If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 272: [Top-level patching knife]!

Cao Ze: "?"

Why is this guy here...

Chen Yilang was a little puzzled, and he said one thing, what is the tone of your speech?

Brother Cao Ze?

Haven't seen you always so oily?

I see you as a stinky brother...

Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

"Come in." Han Qiujing said helplessly.

"Morning, Chairman Han~"

The door of the office was pushed open, and Cao Ze, with a smile on his face, walked towards Han Qiujing with light steps, and then sat down lightly in front of Han Qiujing.

At this time, Cao Ze also happened to see Chen Yilang, who was also sitting next to him.

The bright flower-like smile on Cao Ze's face disappeared instantly, and it converged into the iconic smirk, "Xiao Chen? Why are you here?"

"I just happened to be looking for Senior Sister Han Qiujing." Chen Yilang said calmly.

And he really didn't need to panic. After all, he wasn't doing anything wrong, so what was there to panic about?

"Is something wrong? What's the matter with you?"

Cao Ze's face was tense, and his brows raised a little unconsciously, "We, Chairman Han, are usually very busy, and we have to deal with a lot of things big and small in our student union every day...

...so if you don't have anything important in the future, you can talk to me first. "

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded with a smile.

But of course, he understood the meaning of Cao Ze's words very clearly.

This [conspirator], on the surface, reminded him thoughtfully and kindly, but in fact, it was suggesting that Chen Yilang should not continue this kind of behavior that violates his identity.

This is like in the workplace, under non-essential circumstances, it is absolutely taboo for small employees at the grassroots level to skip the middle person and directly contact the leadership.

And this set, sometimes placed within the student union, is still effective.

So, according to this logic, if Chen Yilang wants to contact or ask Han Qiujing about something, he should report to Cao Ze first, and then Cao Ze to Ma Yichuan

It was relayed, and finally, Ma Yichuan summed it up and conveyed it together.

Although this way of working can sometimes seem very rigid, it does ensure that everyone can perform their own duties to a certain extent, forming a school like gears.

This work organization.

In a nutshell, what Cao Ze meant was probably: "You kid didn't take me seriously, but it doesn't matter. Of course Chairman Han didn't take you in his eyes either."

After all, no chairman would like a junior staff member at the grassroots level to find him every day when he has something to do. The big leaders are very busy. Who would put a small staff member at the lowest level in his eyes?

Unless you can make some achievements or something... But if that's the case, you will definitely not be just a low-level employee.

Seeing Chen Yilang showing a mean and well-behaved look, although Cao Ze's face did not show it, his heart was naturally extremely comfortable.

After all, his purpose is not only to show off in front of Chen Yilang, but also to establish his image as a deputy minister in front of Chairman Han.

Look at me, how well-behaved my subordinates have become in front of me!

I'm afraid even the minister doesn't have the momentum I have!

If this is not an excellent deputy minister, then who can?

Cao Ze's heart was a little triumphant.

But at this moment, he heard Han Qiujing say: "No, Junior Brother Chen came here because I gave him the task."

"...Ah?" Cao Ze's expression froze, and his face became strange. "Task? Uh... Chairman Han, did you give Xiao Chen the task?"

"Yes." Han Qiujing said.

"Why?" Cao Ze blurted out subconsciously, "Our logistics department has a lot of staff, so it can be directly handed over to all the staff of our minister."

He glanced at Cao Ze casually, and said a little irritably: "There are some people in your logistics department who like to watch videos and watch the little sister in black silk skirt... Who is it?

I won't say it anymore, if I hand over the work to you, won't it sweep away your Yaxing? "

"This..." Cao Ze was at a loss for words, his face was ugly as if he had eaten a ton...

God **** it!

Sure enough, when he was sneaking fish that day, he was completely seen by Chairman Han!

Although Chairman Han didn't show it on his face at all, this terrifying woman still remembered this grudge!

But how can this be done?

I can only blame myself for my bad luck. After all, what about the unlucky old **** who snuck out his cell phone to see Miss Heisi when the leader happened to pass by?

After Chen Yilang heard the sound, his heart moved, and he immediately put on an extremely shocked and angry expression, and said in an exaggerated tone: "Wow, no, Han Qiujing! Let's logistics!

Is there still such a dead pervert? Who is it, who is it, it simply smears the image of our diligent logistics students! "

"...?" Cao Ze's mouth twitched.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Top Compensation Knife], causing a lot of mental crit damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +1982, Experience +1052! 】

"Ah, this? Then you have to ask your Vice Minister Cao." Han Qiujing glanced at Cao Ze and said.

With an innocent face, Chen Yilang turned his head to look at Cao Ze, with curious and pure eyes flashing in his eyes.

"Cough, that, Xiao Chen Xuedi has performed very well. He is motivated and has a high work efficiency. After I go back, I will definitely praise you publicly in the department." Cao Zeshou

Concentrating his expression, he patted Chen Yilang's shoulder solemnly, completing the transfer of the topic.

"So Vice Minister Cao, what's the matter with you?" Han Qiujing crossed her hands on her chest and said expressionlessly.

"Ah, I almost forgot what you didn't say."

Cao Ze showed his signature smile again, "That's it, Chairman Han..."

"Isn't the school celebration work of our student union in full swing?"

"To be honest, as the deputy director of the logistics department, I have seen the work of our small partners in our department and other departments..."

"I have to admit that the workload of our logistics department is indeed the least compared to other departments."

"So I want to take the initiative to apply to you on behalf of our department, and you can send us more tasks."

"For example, the work of the External Relations Department seems to be quite busy now. They are now getting sponsors everywhere, and they are a bit overwhelmed."

"So we want to take the initiative to ask Ying to help the students of the External Relations Department in the work of the school celebration activities and sponsorship work in the next school celebration work..."

