If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 269: 【Advanced office skills】

Twelve o'clock in the evening.

Chen Yilang wrote the last page in the notebook.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have comprehended a new skill: [Advanced Office Skills]]

[High-level office skills: including but not limited to mastering office software such as PPT, EXCEL, and WORD, as well as work communication software including Dingding, Feishu, and Penguin Conference,

And document writing, planning book writing, mind map structure...etc. 】

After two hours of high-intensity "individual tutoring after class", Chen Yilang has mastered a brand new skill, which can even be said to have opened up a new era

The gate of the world...

Only then did he know that the work he had been exposed to when he was the monitor before was nothing compared to the work here in the Secretariat, and the junior third saw the real master.

However, after two hours of intensive study, Chen Yilang completely understood what his predecessors meant by "will be squeezed dry by Chairman Han".

In these two hours, the information Chen Yilang has mastered almost surpassed what he had learned in the logistics department for more than a month, and also surpassed what he had held since he was the squad leader.

The ability to hold.

Even if anyone who is not strong enough to withstand pressure is replaced at random, it is estimated that Han Qiujing will be unable to hold it back.

Han Qiujing is a leading cadre who has high demands on his subordinates, especially Chen Yilang, a seedling she is quite optimistic about.

In these short two hours, Chen Yilang felt that he had returned to the days when he was scolded by the irritable middle-aged coach at the time when he was learning to drive at the driving school.

"Didn't I just teach you the sum function and the average function? Why are you useless?"

"This is not how the semester work plan is written. Didn't I just send you the format and template of the official document. Have you read it carefully?"

"How many times have I told you, we usually only have two staples when binding, and it's small! If there are paper clips, then we will use paper clips first!"

"Have you memorized the phone numbers of the school work department and the school work group? It's hard to memorize? Why don't you find it difficult to memorize when you memorize Yuange's combo?"

【Ding! 】

[Boss [lv20 Work Girl Demon] used [Stern Rebuke], causing a lot of damage to you! 】


【Ding! 】

[The boss [lv20 Work Girl Demon] used the [Stern Rebuke] two-hit combo, causing a lot of damage to you! 】


【Ding! 】

【…Three hits! 】

【…Four combos! 】

Round after round of [stern reprimand], within a while, more than half of Chen Yilang's health was destroyed.

It can only be said that Chen Yilang is worthy of being a big boss. Chen Yilang was unable to block the crazy attack of this [Working Woman Mad Demon] for a while. In just a few dozen minutes, the blood bar almost bottomed out.

But to this day, Brother Lang has long since become a senior old fritters player, so it is naturally impossible to die here like this.

So when he realized that he seemed to be starting to be unable to withstand Han Qiujing's offensive, he proposed to the latter to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

Then Chen Yilang took advantage of this time to go downstairs, went to the nearest dairy shop near Mingde Building, and bought two boxes of hot milk.

And then ton ton ton ton... gulp it down.

To be fair, the usual Chen Yilang doesn't really like drinking milk.

And in the era when he drank milk, he was still in high school.

Gu slow

At that time, he was still a minor, and naturally he still had the idea of ​​"I can still grow taller", so basically he drank milk as water...

It wasn't until the third year of high school that Chen Yilang found out that he had been drinking for a whole year, and when the result was that he had grown less than half a centimeter during the physical examination, he began to give up drinking milk completely.


The man who said that he is "twenty-three" is all a lie!

Whether it is possible to grow taller is not a matter of genetics.

Fortunately, I'm 1.8 meters tall, so I guess that's enough... Brother Lang thought to himself.

But this time, the reason why he went downstairs to buy milk and drink like crazy is that it has nothing to do with his height.

He bought [Hot Milk] to drink, mainly to restore health.

According to the information Chen Yilang has obtained so far, in the entire map of [Nanxuan University], the milk house products are already the most cost-effective.

A box of hot milk for a few dollars was enough to slowly recover nearly one-third of his health.

Although he has just been upgraded to a level some time ago, and the upper limit of the health bar has increased a lot, the problem is not too big.

One box is not enough?

Then get two boxes...

However, to be on the safe side, Chen Yilang chose to buy three boxes of hot milk in one go to ensure that he could fill up the blood bar.

"Here, three boxes of hot milk." Auntie handed it over.

"Thank you auntie."

After taking the milk, Chen Yilang didn't even think about it, he just drank all the milk.

The aunt who sold milk in the milk house was dumbfounded, thinking that this is a rich second generation from a big family, as if milk does not need money...

Originally thought this boy was here to help his roommates or friends buy it together, but he drank three boxes by himself?

"Classmates walk slowly..." Auntie felt frightened as she watched Chen Yilang's figure gradually disappear.

And Chen Yilang also felt for the first time in his life that milk is such a delicious thing.

Because of the bonus of the blood recovery effect, Chen Yilang felt that after the hot milk was in his stomach, a warm current flowed along the body and limbs to the whole body.

Hmm, very kind...

And the feeling of exhaustion that had been pressing on the body with extreme caution disappeared quickly.

After drinking three boxes of [Hot Milk], Chen Yilang slowed down his steps to walk back to the student union office in Mingde Building.

In this way, he can buy a certain amount of time for his health to recover.

In the end, he did succeed in achieving his goal.

When he returned to the office, he entered a state of full blood again.

"Sister Han Qiujing, I'm fine." Chen Yilang said, "Let's continue."

"Okay. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Han Qiujing looked at Chen Yilang with a meaningful look.

This apprentice... seems to be really energetic

As expected of a young man, really awesome!

And after working for so long, I actually went to the toilet to wash my face, and I immediately became more energetic... It was amazing.

In addition, there is a more critical point... Chen Yilang doesn't seem to have a strong sense of alienation from her.

Many elementary school students in the lower grades will have an instinctive fear of the senior students in their hearts, just like the subordinates to the leaders.

But in fact, in the school, everyone is equal, and there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors.

And Chen Yilang's performance was very natural, he didn't even call her the chairman, but used "senior sister".

To be honest, Han Qiujing really likes her younger brothers to call her "senior sister" rather than "chairman".

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