If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 267: 【Eye of Deception】


Who is this person?

So bullshit?

As soon as these words came out, almost all the students in the office raised their heads in unison, and then looked in the direction from which the voice came.

In this case, anyone who can and dare to say such a thing can basically confirm that it is the big guy.

The most surprised was of course Cao Ze, who was sitting not far from Chen Yilang. At this moment, he was already stunned and looked completely stunned.

This thing, is the job done? ?

Cao Ze suspects that something is wrong with his ears, otherwise it must be something wrong with Chen Yilang's brain...

But looking at Chen Yilang's expression, it didn't feel like he was joking.

"No, I don't believe it!"

Cao Ze sneered in his heart, "I want to see how you will explain to the chairman later!"

"Which one said it was done?"

The high-heeled shoes under Han Qiujing's feet stopped for a moment. She didn't seem to expect anyone to respond. She raised her head and asked in a cold voice.

Her voice is also the standard Yujie's voice, calm and magnetic, full of aggressiveness, almost two extremes from Jiang Ningying's voice.

"Student Xiao Chen." Cao Ze immediately stood up and introduced to Han Qiujing, "The newcomer who has just joined our logistics department this semester has a strong working ability."

Milk is hard milk!

Cao Ze knows a truth. The harder the milk is at this time, the more embarrassing Chen Yilang will be when he loses his temper in front of Chairman Han Qiujing!

Furthermore, he had to brush his presence in front of Han Qiujing.

After all, she seemed to have found out when she was fishing just now, which made Cao Ze panic in his heart at this moment.

"Oh, got it."

Han Qiujing nodded and said, then stepped on high heels and walked to Chen Yilang's side.

Han Qiujing was not short in the first place, so standing in front of him on a pair of high heels made Chen Yilang feel a sense of oppression.

Is this the elite... Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

"Hello, Brother Chen, do you mind sending me the processed documents?" Han Qiujing asked.

"No problem." Chen Yilang stood up directly, "Chairman Han, otherwise you can just use my computer to watch it, so that I can make changes immediately."

Han Qiujing heard the words, a cold and pretty face that rarely had an expression on weekdays, also moved slightly at this time, revealing a subtle expression that was difficult to detect.

This apprentice, is it so refreshing?

Han Qiujing and all the other students present had a high degree of consensus, that is, they would not be able to believe Chen Yilang's words for a while.

But since Chen Yilang said so, and even gave up his position consciously and obediently, Han Qiujing naturally had nothing to say. After accepting it happily, he sat down in his seat.

Then Chen Yilang observed that Chairman Han, who was recognized as the first royal sister on the campus goddess list, even the posture when he sat down was completely different from some other little girls. Appears more dignified.

At the same time, when Han Qiujing sat down, the black skirt on her lower body also faded a few centimeters upwards, revealing a small piece of round and snow-white thigh skin.

The two buttocks that were tightly wrapped were also slightly sunken on the seat of the chair.

This chair is so round... no, this table is so big... bah. Brother Lang, the serious man, stood obediently behind Han Qiujing and muttered silently in his heart.

After taking Chen Yilang's seat, Han Qiujing immediately skillfully operated the computer in front of her.

Han Qiujing joined the student union in her freshman year, and she has been working in the organization for three years now.

In the past three years, she spent nearly half of her time in the office outside.

Therefore, Han Qiujing is very familiar with almost every computer here.

Soon, Han Qiujing finished browsing Chen Yilang's work.

In the end, Han Qiujing came to the conclusion that it was... an accident.

Quite unexpected.

Chen Yilang not only counted all the data handed to him according to the prescribed format, but even further classified the data, and also marked some vague data in red.

For a newcomer with no work experience in the Student Union, this is almost an impossible task.

"Have you been in the student union before?" Han Qiujing asked out of curiosity.

"No." Chen Yilang shook his head and said, "This is the first time I have started working in the student union. If there is something I haven't done well enough, I would like to ask Chairman Han to give me some pointers."

A pure rookie? Is the work ability so strong... Han Qiujing's face has no expression, but she is deeply shocked.

She remembered herself when she was a pure rookie.

At that time, she was really a pink and pure white, and she didn't know anything about all office software.

At that time, when she was working on an excel spreadsheet, she foolishly recorded data manually for an entire afternoon. At the end of the evening, she only felt that her entire forearm and wrist were sore and numb.

When she handed in the form she worked so hard to make, she realized that she was the last one to complete the task... She dragged the entire department back.

Although in the end, the minister and colleagues at the time never blamed her, but Han Qiujing always felt a little bit sorry in her heart.

But that wasn't the thing that bothered her the most.

What bothered Han Qiujing the most was one day a few weeks later, when Han Qiujing was working on excel again, a senior sister who was a year older than her happened to pass by.

After seeing her state at work, Senior Sister couldn't help showing a very surprised expression: "Why don't you use functions?"

At that time, Han Qiujing was stunned, a little dazed.

Until the senior sister showed her how to use the excel function, Han Qiujing had to work hard for most of the day every time, and it was easily done in just ten minutes...

On that day, Han Qiujing felt that the whole person's soul was shocked.

Since then, Han Qiujing felt as if she had opened the door to a new world.

She began to study office software hard, and in her later work, she never did such inefficient things again...

She will start to look for ways to work with less effort, and will further reflect on the experience gained from doing things, and integrate...

In this way, Han Qiujing has grown from the immature and clumsy little girl to the current big boss [Working Girl Demon] step by step.

Therefore, Han Qiujing's heart is still very hard about the strength of most newcomers.

