If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 253: 【Tiaohu Lishan】

Chen Yilang didn't think much about it, and sent a private message saying hello directly to Luo Luojiang.

If there is no accident, if he is lucky, if he wakes up early the next morning, he should be able to receive a reply from Luo Luojiang.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang fell asleep contentedly.

Early the next morning, the first thing Chen Yilang did when he woke up was to check the private messages.

Sure enough, as he expected, Luo Luojiang did reply to him.

Luo Luojiang: "Who are you, uncle?"

Chen Yilang: "?"


You are the uncle, your whole family is uncle!

"Forget it, come back later with this chick."

Chen Yilang quickly got up and finished washing.

Later, I have to go to the logistics department to work.

Judging from what other people in the group are discussing, there may be more work to be done today than yesterday.

After leaving the dormitory, according to the agreement with Cao Ze, the two made an appointment for breakfast in Xiuyuan, and then set off to the auditorium together.

"Junior, is your battery car fully charged?" Cao Ze asked.

"It's charged, I just charged it at the small power station downstairs in the dormitory last night." Chen Yilang replied.

"You can go to the back door of the gym to charge it in the future! You don't need to scan the code to pay at that place, so you can save a lot of money, but you have to go early, otherwise you will run out of space."

"And the car must be pushed away before ten o'clock, because at that point, some residents of the school will come back from get off work, some unqualified people will unplug your charger, and then push your car to the curb outside... "

Listening to Cao Ze's particularly enthusiastic and detailed popularization of battery car charging strategies, Chen Yilang couldn't help but once again sighed at the powerful camouflage ability of this [conspirator]...

After a simple conversation, he instantly re-established his image of a handsome senior who is gentle, attentive, considerate and helpful.

It's just like a textbook pull...

If Chen Yilang hadn't seen him as transparent as X-rays long ago, he might have to pinch him again in this wave.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Yilang discovered some wonderful details from his remarks.

Didn't you say that you don't have a battery car? Why are you so familiar with the strategy for charging the tram on campus? Hey...

"Awesome, Senior Cao Ze, how did you know?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Oh, because a friend of mine charged there before." Cao Ze said.

God **** has a friend!

Anyway, you just want to rub my car, right?

Chen Yilang couldn't help but silently gave a "baring teeth" expression in his heart.

No wonder this guy came up yesterday and asked him if he had a battery car. It turned out that he wanted to smash wool!

After about ten minutes, both of them came to the auditorium.

The work has not officially started, and the ministers of the two departments have not arrived, so the two groups of people are standing outside the auditorium and chatting in the wind.

Cao Ze's eyes glanced quickly, and he soon found the tall and slender girl, Xia Ling.

Carrying a small bag in her hand, she stood slightly away from the crowd, and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone. She didn't know whose song she was listening to in her earphones.

When he saw Xia Ling, Cao Ze took the lead and took a step forward. He smiled and said, "Morning, Junior Sister Xia Ling."

"Morning, senior." Xia Ling also smiled.

"How is it, is the work in your department going well?" Cao Ze smiled warmly, "Is there anything we need to help you with?"

"It's okay, the main thing is that the senior sister and the seniors lead well..." Xia Ling said.

Cao Ze took advantage of this topic to talk to Xia Lingpan.

In fact, he has no interest at all in the progress of the work in the literature and art department, and he does not care...

He just wanted to find a suitable reason to approach Xia Ling.

Too high purpose and aggression will more or less make school girls vigilant and defensive, so the best way is to start from daily conversations.

However, after simply chatting for less than two minutes, Cao Ze found that Xia Ling seemed a little absent-minded.

Her eyes seemed to be searching for something else around the environment, and then suddenly Bling lit up.

"Senior, I have something to do, so please excuse me first."

After speaking, Xia Ling walked away, walking briskly and jumping in another direction.


Cao Ze was stunned for a moment, and his eyes involuntarily followed the direction that Xia Ling was away from.

I saw that the elementary school girl seemed to have encountered something that made her very happy. She jumped like a bunny and came to the side of a boy.

—Chen Yilang.

"Have you eaten breakfast?"

Xia Ling handed the bag in his hand to Chen Yilang, "Well, buy some more on the way when you come out this morning."

"Ah, thanks."

Chen Yilang took it over and took a look, only to find that it was a glutinous rice chicken.

He then remembered that when he was chatting with Xia Ling before, he talked about the glutinous rice chicken breakfast at Bihuyuan Restaurant.

Bihuyuan is recognized as the worst restaurant in the whole NTU, but the amazing thing is that its glutinous rice chicken is the best breakfast in the whole school.

