If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 259: 【Permission Dog】

After a busy day of work, Chen Yilang finally returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Chen Yilang skillfully picked up the mineral water bottle to change the water from the water dispenser, then filled a bottle full of it and took a sip.

Tonight Xia Ling took him to a fried sauce noodle shop called Lao Chen Po. It was so salty that he remembered the taste of the sea in his hometown on the spot. He would quickly pour a wave of water to balance the osmotic pressure of the oral epithelial cells.

After sitting down at the table, Chen Yilang immediately opened the live broadcast of Yuya.

After I stumbled into Luoluojiang's live broadcast room last time.

Chen Yilang found that after he was hit on the head by his mobile phone that night, he accidentally clicked on the external advertisement built in Penguin, and then jumped to this live broadcast platform.

- Fish teeth.

At present, it can be regarded as a first-class live broadcast platform in China.

At the beginning, it mainly started with game live broadcast, and later it has formed a very diversified circle.

Until now, every day, there are all kinds of young gentlemen who spontaneously gather here at night, or learn dressing techniques, or learn yoga and fitness... Well, it's another very fulfilling day.

After opening his watch list, Chen Yilang quickly found the familiar avatar.

- Luoluo sauce.

"Welcome little brother 'Sorrowful Little Lang Lang'!"

"Long time no see, little brother!"

Chen Yilang was slightly startled, a little surprise in his heart. He didn't expect that after so long, Luoluo Jiang still remembers him?

And at that time, the gifts he swiped were not many, and even half of them were fish feeds that the system gave to newly registered users.

However, Chen Yilang soon found out that he was actually self-indulgent.

That's right, Luoluo Jiang is indeed calling his little brother, but it's not his little brother...

What she was shouting was the old man who seemed to be at the top of the fan rankings.

And the name of the old brother is also very simple, it is called "little brother".

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth couldn't help but twitch, thinking that your style of naming is not domineering enough, and you don't have the rank of the big brother at all...

Chen Yilang clicked on the private message interface again, and looked at the private message he sent to Luo Luojiang yesterday and got a reply.

He suddenly remembered that this Luoluo Jiang is a [Rank One Killer] monster, so if you want to attract her attention, the best way is to become her No. 1... at least a little higher.

But Chen Yilang found out that he hadn't seen each other for a short period of time, and the fan value of this little brother seemed to have increased a lot.

Chen Yilang made a rough calculation and found that the total amount of reward money seemed to have reached 10,000 Huaxia Coins.

According to the platform's sharing rules, Luo Luojiang estimates that the reward of 10,000 Huaxia coins should be divided into 40-50%...that is, 4,000 or 5,000 yuan.

"Mom, that's amazing!"

Chen Yilang couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Four or five thousand dollars!

This almost catches up with the income Chen Yilang earned during the period when he was taking care of his full shell...

For a student, this is already a very rich and considerable income.

It can be seen that this little brother on the list still has the ability to make money... So, it is estimated that the method of smashing gifts to get to the top of the list is not very easy to use.

"Then what?"

Chen Yilang scratched his head. After all, he hadn't watched the live broadcast very much before, and he was really not very familiar with the gameplay on this platform.

Helpless, he had to ask Feng Tian, ​​a professional on the live broadcast platform: "Lao Feng, let me ask you, if you want to be ranked number one in an anchor's fan list, but you have no money for gifts, what should you do?"

"You mean, do you want to be ranked No. 1 without spending money?" Feng Tian turned his head and looked at Chen Yilang with a puzzled expression.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

"Then think about it." Feng Tian replied ruthlessly.

Chen Yilang: "..."

Although he can't accept this fact, Feng Tian is also a veteran of the live broadcast platform.

In the past, when Feng Tian was a little [dog licking], he often watched the live dances of the young ladies and sisters.

Until now, Feng Tian has become a [Sage], and he still maintains the habit of watching beautiful ladies and sisters on the live broadcast platform, but those little sisters have changed from live broadcast dancing to live broadcast learning...


So what the **** is wrong with live-streaming learning? My 8th Sister Li...

