If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 263: I won't be tired if you talk about this...

Frankly speaking, Chen Yilang was very reluctant at the first moment of receiving the notice of the meeting.

Rather than sitting there and listening to the minister's rambles, he really prefers to stay in the Flower Club and listen to Luoluo Jiang sing...

Before that, the Flower Club had already released the news of the new resident singer.

So the atmosphere tonight must be no trivial matter.

Even before the prime time, there were already a lot of customers in the bar.

But helpless, the migrant workers of the student union have no human rights, especially the grass-roots department employees.

Helpless, Chen Yilang could only get up and leave.

Just as he stepped out of the flowery gate, he met an old man who was just about to come in.

"Hey, brother, is this the Blossom Club?" The old brother asked Chen Yilang anxiously with a nervous and excited look on his face.

"Uh, yes."

Chen Yilang pointed to the sign above his head and said, "What's wrong?"

"No, no, I heard that my favorite live broadcast is here to sing!"

The old man said excitedly, "No, I'll rush over to see her!"

You shouldn't be the one on the list... Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help thinking silently.

If this thing is true, if he knew that the guy who silenced him was standing in front of him, he probably wouldn't have used a knife to slash people on the spot...

But luckily it doesn't seem to be.

Because after saying goodbye to this old man, Chen Yilang, who had gone out not long ago, bumped into a new Luoluojiang fan...

Chen Yilang was a little confused, and it took a while and a half to realize it. Is this Luoluo sauce so popular?

I didn't expect to attract so many customers... If you look at it like this, the appearance fee of 400 yuan doesn't seem to be very high?

Chen Yilang thought wildly, and it didn't take long for him to come to the logistics department.

Looking at the other people around, they all look similar to Chen Yilang.

Either stepping on big slippers and having messy hair, or having changed into pajamas, and the hair is still half-dry...

It can be seen that the sudden opening of the party really made everyone feel a little caught off guard.

"First of all, I'd like to say sorry to everyone. I'm so sorry to disturb everyone so late, and take up everyone's rest time."

"It's mainly because there is a more urgent job coming down from above, and we need all the departments below to cooperate with each other tonight to complete the work..."

"All departments?" Cao Ze asked, "meaning, all departments have to work overtime tonight?"

"Yes." Ma Yichuan nodded helplessly and said, "Our minister's small group is already noisy... But there is no way. After all, it is an urgent task, and there is no way to shirk it."

"What's the situation?" Cao Ze asked. Although he was as irritable as ten fires in his heart at this moment, his face did not show at all.

"This is a long story. I can only briefly summarize it with you."

Ma Yichuan said, "First of all, due to the influence of some policies issued above, this semester, the summer vacation time of our school has been brought forward."

【Ding! 】

As soon as Ma Yichuan finished speaking, Chen Yilang saw a new state burst out from the heads of almost everyone around him: [Spirit! 】

"Hey! It's really fake!"

"Minister, Minister, if you say this, then we won't be sleepy!"

"Why didn't you say such a good thing in advance? I'll book a ticket immediately when I go back tonight!"

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that you guys are quite real...

But it is not surprising that no student party can resist the temptation to take the holiday earlier... If there is, then it will be a week earlier.

However, after the large group of people had been having fun for a long time, an old man who sat in the corner and watched with cold eyes for a long time suddenly spoke up.

"Big guy, I advise you to wake up."

"It's not that I'm spoiling your happiness, don't you think that according to the law of holiday conservation, if the holiday time is earlier, the school start time will also be earlier?"


As soon as this old man said this, the atmosphere at the conference table suddenly became eerily quiet.

What are you talking nonsense about... Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

To be fair, who doesn't know this?


What does it matter!

An early holiday is a joyful and exciting thing!

As for whether the school will start early... that's what you need to care about later.

Well, people should live in the moment and have fun in time.

So even if everyone knows it well, once this sentence is said, it is really unpleasant...

"Cough, let's click here first about the early holiday. After all, this is not what we mainly talk about today."

Ma Yichuan cleared his throat and continued, "What we need to pay attention to is not how the holiday time is adjusted, but the series of events caused by the advance of the holiday time.


"The biggest and most urgent thing at present is that after the holiday time is brought forward, our original school celebration time must also be brought forward."

After Ma Yichuan's remarks, the expressions on everyone's faces changed instantly.

At this moment, all the [Spiritual] signs that were swiped in unison were all extinguished.

OK, I'm getting sleepy again.

——As the saying goes, if you are in trouble, you will sleep well.

When everyone heard the word school celebration, they realized that this wave of work would definitely not be able to run.

After all, it is the one thing that the higher-level leaders focus on the most. The student union can do anything else, but the school celebration is absolutely not allowed.

Everyone who knows this well has chosen to give up struggling at this moment.

"Tonight, our logistics department is responsible for entering the information and materials of well-known alumni."

"There are a total of 174 alumni who have been invited to our school celebration this year. If it is distributed to everyone, it will be about a dozen copies per person."

"After the meeting is over, everyone can start their own tasks. We don't have much time left."

【Ding! 】

As soon as Ma Yichuan finished speaking, there was a dull atmosphere in the conference room.

