If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 268: "Individual tutoring after class"


Han Qiujing's voice just fell.

In the huge office, there was a sudden sound of gasps.

Chairman Han's words...

Why does it feel like something is not quite right?

I always feel like there's something deep...

"Ming people don't speak secretly, I also want to go to Chairman Han's room at night!" The boys frantically made various monologues in their hearts.

It's a pity that they are not as lucky as Brother Lang... and they are not as strong as Brother Lang.

But in fact, the work skills that Chen Yilang has mastered are actually not that proficient compared to them.

After all, what Brother Lang has learned all his life basically comes from the various trivial work affairs handled during his tenure as monitor.

There is only one real reason why Chen Yilang can complete the task so quickly - he has the [Magic Pomodoro], which is tantamount to a bug.

In most cases, a task that takes two hours to complete while fishing and working, basically only takes half an hour at most when the fire is full.

And the biggest effect of [Magic Pomodoro] is to force his salted fish into a high-efficiency working state with full firepower.

So this is why, when Cao Ze was still irritable and complaining about Chen Yilang beside him, the latter had already done all the work in his hand.

After all, the impact of fishing on work efficiency is indeed much higher than imagined.

At this time, someone in the office will feel dissatisfied with this.

Cut, isn't it just not fishing?

If I didn't touch the fish, I would definitely do it much faster than this guy, and it would be his turn to be praised by Chairman Han?

But the biggest problem is that everyone understands the truth, but there are really too few people who can devote themselves to study and work without touching the fish at all...

Therefore, this wave was firmly occupied by Chen Yilang at the right time, the right place and the right people, and he perfectly took the lead.

"Forget it."

"It's definitely not a good thing to go anyway..."

"Chairman Han, the workaholic devil, knows everything."

"If you don't have enough energy, even if you are favored by Chairman Han, most of them will be drained!"

"That's right. Look at this kid with thin arms and thin legs. It is estimated that in Chairman Han's hands, he can't walk back and forth a few times!"

The students in the office lowered their heads and whispered to each other.

But of course, most of this is just their own conjecture.

After all, no one knows what this guy was called into the office by Han Qiujing, but they understand Chairman Han's character and style.

It has been ravaged for a while, in short, it is definitely impossible to live comfortably.

As the saying goes, the gun hits the head... No, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Since your ability is so strong and you can still roll so well, then go and suffer more for everyone!

A small part of my heart thought, comforting myself silently, and at the same time, I couldn't help but gloat in misfortune.

The other part of the people felt from the bottom of their hearts that this new little brother Chen is too powerful. It is worthy of being the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves. If it continues like this, the front waves will be

They all had to die on the beach.

Cao Ze is one of the first...

But at the same time, there was a subtle sense of crisis in his heart.

Although it stands to reason that he, the deputy minister of the logistics department, has no reason to be afraid at all, but he still smells it keenly on Chen Yilang for some reason.

A bad breath.

So naturally, Cao Ze made a very bold conjecture.

—This guy, shouldn’t he be running for deputy minister? ?

Thinking of this, Cao Ze couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This conjecture of his is not false, but possible!

Cao Ze's brows could not help wrinkling.

If this kid really becomes a deputy minister, then it will be a bit tricky to start work in the future...

After all, the deputy minister is the minister's most powerful horse... No, assistant, if the deputy minister and the minister had some minor conflicts before, then there would be no way to work easily and happily.


"The position of deputy minister can't be given to this kid!"

After serious consideration, Cao Ze came to this conclusion.

"But it could be that I'm making a fuss..."

"It's not bad for a new member to be the backbone directly, but you want to go directly to the deputy minister? This is too outrageous..."

Cao Ze kept comforting himself, and when he thought of this, he felt a lot better.

But I have to admit that in tonight's confrontation, he did lose to this little brother Chen again.

After this incident this evening, this boy's sense of existence in Chairman Han's heart suddenly stood up.

But he was caught by Chairman Han sneaking a short video to watch Miss Heisi...

It's too uncomfortable.

"I shouldn't be wearing small shoes, right? No, no, no?"

Old [conspirator] Cao Ze has been strategizing for so many years, and for the first time, he has a feeling of losing his hand...

"It seems that when working in the future, we must be vigilant." Cao Ze thought silently.

Time passed gradually.

At about ten o'clock, the students in the logistics department in the office completed their work one after another and got up and left.

At this time, Chen Yilang's phone screen lit up, and it was Han Qiujing who sent him a message.

[Chairman Han Qiujing: You can come to my office. ]

Chen Yilang replied immediately: "Okay."

Then he got up, pushed open the door, and walked into the "big guy's room".

Sitting here and working are the scroll kings and liver emperors of the Secretariat.

Not long after he came in, Chen Yilang found himself surrounded by a large group of [screw monsters], [working machines], and [superior people].

"..." A few drops of cold sweat appeared on Chen Yilang's forehead involuntarily.

So, is this the world of the big guys?

But this is not difficult to understand. After all, students who can work in a place like the Secretariat have several brushes.

It is said that the secretary-general and chairman and vice-chairmen of each session are basically born from the secretariat.

That is to say, if a student really wants to do something in the student union, then an indispensable way is to join the secretariat.

Only in the secretariat can they have access to the core work and affairs of the upper level of the student union.

It is said that in the eyes of the secretariat members, all the subordinate departments are pure wage earners... Including the minister, they can only be regarded as a slightly advanced wage earner.

