"Ha Qiu!"

"Damn, who is secretly calling me handsome behind my back?"

Cao Ze took a breath and snotted out of his nose from sneezing, thinking inexplicably.

At this moment, Cao Ze's mood is a little complicated.

Not long ago, he lost a huge sum of more than 100 yuan. For him, this can completely become the material for nightmares before going to bed tonight.

As for what Xia Lingxue said about "please come back when you have time", in fact, it can be heard as a joke...

What's more, even if he really had such an opportunity, he couldn't save the face to let Xia Ling ask back.

Although Cao Ze is as cunning as an old fox, but he is not very thick-skinned, otherwise he would have become a fighter in the old fox... That is, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and the most cheap people will be invincible.

But fortunately, this wave is not a blood loss.

At least the more than 100 yuan, he spent it was worth it!

More than 100 yuan can't buy a free and unrestrained trip, or even a high-end buffet, but it can buy Xia Ling Xuemei's worship and favor!

Do you dare to say that Cao Ze won't make a profit in this wave?

He earns it to death, okay...

Cao Ze frantically comforted himself in his heart, and then followed Xia Ling all the way back to the back of the auditorium.

However, not long after he walked in, Cao Ze felt that he had discovered something abnormal.

——Other colleagues in the department seem to be looking at him and Xia Ling with a strange look at this moment...


This statement is actually not very accurate. They are mainly looking at themselves and have nothing to do with Xia Ling...

"...I've seen a ghost, where are these people making trouble?"

Cao Ze was a little puzzled, but he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so he could only pretend that he didn't see it and sent Xia Ling to the side of the Literature and Art Department.

As soon as Cao Ze walked away, everyone gathered together at the speed of light and muttered:

"Look at it! You all saw it!"

"Deputy Minister Cao really went to bring milk tea to the girls in the Literature and Art Department!"

"Damn, I didn't believe it at first, but now I understand!"

"Tsk tsk, what a bad guy!"


After Cao Ze came back from the Literature and Art Department, other people in the Logistics Department had already started to work.

No one had time to talk to Cao Ze any more, but each of them immersed themselves in their own business.

Cao Ze frowned slightly, his [lv13 conspirator] intuition told him that the atmosphere was quite abnormal.

Something must have happened in between.

"That, Junior Brother Chen Yilang." Cao Ze greeted Chen Yilang from a distance, "Well, Junior Brother Chen Yilang, didn't you just wait for me at the supermarket? Why didn't I see you there? "

When he said these words, Cao Ze deliberately raised his voice.

The reason he did this was naturally so that other people in the department could hear it clearly.

In this way, he was able to create the illusion that "I was also involved in carrying water, and the person who ran was Chen Yilang, so I can't bear this pot".

"Ah, Vice Minister Cao, I have

Done. "Chen Yilang replied, "I saw you with your sister just now. I guess it was too late, so I moved back first." "

Hearing this, [Conspirator] Cao Ze's head, a series of values ​​popped up because of mental damage.

Depend on!

Why do you insist on emphasizing the word girl!

Cao Ze, who was attacked by strange eyes again, was embarrassed to dig the floor frantically with his toes again.

"... Junior, come here." Cao Ze's expression suddenly softened, "Tell you something."

Chen Yilang roughly guessed what Cao Ze was going to talk to him about, so he simply walked over without fear of being scalded by boiling water.

"Cough cough, junior brother, it's not very appropriate for you to do this today."

After seeing Chen Yilang come up, Cao Ze showed his gentle smile again:

"You know, girls, it must be a little more troublesome, so I arranged it in the morning, you should understand it?" Cao Ze asked.

"Yes, yes." Chen Yilang nodded, "So what's the matter, senior?"

"...That's it, you shouldn't... uh, how do you say it, it's that, you know what I mean?" Cao Ze said.

"Hmm, I understand what you mean." Chen Yilang folded his hands and placed it in front of him obediently, nodding his head like pounding garlic.

I understand you pumpkin!

No matter what he meant, he just nodded.

When Cao Ze saw his obedient appearance like an old dog, he didn't know whether he understood or not, but he really couldn't continue with this...

Helpless, Cao Ze, who had been holding back for a long time, could only pat Chen Yilang on the shoulder and smiled kindly: "Okay, I understand too."

In this way, the two understanding kings reached a consensus that everyone understands.

