If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Two hundred and fifty-seven [Grumpy old driver]

Chen Yilang: "???"


Is it a little too sudden?

In fact, when he saw Cao Ze running back, Chen Yilang had a vague premonition in his heart.

Sure enough... I was calculated by this guy again.

Chen Yilang had to admit that this [conspirator] was really good at tricking people's hearts.

This operation not only created another image in the hearts of the members, but also avoided the most painful work very reasonably.

The key is???

He also threw this **** on his head smoothly!

"Cao Ze, right?"

"I'll remember first."

Chen Yilang sneered, clenched his fist silently, and took the name in his heart.

Brother Lang has never been a good person, and he will not forget one of the hatreds that should be written down.

It's just that he is not the opponent of this guy for the time being.

After all, no matter what, others have been in the student council for several years, and Chen Yilang is still unable to compete in terms of qualifications.

You can only hold your breath temporarily and wait for a suitable opportunity to counterattack.

"To be honest, I have been in the logistics department for so long, and I have met too many excellent people."

"Everyone in our department is a top student who has performed well in all aspects, and a good member of the department who is down-to-earth and hardworking."

"But Chen Yilang is the first freshman I've seen so far, the most calm and diligent freshman... So I think we should give such motivated students a chance."

Cao Ze said with a faint smile.

"Which Chen Yilang are you talking about?" Lu Shanshan said.

She only thought the name was a bit familiar, but for a while, it seemed that she really couldn't remember this person.

After all, she has interviewed a lot of people, and people like Chen Yilang who have only one relationship are really not too impressed.

Cao Ze gestured with his eyes and gave Lu Shanshan an answer.

The latter also followed his gaze.

Lu Shanshan was incredible at this sight.

Whoops, good guy!

Isn't this the guy who saw him fishing when I walked in just now?

Although it was only a short moment, Lu Shanshan happened to see Chen Yilang not working well, but she also remembered it at a glance.

???Ding! ???

???You once again aroused the idea of ??????[Nohara Lioness]! ???

[Due to the influence of [Prey Halo], the target has become aggressive towards you! ???

[You have been locked by the hatred of [lv13 Ye Yuan Lioness]! ???


Ah this!

Chen Yilang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after listening to Cao Ze's suggestion, Lu Shanshan agreed without thinking:

"Okay, then listen to Deputy Cao."

"I'm sure I can rest assured that the person who Deputy Cao admires."

TNND, I just knew...

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, and there was only one sentence mmp left in his heart...

Soon, Chen Yilang heard Cao Ze calling him: "Little Brother Chen, come here and tell you something..."

Chen Yilang was helpless, and he could only stand up silently and walk towards Cao Ze in the sympathetic eyes of a large circle around him, and then there was no accident.

After seeing Chen Yilang coming, Cao Ze said with a smile:

"Xiao Chen, I have good news for you."

"Didn't our Secretary-General Lu Shanshan come just now? You're a newcomer, and she doesn't know you very well, so I'll say a few good words for you by the way."

"Then she noticed you and thought you were excellent, so she wanted to give you more job opportunities and exercise you more."

"Work hard, show more in front of the secretary-general, and it's easy to become the core backbone of our student union faster than other peers!"

???Ding! ???

[[lv13 Conspirator] activated the skill [Soul Painting] and drew a [cake] to you! ???

???Ding! ???

[[lv13 conspirator] successfully drew a [big cake], and threw a [big cake] like you! ???


Chen Yilang's face couldn't help twitching.

I really have you, what about me when I put on crazy routines?

I heard what you said to Lu Shanshan just now!

If it was really a good thing, would you leave it to me so kindly?

Sure enough, people like Cao Ze can't believe a single punctuation mark...

However, his current situation can be said to be quite bad. Although he already knows that this is a [cake], he can't find any way to refuse this wave...

After all, Brother Lu, the secretary general, was also present. With his current status and status in the student union, this was definitely a role he couldn't afford to offend.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang's brain began to run rapidly again, and he began frantically thinking about countermeasures.

Then soon, Chen Yilang seemed to realize that this might not necessarily be a bad thing.

[Conspiracy] Why did Cao Ze push this mess to him?

That is of course because no one wants to do this. In this way, Cao Ze not only showed his leadership skills in front of the secretary-general, but also taught him a lesson to avenge the milk tea, which is a perfect wave s arrangement.

But for Chen Yilang, this may really be a good opportunity.

After all, Cao Ze did symbolically praise Chen Yilang in front of Lu Shanshan, but this did achieve the result of attracting Lu Shanshan's attention.

For ordinary grass-roots members, every opportunity to attract attention in front of leaders is very rare.

So...why not just take the plan and take this opportunity to continue angrily brushing the favorability of Secretary-General Lu Ge?

After all, Brother Lu is a huge breakthrough!

He can completely use this opportunity to let Brother Lu see that he is not inferior to Cao Ze's work ability!

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang readily agreed: "No problem, Deputy, I promise to complete the mission!"

And when answering the question, the tone also deliberately brought a bit of middle-two feeling...

"Not bad, your attitude is very good, the leaders like good members like you the most!"

Cao Ze patted Chen Yilang's shoulder vigorously, and with a voice that was almost growling, he enthusiastically encouraged, "Work hard, in the future, you will definitely thank yourself for working so hard now!"

No, in the future, I can't help but want to hack this idiot to death... Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart, but still said with a smile: "Okay!"

Seeing Chen Yilang's smile, Cao Ze almost couldn't hold back.

Gu Hua


Why is he smiling so happily?

This unscientific!

Looking at Chen Yilang's sunny face, Cao Ze had doubts about his tactical layout.

So is there a problem with him, or is it with me?

When Cao Ze was still struggling with all kinds of entanglements in his heart, he saw that Chen Yilang had already set off in good spirits.