"In the future, I have to find a way to sneak into this department and play."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Anyway, he was holding the [Magic Pomodoro Clock] in his hand. If he really had to compare it, I am afraid that there are really few goods left in this group that can be beaten.

【Ding! 】

[[Inner volume poisonous gas] is spreading! 】

Gu Tong

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】



A suffocating sense of oppression kept coming, and Chen Yilang only felt that the air around him had become extraordinarily turbid.

He wrinkled his nose, passed through the crowd, and knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

Han Qiujing's voice came from behind the door.

Chen Yilang pushed the door and entered.

What came into view was an exceptionally simple office. Han Qiujing sat behind the large desk, crouching at the desk and reviewing the thick stacks of documents on the table.

From Chen Yilang's angle, you can only see Han Qiujing's half-faced face with light makeup under the lamp.

"Chairman Han, I'm here."

Chen Yilang said.

"sit down."

Han Qiujing glanced at him slightly.

His voice was so calm that no one could hear any tone or emotion at all.


Chen Yilang obediently sat down at the seat in front of the desk.

"I just looked at it, it seems that you came here not long ago last month?" Han Qiujing said.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

"How's it going? Can you still get used to it, the work of the student council."

Han Qiujing said while pouring a cup of tea for Chen Yilang.

Well, the beautiful chairperson poured me tea... it sounds like it's pretty neat.

"It's okay." Chen Yilang said modestly, "There are still many things to learn."

Han Qiujing smiled and continued:

"You should have seen that, the situation on the student council side is generally like this."

"There are no fixed wages and subsidies, and there may not be bonuses. The students who come to work here are basically using love to generate electricity."

"Many seniors may tell you that coming to the Student Union is to challenge yourself, exercise yourself, meet more outstanding people, and improve your work ability..."

"What they say is not wrong, but there is a fact that they may not tell you, and that is that many times, in this place, you don't have to work hard to get it.

In return - I don't want to lie to you, but it's the truth. "

"A lot of things you do here may not be as good as staying in the dormitory quietly reading a book, writing a question, or even watching a movie.


Han Qiujing said.

Ah, can this be said... Chen Yilang complained silently, but nodded and said, "Thank you Chairman Han for your advice."

This President Han Qiujing is indeed different from many seniors in the student council.

"But why are you telling me this, Chairman Han?" Chen Yilang asked curiously.

"Because there is a shortage of people in the Secretariat." Han Qiujing didn't beat around the bush, she said bluntly, "And there is a shortage of people with strong working ability... And frankly, the Secretariat has too much work.

Now, the work intensity is relatively high, many students can't stick to it, and very few people can work for a whole semester. "

"So Chairman Han wants me to work in the Secretariat?" Chen Yilang asked tentatively.

"No." Han Qiujing said.

"Oh~" Chen Yilang dragged the long tone a little embarrassedly, and then took a sip of water embarrassingly.

"I want you to be the secretary general." Han Qiujing said again.


Chen Yilang almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"Secretary-General?" Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

Is this woman serious...

He now seriously doubts that this beautiful chairman is drawing a pie for him, or that it is an Indian pie, and he can't take it.

"Yes, but I just want you to be, not that you have the ability to become secretary-general now." Han Qiujing said, "It can only be said that you are a potential secretary.

The person... As for whether you want it or not, it can only depend on you. "

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "If I have this opportunity, of course I am willing to try."

And you have asked so, can I still say that I don't want to...

However, as the chat between Chen Yilang and Han Qiujing continued to deepen, he felt that Han Qiujing did not seem to be drawing cakes.

This chairwoman seems to be the kind of person who dares to think and speak, and is very straightforward.

When Chen Yilang communicated with her, the biggest feeling was "Ah, can this be said?", "Ah, can this be said?"...

And Chen Yilang can also slowly feel that, just like her title of "Working Girl Demon", Han Qiujing is indeed a person who is completely indulged in her work.

The student breath on her body has almost disappeared, and she feels like an elite in the workplace.

It's no wonder that I heard Brother Xin say that Han Qiujing, who is just a senior, has already received offers from various big factories and famous companies, so many that you can get the kind of table foot.

"Sure enough, there is still a big difference between people. If there is no business, there will be no sorrow, and if there is no introversion, there will be no harm..." Chen Yilang said silently.

"I have a task here for you."

Han Qiujing patted the stack of documents on the other side of the table, "This document is relatively urgent, and the review and entry must be completed within these two days."

"The Secretariat can't find any extra manpower to solve it. If you are willing to try it, I can teach you."

"You have the foundation, and it shouldn't take long for you to start working in the secretariat."

Han Qiujing said.

Chen Yilang just thought about it for a while, then nodded neatly and agreed: "Okay."

【Ding! 】

[You have superimposed a new imprint: [Affirmation from the elite]! 】


After hearing the sound of the system, Chen Yilang felt very satisfied.

This is the joy of stacking buffs!

The most important thing is that Han Qiujing, the [Working Girl Demon], is very curvaceous, but compared to people like Cao Ze, she is already a rare good leader.

It was definitely the right choice to follow her.

"it is good."

There seemed to be a satisfied smile on Han Qiujing's face.

She patted the chair beside her in a natural manner and motioned Chen Yilang to sit beside her.

This behavior seems to be so close, if it is a little boy who is not deep in the world, he must be nervous and excited at this moment.

However, the old fritters like Lang Ge were naturally calm, and he sat up unceremoniously.

In this way, under the soft words of Chairman Han, a "Individual Counseling After Class" kicked off...

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