If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 271: Chairman Han's sensitive parts...

[Fairy Qi Fluttering Technique].

As the name suggests, this is a spell that, once used, can make the user full of fairy energy.

The official explanation of its effect is that the [Xianqi Fluttering Spell] can completely clear the target's distress and exhaustion caused by [Xiu Xian].

Isn't this just in line with Chen Yilang's intentions?

So this is why, Chen Yilang is very confident that he can complete all the tasks that Han Qiujing gave him within this evening.

Chen Yilang did not hesitate any more, but directly opened his system backpack, clicked to select [Xianqi Fluttering Technique], and then used it.

In the interface of the system, you can see the faint golden light inside the small and transparent glass test tube, and it radiates out like a spring.

In the surrounding dark background, in the blink of an eye, countless rays of light were scattered and overflowing.


how to say?

From the looks of it, it still feels like a dream.

"This is probably the special effect of [Xianqi Fluttering Technique]? It does look much cooler than [Disconnection Spell]."

Chen Yilang remembered that he didn't seem to see any magical effect when he used the [Disconnection Spell] before. Compared with it, the [Xianqi Fluttering Spell] seemed to be more bells and whistles.


【Ding! 】

[You have used the spell [Xianqi Fluttering Technique]! 】

[Your negative state [tiredness] and [drowsiness] have been purified! 】

【Your health is slowly recovering! 】

After the [Xianqi Fluttering Technique] took effect, Chen Yilang immediately felt a series of huge changes in his body.

And the most obvious feeling is that he is really not sleepy at all!

This kind of feeling is like drinking a can of Red Bull and a bottle of Dongpeng Special Drink, and then a can of Devil's Claw.

"Fuck, is the effect so obvious?"

Chen Yilang couldn't believe the power of this spell, but now he is really in good spirits, and it almost makes him have the illusion that he has returned to the light.

Functional refreshing drinks actually have some side effects. For example, a few years ago, he had heard about the unfortunate cause of sudden death of some people because of drinking functional drinks.

But this kind of sudden death actually has aura conditions. For example, before this, the human body may feel a lot of uncomfortable reactions, such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate and the like...

However, the [Xianqi Fluttering Technique] did not give Chen Yilang such a feeling at all.

It gave Chen Yilang the feeling that after using such a spell, Chen Yilang only felt as if he had completed a nearly ten-hour time in a short moment.

sleep time.

- That's cool!

Chen Yilang, who had returned to a state of full energy, immediately resumed the rest of his work.

This time, Chen Yilang's work efficiency has skyrocketed a lot because of the bonus of [Fairy Qi Fluttering Technique].

After three and five divisions, Chen Yilang completed all the remaining work.

【Ding! 】

[The level of your skill [lv1 high-level office skills] has been improved! 】

[You have obtained [lv2 advanced office skills]! 】

With the voice ringing in his ears, Chen Yilang quickly felt a sense of knowledge and skills being integrated.

The various documents such as excel, ppt, and pdf in front of him suddenly became extraordinarily dexterous in his hands.

Countless commands, functions, and hotkeys throbbed on his fingertips, and he could clearly feel them evolving into a part of muscle memory.

"Ok, Ok…"

"It seems that I have gained a lot tonight. Not only have I completed all the tasks given by Han Qiujing, but I have also learned some really useful knowledge..."

"With this [high-level office skills], I should be able to handle most of the office work in the future."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

However, although the system has helped Chen Yilang a lot in this regard, the person who needs to be thanked the most is actually Han Qiujing.

After all, if it weren't for Chairman Han's madness "ravaged", he would not have been able to access this new skill, and the system would naturally not be able to play its role.

Hmm... I can only say, Sister Yu, it's really awesome!

After finishing all the documents, Chen Yilang glanced at the time and found that it was only six o'clock in the morning.

The sky outside the window was still gray at this moment, and the silly sons in the dormitory were still immersed in their dreams and did not wake up.

[Salted Fish Elite] Li Zixian was still lying on the bed, making a few pig-like grunts from time to time.

"So this is NTU at six in the morning..."

Chen Yilang sighed silently in his heart.

However, when I think about it, I feel that there is something to feel about this. He has been staying overnight. Which NTU has not seen?

There was still some time before the first class in the morning, Chen Yilang turned off the computer and went to bed.

He still has about an hour or so to catch up on sleep.

【Ding! 】

[Information: Congratulations, you have defeated more than 1,634 [Xianxian players] within the range of [Nanxuan University] this time! 】

[You have been rewarded: gold coins +5742, experience +3011! 】


Hearing this, Chen Yilang was stunned again, and it took a long time to realize what happened.

It turns out that in the whole school, there are so many night owls who cultivate in the middle of the night...

I don't know if I don't repair it, but I'm really shocked when I repair it.

But at the same time, Chen Yilang felt a deep sense of helplessness in his heart, my good fellow, there are many night owls, but why can't any one fight...

After waking up from a nap, Chen Yilang only felt in good spirits.

He happened to be out of class this morning, so when he woke up, the first thing he did was go straight to the student union office in Mingde Building and look for Han Qiujing.

Han Qiujing is already in her senior year, so she usually doesn't have any classes.

And for her work efficiency, which is known far and wide for her [Workmaniac], her graduation project and graduation thesis were naturally completed early.

So now Han Qiujing, if she has nothing to do, she basically stays in her office, dealing with the affairs of the student union, or communicating with companies and enterprises in other schools.

work practiced.

And this is also in Chen Yilang's prediction.

And it is precisely because of this that he is able to become the first person to appear in front of Han Qiujing steadily.

