If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 261: Is it about 400 yuan?


this moment.

In the entire live broadcast room, a large question mark floated instantly...

This time it wasn't a malicious screen-swiping operation, because everyone was asking questions, and even the housekeeping robot imitated everyone's formation and connected a string of...

"Fuck, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Where's Luoluo sauce? Where is my Luoluo sauce wife?"

"Why is it down? It's just past eight o'clock, and it's only been broadcast for half an hour!"

"What's going on? Anyone in the fan group, go and ask about the situation..."

"I asked just now, but Luoluo Jiang in the fan group didn't reply, as if she disappeared suddenly..."

"No, I think it should be a sudden disconnection? I guess Luoluo Jiang will be back in a few minutes..."

After the live broadcast screen went black in the afternoon, the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

And Chen Yilang, who was unknowingly, crouched behind the scenes, watching the various barrages on the screen with great interest.


Sure enough, is this the joy of doing things?

After taking a look, someone did guess right, and Luoluo sauce was indeed disconnected from the Internet.

Because just now, Chen Yilang was banned from speaking by an unknown [authority dog].

In the first time, his family immediately issued the skill [Disconnection Spell] to Luoluojiang.

Although this approach does seem to be quite unethical, he really can't think of a good idea...

"I'm sorry, Luoluo sauce."

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely order a big rocket for you... Uh, the rocket doesn't seem to be able to afford it. I'll give you a few blood bottles."

Chen Yilang silently made a sincere apology to Luoluo Jiang...

Well, although that old man did guess right, unfortunately, he only guessed half right...

Luoluo Jiang is indeed disconnected from the Internet, but this disconnection is not an ordinary disconnection. If you want to recover within a few minutes, you can only think about it...

You know, this is the disconnection created by the [disconnection technique]!

The only thing that can dispel magic is magic. As for you group of twists, I can only say that you don't even think about it... The great magician Langge said silently.

At this time, some fans in the live broadcast room also discovered some blind spots with hindsight.

"Hey, wait a minute, brothers, do you remember what the mumbling joker said just now?"

A flash of light suddenly flashed in someone's mind: "He seemed to say just now that as long as he is banned, the live broadcast room will collapse?"

Being mentioned like this, other people also reacted one after another: "Yes! I didn't pay much attention to what he said just now, but when you said it, I thought

Woke up! "

"Damn, no, no, no? It's not really because he was banned by the housekeeper, right?"

"Where's the housekeeper? Come out and squeak, what's going on?"

For a while, the live broadcast room was noisy again.

It's just that this time, the attention of the noisy people suddenly shifted to Chen Yilang, who had just been banned from speaking for a whole year by the housekeeper.

But of course.

Such a scene is naturally something that Luo Luojiang himself cannot see.

At this moment, Luoluo Jiang's deity is sitting in her rental room, staring at her live broadcast room that has turned into a gray interface.

And the dialog box that popped up just now, in the middle...

[Hint: Your network status is not good, please try to reconnect to the network...]

Luo Luo sauce is very confused now.

She had no idea what was going on. Just now, her network connection status was disconnected inexplicably, and then she could no longer connect to her live broadcast room.

She used her digital knowledge, although not a lot, but generally enough, and thoroughly checked her computer from hardware to software, but still nothing

Have solved this problem.

This made Luo Luo sauce naturally upset and angry.

—If her live broadcast time does not meet the standard today, she will be deducted from the attendance award!

Luo Luojiang, who is squatting at home, doesn't have any other job at this stage. It can be said that he is completely dependent on the income of live broadcast to eat.

If she lost the attendance award, she would really be in pain for a long time.

She is also counting on this month's salary to buy a plane ticket to Yunjing, which can't be so cool.

"Is it really because of that man?"

Luo Luojiang was stunned for a moment, and seemed to remember something.

In the past few days, she has actually noticed a fan of Xiao Langlang called "You Sang". The main reason is that this guy frequently speaks and swipes the screen, and then he

She was banned by her housekeepers.

However, Luoluo Jiang didn't take it to heart. After all, she had seen too many fans like Chen Yilang, so she naturally took it for granted.

"Is it really because of him?"

Luo Luo sauce was a little surprised.

the other side.

At this moment in the live broadcast room, the voices of everyone's discussions have become more and more intense.

"So, which housekeeper banned the words just now?"

"That's right, come out and squeak!"

"Let that guy out first, and then ask what's going on!"

"That's right!"

Under the strong request of a large group of viewers in the live broadcast room, the helpless housekeeper could only pull Chen Yilang out of the luxury package that was banned for one year.

Chen Yilang is naturally happy, because this is one of the goals he wants to achieve.

The worried little Langlang: "Hello, everyone, it's been a long time, I miss you so much!"

Luoluo Sauce's husband: "Don't do this, it's only a few minutes!"

There is no real husband of Luoluojiang: "Tell me! Did you do something to my wife!"

Cat-eating fish: "That's right, how could she drop the line for no reason?"

Sorrowful Xiao Langlang: "Didn't I tell you all about this just now? If you don't believe it, then I can't do anything about it!"

Gently fed the dog: "Damn! Brothers, if I understand correctly, this guy should be provoking us, right? Yes, yes?"

How can a man lead the way if he is not a demon: "That's right, this kid is too arrogant! You must show him some color!"

Wuxin looked at the scenery: "Tell me! What did you do to Luo Luojiang! How can I get her to start the broadcast again?"

Sad Xiao Langlang: "As long as my ban is lifted, her network will be restored in about an hour."

"Is it true or false? It's so evil, I don't believe it!"

"Me too!"

"Then let's wait for it for an hour to see if it's really as evil as this guy said!"

"That's right, I definitely don't believe in this kind of thing anyway..."

