If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 260: [Disconnection Spell]?

【Ding! 】

【Tips! 】

[Version 2.22 of Mystery Mall has been updated, and a new game section has been successfully added! 】

[Please enjoy the surprises [Magic House] brings to you! 】


"Magic House? What is this?"

After hearing the system's voice, Chen Yilang instantly lost sleepiness.

Brother Lang immediately opened his eyes, and when he opened the system, it was just an operation.

Sure enough, inside the [Mystery Mall], a new module has been added called [Magic House].

"Come on baby!"

Chen Yilang, who was already eager to try, immediately entered the [Magic House] with his mind control system.

However, after entering the [Magic House], what Chen Yilang saw seemed to be different from what he imagined.

Originally, he thought that after entering the [Magic House], he would see a dazzling array of various props.

The result appeared in front of him, but there was only a crystal ball that was crystal clear, exuding a circle of light, and rotating in the center.

The logo of the crystal ball is: [Magic Ball]

[Reminder: Try to activate the magic ball and draw your lucky magic props! 】


"It turned out to be a lottery system..."

Chen Yilang complained silently, and then opened the magic ball.

【Ding! 】

[Would you like to spend 1000 gold coins to start a [magic ball] running ceremony? 】

"Yes." Chen Yilang made a choice decisively.

Come here, so of course you have to try it.

And a thousand gold coins... For him now, it really is nothing.

【Ding! 】

[[Magic Ball] is running, please wait...]


Within Chen Yilang's sight.

The huge and slightly joyful crystal ball bloomed from the inside with a splendid and dazzling colorful light that kept flowing.

If Chen Yilang guessed correctly, this should probably be the so-called [operation ceremony] of the magic crystal ball.

After a while, the magic ball stopped glowing.

【Ding! 】

[[Running Ceremony] has ended! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have drawn a new magic: Immortal Qi Fluttering Technique! 】

[Xianqi Fluttering Spell: A spell that is synthesized by extracting and condensing the energy in the body of the [Immortal Cultivator]. After using the [Spirit of Immortal Spell], the [Fatigue] and [Drowsiness] debuffs accumulated by the target after a night of [Cultivation of Immortals] will be eliminated! 】


"Oh, it seems interesting."

Chen Yilang is happy.

However, as a one-time spell, the effect of [Xianqi Fluttering Technique] is actually not particularly amazing.

After all, there are a lot of [Night Owls] who can actually be harmless [Xiu Xian] even if they don't apply spells, and they can even be as full of energy the next day as if they had taken medicine.

Chen Yilang felt that this [Xianqi Fluttering Technique] should be suitable for some students who like to crawl and create miracles the night before the exam.

"Let's put it away first, let me know what big treasures can Kangkang drive next..."

Chen Yilang temporarily put the [Xianqi Fluttering] technique into his backpack.

The icon of this spell is a small test tube, and it is filled with various lights and special effects, so it doesn't seem to take up much space and load on the backpack.

【Ding! 】

[You will use the magic ball for the second time today. 】

[Will you spend 10,000 gold coins to start the running ceremony again? 】


Chen Yilang: "?"

What the fuck?

Draw magic twice in a row, and the price directly doubled tenfold?

Good guy, pure **** businessman!

Brother Lang, who has been slashed countless times by this [Mysterious Mall], will naturally not be taken advantage of by him again.

So Brother Lang's first reaction was to quit this [Magic House], to avoid being bewitched by this magic ball again...

However, just as he was about to quit, he suddenly seemed to remember something important.

——The [Mysterious Mall] that he is so painful can't come in at any time.

There is no trace of its opening time. It is open now, but when it comes back next time, I have absolutely no idea when it will be.

Not to mention, this [Magic House] is very likely to inherit the same urination as [Mystery Mall], and it may not be refreshed next time...

Gan, people in the city can still play!

Helpless, Chen Yilang gritted his teeth and decided to take advantage of him again and try his luck.

【Ding! 】

[You spent 10,000 gold coins to start the [Magic Ball] running ceremony again! 】

[[Operation Ceremony] is starting...]