But from this moment, Chen Yilang has begun to realize that Cao Ze has probably developed some defenses against him.

After all, he is also a [conspirator]. Can't Cao Ze see this little trick of Chen Yilang?

It's just that neither of them said anything on the surface.

And Chen Yilang's guess is completely correct.

Cao Ze really noticed that this junior Chen Yilang didn't seem to be as simple as he thought.

"This guy just looks harmless to humans and animals, but it's actually very bad." Cao Ze thought to himself.

After the two frantically pulled for a while, they both returned to work.

After finally getting rid of Cao Ze, when Chen Yilang was about to start working again, Ma Yichuan came over.

Gu Yan

"Hey hey, everyone!"

He clapped his hands and grabbed the attention of the others with applause.

"Everyone, sit down."

"There is a major news to announce to you." Ma Yichuan said.

When everyone heard it, they put down what they were doing and came over curiously.

In fact, they are not interested in the news that Ma Yichuan is about to announce.

Most of the people came over, in fact, mainly to take advantage of the chaos to touch a wave of fish.

And listening to the minister blowing water is indeed more interesting than working hard.

But this time, everyone seems to feel that something is not right.

——The expression of Minister Ma Yichuan when he spoke this time seemed to be extraordinarily serious.

This is completely different from his previous posture.

So, after being so engaged by him, everyone unconsciously regained their energy and listened to his speech seriously.

"Let me say it first, this matter is more urgent, and I just received the news, so please understand, and try to restrain your emotions later..."

As Ma Yichuan spoke, his voice and demeanor became more and more serious.

Everyone also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

After everyone really quieted down, Ma Yichuan continued: "I just received a message from the student council."

"Later, our Secretary-General Lu Shanshan will come to us for a surprise inspection."

"So, I don't need to say more about how to behave next, right?"

"You should work hard, don't be lazy!"

Ma Yichuan said.

When everyone heard this, they panicked!

Chen Yilang was also surprised by the reactions of other students around him.

I saw that they looked like they had some bad luck, and they didn't dare to make a sound for a while.

"Fuck, why is Brother Lu here..."

"I'm afraid, I hope Brother Lu won't notice me later, I beg..."

"Don't talk, don't talk, hurry up to work, no shit!"

The guys whispered together.

After Ma Yichuan finished speaking, everyone immediately dispersed and began to work seriously.

Chen Yilang swears that since he came to the logistics department to the present, in the past two days of work, he is the first time to see this group of brothers in the same department working so hard...

However, Chen Yilang on the side was extremely confused.

Miss Lu?

Who is this person?

Chen Yilang was indeed stunned, completely opposite to everyone else's reaction.

After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly remembered that the sister Lu they were talking about was Lu Shanshan, the secretary general of the secretariat...

That fierce [lv13 Nohara Lioness]!

"It's interesting..." Chen Yilang couldn't help but smile.

Everyone actually gave her the nickname "Brother Lu", which was completely unexpected by Chen Yilang. It was really interesting.

Chen Yilang recalled the painful memories when he was frantically found fault by this [Wild Lioness] on the interview site before he joined the Student Union...

At this point, Chen Yilang instantly understood why they were so afraid.

Because this [Wild Lioness] is really not something to mess with...

Even when Chen Yilang recalled it, he couldn't help but feel a big head.

"But having said that, it doesn't seem necessary to be so afraid of it, right?"

Chen Yilang silently glanced at the classmate beside him who was about to get under the table, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed...

What's this about?

Isn't it just a secretary?

Can I be expelled from my school directly...

The experienced brother Lang thought silently.

At this moment, Chen Yilang heard a series of hurried and nervous whispers coming from beside him.

"I'm coming!"

The members whispered ~www.readwn.com~ to inform each other, like a large group of scouts who tipped off each other.

Chen Yilang subconsciously moved the stage props in his hand more vigorously, while watching the surrounding situation with his peripheral vision.

I saw a group of students, who also had work badges, walked in from one of the doors of the auditorium.

Compared with the students in the logistics department, this group of people seems to be more imposing.

And walking in front of them, also in the C position, is Lu Shanshan, who looks like she is looking at people with her nostrils.

Unbiased is...

Chen Yilang happened to meet her eyes.


【Dangerous! ! 】

【You have caught the attention of [Nohara Lioness]! 】

【Please be careful to avoid! 】

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