Early in the morning, not long after she came to the office, she habitually made herself a cup of coffee, then turned on the computer, and was about to start processing documents related to school celebrations.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

A knock came in.

A slightly surprised look appeared on Han Qiujing's face.

She glanced at the lower right corner of the computer screen, and the time displayed was only 7:30 in the morning. Most of the students who were 8 in the morning were just getting up. How could it be?

Someone came to find her?

And she didn't make an appointment with anyone. Even if she made an appointment, she would basically only make an appointment for afternoon tea...

"Come in."

Han Qiujing simply took care of a few strands of hair on his forehead and said in a deep voice.

The door was gently pushed open, and when he saw the person coming, the expression on Han Qiujing's face became even more surprised.

It was actually Chen Yilang who had just met last night.

"It's you?" After being surprised, a smile appeared on Han Qiujing's face, "What's the matter, buddy, it's early in the morning."

"Senior Sister Han, I'm here to report for work." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Didn't you disturb Senior Sister?"

"No, you came just right, I just started working." Han Qiujing took a sip of coffee, "Want some? I'll make you a cup."

"No, no, I'll just pour myself some water." Chen Yilang quickly waved his hand.

Chen Yilang still knows a little bit about this. As a member of the staff, asking the president of the student union to pour himself coffee... Well, I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate, although Han Qiujing definitely doesn't

What to think about.

"What are you going to report?" Han Qiujing asked curiously, "Didn't I just arrange some work for you yesterday?"

"Yes, it was yesterday's work." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "I'm done."

"You're done?" Han Qiujing was stunned, and the hand holding the cup froze slightly.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "I'm done."

She put the cup back on the table and said, "Let me see."

Although she didn't write her emotions on her face, Han Qiujing was still extremely shocked.

She explained to Chen Yilang a lot of work yesterday, at least it is definitely not something that can be done in one morning.

But now Chen Yilang told her that he was done, so how early did he have to get up?

six o'clock? Or five o'clock?

This is also outrageous.

Even if you get up at four o'clock, you may not be able to finish so much work before this time...

You know, Han Qiujing gave Chen Yilang two days!

As a result, all this stuff was finished in one night?

In short, Han Qiujing couldn't believe it.

"It's all here, senpai."

However, Chen Yilang calmly sat down at the table, and then handed a stack of documents and a USB flash drive into Han Qiujing's hands.

When she took over the documents, Han Qiujing felt a special sense of physical comfort, because this time when Chen Yilang bound the documents, she completely followed what she had handed in before.

His technique, and the nails were neat and tidy, and even the size of the nails used the model she explained.

It is said that girls are weird with details, and Han Qiujing agrees very much, because she herself is a real detail freak.

She would go mad because the subordinate didn't add the title of the book when naming the document, and she would also go crazy because the font size of the official document was half a grade wrong... The most important thing is that in most cases

Next, only she herself would feel that this was some big event.

If she hadn't pointed it out, absolutely no one would have taken these little issues to heart.

Take, for example, the staples on this stack of documents.

When Han Qiujing mentioned this matter last night, she just mentioned it casually, but Chen Yilang took it to heart.

This feeling, for Han Qiujing, is almost no less than a critical strike in the sense of spirituality.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Intimate Crit], which caused a huge mental shock to [lv20 Work Girl Demon]! 】

[You got: Gold +2593, Experience +1432! 】

[You have superimposed three new layers of imprints: [Affirmation from the elite]! 】

Ah, is this three layers stacked? You haven't seen it yet, sister... Chen Yilang secretly complained, he didn't know that Han Qiujing's heart was already surging at this moment, just because he handed over

The few staples on top of the documents.

However, Chen Yilang naturally did not expect that this is just the beginning...

Because Han Qiujing didn't think that when she opened the file, the feature film was just beginning...

Oh, God, look at the neatly written copy in this document, the event planning book with clear logic and clear statistics, the data table with clear statistics... Han Qiujing's physical comfort

The feeling was instantly magnified dozens of times, and the whole body felt so comfortable that even the toes hidden in the high heels couldn't help curling up.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Precision Strike] to hit Han Qiujing's [sensitive part], causing a violent [Intracranial Orgasm] effect! 】

[You get: EXP +2543]

Hiss, is it so exaggerated... Chen Yilang was taken aback for a moment, did he feel that the system's broadcast was too exaggerated? After all, he is also a lv20 big boss, so this is the climax? Yes or no

It's too easy to satisfy...

"This...you did it all?"

It took Han Qiujing three minutes to browse through all the documents, and after flipping over and over again, she raised her head and asked Chen Yilang in surprise.


"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded calmly and said, "What's the matter, senior? Is there something wrong? Just click a little, and I'll correct it right away."


Han Qiujing murmured, she picked up the cup on the table and took a big sip of coffee, which made her mood calm down quickly, and then she showed a satisfied smile and said: "

I mean...you did a great job! "

【Ding! 】

[You have successfully superimposed five layers of imprints: [Affirmation from the elite]! 】

Chen Yilang was overwhelmed and hurriedly said, "Thank you..."

When the words are not finished.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Outside the office door, there was another hurried knock on the door.


Han Qiujing couldn't help frowning, and said with a hint of displeasure on her face.

This time, she is having a good time chatting with this little brother who is not only witty and smart, but also very good-looking. She is just about to have an in-depth exchange with him...

Is it that guy without long eyes who jumped out at this time to disturb their Yaxing?

"I am me, it is me, Chairman Han!"

A familiar voice with an eager smile came from outside:

"I'm Cao Ze's younger brother!"

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