Seeing Chen Yilang looking full of energy, Lu Shanxian also said to Cao Ze with great satisfaction:

"Not bad, Deputy Cao, his vision is really good, the person you are looking for is indeed quite good."

"Yes, yes, I'll just say it." Cao Ze smiled, "This kid is diligent and diligent in his work, and he is also very active. I often ask me to give him more opportunities to exercise."

"Is that so? Such students are really rare now." Lu Shan deleted.

Yes, there are not many vice ministers who are so enthusiastic and considerate like me...

Cao Ze thought with a smile, and couldn't help praising himself in his heart.

But despite what he said, for some reason, Cao Ze still had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

What if this kid really did the job perfectly?

Wouldn't this wave of his own operations properly send Chen Yilang to take off on the spot?

Then this is completely contrary to Cao Ze's original purpose...

But the moment this idea came up, Cao Ze couldn't help laughing at himself.

How is this possible!

Too much to think about...

He was alone, how could he possibly handle that huge pile of goods?

There are also those unreasonable truck drivers, one or two is not a good stubble to deal with...

Thinking of this, Cao Ze felt a lot better inexplicably.

Soon, according to the details of the task explained by Cao Ze, Chen Yilang soon came to the back door of the auditorium.

Then, just like what Cao Ze said, Chen Yilang saw a temporarily parked truck there.

The driver sitting in the driver's seat turned off the engine's fire. At this moment, he was leisurely smoking a cigarette in his mouth. When he saw Chen Yilang walking out, he exhaled a cigarette and raised his eyebrows.

"Damn, I've been waiting here for so long, it's considered a living person."

"Just what you want, right? Hurry up and call someone to unload it."

The driver's uncle with a face of vicissitudes said impatiently, and while cursing, the wrinkles on his face also vibrated like ripples.

"Where are there people, uncle!" Chen Yilang smiled helplessly, "They are all busy, so I am the only one, uncle!"

The uncle of the driver was taken aback for a moment, a question mark popped up on his dark face. It can't be said that it is not similar to a certain hot emoji, it can only be said that it is exactly the same.

"Fuck you?" The driver's uncle heard this, and his blood pressure came up all of a sudden, "Are you kidding me? You have thin arms and thin legs, what do you have to move to? time?"

Chen Yilang glanced at the sign of [Grumpy Old Driver] on the driver's uncle's head, and said calmly: "Uncle, don't get excited, I'm not messing with you, everyone else is busy, I'm the only one who is free. already."

"In our words, you are a hammock!"

[Grumpy old driver] Skillfully swallowing clouds and mist, with a contemptuous expression on his face, "Isn't this just to see that you are easy to bully? I don't care about you so much, I'll give you twenty minutes, if you can't unload the goods , I'm leaving!"

"Okay." Chen Yilang replied simply.

When the driver saw Chen Yilang rolling up his sleeves and walking over, he looked serious, thinking that this Tie Hanhan might not be very smart, so he said, "Well, give me two hundred yuan, and I will help you. You unload, I will leave after unloading, what do you think?"

"I don't think so." Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "You can rest, uncle."

"Bah, the little boy who doesn't know what to do." The driver uncle spat, and muttered to himself, "There are so many goods, I want to see you unloading like this."

The uncle driver has been doing this for a long time, and he is already a veteran.

How much cargo is on the truck, how long it will take to move, and how long it will take to unload it can be seen with just a glance, and it's basically close to ten.

The truck he shipped over today would definitely be impossible to finish without spending an hour on Chen Yilang's words alone.

Moreover, under normal circumstances for one hour, Chen Yilang's small body needs to continue for one hour of high-strength physical work, which seems to be enough.

Anyway, he is nearly 100% sure that Chen Yilang will come to him for help soon.

After working for almost a day, he really wanted to add two meat dishes tonight, so this sum of money must be taken from this Tie Hanhan's hands.

The uncle driver just waited silently, waiting for the silly little boy to come up to him for help.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see Chen Yilang say a word...

He was a little puzzled.

Is this stinky **** so calm?

He probed the probe, looked at the side mirror next to the front of the car, and was dumbfounded.

I saw Chen Yilang carrying two large boxes and jumping from the cargo compartment of the truck as lightly as a swallow, like a dragonfly, and landed on the ground lightly.

It was as if the big box he was carrying was not a heavy object weighing dozens or hundreds of pounds, but a large mass of sponge...


The driver's uncle's already dark face turned even darker now.

???Ding! ???

[You used [Power Display], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv11 Grumpy Old Driver]! ???

[You got: Gold +1931, Experience +1021! ???


This wave of operations by Brother Lang has indeed made this veteran driver who has experienced many battles stunned.

This stinky bastard, is it a pervert?

The body looks small, but it turns out to be a strange little boy?

And not trying very hard, it seems that the physical strength is also quack...

He just watched Chen Yilang carry boxes and boxes of props in and out, but the whole person didn't even take a breath, which was outrageous.

The driver's uncle broke his head just thinking about it, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

Of course he didn't know what trick Chen Yilang was playing.

In fact, Chen Yilang just took out the big treasure that he had been pressing at the bottom of the box for a long time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

??????Cotton making hammer???.

Yes, that's right.

The most fundamental reason why Chen Yilang agreed to Cao Ze's unreasonable request was actually because he had such a powerful tool.

It's just that since this is the first time he has actually used it in actual combat, he is a little unsure about the true effect of this prop.

Until he hit the hammer down.

Those deadly heavy props have really become as light as cotton!

Taking advantage of the duration of the cotton effect, Chen Yilang took advantage of three to five and divided two, and moved all the things into the back of the stage in one go.

"Get the job done!"

Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief and showed a satisfied smile.

Then, it's time to report the results to Brother Lu.


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