If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 276: 【Fever dance】

After more than half an hour of mental and physical torture, Chen Yilang finally stopped this inhuman shuttlecock exercise.

How can I say that the current Brother Lang has also risen to lv15. After so much pain and suffering, his physical fitness has already improved a lot.

But even so, in the face of today's terrifying "Compendium of Materia Medica" shuttlecock exercise, he still couldn't withstand such a blow.

"Why doesn't my thigh seem to obey me..." Chen Yilang murmured in a trance.

Damn, I have to say, this is a hundred times more exaggerated than the sequelae of crazy heavy squats in the gym! Hey!

"How do you guys feel?"

After the shuttlecock exercise was over, [lv15 Wolf King] Li Yuxiao moved his neck and asked everyone with a smile.

"Reporting to the Minister, we feel refreshed!"

The [Wild Wolves] roared passionately.

"Then do we have confidence in today's sponsorship mission?" Li Yuxiao also said loudly.


[Wild Wolf] said more energetically.

Students in the logistics department: "…"

Children in the logistics department, who had never seen such a big scene, would have no idea how to react for a while, so they had to secretly twist their thumbs frantically and dig the floor wildly.

In honor.

However, embarrassment turned into embarrassment, and Chen Yilang still found out that these bells and whistles were quite useful for this group of [wolves].

Because under the cheers of Shuttlecock and Li Yuxiao, the [Fever] status signs on the heads of all the wolves also became brighter red, and even flashed at a high frequency.

glowing red.

- It can be seen that it is really quite fanatical.

And Li Yuxiao did indeed pinpoint all his members accurately.

After he chose to use this method to raise the combat effectiveness of his [Wild Wolves] to almost the peak, he took his troops to start a day's work.

Chen Yilang followed the team of the External Relations Department, left Mingde Building, and came to the large conference hall.

As soon as they entered the conference hall, the students of the External Relations Department quickly got busy and performed their duties. It seemed that everyone had their own work to do.

Even without Li Yuxiao's urging, everyone started working in full swing at the same time.

[Fever] [Fever] [Fever]…

Countless [fanatical] [Wild Wolves] were mobilizing frantically, as if their whole body was overflowing with energy that could never be used up.

After seeing this scene, the children in the logistics department were even more confused...

Mom, is this really what I can see?

Why is the painting style of our logistics department a large group of lifeless salted fish paddling wildly?

I can't fix them all at once...

Everyone looked at Chen Yilang in unison, and the expression in their eyes probably meant, "What should I do, Brother Lang?"

Everyone knows that their brother Lang has always had a set of tricks, so they all want to know what their brother Lang should do at this time.

After all, the students in the External Relations Department are already busy working, and they are still standing aside like a few poles, not to mention how embarrassing it is.

But at this time they found out that Brother Lang's reaction was just the opposite...

Their brother Lang was at the back of the meeting room. Not only did he not look uncomfortable at all, but he was extraordinarily leisurely...

People who didn't know saw him and thought he was a big leader who came here to inspect, and the other students of the External Relations Department were all wage earners.

"Brother Lang, why don't you have any reaction at all?" A curious old brother from the logistics department on the side couldn't help it, so he asked Chen Yilang in a low voice.

"Ah?" Chen Yilang seemed to be more surprised than he was, "Then what should I react?"

"Just... I feel that it's quite embarrassing for us to stand here." The elder brother said helplessly.

Isn't that good, so that we can paddle in an open and honest way... Chen Yilang thought to himself, but of course he didn't say it, most of the brothers in the logistics department were honest people, and he didn't want to teach them badly.

"It's alright, just stay! After all, we are not very familiar with the business of the External Relations Department, so we can't do anything if we go up."

Chen Yilang shrugged and said, "Let's stay here and don't do anything, don't make trouble for them, even if it's the biggest help that can be helped."

"And, if they really need anything, they will naturally come to us on their own initiative."

Everyone nodded their heads, feeling that what Chen Yilang said made sense, but it didn't seem to make sense...

"Why do you feel that Brother Lang just made the matter of fishing and paddling a little more fresh and refined?" This idea popped out of everyone's mind.

But there is one thing Brother Lang did not say wrong, they really couldn't help much.

Even, they don't even know what they are here for today.

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts were indeed relieved a lot, and they all followed Chen Yilang around in the large conference room.

And what happened next was exactly what Chen Yilang had expected.

It didn't take long for the backbone of the External Relations Department to walk towards them.

That's right, this backbone is Chen Yilang's good brother Lan Jiabin.

"Classmates from the logistics department, come with me." Lan Jiabin walked over and said sternly to Chen Yilang and the others.

Although it was just a lightly written sentence, the other students in the logistics department were all stunned by Lan Jiabin.

The boy's height is at least 1.85 meters, and just at the altitude, the aura has firmly suppressed them.

And the light-hearted tone of his speech made everyone feel a sense of oppression that could not be questioned or opposed, making people subconsciously and instinctively want to do what he said.

"Hey, okay, senior." Chen Yilang's other companions, who were not sure why, replied almost subconsciously.

"Don't be so polite, and I'm also a freshman." Lan Jiabin said with a half-smile, then turned and walked outside the conference room.

"???" Several people were stunned, you look at me, I look at you, almost all of them are dumbfounded.

"This person is actually a freshman? The same class as us?"

"I'll go, I can't see it at all... I feel so mature."

"That's right, this aura looks like a senior in the senior year..."

A few children in the logistics department shivered, and after Lan Jiabin walked away, they immediately whispered.

That's it? Is there anything to be afraid of? Look at how you guys are conscientious... Chen Yilang was ashamed. As a member of the Field Service, he couldn't help but silently complained in his heart when he looked at his group of friends.

But this is actually understandable, because in front of them, both in terms of experience and ability, Lan Jiabin is basically ruthless crushing them, just like a social worker in the workplace facing a timid student. Basically, it's just a trick.

Everyone followed behind Lan Jiabin and walked to the corridor outside the conference hall.

Lan Jiabin glanced at everyone and said, "First of all, on behalf of the External Relations Department, I would like to thank all the students in the Logistics Department for taking time out of their busy schedules to help us with our sponsorship mission."

"Our task today is to hold condolences and thanksgiving activities for the old sponsors of our student union, and take this opportunity to issue sponsorship invitations to the school celebrations to our old customers."

"At three o'clock this afternoon, the Thanksgiving event will be held in the conference room, so we are now setting up the venue and doing preliminary preparations."

"So let me tell you first, we have a very important task for you in the touching event of UU reading www.uukanshu.com this afternoon."

Lan Jiabin said.

"What's the mission?" A few friends said eagerly.

Very important task!

Lan Jiabin's words easily aroused their attention.

Originally, they thought that they might really have to paddle all day today, but they didn't expect that the External Relations Department had really arranged such an important thing for them, and they suddenly felt like they were being coaxed.


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