And just like that, an hour-long intense discussion passed by so unknowingly.

At this time, just like what Chen Yilang said, everyone actually saw one thing at the same moment, and that was the scene in Luo Luojiang's live broadcast room.

Light up this time!

Gu Yue

"I'm sorry everyone, there were some problems with the network at my house just now, and it has just been repaired..." Luo Luojiang apologized in a very sincere tone.

And when I saw Luoluo Jiang appearing, the barrage below went crazy again in an instant.

"Wife, you'll be fine!"

"Wuwuwu, my Luoluo sauce, you finally appeared spicy!"

"An hour away from Luoluo Jiang, miss her!"


At this moment, the "little brother" who ranked first on the list suddenly said: "Luo Luo, you just went offline, is it really because of the Internet?"

As soon as this person opened his mouth, Chen Yilang immediately felt that this "little brother" was different from others.

Others are calling "Luo Luo sauce" or various "wife", only this "little brother" is "Luo Luo" in one mouth, which is extraordinarily greasy.

Luoluojiang: "Hmm...Actually, I don't really know, but the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly went black, and I studied it for a long time and didn't know what was going on...


As soon as the little brother heard this, he immediately began to give advice to Luoluo Jiang: "Then I think it is definitely not the network. Do you have antivirus software? Antivirus, and then upgrade the firewall.

Just level up... This little wave is just bluffing, you should block him. "

"You don't even know that during your absence, he made your live broadcast room into a mess!"

【Ding! 】

[[The Big Brother of the List] used the [Ba Zong Order], which deterred the [Rank One Killer]! 】

[Due to the influence of [Ba Zong Order], [Rank One Killer] may cause harm to you! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】

"I'm going, why did you mess with the big brother?"

Chen Yilang was taken aback, the development of this plot was completely different from what he imagined!

Moreover, the acting style of this big brother on the list looks like that of an old boss. As soon as he opens his mouth, he is full of daddy, and he is not an opponent that he can withstand.

Sure enough, after the words of the little brother on the list came up, a large group of people immediately emerged from the bottom, and started to attack Chen Yilang:

"That's right, death stick, climb it for the Lord!"

"Where it's cool and where to stay, don't affect us listening to Luoluo Jiang sing!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with him? You can just ban it forever. I don't believe that it will really be disconnected from the Internet again..."

【Ding! 】

[Under the influence of [Ba Zong Order], you have been attacked by a large group of [fanatical fans]! 】


"I'm going, it hurts a bit."

Chen Yilang couldn't help grinning.

It can be seen that the position of this little brother on the list in this live broadcast room is no trivial matter.

However, Chen Yilang naturally wouldn't counsel him.

After a little thought, Chen Yilang quickly came up with his own countermeasures.

He switched the speaking mode to anonymous, and then sent a message to the live room:

[Anonymous message: Attention! Dear "little brother" user, we have detected that you have slandered, abused, slandered and other types of speech in the live broadcast room, and have now warned you! ]

[Re-violation will face system sanctions, please pay attention! ]

Little brother: "?"

【Ding! 】

[You used [human delusional behavior], and successfully caused a lot of mental shock to [lv13 Big Brother]! 】

[You got: Gold +1921, Experience +1123! 】

It's not just the [Big Brother] who ranked first, but other fans in the live broadcast room were all stunned after seeing this sentence.

It's not that they can't think of the rude operation of anonymous speech, but they can't think that someone would actually engage in such deceptive behavior...

The little brother didn't hold back on the spot, and laughed outright: "Hahahaha, it's really xswl! Excuse me, are you still a primary school student? You're still playing this kind of trick that is outdated in the third grade!"

Others in the live broadcast room also laughed: "Isn't that true? There is no silver 300 taels here! Is it interesting to post anonymously by yourself?"

"Hahaha, brother, I feel embarrassed for you across the screen now!"

In the live broadcast room, all kinds of mocking voices were floating in the sky.

But even if he is seen through, Chen Yilang doesn't care.

Because this does not affect his next play at all.

Continuing to speak anonymously, he issued the next line:

[Anonymous message: Sorry! It has been detected that the user 'little brother' has made a malicious and illegal speech operation again, so you have been suspended for one hour as a punishment! ]

After this line of words was sent, Chen Yilang immediately used the [Internet Disconnection Spell] on the "little brother" on the list at the same moment.

Little brother: "Hahahaha!"

Little brother: "Fuck you!"

Little brother: "It's really a laugh!..."

[Big Brother on the List] The news sent in the live broadcast room stopped abruptly in this section.

Suddenly there is no sequel...

It's like watching a small movie, and it's a feeling that you start charging as soon as you get to the wonderful picture and plot.

The other fans in the room were also stunned.

"Hello? Where's Brother Bangyi? Where's the person?"

"Why didn't you speak suddenly? Are you really banned?"

"Isn't it the real estate manager that Alipay has arrived?"

Some people began to become suspicious, wondering if some housekeeper who saw money was open to receiving the benefit of this "Sorrowful Little Langlang", and then helped him direct a play...

But soon, the house management kept jumping out to clarify for himself, saying that he had nothing to do with this matter.

Finally, after some intense inferences, everyone at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com finally came to a conclusion.

- [Big Brother on the List], was indeed banned.

And the person who banned [Big Brother], if it wasn't for the system... it must be an unknown force that can use more advanced authority to manipulate everything behind it.

And the person who possesses this power... may actually be this guy called "Sorrowful Little Langlang".

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room suddenly fell silent...

At this time, Chen Yilang finally achieved his ultimate goal.

[Ding! ]

[You have received a private message! ]

[Luo Luojiang: Who are you? ]

For fear of being blocked, Chen Yilang immediately replied:

"Four hundred dollars a night, can you make an appointment?"

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