If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 258: 【Light of the Workers】

The back of the auditorium.

Fifteen minutes after Chen Yilang left, Lu Shanshan also walked around here.

The "inspection" work went smoothly, at least apart from Chen Yilang, she had not seen a few members paddling for the time being.

Of course, she just didn't see it...

This doesn't rule out the scene where these guys are frantically fishing when she doesn't see it. After all, compared to the young freshman Chen Yilang, this group of old people has already gone through a lot.

The old fried dough sticks that have been practiced several times, Chen Yilang is naturally no match in terms of rotten...

So Lu Shanshan felt that her work was almost over today, so she said to Ma Yichuan, "Okay, is there anything else you need help from the logistics department?"

"There is no more for now." Ma Yichuan said quickly, "Thank you Secretary-General Lu for your concern."

Naturally, Ma Yichuan could hear the implication of Lu Shanshan's words. Obviously, this was a polite remark. In short, "I'm leaving and I'll talk about it next time."

So he immediately replied to Lu Shanshan's words, after all, he wished that Lu Shanshan's big Buddha would leave quickly.

It's like when the teacher is standing behind you, you can't write the test paper, and when the leader is next to you, you can't work seriously. It's the same reason.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, then I'll go first." Lu Shanshan said.

"Secretary-General Lu has worked hard." Cao Ze immediately greeted him and said, "I'll send you off."

"Okay, then you can chat with the secretary-general." Ma Yichuan said.

So Cao Ze took Lu Shanshan out of the auditorium.

He volunteered to send Lu Shanshan, which naturally had his own purpose.

In the student council, everyone who is a little bit ambitious will know how important interpersonal relationships are if they want to seek a high-ranking position.

Therefore, being familiar with Brother Lu is definitely a beautiful thing no matter how you look at it.

After all, in the general election of the student union, the vote of the secretary-general plays a pivotal role in the outcome of the minister's position.

-Has he been waiting for the position of Minister? He has been waiting for a full year!

During the election campaign last year, Cao Ze was still a backbone.

He originally thought that he was stable as an old dog, but he still lost at the last moment to Ma Yichuan, who was also the backbone at the time.

There is only one reason for the defeat, that is, Ma Yichuan won the heart of the secretary-general at that time.

The number of votes Cao Ze got in the department was actually a few more votes than Ma Yichuan, but the latter got the Secretary-General's vote at the last moment, and this vote was more valuable than other votes. many.

In this way, Cao Ze lost to Ma Yichuan, and could only slightly lose the upper hand and take the position of deputy.

But everyone knows that although the difference between the deputy minister and the minister is only a simple word, the gap between the two is like a natural moat, like the chairman and vice chairman of the student union.

However, the current secretary-general later withdrew from the student union organization because he wanted to study abroad.

Therefore, in order to prevent this history of blood and tears from happening again, Cao Ze must hug Lu Shanshan's thigh tightly.

He must ensure that this year's election will be foolproof, although in Cao Ze's opinion, there is not a single person in the logistics department who can fight him.

Ma Yichuan can win him when he is running for minister because Ma Yichuan does have certain leadership and work ability.

However, looking at the entire logistics department now, Cao Ze really couldn't find any opponents like Ma Yichuan.

In this way, while walking with Lu Shanshan, Cao Ze used his outstanding chat ability to chat with the latter constantly, and quickly became familiar with him.

Although Cao Ze has to admit that it is really tiring to chat with this Secretary-General Lu Shanshan...

This woman's brain circuit is really too strange, which causes Cao Ze, who is not on the same channel as her, to have no idea where her point is...

He can only chat in embarrassment, pure embarrassment...

Not long after the two walked out of the auditorium, Cao Ze saw a familiar figure walking back.

"Little Brother Chen?" Cao Ze wondered, "Why are you back?"

If he remembered correctly, Chen Yilang should have been unloading the goods just now, right?

It seems that it has only been twenty minutes since he left...

So it is reasonable to say that at this time, Chen Yilang should still be moving goods.

"Oh, I just wanted to come back to you, Deputy Cao." Chen Yilang said, "I have completed the task you gave me."

"Ah?" Cao Ze was stunned, "Those goods... have you finished moving them?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

"You solved it alone?"


"Really or not?" Cao Ze was stunned, "How can you get so many things done so quickly?"

"It's nothing, Deputy Cao." Chen Yilang smiled slightly, "Actually, this matter is not as difficult as you think, as long as you don't get distracted and fish while you are working, it can be done very quickly. "

After listening to Chen Yilang's sincere words, Lu Shanshan was slightly shocked.

This guy, actually completed the task so quickly?

Are you bragging...

If it is true, then this work efficiency is indeed too high.

"Okay, then I'll go take a look." Cao Ze nodded suspiciously, and then said to Lu Shanshan, "Secretary-General Lu, would you like to join us?"

"Okay." Lu Shanshan nodded in agreement immediately.

After all, she was really curious about Chen Yilang's work.

So, the two followed Chen Yilang to the back of the auditorium.

I saw that a lot of props and goods, at this moment, have been neatly placed here by Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang, who is meticulous, knows that these boxes full of props are sorted and placed together according to their size.

"..." Looking at the scene in front of them, both of them had expressions of disbelief.

"Is this all done by you alone?" Cao Ze was stunned and couldn't help repeating his previous question.

"That's right." Chen Yilang nodded calmly and responded.

"Isn't that driver embarrassing you?" Cao Ze asked again.

"No." Chen Yilang shook his head and said, "I don't move things slowly, so I didn't delay his work."

