If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 256: 【Prey Halo】


Why are you stinky lion staring at me!

Just because I have an emergency candy...cough, I went to the wrong studio.

All in all, the moment he heard the sound of the system, Chen Yilang quickly lowered his head and pretended to be working frantically.

【Ding! 】

[Your behavior of deliberately avoiding your gaze has been noticed by [lv13 Nohara Lioness]! 】

[You have been put on passive: Prey Halo! 】

[Prey Halo: One of the abilities of the monster [Nohara Lioness], the target with [Prey Halo] will be continuously observed by [Nohara Lioness], and the concealment ability will decrease. When the target is far away from the [Wild Lioness], the [Prey Halo] will automatically disappear. 】

[Intelligence: Even so, it is still not recommended to use this method to eliminate [Prey Halo], because angering [Wild Lioness] is not a good thing for you. 】


"Gan, is this okay?"

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched violently. All in all, I'm being targeted to death, right?

But it's not a big problem.

As long as my way of fishing is relatively high-end, this [Wild Lioness] will not be able to find out that I am fishing...

Bah Bah Bah, this is not right, can this be called fishing?

But there is one thing to say, although Brother Lang always talks about fishing, and takes paid **** as the highest strategic pursuit, but in fact, there are not many times when he really fishes.

In most cases, Chen Yilang only started to feel comfortable when most of the main work at hand has been completed.

Like that kind of situation where he didn't do anything and started to touch every day, Brother Lang has never experienced it.

What is this called?

This is called reasonable harassment...

It's just a pity that the bosses and bosses won't eat you at all. When they see you fishing, you are really fishing. You really hammer it, and you hammer it to death!

At this moment, their immediate boss, Secretary-General Lu Shanshan, led the secretariat's younger brothers into the backstage of the auditorium, and then walked around a few times as if aimlessly.

Minister Ma Yichuan and Vice Minister Cao Ze naturally greeted him. The former reported work to Lu Shanshan, while the latter smiled and agreed.

The rest of the members, without exception, bury their heads and work hard...

Stab it!

A harsh crisp sound startled, Chen Yilang looked beside him and found that it was a good brother who was putting up a poster.

But will the sound of you tearing the tape be too loud, on purpose!

And obviously the scissors are placed at your feet, why use your teeth to bite!

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched wildly as he looked at the surrounding group of colleagues who were trying to show their hard work.

At this time, Lu Shanshan and the two ministers just passed by Chen Yilang.

"How's the progress of the stage arrangement work on your side?" Lu Shanshan looked around and asked casually.

"Well, at present, everything is being organized in an orderly manner according to the established plan," Ma Yichuan replied.

"Well, not bad." Lu Shanshan nodded and said, "In that case, can the task be completed by the end of this month?"

"Uh..." Ma Yichuan was stunned for a while, and then immediately replied, "It should be fine, no problem."

"Should? At this time, you told me yes?" Lu Shanshan's eyes suddenly sharpened, "Does your logistics department know how important the performance of the school celebration party is?"

"...Guarantee to cooperate with the Literature and Art Department to complete the stage arrangement before the end of the month." Ma Yichuan subconsciously wiped the cold sweat that slipped from his forehead.

"I'm sorry Minister Ma, I just came over from the Department of Literature and Art. I didn't find any close cooperation between the two departments."

Lu Shanshan gave Ma Yichuan a sidelong glance, and said a little angrily.

"Uh..." Lu Shanshan said something, causing Ma Yichuan to choke to the point of sweating on her forehead.

Brother Lu's name is indeed not for nothing, not to mention the members of his subordinates, even his minister can't take her in most cases, so he can only nod and bow.

Brother Lu's temper is obvious to all.

But having said that, what everyone fears most about Lu Shanshan is not her status as secretary-general, but the organizing committee of the academic competition project that covers her head.

There is no way, after all, there are many competition awards in the whole NTU, but they all have to rely on Lu Ge to support them.

In school, with good grades, you can really do whatever you want.

Seeing that Minister Ma Yichuan was embarrassed by Secretary-General Lu Ge, the old [conspirator] Cao Ze's eyes rolled, and he immediately stood up and said:

"Secretary-General Lu, you can rest assured that our two departments are closely connected not only in work but also in daily communication."