Han Qiujing held her chest and listened to Cao Ze's speech with great interest, but Chen Yilang, who was beside Yun, felt that the more he listened, the more wrong it was...

Until Cao Ze proposed to take the initiative to help the work of the External Relations Department, Chen Yilang was finally unable to hold back.

My dear, who gave you the courage to make such a request on behalf of our logistics department!

Have you really consulted our department staff?

Chen Yilang can be said to be very painful, and who said that their logistics department has less workload?

Not only a lot of work they have to do, but a ridiculous amount of work!

As a department that is a "specialized household" to put it badly, although the logistics department has very little work on its own, it does a lot of work for other departments when working part-time.


And the most extreme thing is that if other departments have made any achievements, the credit is basically counted as their own. If the logistics department wants to get a share of the pie, then

It's hard.

It's all like this, Cao Ze, the old dog thief, is still here taking the initiative to ask Ying to help other departments. I'm afraid he has a brain bubble?

If you have to say that you love to work part-time, and you are keen to be a master, we won't stop you... But don't pull the whole department into the water, okay?

What's more, the real minister Ma Yichuan hasn't spoken yet. Isn't your behavior considered arrogant?

Chen Yilang was very helpless, and he couldn't get in on the situation right now, so he could only murmuring in his heart silently, and secretly continued to observe the next situation.

However, Cao Ze's purpose is very obvious. He did this, naturally, in order to brush up his presence in front of Han Qiujing, and it can also be regarded as making up for his previous mistakes in fishing...

That is to say, Cao Ze has to come up with some way to tell Han Qiujing that he is really not a guy who only fishes when he is working, he is also an active, diligent and hard-working guy.

A good deputy minister of power, so you must not deny me because of the black silk skirt...

I like black silk and short skirts, I'm an LSP, but you can't deny my worth and deprive me of the right to work hard!

Cao Ze was very satisfied with his move.

Anyway, in this way, he has successfully let Chairman Han see his determination.

As for the work over there in the External Relations Department... who cares.

Wouldn't it be nice to just send a few members to help them work part-time, anyway, since he is the deputy minister, he must always stay by the minister's side to handle the work.

Minister, of course, it is impossible to work for other departments, otherwise how can you be called a minister?

In other words, of course, it is impossible for him as a deputy minister...

Anyway, no matter what, thinking about it, he will never lose Cao Ze, and will always be firmly in an invincible position.

This is the 【Conspiracy】!

"Sounds pretty good."

Han Qiujing nodded and said, "Then I'll leave this matter to you to coordinate."

"Since you all have this idea, then go all out to do it well, either don't do it, or do your best... Don't let me down, the most important thing is, don't let you

Disappointing some lovely members. "

"Okay, make sure to do it well." Cao Ze nodded immediately.

Don't let the crew down? It's good not to let the members be killed... Chen Yilang didn't say a word, silently complaining in his heart.

"This matter can also let Xiao Chen help you well. Xiao Chen's work ability is very strong, even far above you old fritters... He lacks the experience of just work.

It's just an experience, and in many places and details, you even have to learn from him. "

"Okay, okay, I will definitely arrange work tasks for Xiao Chen, let him exercise a lot, and further become the backbone of our student union." Cao Ze said solemnly.

Nod cheerfully.

You're **** holding back your laughter... Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, but he had no choice but to nod: "Okay, thank you for the training of our organization, I will definitely work hard to grow up as soon as possible."

"You don't have to be so humble, Junior Brother Chen." Cao Ze patted Chen Yilang's shoulder and laughed softly, "You are much better than other students in the same class! With your potential, today

In the general meeting of 2019, it is definitely no problem to be our backbone! "

"Oh? So our little brother Chen wants to be the backbone of the logistics department?" Han Qiujing smiled slightly.

"Don't dare, don't dare, I've only just come here, I'm still a newcomer, I have to learn a lot first." Chen Yilang hurriedly smiled modestly.

This Cao Ze really wants to **** me... Chen Yilang further sensed a dangerous aura.

This [conspirator] seems to be consciously or unintentionally using various hints to form a potential awareness for the people around him, that is, Chen Yilang will be the backbone of the next logistics department.

Do it, and he will succeed Ma Yichuan as the next Minister of Logistics...

This tactic is very scary, because when others hear it too much, they will automatically think it is the truth.

This is a kind of flexible suppression method. If Chen Yilang can't find a reasonable time to fight back, he will easily fall into the trap of this [conspirator]...

Fortunately, Chen Yilang did find this opportunity.

That is Han Qiujing.

"However, the position of the backbone of the logistics department is indeed a bit overkill for you." Han Qiujing smiled mysteriously, "Remember to think about it when you go back... I talked to you just now.

Remember what you said? "

"Of course I remember." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Sister's good intentions, I will definitely not forget it."

Of course he would not forget that Han Qiujing wanted him to be the secretary-general.

In other words, in front of Han Qiujing, Cao Ze's various hints were basically useless.

After this pass, Cao Ze was stunned.

What the hell?

What are you talking about, why don't I know?

How dare I become that unnecessary clown?

You two are playing dumb riddles, just bite your ears and whisper!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Clown Mocking], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +1921, Experience +1022! 】

Cao Ze just looked at Chen Yilang and his Chairman Han as if they were chatting about something he couldn't understand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After finally waiting for the two to finish talking, Cao Ze wanted to interject a few words, but he couldn't.

"Okay, let's talk about it today, I have to work, you two should work hard when you go back." Han Qiujing smiled, "This year there are many talents in the logistics department, I am optimistic.

You two, come on, work hard! "

After Chen Yilang and Cao Ze's eyes met unconsciously, they both smiled slightly at the same time, meaning complicated:

"Thank you Chairman Han for your compliment."


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