If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 274: 【Hungry Wolf Corps】

Looking at the little yellow bean with the "barging teeth" expression on the screen, Chen Yilang can already imagine the expression of Lan Jiabin on the other end of the screen.

This [Giant Trench Maniac] especially likes the emojis of the Little Soybean series, and the little Soybeans sent out are basically similar to his real situation.

When he is angry, he will really send [rage], and when he is high-spirited, he will send [sunglasses smile] or this [baring teeth].

All in all, Chen Yilang doesn't know why, as long as the expression of Xiao Huangdou is very classic, as long as it passes through his hand, there will be an abnormally greasy feeling...

And he hasn't seen each other for so long, and he doesn't seem to have changed at all.

"Long time no see." Chen Yilang replied simply.

"I didn't expect that you actually came to the student union." Lan Jiabin said, "Oh, I thought our brother Lang always disliked the style of our student union! So after all, he became the one he hated the most. What does it look like? What a pity~”

【Ding! 】

[[lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] used [Yin-Yang Weird Qi], causing huge mental damage to you! 】

【hp-656! 】


Tsk, as expected of the lv20 big boss, the damage really isn't on the same level as the little guys I usually see...

Chen Yilang frowned and thought to himself.

But having said that, this boss really has enough grudges, and it has been almost a year since the two of them had their small grudges carefully, but this guy seems to be really brooding... …

"Good brother, then you really misunderstood me." Chen Yilang smiled helplessly, "The student union is a place where many elites and heroes of our school gather, and here you can meet so many outstanding seniors, I want to come here. It's too late, how can you not be used to our style?"

Lan Jiabin on the opposite side of the screen was a little stunned when he received Chen Yilang's reply.

Damn, when did this guy talk so nicely?

As the saying goes, don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face, Chen Yilang came directly like this, so that he didn't know how to pick it up all of a sudden.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Unexpectedly], causing huge mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +1921, Experience +1042! 】


"Okay, I know."

"Little brother, your current state of mind is not the same as before. It's really something to be happy about."

After thinking for a while, Lan Jiabin said with a smile, "But why is your position a bit difficult to describe even though your ideological level has improved a lot?"

"I still remember a long time ago that the two of us were class leaders together, right?"

"But I'm about to become the head of the school's external liaison department now. Why are you still a small member of the logistics department?"

"Do you like working so much, don't you, hehe?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] used the [Yin-Yang Weird Qi] two-hit combo, causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】



This time the damage has dropped... Chen Yilang guessed that his counterattack just now successfully suppressed the boss, and his resistance to yin and yang strange energy has indeed improved significantly.

After all, the main purpose of Lan Jiabin's [Yin-Yang Weird Qi] was actually to provoke him.

If his heart is extremely calm, then Lan Jiabin's [Yin-Yang Weird Qi] doesn't actually have much effect... It's fine to let the right go to the ears, there's no need to take it to heart.

After all, they are only freshmen now, and it is still unknown who will be the final winner and who will have the last laugh all the way.

"Brother Lan really came to the point. My current work experience is still relatively lacking, the experience is not enough, and the ability is naturally not strong enough, so it is normal that the grade has not been improved..."

"So we'll go out tomorrow for the sponsored event, and we need more advice from you, Brother Lan."

Chen Yilang laughed.

"Hahaha, that's fine."

Hearing Chen Yilang calling him "Brother Lan", Lan Jiabin suddenly felt elated, and he also dispelled Chen Yilang's thoughts of continuing yin and yang.

Maybe this Chen Yilang is really good at learning...?

After all, his current status is not what it used to be.

After all, he is also a reservist for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but anyone who is a little smarter should basically know how to curry favor with him at this time.

You must know that at least half of the high-level student leaders in the entire student union were transferred from the External Relations Department.

For example, the current President Han Qiujing, when he first joined the Student Union, worked in the External Relations Department.

The current vice-chairman, Guan Lu, seems to have also been in the External Relations Department for a while, and the previous chairman was still the most influential figure in the External Relations Department at that time...

And this is not particularly difficult to understand. After all, in the student union, more than 80% of the funding income comes from the External Relations Department.

And this department is also the only department that allows students to have a lot of exposure to anything outside the school.

This also means that the students in the External Relations Department always look more mature and reliable than other students in the school, and they will be more decent and smooth in their dealings with others.

These are the abilities that an adult needs to train and master, and the students of the Outreach Department started such practice early on, and in these respects, it can naturally cause an absolute crushing effect on their peers.

On the other hand, the logistics department where Chen Yilang is located... basically looks like a group of good boys, and at first glance, there is basically no aggressiveness.


