If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 266: 【Working Woman Madness】


The subtle sound of the door opening reached Cao Ze's ears.


This is the reaction in his heart at that moment, his plan to involute is going to fail.

Originally, his plan this evening was to let the leader see how hard he worked, but now it's alright, the leader will see how much he fishes...

asshole! All because of this **** Chen Yilang!

Cao Ze's blood pressure surged up again. This time, not only did his blood pressure surge up, he even wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Because he knew that if he put away his phone at this time, it would be too late.

After the door opened, the sound of high heels came from behind the two of them.

When Cao Ze heard this voice, his whole body suddenly felt bad.

Unlucky, it's really a **** mold.

- The person who came out was actually Han Qiujing, the president of the student union.

The reason why Cao Ze dared to be so determined is naturally because in the entire student union, the only person who often wears high heels is their chairman, Han Qiujing.

With the sound of Tatata's footsteps, Han Qiujing walked through the aisle beside the two.

A gust of fragrant wind hit, disturbing Chen Yilang to raise his head subconsciously.

The smell of this perfume is very familiar. He remembered that he seemed to smell it on Teacher Lan Rui.

However, it seems that the target customers of this perfume are some more mature and fashionable urban women, and Chen Yilang is the first to smell it on a student.

Chen Yilang followed the sound of high heels and the smell of perfume, and saw a girl wearing a white shirt and black.

The hem of the clothes was tucked into the group, and the plump upper body held up the shirt bulging.

Although the girl stepped on shoes with not too low heels, she walked smoothly, and her stride was not small, as if it was windy.

A long wavy hair like seaweed swayed slightly behind him.

If Chen Yilang guessed correctly, this person should be their Chairman Han Qiujing.

Chen Yilang, the No. 1 figure, has heard a lot on weekdays. Among them, the most comments related to Han Qiujing have been heard, which are "mature", "rational", "high cold," "Sister Yu", ""

Great"... adjectives like that.

Today, after Chen Yilang saw him for the first time, he found that he was exactly what they described.

Han Qiujing, who is already a senior this year, has gradually moved away from the slightly childish style of the young students in her dress.

If Han Qiujing was walking on the street, no one would think she was a student.

And if she walks with Teacher Lan Rui, everyone will think that she and Lan Rui are colleagues, two young and beautiful female teachers.

Therefore, on a very popular "Nanda Goddess Ranking" on the Insomniac Forum, Han Qiujing has always been on the list. Although this ranking has been updated, she has always been on the list.

She is widely recognized as the "First Nanda Royal Sister".

And according to the current situation, as long as Han Qiujing doesn't graduate in one day, it is impossible for her to fall off this list in one day.

However, the reason why Chen Yilang knew Han Qiujing was not because he saw this list.

Before he joined the logistics department, he had done a lot of work to understand the student union.

Since that time, he has been hearing that many seniors have mentioned Han Qiujing as the number one person.

And when many seniors mentioned her, they couldn't help but remind Chen Yilang like this -

"Don't provoke your sister Jing!"

But every time they said that, and then Chen Yilang asked the reason, they didn't continue.

"Oh, oh, you're right to listen to me anyway!"

Make it mysterious...

In the end, when he was chatting with Jiang Ningying, he accidentally heard her tell the truth—

"Because Chairman Han likes the scroll king and the liver emperor the most!"

"If you are attracted by our Chairman Han, you will be squeezed dry in minutes!"

Jiang Ningying said so at the time.

Seeing Chen Yilang's dazed expression, after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Ningying hesitated for a moment, then squinted her eyes and added: "Hey...you look like this, why do you feel

Looking forward to being squeezed dry by Chairman Han? "

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

Go away!

Do I look like a shaking M!

"Uh, even if you admit it, I won't be prejudiced against you~"

"Hey, I understand, you naive little boys just like this kind of Yujie, and you can't stop feeling ravaged by Yujie~"

"When you grow up, you will know how fragrant Lolita is, huh!"

Jiang Ningying, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, made a voice that she thought was a very fierce girl.