【Ding! 】

[[The operation ceremony] has been completed! 】

[You have obtained [Disconnection Spell x3]! 】

[Disconnection Spell: As the name suggests, after the target is hit with [Disconnection Spell], all network signals will be lost for 1h! 】


"???" Chen Yilang's mouth twitched violently.

good guy!

At first glance, it sounds like a bang, but if you think about it carefully, it feels like it's useless...

If this Internet disconnection spell is handed over to some professional hacker or some other large organization, it may still play some strategic role.

But this stuff is in his pocket, it always feels like it's useless...

"It can be used when taunting others when playing games. If anyone is upset, let him drop the line. Wouldn't that be quite pleasing?"

"Or use it when playing the qualifying round, let the opposite thigh and big C hang up on the spot, so wouldn't it be easy to win this qualifying match?"

Chen Yilang thought silently in his heart.

But no matter how he played, he felt that he was losing money in this wave...

10,000 gold coins for this [Disconnection Spell], no matter how you look at it, it is blood loss!

The only thing that can make Chen Yilang feel a little more comforting, it is estimated that there are three [disconnection spells] drawn out...

It was quite enjoyable to be able to play it three times.

"I just don't know who the next lovely victim is, hehehe..."

Chen Yilang thought to himself, and gradually fell asleep.

Then, the fact is.

Several days passed, and Chen Yilang still hadn't found the right time to use these two spells.

First, because the work of the student union has been proceeding in an orderly manner during this period, only in the morning when there is no class, they have to get up early to work.

As a result, Chen Yilang had to get out of bed early no matter whether it was a weekday or a weekend, and turned into a brave worker who was not afraid of difficulties.

Gu Xian

Staying up all night and cultivating immortals is naturally incapable of doing anything... After all, even if he has the [Xianqi Fluttering Technique] in his hand, he has absolutely no idea of ​​[cultivating immortals], and he just wants to sleep well.

As for the [Disconnection Spell]...

Although Chen Yilang always felt that speaking out would be particularly hateful, the fact is that the opponents he matched in the qualifying matches in the past few days were too weak to say a word, so he slaughtered all his hands and tethered a dog in front of the keyboard. The one who can win...

Therefore, [Disconnection Spell] naturally failed to exert its power.

But on the other hand, there is bad news.

Chen Yilang's progress on Luo Luojiang's strategy was stuck again for a while.

During this time, Chen Yilang has been trying to build a sense of presence in Luo Luojiang's live broadcast room, trying to rush to the mysterious active list that Feng Tian said.

However, the development of events far exceeded Chen Yilang's plan.

Just the day after he lifted the ban, he came to Luoluojiang's live broadcast room again, and then started posting barrage again.

This time, Chen Yilang has learned to behave.

Not only did they not send bullet screens with high frequency continuously, but they also did not send a large string of text that covered the entire screen.

And all of this was exactly as he expected, and he was lurking in the live broadcast room very safely.

But the downside is that this seems a bit like an ineffective infiltration... Because Luo Luojiang didn't notice this "sorrowful" little wave at all.

The top ten brothers on the fan list are basically very active.

Especially the "little brother" on the list, Chen Yilang is willing to call him the strongest gold master father.

Not only does this guy swipe gifts crazily, but he also interacts with Luo Luo sauce in the live broadcast room. It can be said that he is a model among gold masters, a fighter among fathers...

In this way, Chen Yilang, who had no clue, lurked for several days in Luo Luojiang's live broadcast room.


He was banned again.

[Ding! ]

[Sorry, due to your low number of speeches and low activity in the live broadcast room, you have been set to a muted state for 24 hours...]

[From the room manager. ]


Chen Yilang: "???"


Ask yourself, is the reason you came up with really not too outrageous!

If you want to ban me, just say it directly, why do you have to do this kind of **** operation?

Brother Lang was deeply depressed.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really abides by the rules of good speech in the live broadcast room. He was not so good when he was in mathematics class in the third year of high school...

In other words, the only reasonable explanation at present is only one - these guys are not happy with him!

It's been a while, and I don't know when I provoke this large group of [authority dogs].


It took a long time to wait until a day later.

Chen Yilang was finally released from the dark room again.

Brother Lang sat in front of the computer again and took a deep breath.