"So, you deserve to come and work for me."

Lan Jiabin snorted complacently and meditated in his heart.

After a few more simple chats, the two hung up the phone.

In fact, Chen Yilang was not interested in chatting more with Lan Jiabin.

Although they are both Beijiang's alumni on the bright side, they are actually not familiar with each other at all.

Not only are they unfamiliar, but their relationship is not that good...

After all, don't forget, Lan Jiabin has always had some thoughts on Xiong Yuwei.

And Chen Yilang has a better relationship with Xiong Yuwei, which is what he sees.

"That's all."

"Let's see what's going on tomorrow."

Chen Yilang thought to himself, returned the penguins and took a hot bath.

After washing up, it was exactly ten o'clock. Chen Yilang lay down on the bed and searched the Internet for some tips about sponsorship.

Although he also knows that most of the strategies on the Internet are not very reliable, but how to say it is better than nothing, just take it as a little understanding.

After reading a few guides, a message suddenly popped up on the top of Chen Yilang's phone. Chen Yilang saw that it was Luoluo Jiang's broadcast reminder.

When I opened it, I saw that the scene in the live broadcast room was exactly the scene in the Flower Club.

Luo Luojiang is wearing the Huahua mask from the Powerpuff Girls, holding a guitar, and is playing and singing an old song called "Love is a last resort" on the stage.

The brisk rhythm and tune easily mobilized the atmosphere of the audience at once.

It can be seen from the pictures in the live broadcast that the atmosphere at the scene is indeed quite hot.

In addition, Chen Yilang also found that under the live broadcast room of Luoluojiang, there was another wave of fanatical fans, including the [Big Brother] who had not seen it for a long time.

"Good evening wife!"

"It's on time and on time to see Mrs. Wife!"

"Huh, huh, Luoluo Jiang's wife changed the live broadcast location tonight? Where is this place?"

"Wow, my wife seems to be singing at a bar! Which bar, I'll check in right away!"


Fanatical fans began to curiously ask about the live broadcast location of Luoluojiang below.

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the fanaticism of the fans of Luoluojiang would be so high.

"It's the Blossom Club branch of Nanxuan University, Xiangtang District, Nanxuan City!" At this time, a housekeeper thoughtfully answered the fans' questions in the room.

Ok? Where did this plumber come from? She's still a young lady, quite capable... "The big boss behind the scenes" Chen Yilang thought silently.

Brother Lang observed silently behind his back and found that the little housekeeper in the Luoluojiang live broadcast room is indeed very capable of business. if.

And with the assistance of Luoluojiang, the audience in the live broadcast room has already started to discuss the store "Flower Club".

"Well, it's really not a loss." Chen Yilang silently made a comment in his heart.

After disguising as a fanatical fan, Chen Yilang squatted in the live broadcast room and quietly listened to Luoluo Jiang and finished singing two more Jay Chou songs, and then exited the live broadcast room contentedly.

But before that, he still habitually gave Luoluo sauce a little gift.

It's like a concert ticket...

Early in the morning, Chen Yilang was woken up by the alarm clock he had set.

The first time he got up so early, he was really not used to it. There was a feeling that his body had woken up, but his soul was still stranded.

After washing up like a corpse, Chen Yilang went out, first gathered with a few friends from the logistics department, and then went to Mingde Building together.

The place they are going today is the home of the External Relations Department, so it is inevitable that they will be a little restrained and uncomfortable.

After all, the foreign affairs department has a good reputation, and everyone has heard about it.

The people who can stay in this place are basically marketing elites who are as smooth as a ball, as well as tongue-in-cheek, and can speak well. They can take any one to participate in an impromptu speech contest and they can win the championship in minutes. .

Therefore, the group of salted fish in the logistics department who have long been accustomed to fishing and paddling, once they encounter this group of elites in the external affairs department... If you are not careful, the scene may become a little out of control.

Not long after, everyone came to the office of the External Relations Department of Mingde Building.

Several other members of the logistics department were a little nervous at this time, but at the same time they were also puzzled.

The new little brother Chen, why does he look so calm?

He really didn't panic at all!

But they didn't dare to speak~www.readwn.com~ and could only follow behind Chen Yilang quietly, no one had any intention of pushing the door first.

Chen Yilang smiled helplessly and pushed open the door of the Office of the External Relations Department.

Then, at the moment the door was pushed open, a new prompt sound came from the system in my mind.


【Ding! 】

【You have entered a new sphere of influence! 】

[Faction: Hungry Wolf Corps! 】


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