Cao Ze said with a smile, "For example, a few days ago, on behalf of our logistics department, I bought a box of mineral water and sent it to the literature and art department, and exchanged a lot of work matters with friends in the literature and art department."

"At the end of the day, the friends from the Literature and Art Department also sent me an invitation for the next exchange activity."

Hearing this, Chen Yilang, who was working hard beside him, almost didn't hold back.

My dear, it really is you, how can you tell the story of picking up the wool of the junior brother and borrowing flowers to offer Buddha so fresh and refined?

If it wasn't for the great grievance that suffered, I would have almost believed in your evil...

Chen Yilang complained silently, and at the same time continued to work, while listening to the words of these management bosses.

For him, it is necessary to have some inside information at the upper level.

After all, where their butts are sitting is Chen Yilang's next-level target.

Brother Lang knows a truth. In the student union of the school, if he has been a member of the small club, he has no future.

If you can't get a half-official job, then you'll be a pure wage earner, working in vain.

Cao Ze's gaudy explanation made Ma Yichuan, who was following him, a little dumbfounded.

What the hell?

So what are all these things you're talking about?

Why didn't I know that you went to work with the literature and art department, I knew that you were running to lick the sisters of other departments...

But anyway, all in all, Ma Yichuan was still impressed by Cao Ze's outrageous adaptability, so he could only hurriedly agree:

"Yes, yes, yes, Deputy Director Cao is right, Secretary-General Lu, our two departments have always been in close contact."

The two of you sang me and, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger, so that Lu Shanshan's face unconsciously showed a satisfied smile.

"Vice Minister Cao Ze, right? You did a good job." Lu Shanshan said to Cao Ze, smiled slightly, then looked at Ma Yichuan and said, "Your people are doing well, if there is a change of office this year, the candidate for the new minister can be considered. Take this one."

"I am flattered. I am very grateful to Secretary-General Lu Shanshan for his praise. I will continue to work hard." Cao Ze said quickly.

Chen Yilang: "?"

No, no, no, someone just blows you a few rainbow farts, and you get your braids on the spot? !

... Obviously, the leadership ability of this [Wild Lioness] is indescribable.

Chen Yilang was very helpless, but he couldn't do anything about it, there was no way, a first-level official crushed a person, and one more grade point could even crush a ghost.

However, this also made Chen Yilang discover some blind spots.

Because if he looks at it this way, he can use this incompetent Secretary-General Lu as a breakthrough in the student union organization...

The three Lu Shanshan chatted more and more happily, and the topic gradually deviated from the content of today's work.

However, Ma Yichuan didn't care at all. Anyway, their purpose today was to deal with Lu Shanshan. As long as Secretary-General Lu was happy, everything else naturally didn't matter.

Just when the three were chatting happily, a backbone of the logistics department came over and said to Ma Yichuan:

Gu Hou

"Well, Minister, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"There is another batch of props, costumes and stage props from the Ministry of Literature and Art. We need to send people from our side to move things." The backbone said.

"Okay, how many people are they missing?" Ma Yichuan asked.

"Well, the people in the Literature and Art Department are urgently rehearsing the drama, and there is no one at the moment." The backbone said.

Ma Yichuan frowned slightly, and immediately got the meaning of the Ministry of Literature and Art.

Anyone who has worked behind the scenes on the stage knows that moving performance props is definitely the hardest and most tiring job, no one.

And the Ministry of Literature and Art happens to have no one at this time, which is a bit too coincidental, right?

It's hard not to doubt that the people from the Ministry of Literature and Art didn't do it on purpose...

Although the lions of their logistics department mocked themselves that they were pure laborers, the labor force is not so white, right?

"Well... you go and tell the Ministry of Literature and Art. We don't have any manpower here for the time being. Let them wait for a while."

Ma Yichuan said, "You saw it too, everyone on our side is busy too."

"Ah...Is that so?" The backbone also had a dilemma on his face, "But the Ministry of Literature and Art said that it is a bit urgent now, because the driver is busy unloading the goods to catch the next train... We didn't pay for the unloading. cost, so no workers were hired.”