At this moment, he finally realized something.

——There is no way out if you play cards according to the routine.

According to this kind of useless gameplay, in this live broadcast room, it is impossible for him to fight against this group of [authority dogs] in his life.

There is a natural way to win. Put a few most expensive rockets on Luo Luojiang directly in the live broadcast room, and kill the "little brother" on the list, and the game is over.

No housekeeper dared to ban the words of the gold master's father, that is, pure solicitation.

On the contrary, the person who has become the father of the gold master can whip these abominable [authority dogs] as he pleases...

However, Chen Yilang was too shy to take out so many tickets.

So... he just wanted to go sideways with his sword.

"I'm sorry, you forced me to..."

Chen Yilang silently made a cross on his chest.

Excuse me……

This wave, I may be temporarily impersonal...

So, in the evening, Chen Yilang chose a more popular time period - eight o'clock sharp.

In fact, Chen Yilang didn't know if this time period was a good time. He just felt based on his own impression that every time he came to Luoluojiang's live broadcast room at this time, the number of people was the largest.

And it seems that not only Luoluo sauce, but other anchors' live broadcast rooms also seem to have such a regularity.

After taking a deep breath, the big plan in Chen Yilang's mind gradually began to take shape.

On the keyboard, he typed out a long paragraph slowly, and then photographed the Enter key.

[Sorrowful Xiao Langlang: Dear Miss Luo Luojiang, and all the boys in the live broadcast room, Dakar Night Monkey! ]

[Sorrowful Xiao Langlang: Maybe you don't know, before I showed up tonight, I had been silenced twice by the house manager. ]

[Sorrowful Xiao Langlang: So, I am here today, in order not to be accidentally injured by my teammates, I have to clarify one thing - I am a friendly army! ]

[Sorrowful Xiao Langlang: You may not know the consequences of accidentally hurting your friendly troops, so I want to share with you a little bit of science here - if the friendly troops are silenced three times in a row, the live broadcast room will collapse, causing our dear Luoluo sauce The anchor can't sing us a beautiful song within an hour...]

[Sorrowful Xiao Langlang: So here, I think it is very necessary for me to remind everyone about this, that is, once I am banned from speaking again, the above-mentioned things will happen. ]


This long paragraph was sent directly to the live broadcast room by Chen Yilang in one breath.

That is to say, the housekeepers will definitely be sent up by Chen Yilang before it is too late to intercept them.

A large piece of text instantly covered the entire screen... That's right, Brother Lang swiped the screen.

But what about him?

Tonight, he just wants to do something out of the way!

Sure enough, after Chen Yilang's words were sent out, the entire live broadcast room suddenly became quiet...

All kinds of barrages were still posted, and the news of non-stop interaction with Luo Luojiang stopped abruptly at this moment.

Not long after.

Instead, there are a lot of messages of "Hahahaha", "Laughing to death" and "Which breed of NT are you?".

"Who is this guy? I'm laughing so hard, and I've been looking at it for a long time, but it's really funny!"

"I'm afraid it's not because I have spoken too many times maliciously, and I have been banned by the housing management. I can't get angry to take revenge on the society, right?"

"I remember this person, the old special is SB!" Someone was watching the fun and frantically provoked, "Where is the housekeeper? This is too funny, and the one-year package is banned. Arrange for him directly!"

"That's right, still friendly troops? Also crashing in the live broadcast room? This is too nonsense, good brother, my grandma laughed out loud when she heard it!"

"My dog ​​shook his head beside him..."


A large amount of chattering sound quickly engulfed the entire live broadcast room.

Soon~www.readwn.com~ As expected by Chen Yilang, new news popped up from below

[Ding! ]

[very sorry! ]

[It has been detected that you have repeatedly swiped the screen maliciously, and you have been set to a mute state for three hundred and sixty-five days...]

"What about the kid, why don't you talk?"

"Hahaha, the housekeeper is mighty, he's taking another shot!"

"It's really funny for Grandpa!"


The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more joyful.

And at this time.

For some reason, the picture on the live broadcast room suddenly went out like a candle, and it went black.


[Luo Luojiang has left the live broadcast room. ]

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