If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 254: 【A tooth for a tooth】

[Conspirator] Cao Ze, at this moment, is in high spirits.

For him, this feeling of playing with everything in the palm of his hand is too wonderful.

Through the excuse of helping to bring milk tea, Chen Yilang, a dead light bulb, was successfully used, which not only created a space for two people with Xia Ling, but also allowed Chen Yilang to pay for the water again...

It can be said that it has not only cut off the wool of white flowers, cut off the little green leeks, but also got a beautiful girl!

"Humph... The world is like chess, one move and three counts!"

[Conspiracist] Cao Ze couldn't help but admire his ingenuity.

At this moment, he just walked with Xia Ling on the school road full of sunshine. The trees by the road were already full of flowers, and even the air was filled with sweet fragrance...

"That silly junior Chen Yilang must be still carrying a box full of mineral water at this time, right?"

"Sure enough, freshman children are good at training. They can believe whatever they say. They're so good they're just like the pug raised by the grandmother next door..."

Cao Ze thought to himself silently, the smile on his face became even stronger, it was very similar to the abundance of spring in the vicinity.

In this way, Cao Ze and Xia Ling walked all the way to the milk tea shop.

"Hello two, what would you like to order?"

The lady at the front desk asked.

"A total of 14 cups of classic original pearl milk tea, large cups with ice." Xia Ling said.

"Okay, a total of two hundred and ten yuan." Miss Sister said.

"Good drop."

Xia Ling took out his mobile phone and tapped the screen a few times, but the phone did not respond.

After repeating this operation several times, there was still no success, and there was a trace of unease on her face.

"That... I don't want it yet." Xia Ling said in a low voice.

Cao Ze, who was standing beside him, keenly discovered something, he stepped forward and asked, "What's going on?"

"My phone suddenly failed for some reason."

Xia Ling frowned and said, "When I got up this morning, I accidentally dropped my phone into the water, and then its screen was a bit unusable."

"Did you shut down the phone in time, and then use absorbent paper or cotton swabs to **** out the water inside?" Cao Ze asked.

"No." Xia Ling shook his head, "I saw it could be used normally, so I thought it shouldn't matter, so I continued to use it."

"..." Cao Ze didn't know whether to be happy or helpless for a while.

The happy thing is that he has another chance to perform in front of Xia Ling, but the helpless thing is why does this school girl seem to be a not-so-smart Yazi?

Not too smart though, and it doesn't seem like a bad thing... At least it's easy to deceive!

"Uh, that, so you don't plan to ask for milk tea for the time being, right?" The waitress who was in charge of ordering asked with a smile, "There are still many customers waiting, or you..."

"What you want, of course you want." Cao Ze smiled, "Just a minute."

After all, Cao Ze took out his mobile phone and handed it to Xia Ling.

"Eh?" Xia Ling blinked in confusion.

"You can use my mobile phone to log in to WeChat and pay again." Cao Ze smiled.

"Ah..." Xia Ling stayed for a second or two, "Thank you."

What was even more stunned was the waiter lady, she was so confused, how could she still do this kind of operation?

But after Xia Ling operated the mobile phone, he shook his head helplessly: "No, it shows that it is logged in on an unknown terminal. It requires a very troublesome verification method, and it will be impossible for a while..."

"Then you try the payment package? The payment package should be fine, right?" Cao Ze asked.

"My payment package is not bound to a bank card..."

"Then try to tie it up?"

"But I forgot my bank card number..."

"...I remember when you first started school, you all had to fill out a basic student information form and hand it over to the monitor, right? Ask the monitor of your class if he has your information sheet in his hand."

"Then I'll call Chen Yilang and ask him." After speaking, Xia Ling called Chen Yilang.

"So he's your monitor?" Cao Ze was taken aback.

"Yeah." Xia Ling nodded, then dialed the phone.





Chen Yilang did not answer the phone.

"I think he may still be buying water at this time, and he may not notice the phone for a while," Xia Ling said.

