If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 262: 【Professional pointing and pointing】


On the private chat message panel, Luo Luojiang directly typed a question mark that could fill the entire screen.

[Lolo Sauce: Sorry, I'm not that kind of person. ]

[Lolo Sauce: If you are really idle and have nothing to do, it is recommended to go to the dance area and the yoga area. Oh, bring enough paper by the way. With your level of pervert, here is the best suggestion.

Good to carry two pounds! ]


【Ding! 】

[[Top Killer] used [Poison Tongue Whiplash], causing a lot of [mental damage] to you! 】

【HP-561! 】


Chen Yilang was also stunned for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have reacted again, probably because he was too excited, there seemed to be a problem with his expression just now.

So he immediately changed his mind and said:

"Cough, sorry, I have a little problem with my expression just now... What I want to ask is, come to our club to sing, and the appearance fee is 400 yuan a night. Do you want to make an appointment?"

Sure enough, it is not always possible to be as simple as Lao Xue, and the way of speaking is simpler...

In this way, the meaning to be expressed will become much clearer!

At least it won't be so easy to cause ambiguity...

Being so whole by Chen Yilang, Luoluo Jiang was stunned.

"You mean..."

"You want to hire me to be a resident singer?"

Luoluo Jiang was puzzled.

"Ah, yes." Chen Yilang said, "I think you sing very well. Over the past year, I have been squatting in your live broadcast room every night to listen on time, and I can't sleep at night..."

I've only been on the air for half a year... Luoluojiang complained about being powerless, but she wanted to understand what this sad little Langlang was doing, so she said, "Time, place?"

In Nanxuan, the appearance fee of 400 yuan a night is not too low.

Most bars are generally two or three hundred, and despite this, the singers are still scrambling to get their hands on one.

What's more, there are a lot of applicants who come from the band. They not only have a lot of people, but also have professional skills, and the appearance fee is not necessarily high... It's more than a tornado.


Competing for a job with a band like this can't be said to have no chance of winning, it can only be said to be a complete failure.

And the conditions given to her by the sad Xiao Langlang are indeed not unfavorable.

"Eight o'clock in the evening, Nanxuan University, Huihui Building!" Chen Yilang said bluntly.

"Aren't most colleges and universities closed now? How do I get in?" Luoluo Jiang asked suspiciously.

"We will issue you an electronic work permit, you can just show the work permit to the guard to take a look at it." Chen Yilang said.

Luo Luo Jiang still hesitated for a while: "Why did you choose me?"

"Didn't I just say that you sing well." Chen Yilang said.

"Such a reason is too perfunctory, I can't believe it for a while." On the other side of the screen, Luoluo Jiang frowned and said.

【Ding! 】

[The defense value of the monster [lv13 number one killer] is too high, and it is immune to your [nonsense] attack! 】

[[lv13 No. 1 Killer] has a low [trust value] for you, and your [fishing in troubled waters] is not effective. 】



You are fishing in troubled waters, and your whole family is fishing in troubled waters!

Chen Yilang was at a loss for words for a while, but it could be seen that this Luoluo sauce was still very defensive about strangers, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to have a private chat with him until now.

Chen Yilang thought for a moment, feeling that it might be time to change his style of play.

"Um... well."

"Hey, actually, it's like this."

Chen Yilang pretended to be very regretful and said:

"Actually, I feel a little pity for you."

"Unfortunately?" Luoluo Jiang asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "Or, it should be better to change the word... sympathy!"

"Sympathy!?" It seems that Xiao Langlang, who seems to be feeling sad, is getting more and more outrageous, and Luoluo Jiang seems to be a little excited.


Chen Yilang nodded, "Frankly speaking, I think the basic skills of your singing, such as the control of whether the voice is in the front or the back, the stability of the breath when singing high pitches, and the smoothness and smoothness when switching between true and false voices. The degree of...in fact, it can't be called professional at all."

"And your performance in front of the camera isn't quite natural enough, with the occasional tinge of visible stiffness in speech and movement."

【Ding! 】

[You used [professional pointing] and successfully caused a lot of damage to [lv13 top killer]! 】

[You got: Gold +1986, Experience +1031! 】


After listening to this, Luoluo Jiang would be a little speechless for a while.

After a while, he finally said dully: "...So what do you want to say?"

Although what Chen Yilang said to her just now was not very pleasant, what she had to admit was that everything Chen Yilang said was indeed the truth.

Luo Luojiang also has some knowledge about her singing skills in her heart. She is really not very professional, and she is not mature enough to use many skills.

But if she is an amateur, then her strength is absolutely remarkable.

As for the singing anchor, she can really sing well.

The most important thing is that her voice is quite recognizable, the tone is obviously high, but the tone is a little hoarse.

However, Chen Yilang didn't know how to describe the voice of Luoluo Jiang. If he had to insist, it would be about a third of pure desire in 70% of Loli's voice?

"However, none of that matters anymore."

"The important thing is that this wave of attacks seems to have some effect?"

Seeing it, I didn't expect that his random beatings would actually play a big role.

Obviously, this wave of finger pointing that he made up at random did indeed hit some of the sore spots of Luoluo sauce.

If this is the case, then he can probably take advantage of the situation to pursue it.

"Don't get me wrong, Miss Luoluo Jiang."

Chen Yilang emphasized in a serious manner that he didn't even use the emoji that he would send when chatting normally, "I want to talk to you privately, but it's not to evaluate your singing ability."

"Frankly, I'm only scratching the surface in terms of vocal knowledge and performance."

Valley filter

"The reason I really want to hire you is because I think I can feel your dedication and love for singing..."