What do you call this "not too slow"... After hearing this, Cao Ze only felt a little pain in his back molars. He now seriously suspects that this guy Chen Yilang is pretending to be coercive, but unfortunately he doesn't what evidence.

On the other side, Lu Shanshan, who witnessed this scene with her own eyes, had a shocked expression on her face.

Impressed by China!

There is true love in the world, there is true love in the world!

What do you call a member?

This is a pure good member!

Such a dirty and tiring job was handed over to him, not only did he have no complaints, but he even completed the task perfectly by himself!

If it wasn't for what she saw with her own eyes, Lu Shanshan wouldn't believe it if she was beaten to death. In this era of per capita fishing and paddling, there are still hard-working young classmates like Chen Yilang in the logistics department.

valley key

"Not bad." Lu Shanshan nodded and showed a smile of approval at Chen Yilang, "When I saw you, I remembered when I first entered the school, I was very energetic and enthusiastic! I will keep it up in the future. This original intention, work hard!"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Laborer's Light], which attracted the attention of [lv13 Nohara Lioness]! 】

[The [Prey Halo] marked by the target for you has been cleared! 】

[[lv13 Wild Lioness] Aggressiveness towards you has dropped! 】

After hearing the system's voice, Chen Yilang understood that the person who really caught Lu Shanshan's attention in this wave was not Cao Ze, but himself!

"Thank you Secretary-General Lu for your praise!" Chen Yilang replied immediately.

Coincidentally, at this time, several students from the Literature and Art Department came out of the rehearsal hall, and when they passed the backstage, they saw three people and this neatly piled prop box.

"Wow wow, who brought this prop?"

"Have you all moved here? It's amazing!"

"Mom, we don't have to work overtime tonight!"

Seeing this scene, the girls cheered.

"Yeah, this junior brother Chen Yilang from the logistics department helped you move here." Lu Shanshan shouted at a few girls from a distance, "So many props are here, you can do it this time. Thank you so much!"

"Wow, thank you Xiao Chen!"

"Xiao Chen's shoes have worked hard!"

"Xiao Chen, let's eat hot pot with us tonight!"

The girl laughed and coaxed.

After this, Chen Yilang was a little embarrassed.

The movement of several girls also attracted other students from the Literature and Art Department.

In the end, even the minister of the Department of Literature and Art came, and a large circle of the Department of Literature and Art surrounded Chen Yilang and expressed their gratitude.

Brother Lang, who had a confused look, stumbled into a field of flowers so unexpectedly...

At the same time, a new system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Light of the Right Path], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +2012, Experience +1103! 】

"Ha ha."

"If you look at it this way, I would like to thank this guy Cao Ze for his divine assist in this matter today..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

Seeing this scene, standing on the edge of the crowd, Cao Ze really couldn't hold back.

Depend on!

These days, I'm really afraid of what's coming... Could this be the so-called Murphy's Law?

After this operation, Cao Ze really had a wave of goodwill in front of Secretary-General Lu Shanshan, but at the same time, Chen Yilang's presence in the student union department soared!

"Vice Minister Cao, you look at people, and there is really no problem at all."

Lu Shanshan, who was on the side, was very satisfied, and couldn't help but nodded at Cao Ze, "You have to take good care of this junior brother Chen Yilang. The future development of our student union requires fresh blood with outstanding abilities."

"Okay, Secretary-General Lu..." Cao Ze immediately nodded obediently.

His **** hurts even more...

He didn't know whether to be happy or sad at all. After all, he really just wanted to show Chen Yilang a little color. Who would have guessed how the plot developed like this?

"Forget it, it's not a big problem anyway..."

Cao Ze thought to himself.

Anyway, no matter how outstanding Chen Yilang is, it has nothing to do with him running for the Minister of the Logistics Department!

No matter how awesome this freshman kid is, in the end, he's just a freshman member.

There is still a backbone position on the top of the staff, and the backbone will only go up to the deputy department... This guy is still far from the position under his butt, and basically does not pose any threat.

For him, the worst result would be to lose Chen Yilang's vote...

"But starting from today, it is estimated that we can no longer pick up this kid's wool."

"He's a smart guy. If I keep doing this, he'll probably see through my true thoughts soon."

"I have to treat him better in the future. From today, his personality has been established in the student union. If the relationship with him is too tense, my deputy minister will definitely be subject to others. Doubt it."

Cao Ze thought silently in his heart.

Soon, the time came to the afternoon unknowingly.

After a busy day, today's task is finally completed.

The layout of the props in the backcourt and the stage has basically come to an end.

This is indeed a good thing for Chen Yilang. After all, this way, he doesn't need to worry about the physical work of moving things that will be handed over to him soon...

Although Chen Yilang, who has [Cotton Making Hammer] in his hand, is not very anxious about such a job, but if he does too much work, it will be difficult not to gradually become a tool person in the team. Not a good thing.

After finishing work, he received a message from Xia Ling, saying that he was inviting him to have dinner.

Chen Yilang naturally accepted it happily.

When the two were walking side by side on the school road under the sunset, the scene of UU reading www.uukanshu.com was seen by Cao Ze from a distance.

【Ding! 】

[You used the [Dog Punching Method], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +2015, Experience +1054! 】

At this moment, seeing this scene, Cao Ze has turned into a lemon essence.

Damn why!

So angry!

It was me who bought milk tea for Xia Ling Xuemei!

"Just because I'm not as handsome as him?"

Cao Ze angrily beat his thigh, then turned around silently and walked away.

"Brother Chen Yilang, right..."

"I won't admit defeat so easily..."

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