After all, the former Han Qiujing was also a dumb newcomer.

And now Han Qiujing has also served as a student cadre in the student union for a long time.

A member with such high executive power like Chen Yilang, let alone a freshman, even among many old subordinates who have been with him for several years, may not be able to produce a few.


"It seems that this year's recruiting new luck is good."

"But it's a pity, such a capable junior, if only in the secretariat."

Han Qiujing couldn't help thinking silently.

【Ding! 】

[You have been appreciated by [Working Woman Madness], and a new imprint has been superimposed: [Affirmation from the elite]! 】

[BOSS favorability has been improved! 】


Chen Yilang was overjoyed, and sure enough, from this moment on, he had completely figured out how to get the mark.

For this [workmaniac] who only wants to work and work, there is only one way to get her appreciation.

That is to perfectly show your work ability and execution in front of her...whether it's openly or secretly.

Anyway, there is only one thing that can make her fancy, and that is the burning laborers and labor spirits!

Gu Di

So Chen Yilang quickly made a choice.

Among the three kinds of marks possessed by 【Working Girl Demon】, he chose the first one——

[Affirmation from the elite].

No reason, just because among these three marks, [Affirmation from the Elite] has the highest rate of return.

Moreover, Chen Yilang's goal is also very clear. In this year's student union general meeting, he is bound to win the position of minister.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly an absolutely correct choice to enhance the sense of presence in front of Chairman Han Qiujing.

At this time, a systemic voice rang from Chen Yilang's ears again.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Strength to fight back], causing tons of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +2102, Experience +1222! 】

[You have obtained artifact-level equipment: Eye of Deception! 】


With the sound of the system appears.

Chen Yilang also found a golden eyeball-shaped item in his backpack, in the equipment bar.

[Eye of Deceit (pink): Artifact-level equipment, after wearing this equipment, the target will get two effects of [Pink] and [Hypocrisy]. 】

[Pink: Passive skill, when the target is in the stage environment or enters the [Focus] state, it will increase the audience's trust and favorability by 50%. 】

[Hypocrisy: Passive skill, when the target is in the stage environment or enters the [Focus] state, the target's charm value is +2, and the attack of nearby units against the target will be reduced by 50%]



"This equipment is a bit powerful!"

After reading the detailed introduction of [Eye of Deception], Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

And - it's a pink outfit!

Chen Yilang has been a [player] for so long, and this is the first time he has obtained items above the powder level.

It's pink!

Men, they must be more like fans!

"But it's a pity."

"The conditions for the use of this equipment actually have preconditions."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

This eye of deceit actually needs to be in a state similar to [Focus] for active skills and passive skills to take effect...

If he wants to activate the skills of [Pink Ink] or [Hypocrisy], he must be in the limelight of the stage, or bathed in the eyes of everyone...

That is to say, as long as a guy is a bit socially afraid, this equipment is basically useless.

Let the social fears feel that they are speaking in public, then it is no different from Xing, every minute is torment, let alone let them speak in public.

However, for Brother Lang, this is not a difficult thing.

Although the former Lang Ge was also an introverted and shy little otaku, but after so many years of experience, he has long since cultivated into an old fritter who can speak serious words in front of the public without blushing.

Therefore, the [Eye of Deceit] equipment might still be useful.

"You did a good job."

After reading Chen Yilang's finished work, Han Qiujing nodded and praised with satisfaction, "Keep up the good work."

"Okay, thank you Chairman Han." Chen Yilang nodded and said.

Han Qiujing raised her voice again and said to the students of the student union in the entire office: "In the future, everyone should learn more from this little brother Chen, not only do it fast, but also do it well."

"Think about it, why is a little boy who has only been here for a long time and can have such an efficient work efficiency, but you can't do it?"

【Ding! 】

[The intensity of your [Internal Storm] is rapidly increasing! 】

[[Inner Rolling Storm] caused tons of damage to targets in a wide range! 】

[You killed the [fishing monster] x3! 】

[You killed the [Water Swimming Monster] x4! 】

[You killed [Workaholic] x1! 】


【Ding! 】

[You got 20501 gold coins and +13912 experience! 】

【Ding! 】

【Your level has been improved! 】

[lv14→lv15! 】

【Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation value: 3600]


in the blink of an eye.

In the entire office, almost half of the monsters were directly killed by Chen Yilang.

- Killed on the spot.

Chen Yilang, who picked up the pink outfit, was naturally extra relaxed and happy at this moment.

As for [lv13 Conspirator] Cao Ze himself, he was in the exact opposite mood.

"How, how is it possible?"

"How could he really finish so many tasks?"

Cao Ze was a little dumbfounded.

And from Han Qiujing's reaction, Cao Ze could see that their Minister Han was quite satisfied with this little brother Chen's work ability.

You know, their workaholic Minister Han never easily praises his subordinates.

At least the number of times Cao Ze has been in the student council for so long~www.readwn.com~ can be counted on one hand.

And this little brother Chen, who has just arrived, is just a stupefied freshman, and has actually been praised by their Chairman Han?

This is unreasonable and unscientific!

When thinking of this, Cao Ze recalled his own experience carefully, as if he himself had not been praised by Chairman Han.

After all, everyone said that in the eyes of the high-level student leaders of the student union, the ministers are all ants... including the vice minister Cao Ze.

At this moment, Cao Ze is sour...

At this time, he also heard something even more unexpected.

"Chen Yilang, junior brother, right?"

"Come to my office later."

Before leaving, Han Qiujing said.


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