"That doesn't work either, we don't have anyone either." Ma Yichuan shook his head and said.

"The Ministry of Literature and Art said that if it really doesn't work, it's okay to transfer someone over there." The backbone said.

As soon as these words were said, Chen Yilang suddenly heard countless voices from all directions.

【Ding! 】

【Ding! 】

【Ding! 】

This really startled Chen Yilang a lot. When he looked up, he realized that it was because a large group of colleagues around had the same logo popping up on their heads.





Almost everyone in the vicinity of Lu Shanshan who heard these words was subconsciously shocked, and then popped into this state.

- Panic!

Chen Yilang: "???"

Damn, I didn't feel anything at first, but now that he has been messed with by these guys, he has begun to panic...

"It seems that everyone is very afraid to move the props. When they heard this, they were all scared into the ball on the spot."

Chen Yilang made a guess in his heart.

The current situation does seem to have a sense of sight when the teacher suddenly said, "Pick a classmate to write this question" in the middle of the class...


After listening to the backbone's words, Ma Yichuan was at a loss for words for a while.

This is a bit difficult to do...

In this situation, who else can be drawn to work in the Ministry of Literature and Art?

You must know that the workload of their logistics department this morning is not small. Now, everyone is very tired, and they let them go.

Work is a bit too much.

Although Ma Yichuan is a minister, he does not want to use this title to arbitrarily issue orders to his subordinates, especially if he is still doing such dirty work, who wants to leave it?

Do what you don't want, don't do it to others... Ma Yichuan has always believed in such an old saying.

But things are a little more complicated right now.

After all, they just swore to Lu Shanshan that "the relationship with the Ministry of Literature and Art is good" just one second ago, and the next second they made this mess out... It's embarrassing, isn't it?

It's quite a feeling that you have lifted a stone and shot yourself in the foot...

And right here, [conspirator] Cao Ze naturally captured this message keenly.

With a quick turn of his eyes, Cao Ze quickly came up with some new ideas.

So he said to Ma Yichuan:

"Well, Minister, if there is no suitable man, then let me go."

"Everyone has been busy for a long time, and they are all very tired. Let them rest for a while."

Cao Ze said.

Cao Ze's voice was not small, and the other members of the surrounding staff who were working hard could hear it clearly, and their bodies trembled slightly.

"I'm going, but Deputy Cao volunteered to work for us?"

"Woooooo, I was moved by Deputy Cao!"

"Could it be that we really blamed Deputy Cao this morning? In fact, Deputy Cao still thinks about us..."

Everyone thought to themselves.

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Conspirator] activated the skill [Self-recommended], which caused a shocking effect on the target in a large area! 】

[Due to the influence of the skill [Self-recommended], the target within the range has a certain [trust] effect on [lv13 Conspirator]! 】


"Can this guy really be so at ease?"

Chen Yilang couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.

After all, this [conspirator] is as cunning as an old fox, and every punctuation mark that comes out of his mouth must be carefully considered.

But there is one thing to say, no matter whether Cao Ze has a good heart or not, as long as he really volunteers to move things by himself, it is a remarkable behavior, and it is indeed worth giving him a thumbs up.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Seeing that Cao Ze was also serious, Ma Yichuan was a little surprised, but he nodded and agreed.

"Okay, then I'll go." After saying that, Cao Ze left immediately.

"This person is not bad~www.readwn.com~ has a strong executive ability." Lu Shanshan nodded with satisfaction, "Our student union needs to recruit more students like this."

"Deputy Cao would be very happy to hear what you said." Ma Yichuan laughed.

Lu Shanshan was about to answer the call, when Cao Ze suddenly turned back.

"Oh, that, I'm sorry, Minister!"

Cao Ze said with a wry smile, "I almost forgot. Today is the regular meeting of the League branch. I have to attend... The college was urging me just now. We may have to change people to move things."

"Are you still the Party Secretary? Not bad, then you can go."

Lu Shanshan smiled and said, "Since you are not free, then you can choose a more reliable classmate to go for you."

Cao Ze made a thoughtful gesture, and then smiled:

"I think Chen Yilang can do it."


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