"..." The expressionless Chen Yilang could only watch her performance quietly, trying his best to control himself not to show an embarrassing but polite smile.

But later, the facts quickly proved that everything Jiang Ningying said was true.

The power of Sister Yu's control team was far beyond Chen Yilang's imagination.

Ever since Han Qiujing became a high-level student leader of the student union, the number of new students who choose to sign up for the secretariat has always been the most in each session of the NTU University...

For nothing else, because the secretariat, the absolutely core management department in the student union, is the department with the most opportunities to get in touch with Chairman Han.

And they didn't think about it at all, the Secretariat is also the most tiring, busiest and most convoluted department...

Therefore, many students who entered the secretariat were very regretful afterwards, but there was no way, the thief had already boarded, and they could only continue to work for the beautiful Chairman Han with a happy smile...

...Well, I was so happy that I was about to cry!

And after seeing Chairman Han himself today, Chen Yilang also felt that this person really lived up to his reputation.

If nothing else, just looking at her high-heeled shoes and her two slender, firm legs exuded a sense of sophistication and aura from her body, she felt that this person's face was already full of writing.

"Elite" two big characters.

At the same time, a logo frame appeared on top of her head, which further proved this conjecture.

【lv20 Working Girl Mad Demon】

[Monster level: BOSS level]

[Workaholic Demon: An ultimate evolutionary form of [Workaholic] and [Rolling King], the proficient skills are [Inner Rolling Storm], [99% Immersive Focused Work Method], [New Skill Quick Talent], [High order

Office work software proficient], [high-level official document writing ability proficient], [high-level work group management proficient]...]

[Information: Warning! This boss has a very high intelligence value and has a very strong execution power. Please carefully consider whether to attack this boss! 】


"...As expected, they are elites."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but complain silently.

He was dazzled by the list of names of skills he was good at...

At this moment, he heard a new system instruction again.

【Ding! 】

[You have obtained a new mark: [Affirmation from the elite! ]x1]

"What the **** is this?"

Chen Yilang was taken aback for a moment, but he glanced at his information bar again, and indeed found that he had a layer of something similar to a buff, the name was [Affirmation from the elite]

Valley upsetting

[Affirmation from the elite: When you get a BOSS [Working Madness] appreciation, a layer of this mark will be superimposed. The higher the number of this mark, the more the BOSS [Workmaniac] will treat you

The higher the favorability value, the less vigilance and aggression towards you. The negative effect is that the higher the number of the mark, the higher the chance of you receiving the [Work Order] of the boss.

higher! 】

[Work Order: After [Working Madness] activates this skill on the target, there will be a great probability that the target will enter the state of [Crazy Work]! 】


Chen Yilang gasped uncontrollably.

man, what happened?

How did he suddenly get the appreciation of the [Working Girl Demon]? When did you get it?

Brother Lang's first reaction was that it might not be a good thing to get the mark of [Working Girl Demon], because now he has not been able to figure out the means of the boss [Working Girl Demon].

How cruel can it be.

He didn't want to be attacked by [Work Order]. He was still a child who had never seen the world and never knew what 996 was and what 007 was.

Brother Lang, who felt a little flustered in his heart, looked around subconsciously, and then found some more wonderful things.

- Cao Ze, the [conspirator] sitting next to him, was actually stamped by the [workmaniac]!

However, after Chen Yilang took a closer look, he found that Cao Ze's imprint was slightly different from his own.

His imprint is green, which symbolizes life and health, while Cao Ze's is a brighter red.

Chen Yilang focused his attention on the top of Cao Ze's head, and then successfully opened a system information bar.

[Mark Name: Contempt from the Elite]

[Contempt from the elite: In the same way, when you leave a bad impression in the heart of [lv20 female madman], you will be marked with a layer of [contempt from the elite] by [lv20 female madwoman]

imprint. The higher the level of this mark, the lower the attention of the target received by the BOSS [lv20 Working Girl Demon], the lower the [Favorability] of the BOSS, the more aggressive it will be, and the [

Work Order] The probability of attack is increased! 】

"I wipe?"

Chen Yilang was a little dumbfounded.