"But then again, Brother Lang, why do you want to be the number one of others?"

Feng Tian said with some doubts, "I remember that you don't seem to be interested in this kind of live broadcast at all, right?"

It should be said that it is not only him. In the eyes of almost everyone around them, their brother Lang is a serious and self-disciplined person, so it is rare to see him spending time on pastimes like watching live broadcasts.

"Then let me ask you, why do each of us want to be each other's father so much?" Chen Yilang asked rhetorically.

"Why don't you ask? Of course it feels good to be a father!" Feng Tian said confidently, "If you are not a father, do you still want to be a son?"


Chen Yilang shrugged, "Isn't that right?"

"Golden Master's father, he is also a father!"

Feng Tian was choked on the spot.

Their brother Lang's remarks were unexpectedly well-founded, and all of a sudden he couldn't find any reason to refute.

"But apart from throwing gifts, is there really no other way?" Chen Yilang asked helplessly.

He wanted to roll this thing, but he didn't have the ability...

He is not a pervert like Lan Jiabin, he can use money to make a mad roll, and he is the one who is as easy as drinking water on the list.

"Actually, it's not completely impossible." Feng Tian thought about it, and then said to Chen Yilang, "Actually, in addition to the fan list, there is another hidden list that you can try. "

"What list?" Upon hearing this, Chen Yilang suddenly became interested, "Is this a grasshopper like me qualified to be on the list?"

"Don't say it, it's really a list prepared for grasshoppers like us."

Feng Tian said with a smile, "The fan list you see now is the list that everyone in the live broadcast room can see."

"The reason why the platform is set up like this is naturally to highlight the identity of the father of the special gold master."

"As long as you get enough gifts, your ranking will be higher and your name will be more eye-catching. When you talk in the live broadcast room, the special effects will be brighter, and the authority will be higher."

"Well, I know this." Chen Yilang nodded.

This is naturally not difficult to understand, after all, this is the basic means for the platform to stimulate customers to recharge.

Without the fan list, how can romantic and rich gold master fathers take out their wallets generously?

It's like ranking on the ladder. If there is no such thing, who will be playing games every day and rushing to the ranking?

"But this list is mainly used to fill the cups for the fathers of the gold owners... Everyone who understands this will understand, so I won't explain it too much."

"But there is another very magical list, which is displayed on the background data of the anchor. The only people who can see this list are the platform and the anchor themselves."

"This list is the active fan list!"

Feng Tian said, "It will automatically record the most active fans in your live broadcast room every day, every week, every month or even every year."

"And this activity is not related to gift brushing. What is really related is the viewing time of fans in the live broadcast room, the number of speeches, the frequency of interaction including likes and forwards, etc..."

Gu Hong


Chen Yilang nodded, "That is to say, some people buy a lot of gifts, but they don't necessarily come to see the anchor often."

"But some people watch a lot of live broadcasts, but every time it's 'next time'?"

"Well, yes, that's almost the truth." Feng Tian said, "So Brother Lang, you can consider rushing to this list."

"For Mao, I think this list is completely a reservist for the blacklist..."

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, thinking that if he didn't get it right, he might as well not be on the list...

There was nothing at all, but now that you went up, the anchors and sisters remembered you at a glance: "That's right, it's him, it's this turtle grandson who misses me every day!"

Wouldn't this wave of reverse operations be embarrassing...

But right now, Chen Yilang really doesn't seem to be able to think of any suitable way to attract the attention of this [Rank One Killer].

And this is really a very uncomfortable thing, because no matter how Chen Yilang sends a private message, Luo Luojiang will never reply...

And not to mention replying to private messages, even the two boys below the message box have always been in the "unread" state...

It can be seen from this that how many private messages are sent to her by Luo Luojiang's fans every day... But of course, this does not rule out that Luo Luojiang might not read private messages at all.

Chen Yilang was still struggling with what to do next, but at this moment, Luo Luojiang picked up the guitar and started singing again.

She seemed to really like Jay Chou, and this time, she sang "Simple Love".

A love song from the album Fantasy Children sing youth.