【Danger! 】

[Detected that a large amount of [Negative Energy Breath] has been generated in the environment with high concentration! 】

【Please be careful to avoid! 】

glutamic anhydride


Chen Yilang's forehead was sweating, my good guy, what this old man said made the whole old man in the conference hall depressed...

"There is one more thing. In order not to delay everyone's work time tonight, I will mention it a little first."

Ma Yichuan said, "Some new friends may not know, I will mention it here."

"In our student union, generally speaking, there will be a large-scale general election every year."

"Typically, this election campaign is set at the end of the semester."

"And as you all know just now, this year's holiday will be earlier, that is to say, this year's general election will also be earlier..."

【Ding! 】

When Ma Yichuan talked about this, Chen Yilang saw the changes of the students around him.

Among them, there were several people who suddenly became sleepy again and returned to their [spiritual] state.

Chen Yilang immediately guessed something sharply.

It is estimated that most of these students who have recovered their spirits are people who have ideas about this election.

And among this, there is also a person that Chen Yilang expected.

- Cao Ze.

Not only was he excited, he was even more outrageous than the others.

Cao Ze's state is: [extremely excited]

This is obvious.

According to normal circumstances, the most grassroots members like Chen Yilang generally campaign for the backbone of the department.

The backbone of the election is the deputy minister or minister.

If you are a minister, you can continue to run for the three positions of secretary general, vice chairman and chairman, otherwise you will retire... And in fact, in most cases, the election of ministers

The choice is generally to retire.

Because most of the ministers were basically juniors when they were in office, and they will be seniors after the change, so most of them have average energy and focus at this time.

It's all about graduation and employment.

So, to sum up, the only person who has no other choice is the Deputy Minister... Because the only position that the Deputy Minister can run for is the Minister.

And most of the deputy ministers have a high success rate in running for minister. After all, they have worked hard in the department for another year in order to run for minister, even if they have no merit.

Work, that's hard work too...

Therefore, it is not difficult for Chen Yilang to come to the conclusion that Cao Ze must have been staring at Ma Yichuan's position for a long time... No, there should be no need to infer that Cao Ze has long been Sima Zhao's heart, and he knows everything.

"So, all students who have aspirations and ideals, from today onwards, you can think about your campaign speeches." Ma Yichuan said, "You have to work hard, darlings, I will be gone in the future, and the logistics department will rely on it. You have flourished."

"Don't worry, Minister." Cao Ze said with a smile, "You taught us so well, and the logistics department will definitely get better and better in the future."

"Just your kid can talk."

Ma Yichuan patted Cao Ze on the shoulder cheerfully, "I will no longer be in the logistics department in the future. You are a veteran-level figure, and you should bring more juniors and juniors with you."

"Of course." Cao Ze smiled.

At this time, Chen Yilang noticed again that several [depressed] signs popped up above the heads of other people at the conference table.


"Why are these people depressed?"

Chen Yilang was slightly taken aback.

Is it because of the few words Minister Ma Yichuan said just now?

Chen Yilang carefully recalled what Ma Yichuan said just now, and found that there was indeed a hint of meaning in it.

The hint: "If there is no accident, the next minister should be Cao Ze, you are right."

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether Ma Yichuan hinted, because from the current situation, Cao Ze is indeed the best candidate for the next minister.

However, I also mentioned a precondition before, that is, "there is no accident".

——Chen Yilang doesn't mind being the accident.

Yes, that's right.

He has already made plans secretly for a long time - in this year's election, he is going to run for minister!

If he succeeds, then his feat will likely become one of several shocking events in the history of Nanxuan University...

An ordinary grass-roots member was directly elected as the minister.

And he's a guy who's just been here for a while...

If this can be done, I am afraid that the entire student union will be shocked by the whole film, right?

And now, Chen Yilang has indeed discovered some opportunities.

——The [Depressed] members popped up on the heads around them. It doesn't seem to be easy.

It seems that this group of people are not so happy about the fact that Cao Ze is about to become a minister?

Chen Yilang quickly made further conjectures-maybe not everyone wants Cao Ze to become a minister?

In other words, Cao Ze is not actually a vice minister who is popular with the people.

Chen Yilang's eyes quickly glanced around, and then he was surprised to discover something.

More than half of the people who felt [depressed] about this, including myself!

"That is to say..."

"In this case, maybe I can give it a try?"

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After all, he had asked Brother Xin before. In the student union organization ~www.readwn.com~ out of consideration for fairness, all election methods are in the form of anonymous voting.

That is to say, even if they secretly voted for themselves, Cao Ze would not be able to find out who actually voted.

"Do you have any questions?" Ma Yichuan said, "If there are no questions, then we will end the meeting here today."

"No." The crowd replied.

Ma Yichuan nodded, and when he was finally about to get up, Cao Ze said with a smile: "I should ask our new junior Chen Yilang, is there anything else you don't understand?"

Everyone's eyes moved to Chen Yilang unconsciously.

For some unknown reason, they seemed to smell a smell of gunpowder faintly.

"there is none left."

Chen Yilang looked directly at Cao Ze and smiled without revealing a trace:

"Thank you, Vice Minister Cao."


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