc. 】

[Intelligence: [Wild Wolf] is a monster that lives in groups. A single [Wild Wolf] may not have a high combat power, but under the fetters of [Wolf Spirit], the threat that hordes of wild wolves can cause is far away. Much higher than you think! 】

[Wolf Spirit: The [Bound] effect of the [Wild Wolf] monster, each time a [Wild Wolf] joins the fetter, the attribute values ​​of the fettered unit will increase a little! 】

[Intelligence: When you find the [Wild Wolves] that are haunting in groups, just be a little more careful! If you can't figure out the opponent's strength, then turning around and running is definitely a very correct choice! 】


Chen Yilang glanced at his watch calmly, um, it's okay, not late.

But even so, the scene is still a little embarrassing.

Because although they are not late, the difference from being late is actually not very big.

Because Chen Yilang could clearly see that all the people from the External Relations Department had already arrived and sat quietly in the conference room.

At this moment, the [Wild Wolf] on the table looked straight at the people in their logistics department, his eyes were uniform, and without exception, all of them showed an uneasy atmosphere.

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[You have entered the [focus] state! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】


"It's the [focus] state!"

The moment he saw this word, Chen Yilang was instantly jolted and remembered something key.

——His [Eye of Deceit] equipment.

The occasion where this piece of equipment can play a role happens to be when he is in the [Focus] state.

So Chen Yilang couldn't care about that much anymore. No matter what, he took out such a piece of equipment from his backpack and put it on first.

It's going to be useful later... that's hard to say.

Chen Yilang walked up with several other brothers from the logistics department, and under the guidance of several members of the external affairs department, he sat down on the long table almost farthest from the other end.

At the far end of the long table, there were three people in total, namely Li Yuxiao, the Minister of External Relations, Du Weikai, the Deputy Minister, and Lan Jiabin, an old acquaintance and good brother.

From this seat, Lan Jiabin, who is also sitting next to Minister Li Yuxiao, is no different from Deputy Minister Du Weikai.

As a freshman, being able to sit in such a position, according to Lan Jiabin's temperament, is basically enough for him to play for a whole year.

"Are you all here?"

Li Yuxiao said slowly, under the nose of the plane, which was crazily propped up with the help of the styling mud, there were a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes.

He quickly glanced at everyone on the table around him, his eyes like knives.

"Report to the Minister, all together!"

Before Chen Yilang could react, he only heard a large area of ​​[Wild Wolf] around him suddenly roar, full of energy, and the loud, bell-like voice suddenly frightened the intruders from their logistics department. Jump.

"It's all set, and our logistics department is all set."

A brother from the logistics department who had never seen such a big battle, was so frightened that he quickly added a sentence to Li Yuxiao.

It wasn't because he was cowardly, he was just worried that if he didn't speak up, the group of [Wild Kings] would rush up and beat them up in the next second.

At this time, Chen Yilang's eyes just stopped on Li Yuxiao, the Minister of External Relations, and found that this guy's logo was [lv15 Wolf King]

[Wolf King: The elite in [Wild Wolf] is also the leader of the wild wolf. Legend has it that only one [Wolf King] can be born out of every twenty [Wild Wolves], which is enough to show how fierce the [Wolf King] is in combat. 】

But it's not surprising, after all, he does indeed keep a pack of wolves under his command, so it's natural for him to be king.

"Okay." [lv15 Wolf King] Li Yuxiao nodded, "Introduce yourself, Li Yuxiao, fourth grade, majoring in software engineering in the School of Computer Science..."

software engineering? Is he actually a programmer? It's very different from the style of the elite of the External Relations Department... Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After Li Yuxiao introduced himself, it was Du Weikai's turn next to him, then Lan Jiabin, and then a circle of students from the External Relations Department below.

Finally, a few students from the logistics department.

"My name is Chen Yilang~www.readwn.com~ the first year of marketing at the Business School. I would like to ask all seniors and sisters to give me more advice." Chen Yilang also briefly introduced himself.

And just as he finished speaking...

He suddenly discovered that the eyes of a large group of [wild wolves] in front of him actually lit up with a special effect of red light.

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[Wild wolves] have entered the state of [ready to go]. 】

[Intelligence: Wake up... Hunting time! 】


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