"Would you like to look through the chat records between you and him? Maybe that file hasn't expired yet, and it should still be saved on the cloud..." Cao Ze said reluctantly.

The waitress looked a little embarrassed. She tried to interrupt Cao Ze several times, but in the end she couldn't say anything.

At this time, the irritable old man in the back who was already waiting a little bit couldn't stand it anymore, so he interjected:

"Hey, this old man."

"I'm just wondering, isn't your mobile phone normal? Can you just pay for this lady first?"

【Ding! 】

[You indirectly created [Soul Torture], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +1942, Experience +1021! 】

At this moment, Chen Yilang, who was preparing to buy water in the small supermarket, couldn't help laughing when he heard the system's voice.

Although he can't see the situation on Xia Ling's side at all now, he can roughly guess what happened.

"Uh...you're right, why didn't I think of that?"

[Conspirator] Cao Ze's forehead was dripping with sweat, but he was still trying his best to manage his expressions, trying to hide the embarrassment in his smile.

So he could only take Xia Ling's mobile phone, open his WeChat wallet and scan the payment code.


The sound of payment was crisp and pleasant, it sounded like the blood dripping from Cao Ze's heart.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

Cao Ze felt that he needed a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

You must know that since he entered the university, apart from some necessary expenses such as tuition and fees, he has never had a single consumption of more than 20 yuan.

"So why is a cup of milk tea so expensive? Hey!"

"Instead of spending so much money to exchange tons of tons, it's better to use it as a video member for a month!"

Cao Ze frowned frantically.

"Please take your milk tea!"

The waitress smiled and said, and handed two large bags of milk tea to the two of them.

The reason she is happy is also very simple.

One is because the two big bags of milk tea bought in the past two days can almost catch up with the performance of the small half-day.

But it's because she finally got rid of these two particularly difficult students... You must know that the large group of guests in the back are already ready to move like zombies.

Although she doesn't quite understand the relationship between the two, it is estimated that they are a couple who don't seem to be a good match?

And there is a saying that this boy is not only not handsome, but also quite stingy... I don't know how he got such a good-looking girlfriend.

This lady who bought milk tea is really beautiful!

The waitress waved goodbye to the two of them and continued her work.

Gu Lin

And Cao Ze took Xia Ling and left the milk tea shop almost as if escaping... Although he seemed extraordinarily calm during the whole process.

Hemp egg!

This made him embarrassed that he was about to commit cancer... But who would have thought that this schoolgirl's brain circuit was so stupid?

"That, Junior Sister Xia Ling."

Walking on the school road back from the original road, Cao Ze coughed and hinted in a completely nonchalant manner: "This milk tea... is quite expensive."

"Yes, yes, but this shop is really good!" Xia Ling replied cheerfully.

"Oh, that's it... Then if that's the case, then..."

"Mmmm, thank you very much today, senior!" Xia Ling smiled obediently, "I will thank you for the friends in the literature and art department!"

"Okay, okay, you're welcome~ Wait a minute, what are you thanking me for?"

Cao Ze frowned slightly, and seemed to realize that things didn't seem that simple.

"Thank you, senior, for inviting us to drink milk tea!"

Xia Ling blinked her innocent eyes and said, "Huh? Did I hear it wrong? Senior, didn't you say you wanted to treat me just now? Did I hear it wrong?"


In just a few seconds, the expression on Cao Ze's face produced a series of changes like the big bang of the universe, and then returned to calm in an instant.

"Oh, yes, it's for you!" Cao Ze showed a bright smile as bright as spring. "I mean, what's the point? Don't thank you, you are too polite!"

"No, no, thank you for this." Xia Ling said earnestly, "I will tell our minister about this. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely invite you back."

