If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 273: She can sing and dance rap...

"Okay, then let's go here and talk to you next time when you have time."

Han Qiujing pretended to casually glance at the two of them, and there was an imperceptible smile on her face.

She is a smart person. She has seen through the delicate relationship between Chen Yilang and Cao Ze long ago, and there is nowhere to hide.

Therefore, Han Qiujing had absolutely no intention of letting the two of them stay here for a while longer.

Let the two talk more, and it is not certain how much the two will rub each other...

After all, they are two fierce men. If they really rubbed together, it would be really difficult.

And it doesn't make much sense. After all, Han Qiujing already knew what kind of people the two subordinates in front of him were.

So, that's all, if you want to force her to watch these two crazy performances in front of her... it's really uncomfortable, and it's not too necessary.

So the best way to deal with it now is to play stupid.

And it's really comfortable to see two young boys fighting back and forth in front of her~ Well, Cao Ze doesn't count, the old senior goes away.

Helpless, Cao Ze could only suppress his words and left the office with Chen Yilang.

As soon as he walked out of Mingde Building, Chen Yilang felt a subtle change in the atmosphere in an instant.

It turned out that the relationship between him and Cao Ze had already become very stiff, but after this morning's pulling in Han Qiujing's office, the atmosphere has become even more awkward.

But the most uncomfortable thing is that the two of them have long been aware of this, but every time they meet, they have to keep a smile on their faces even though they say mmp in their hearts.

"Have you eaten?" Cao Ze took the lead and said with a smile, "Let's go to Bihuyuan for breakfast together?"

"Ah, I'm so sorry, Deputy Minister Cao, I've eaten it, why don't I make an appointment next time?" Chen Yilang also said with a smile.

"Okay." The two quickly reached a consensus, and then parted at the nearest intersection.

Not long after he turned around, the smile on Cao Ze's face instantly solidified, and his face was so gloomy that it was a little scary.

Even Cao Ze himself may not necessarily be able to guess, he has not shown such an expression for a long time.

The last time he looked so anxious and heavy was when he and Ma Yichuan were running for ministerial elections at the general election last year.

At that time, he also thought that he was in a position to win. Later, before the election, he also had a similar kind of hunch, but in the end he really overturned.

"Life is impermanent, and it is normal for a car to roll over, I admit it."

"But people can't be so weak that they roll over twice in a row, right?"

Cao Ze said silently in his heart.

And the most ridiculous thing is that the object of his worries is actually just a little boy who has just entered the student union for a few days...

Logically speaking, with his scheming old fox spirit's ability, it should be an easy matter to get hold of such a naive newcomer.

But why is the situation shown in reality completely different from it...

This Chen Yilang, why is he?

In Cao Ze's heart, there was a big dissatisfaction.

One day, he will definitely prove his true strength to Chairman Han...



After returning to the dormitory, Chen Yilang soon received the good news he wanted.

And the good news, of course, comes from the manager of the Flower Club.

"General Manager Chen, this time, it's all thanks to you again!" As soon as the call was connected, the store manager immediately exclaimed angrily, "Since you recruited this resident singer for our club, The turnover and transaction volume are rising every day!"

Listening to this tone, Chen Yilang could almost see the store manager's bright smile across the screen.

"Is that 'Luo Luo sauce'?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Yes, yes." The store manager on the other end of the phone nodded frantically, "I don't know where you got the resident singer from, and your ability to attract customers is too strong!"

"How do you say it? Does it sing nicely?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Well, there is a reason." The manager seemed to ponder for a while and said, "But I don't think the key seems to be how nice her voice is... The key is that this Luoluo sauce seems to have a lot of traffic. Ah...and she's really good at playing!"

"Can you play?" Chen Yilang was taken aback.

"That's right, that's right, I'm very good at playing... Er, how to say it, anyway, it's in line with the preferences of your young people now," said the store manager.

"for example?"

"For example, she can not only sing, but also play this kind of very cute electric guitar! How should I say? It's the kind of electric guitar that is very rocky..."

"And that bass! It's the one with a very low voice, woo woo woo..."

On the other end of the phone, the store manager used all his strength to imitate the sound of the electric guitar and bass, "That's fine, besides all this, she actually sings and dances rap! You say this Isn't it outrageous?"

Chen Yilang: "...that's a bit of a play, but what the **** is singing and dancing rap? Wouldn't it be too outrageous?"

To be fair, how could you be proficient in such a difficult thing as singing and dancing if you haven't been a trainee for more than two and a half years?

The shopkeeper added:

"Really, I saw it with my own eyes that night!"

"A boy who was sitting downstairs and dressed a bit bells and whistles suddenly asked her something, 'Can you fly to death?'? Then I didn't know what it meant, and she started to rap..."

"Then she said she really planned to dance, but unfortunately our stage was a little small, so she gave up..."

Chen Yilang: "...?"

Good guy, so this Luoluo sauce is so hidden!

It seems that the 400 yuan appearance fee is really worth it... As expected of the [Rank One Killer], it really lives up to its reputation.

Never found out before!

"Since that day, many students in the school will come here every day, order a few cocktails and sit there listening to her sing."

"Speaking of which she sang Jay Chou's songs, she still felt quite impressed. I even spent ten yuan to order a song for her... What kind of bell in the opposite direction is it called?"

The store manager said as he recalled, "Oh, she's pretty good anyway. If I suggest, you can sign a labor contract with her, give her a fixed base salary plus performance commission, and keep her. ."

"Okay, I'll find a time to talk to her next time." Chen Yilang replied.

"By the way, if you can, tell her by the way and let her show her face when she comes to work next time."