Is this a yarn?

Whether the relationship is [Affirmation from the Elite] or [Contempt from the Elite], it will increase the chance of receiving the [Work Order]!

In other words, whether you are too good or too bad, this big boss [Working Girl Demon] will arrange a lot of work for you...

But if you think about it, it seems reasonable.

"If you say that, doesn't that mean that the best solution is actually to be the happiest guy who is neither outstanding nor wasteful?"

Chen Yilang thought so, and then turned his attention to a classmate who was sitting farther away.

And he also has a white mark on his body.

[Mark: Ignore from the Elite]

[Ignore from the elite: When you are unknown and continue to lose your [sense of presence] in front of the [workmaniac], you will continue to accumulate the mark of [Ignore from the elite]. Should

The more marks you have accumulated, the lower the probability of you attracting the attention of [Workmaniac], the lower [Favoriteness] of [Workmaniac] towards you, the lower the aggression, and you will be affected by [Work Order]

The probability will also be lower. 】

"Knew it!"

Chen Yilang completed his conjecture perfectly, and it was completely consistent!

As long as you can be quietly on the edge of being rotten and excellent, you can perfectly avoid the attention of the BOSS [Working Girl] and avoid the damage of [Work Order]!

Chen Yilang felt a burst of excitement inexplicably, but suddenly he seemed to realize something again.

- It is really cool to be marked with [Ignore from the Elite], but it also seems to mean that all the opportunities for promotion in the student union in the future will most likely have nothing to do with me.


Because Chairman Han can't see you at all, wouldn't it be particularly embarrassing if the chairman didn't even know your name when the senior student cadres were selected?

Chen Yilang fell into contemplation again...

"Little Brother Chen, what are you looking at?"

At this time, seeing Chen Yilang staring straight at the top of his head, Cao Ze felt a little hairy for some reason, so he couldn't help asking.

"Uh, it's nothing, Deputy Minister Cao." Chen Yilang showed an innocent smile, "I just think you're shiny and beautiful!"

Cao Ze: "???"

【Ding! 】

[You used [ruthless connotation], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +1982, Experience +1029! 】

Two blue veins burst out on Cao Ze's forehead again, and then he silently entered a line of words into the browser's Wandu search page: "If you don't understand, ask, in school I hate people.

How many years will my apprentice be sentenced to? "

Cao Ze's current state of mind is more or less explosive. This dead apprentice named Chen Yilang is really annoying. What way should he think of to make him disappear on the spot?

When he first met Chen Yilang, Cao Ze thought he had found a treasure. This little brother Chen is not only very well-behaved, obedient and sensible, but he doesn't look particularly smart...

He is a role model for Cao Ze's favorite member!

You know, these days, there are really fewer and fewer newcomers like Xiao Chen who don't fight or grab, and who are very easy to handle...

However, until now, Cao Ze just discovered that the person who was too young was actually himself...

This junior is not only incapable of handling it at all, but also very clever... It's not even an exaggeration to say that he is full of bad water.

"I'm sorry, Deputy Minister Cao, I've disturbed your work again."

Chen Yilang smiled innocently again.

"Oh, it's alright..."

Cao Ze also showed a friendly and kind smile again.

At this time, the sound of crisp high-heeled shoes came again.

Chen Yilang looked up slightly, and it turned out that Han Qiujing went to make a cup of instant coffee and is now walking back.

"Okay, now!"

Cao Ze's heart moved. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Chairman Han just came over, and now it is his good performance in front of the Chairman to restore the great opportunity that was lost just now!

"Cough cough!"

"Well, how is everyone doing the work at hand? Has anyone finished it?"

Cao Ze raised his volume slightly and said with a smile, "Work harder, let's try to finish it all before ten o'clock."

Then, exactly as Cao Ze guessed, no one responded to his words...

He didn't expect anyone to answer him, because there were very few people who could finish the job at this point.

And people who have already finished their work usually don't speak... After all, who knows if they will arrange a bunch of new jobs?

But at this moment, Cao Ze heard a rather unexpected voice—

"I'm done."

Chen Yilang said generously.

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