Chen Yilang also forgot what he was going to do for a while, but just sat in front of the computer and quietly listened to Luo Luojiang finish the song.

Naturally, a large barrage floated in the live broadcast room, and countless cheers and gifts scrolled rapidly in the interactive area.

After a while, Chen Yilang recovered his senses, and then gave Luo Luojiang a small gift of five yuan.

The gift that was swiped had not even been in the interactive area for three seconds, and it was submerged in the news of the fathers of the various gold owners.

Like a small stone thrown into the sea, not even a single splash of water splashed.

Chen Yilang knew that the five dollars was completely irrelevant, but he didn't expect it to attract the attention of Luo Luojiang.

He just wanted to give Luo Luojiang a gift, and for nothing else, he sang it so nicely that it reminded him of the girl at the table wearing a white cotton dress.

This also made him even more convinced that Luo Luojiang was the one he was looking for!

Chen Yilang immediately typed the word "Nice" in the typing box and typed it.

However, Luo Luojiang still ignored him, and the other fans in the room also did not respond.

So his words were regarded by everyone as a fluffy air.

"Thank you for the compliment from 'Lonely Snake'!"

"Thank you little brother for the money gun of 'I am Hu Yingjun'!"

"Thank you for the magic book sent by the 'M78 Nebula Land of Light Aborigines'~"

Obviously, the barrage he sent was mercilessly submerged again.

"Could it be that this string of text was too short?"

Chen Yilang scratched his head and was a little puzzled. After thinking for a while, he added an exclamation mark to the back, which became a complete word "Nice!" and posted it again.

And then submerged again...


"I really don't believe this evil!"

Chen Yilang was furious and typed a long line on the typing box:

"Lovely, beautiful and charming Miss Luo Luojiang, the song you sang is really good. After listening to this song, I only feel that the lingering sound is lingering, and the empty door echoes... If nothing else happens, maybe tonight, I will I can't sleep again at night. I look forward to Miss Luoluo Jiang flipping my brand!"


Chen Yilang took a blank space and photographed this large series of small compositions into the live broadcast room.

"It's perfect." Chen Yilang couldn't help but lifted his lips confidently.

As long as such a long string of text is posted, it will definitely occupy a large area on the spot.

In this way, it is difficult for Luo Luojiang to see it even if she doesn't want to see it!

"Come on, come on, flip my sign as much as you like..."

"Let me skyrocket on the active list!"

Sure enough, just as Chen Yilang expected, after he pressed the Enter key, a large piece of text appeared in the chat area.


Chen Yilang hadn't waited for Luo Luojiang's reply, but found that the big old elder's text he had just posted... It disappeared all of a sudden!

Immediately afterwards, a new system message popped up from the interface.

[System prompt: Due to the detection of your frequent speech and malicious use of long text to swipe the screen, the administrator of the live broadcast room has set you to be banned for one day! ]

Chen Yilang: "???"

What the hell?

Why is this maliciously swiping the screen?

Injustice, I am more injustice than Dou E...

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Permission Dog] has used [Permission Rolling], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【HP-563! 】


Helpless, Chen Yilang, who was full of anger, had to withdraw from the live broadcast platform.

The one-day ban means that Chen Yilang will not be able to speak in Luo Luojiang's live broadcast room during this period of time.

But the interesting thing is that although there is no way to speak, gifts can still be swiped... Sure enough, money is the international friendly language of communication these days.

After being banned ~www.readwn.com~ Luo Luojiang's live broadcast room was still a lively scene.

No one noticed that there was a "sorrowful little wave" suddenly missing.

Just like no matter who is missing in this world, the earth will not stop autobiography because of this.

It was getting late, but Chen Yilang had no choice but to wash and sleep first.

After lying on the bed, Chen Yilang swiped his phone for a while, and the drowsiness of the scoundrel quickly surged up.

At this time, Chen Yilang heard the familiar sound in his mind again...

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

【Lucky Mall has started! 】

[From now on, the mall system has opened a new module: Magic House! 】

【Please enjoy the surprise brought by [Magic House]! 】


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