The store manager said helplessly, "She has to wear a mask when she comes to the venue every day, I look at the old man... Although I don't know if you young people like this kind of gameplay, I can't accept it anyway. "

"Manager, that's what you don't understand." Chen Yilang joked with a smile, "She's from a Yan Zhi anchor, and she needs 100,000 fans to show her face!"

"...Then I really don't understand you young people." The store manager rubbed his slightly swollen temples and said helplessly.

After hanging up with the store manager, Chen Yilang called Gu Binghan again.

During this period of time, he had a lot of things, and it had been a long time since he forgot to report the work situation to Gu Binghan.

However, it can be seen that Sister Bing seems to trust and value his work ability very much. After handing over the Nanda branch of the Flower Club to him, she basically did not ask much about the specific situation. She only told him that if the funds were not enough Just find her directly.

Of course, Chen Yilang also knows that this is probably just a polite remark. If he really makes a huge loss to Sister Bing's club, he will feel sorry for himself...

Fortunately, based on the current situation, every major decision Chen Yilang has made now is basically correct.

And now the bustling club, compared to the scene when it just opened, can be said to be much better...

Well, this semester has been quite fulfilling.

Right now, there are not many days left in his freshman semester. Once the school anniversary is over, he will become a sophomore after the student union's general election ceremony.

Ah, this time really flies super fast...

Chen Yilang was still sighing silently in his heart, when Penguin received another new message.

[You have been invited to join the group chat: quack kills and pulls the sponsorship army]

When he saw the name of this group chat, Chen Yilang was probably able to guess seven, seven, eight, eight.

After going in and taking a look, he can already be sure that this is the mission group created by the External Affairs Department to pull sponsorship.

Because in addition to some students from the logistics department who were pulled in, he also saw an acquaintance - the only administrator in the group, [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] Lan Jiabin.

During this time, Chen Yilang has done a lot of things in NTU, and he has achieved a series of achievements.

And Lan Jiabin was also unwilling. After Chen Yilang browsed the chat records in the External Relations Department, he found that Lan Jiabin was already the first backbone of the External Relations Department.

From his administrator status, it can be seen that the head of the External Relations Department, that is, the group owner of the group chat, should appreciate him, otherwise why not give this authority to the deputy minister?

All in all, after some observation, Chen Yilang can be sure that in terms of the current situation, compared with Lan Jiabin, he is still slightly inferior.

After all, the positions of the External Affairs Department and the Logistics Department in the entire student union of the school are completely different.

If the External Affairs Department is an elite unit that drives fighter jets, then the Logistics Department is a group of army troops running on the front lines of the battlefield with explosive packs on their backs...

Which is more precious, the Air Force or the Army, naturally needless to say.

And now Lan Jiabin has been mixed with the backbone in the External Relations Department, while Chen Yilang is still a member of the Logistics Department.

Well, this gap is suddenly exposed again...

However, this is also excusable, after all, Lan Jiabin went to the Outreach Department of the Student Union from the very beginning.

Not long after he entered the university, he entered the liaison department of the student union of the college through a relationship.

In addition, it is still the most suitable business school. It can be said that it is an easy thing to enter the school's student union through this springboard.

As for Chen Yilang, he was so excited as soon as he entered school, and even made many members of the student union unhappy, especially the old and unlucky ones in the sports department... So naturally, he was not like Lan Jiabin. Farby.

After entering the sponsorship group, Chen Yilang squatted inside and dived for a while, and found in the ten-minute peeping screen that Lan Jiabin's current strength may be a little more exaggerated than he imagined. …

- He found out that the current Lan Jiabin is already the reservist of the Minister of External Relations.

And it's a real minister.

Probably because the banknote ability of this [Giant Trench Maniac] is so powerful that the real deputy minister cannot catch up with his presence at all...

At least Chen Yilang squatted in the group for a long time. Except for Lan Jiabin, the backbone, and Li Yuxiao, the head of the External Relations Department, he really didn't see who the deputy minister was for a while.


Chen Yilang subconsciously took a breath.

Even though the word Minister, it doesn't sound like a big deal.

But if the freshman year, the school student union, the foreign affairs department, the minister's reserve...

If such a large number of keywords are all placed on the same person?

That's a very terrifying thing.

It is estimated that it is an unprecedented event in the history of the entire Nantong University Union.

At this time, a new notification popped up in the group chat.

[Notice: Welcome friends from the logistics department to join us in this mission of going out and pulling sponsorship! At 6:00 sharp tomorrow morning, we will give a simple business training in the office of Mingde Building. After the training, we will officially start our outing tasks. Please reply when you receive it! ]

Not long after the notice was sent out, Chen Yilang quickly followed up with a series of replies.

Almost everyone in the External Relations Department responded in seconds.

Seeing this battle, Chen Yilang naturally didn't dare to neglect, and he didn't even have time to read the news, so he replied with the word "received".

After that, he went back to read the content of the notification, and then he was dumbfounded.

Meeting at 6:30 in the morning?

Good guy, this is a lot more exaggerated than eight classes earlier on weekdays, a full two hours earlier!

"Fuck, what kind of monsters are these people in the External Relations Department?"

"Damn, at six o'clock, even if you asked me to get up at six o'clock to play games, I can't get up!"

"I'm on the pirate ship, brothers, is it too late for me to quit now?"


In the small group of the logistics department, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly exploded.

Several of them were students who were arranged to assist the work of the External Relations Department this time. At this moment, they all began to doubt their lives and complained endlessly.


A new message popped up, Chen Yilang glanced at it, it was a message sent by Lan Jiabin.

"Long time no see, little brother."

Lan Jiabin said, adding an expression of "baring his teeth" at the end of the sentence.


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