"Okay… okay…"

The corners of Cao Ze's mouth trembled, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

【Ding! 】

[You used the skill [Tit for an Eye], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +1921, Experience +1021! 】

[You got: [a glass of bad water]! 】

[Bad water: a rare liquid material rich in the stomach of the monster [conspirator]. It is said that the [negative energy] contained in it is great enough to generate a huge [negative energy storm], please use it with caution! 】

The moment he heard the sound of the system, Chen Yilang knew that most of his plans had been successful.

At this moment, he had already returned to the auditorium and distributed mineral water to all the members of the logistics department present.

"Thank you, Brother Chen!"

"It's so hard for you to buy water for us for two days in a row."

"Xiao Chen, you should take a rest first, come and play a few games with us!"


The departments greeted Chen Yilang one after another, and also sincerely thanked him.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have successfully established a good imagination within the [Logistics Department]! 】

[You have gained a lot of [trust] and [appreciation] in this [force]! 】

【Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation value: 3400]

[Intelligence: You have done a good job, if necessary, please make persistent efforts to firmly take root in this site and stand in an invincible position...]

"It's been hard work for you, junior, go and rest for a while."

At this time, Minister Ma Yichuan also noticed Chen Yilang, who had been working hard.

Then he vaguely remembered that when he was working last time, it was this new little brother who went to buy for everyone.

Although there is no difficulty or skill in buying water, Ma Yichuan knows that it is this kind of trivial matter that can tell a person's character.

From a higher level, that is, everyone who can achieve great things starts from taking every little thing seriously.

However, as a minister, Ma Yichuan was also used to seeing too many freshmen who were full of enthusiasm when they first came in. His enthusiasm was quickly worn away, and he began to paddle and fish like most old people.

Seeing that the back of his T-shirt was soaked with sweat, he couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Okay, then thank you Minister." Chen Yilang wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

In this place, Chen Yilang is really not in disguise.

Although it is not difficult to carry water, it can't bear the physical effort...

Mainly today, he was working alone throughout the whole process, and Cao Ze can be said to have no strength at all.

However, this is also a part of Chen Yilang's plan.

He also knew very well that if he wanted to deal with Cao Ze's [lv13 conspirator], he must still have to use some small tricks... After all, the only thing that can defeat magic is magic.

So he asked Xia Ling to discuss the countermeasures in advance, and then the two of them worked together to perform a play, just for the purpose of scheming Cao Ze.

He and Xia Ling first tricked Cao Ze into the milk tea shop, slaughtered him fiercely, and smashed him for wool.

Then Chen Yilang silently bought the water back by himself, and started a new wave of attacks against Cao Ze on the side of the logistics department. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Sure enough, just as Chen Yilang expected, Minister Ma Yichuan quickly asked key questions after finding him.


"I heard just now, didn't you go to buy water with Deputy Cao Ze?"

"Where did the others go?"

Ma Yichuan asked curiously.

"We want to know too."

The other members of the staff sitting on the side were also puzzled by this question, and they all turned around one after another, or turned their heads, waiting for Chen Yilang's answer.

"We didn't go anywhere. We met a girl from the Literature and Art Department on the way, and then he accompanied the girl to buy milk tea."

With a straight face, Chen Yilang replied calmly, "He said he was going to help the girl carry things, so he asked me to buy water myself."


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people around them suddenly went wrong.

Especially Ma Yichuan, the expression on his face disappeared on the spot.

"No, no, no? That's too much, isn't it?"

"That's right, how can you do something like this..."

"My God, I didn't expect Deputy Cao to be such a person. This is too despicable!"

"That's right, doesn't this bully us Xiao Chen as a newcomer..."

"I've heard others say before that Deputy Cao is very patient and gentle with freshmen, but I didn't expect to do such a thing? So he's always pretending?"

The crowd murmured.

"I'm going to help the girls in the literature and art department carry things? Why haven't I seen him help us?"

At this time, the girls also became dissatisfied, "What prejudice does he have against the girls in our department?"

In the sound of chatter.

"Ah, that, I don't know either..."

With an innocent face, Chen Yilang showed an innocent, cute and honest smile.

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