"You are very different from other singers. Other singers will only finish the song with a little more seriousness when someone buys a gift to order a song."

"But every time I watch your live broadcast in the live broadcast room, you always sing very seriously, every song is."

"You women always like to say that serious men are the most attractive... In fact, if you want me to say, serious girls are not bad either."

"I think, maybe you are a girl who has her own pursuit of music? Maybe this is your passion, or a dream or something, and you want to treat it as a career thing..."

When Chen Yilang's words came here, he heard the voice of the system in his mind again.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Encouraging Mouth Cannon] to hit the soft underbelly of [lv13 No. 1 Killer]! 】

[Your [Encouraging Mouth Cannon] caused a [Break Defense] effect to [lv13 No. 1 Killer], and caused a lot of mental shock damage! 】

[You got: Gold +1952, Experience +1087! 】


"...That's right."

Luoluo sauce said.

Although she didn't say much, but through the information of the system, Chen Yilang can be completely sure that at this moment, Luo Luojiang's heart is already turbulent.

——This is a little girl who has a dream and plays the guitar.

"Another reason is that you like to sing Jay Chou's songs... Well, I've been listening to Jay Chou for ten years."

Chen Yilang finally added this sentence.

Yes, that's right, a lot of long speeches above are actually bullshit... This is the most fundamental reason for Chen Yilang.

——As long as you like Jay Chou, we are good friends!

"Yes, yes, Jay Chou is my idol!" Luoluo Jiang suddenly became excited, "I make money as a singing anchor just to meet him!"

Chen Yilang: "Huh?"

I don't know why.

After Chen Yilang mentioned Jay Chou to Luoluojiang, Luoluojiang's chatterbox was suddenly opened at that moment.

She began to welcome and encourage Chen Yilang to tell the story of Zhou Dong from childhood to adulthood.

Talk about her favorite songs are "Flower Sea" and "Love in BC", talk about Jay Chou CDs in her bookshelf, and her drawer full of concert tickets.

And Chen Yilang also learned at this time that the reason why Luoluo Jiang wanted to make money was not only paying rent, but also a reason that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

——Go to Jay Chou and sing a Jay Chou song to Jay Chou.

Now, she is secretly saving money for a plane ticket to Yanjing.

It is said that because she heard some news in Jay Chou's fan support club, it seems that there is a variety show that Jay Chou wants to participate in, and the shooting is about to start in Yanjing.

So, Luoluo sauce has been waiting.

Once the audition registration channel for that variety show opens, she decides to sign up as soon as possible.

Although Luoluojiang is also clear in her heart, with her strength, even if the registration is successful, I am afraid that she may not be able to pass the audition...

If you can't even pass the audition, let alone Jay Chou, she probably won't even be able to see the sweeping auntie at the show.

"Okay." Luoluo Jiang said, "I'll go."

"Then tomorrow?" Chen Yilang said.

"Well, just tomorrow."

Luoluo Jiang said, after a while, she seemed to remember something, and added: "By the way, I have a small request."

"You said." Chen Yilang said.

"Can I not show my face?" Luoluo Jiang asked.

"..." Chen Yilang was stunned, but he didn't expect Luoluo Jiang to make this request.

Although she has never shown her face in the live broadcast room, she is now going to work in the Flower Club. Can she still not show her face?

Are you planning to complete the masked singer?

However, after Chen Yilang thought about it carefully, he realized that it doesn't seem to be completely unfeasible...

Humans are a very interesting thing, they have a nature called "hunting for oddities".

Wouldn't it be more appealing to their curiosity if Luoluo Jiang sang to them with her face covered?

Thinking of this, a whimsical light exploded in Chen Yilang's mind.

"Yes." Chen Yilang agreed immediately.

But on the other hand, out of curiosity, Chen Yilang asked again:

"But I'm still quite curious, why are you covering your face?"

After being silent for a while, Luoluo Jiang said: "Because the face will affect the audience's response to the quality of the song, it will make it more difficult for me to judge the quality of the performance."

"The other thing is..."

"In that variety show, the contestants didn't show their faces when they sang."


Speaking of this, Chen Yilang suddenly realized, "Just the kind of chair under the instructor's **** that turns around?"

"...It's almost." Luoluo Jiang was ashamed, thinking that your metaphor is really simple and rude...

In this way, with Jay Chou's inexplicable assist, the two of them decided their work arrangements for tomorrow with great ease and joy.

Early the next morning, Chen Yilang told the store manager about it.

The identity of the store manager is no longer a student, so when it comes to helping buy Luoluo Jiang's pass, he is still able to handle it with ease.

After all, as we all know, the target of the school closure is not the school itself, but the students...

So soon, on the second night, Chen Yilang saw Luoluo Jiang in the Flower Club.

As she said~www.readwn.com~ She wore a mask and **** sunglasses, completely covering her face...

After finalizing the work content for the evening, Chen Yilang paid Luoluo Jiang's salary for the evening in advance.

"……Thank you."

Although she couldn't see Luo Luojiang's expression, Chen Yilang could hear the sincerity in her words.

"You're welcome." Chen Yilang smiled.

Four hundred yuan, the moment I took out my hand, it really hurts a bit... But this wave of reimbursement by the store manager is not a big problem.

Mainly because Sister Bing also agreed, so it doesn't matter.

After finishing the affairs on Luoluojiang's side, Chen Yilang was about to listen to her live tonight, but who knew that he had received a new notification.

[Notice from the Logistics Department: For an emergency meeting, all members will arrive at Mingde Building before eight o'clock to gather. ]

[@all members]


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