But Bihuyuan is far from Chen Yilang's dormitory, so he usually doesn't have the chance to eat there.

So Chen Yilang said casually during that chat. If there is a chance in the future, he must go to Bihuyuan to eat glutinous rice chicken.

And it happened that the girls' dormitory in the business school was very close to that place. Xia Ling, who remembered this sentence, bought a copy when she went out this morning.

Holding the glutinous rice chicken handed over by Xia Ling, Brother Lang's heart can only be said to have mixed feelings...

Impressed and annoyed.

Depend on!

If I had known this earlier, would I have made a fart breakfast with Cao Ze?

Isn't the love breakfast my sister brought?

Just a few dozen minutes ago, he and Cao Ze were sitting in Xiuyuan, ordering a 3 tael of boiled noodles, and even added two marinated eggs and a sausage...

To be honest, Chen Yilang actually really wanted to try the glutinous rice chicken, but at this moment he just wanted to burp, and he had no appetite at all.

If you eat it at this time, it can't be called eating, Chunchun can only be called "plug"...

But at this time, a [highlight mark] appeared on the glutinous rice chicken...

[Girls' Love Breakfast: A glutinous rice chicken full of girls' thoughts. Trust me, the girl must be looking forward to seeing you eating her chicken. 】

Chen Yilang: "???"

Can you change it to a slightly more normal way of saying, I always find it strange when you are like this...

Chen Yilang was hesitating, but at this time, Yu Guang accidentally glanced at Xia Ling who was beside him.

"Eh? Don't you like it?" Xia Ling's brows were slightly wrinkled, as if there was a hint of concern, "Am I wrong?"

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling] enters a new state: [worry]. 】

[Note: In this state, NPC may have certain negative emotions, which will affect your [favorability value], please make a reasonable response! 】


Chen Yilang couldn't help taking a deep breath in his heart.

Isn't this a blatant warning?

But if you think about it, it really doesn't make sense...

Thinking from another perspective, if he brought breakfast to others, but others not only didn't eat it, but also had a look of disgust on his face, he would definitely feel a little unhappy in his heart...

Gu Li

"Dang, of course not!"

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang immediately denied it.

"Thank you so much. Thanks to you, I finally got the glutinous rice chicken that I've been thinking about today!"

Chen Yilang opened his mouth, showing a happy smile, and then took a big bite at the glutinous rice chicken.

【Ding! 】

[You ate [Girls' Love Breakfast]! 】

[[npc Xia Ling] has entered the [happy] state! 】

【The favorability of the target has been increased! 】

[Current favorability: 61%]

[Details: Classmate Chen is too cute when he eats, like a chubby hamster... But why are his eyes full of tears, is it because he is too moved? 】

Yes, yes, I was so moved, I was so moved that I didn't dare to move at all...

Chen Yilang trembled slightly with the hand that was tearing the chicken, and swallowed the chicken in his mouth with all his might, with a smile on his face, happiness was beyond words...

And the other side.

"..." Cao Ze's decree pattern moved slightly without revealing a trace, but his entire face did not show any obvious change in expression.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Counterattack], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 conspirators]! 】

[You got: Gold +1765, Experience +1021! 】

He just glanced briefly, then pretended to be nonchalant and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Tactically take a step back...

As a [lv13 conspirator], he soon realized that Chen Yilang was a key figure he had ignored.

"This guy actually knows Xuemei?"

"And the relationship seems to be a little unusual?"

[Conspiracist] squeezed his chin and fell into deep thought.

Fortunately, the situation is not too bad.

Cao Ze could see that although the relationship between Chen Yilang and Xia Ling was unusual, this stupid junior seemed to have a fatal weakness, that is, the brain circuit was a little duller.

Cao Ze pulled his wrench fingers, pinched his fingers, and roughly speculated that his current odds of winning were still slightly lower than Chen Yilang's.

After coming to the conclusion, Cao Ze washed his face and put on his signature gentle smile again.

After walking out of the bathroom, the heads of the two departments also arrived.

The new day's work schedule is also put down.

"Today our logistics department is responsible for assisting in setting up the venue and decorating the stage."

"Let's try to finish the work before two o'clock today, come on."

Ma Yichuan clapped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, get moving."

After entering the working state, the people in the two departments are also separated.

After an hour or two, it was time for the intermission.

Chen Yilang was squatting in the corner to brush his phone, when Cao Ze came over again.

When Chen Yilang caught sight of this guy out of the corner of his eye, he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"It's coming..."

Chen Yilang said silently.

Sure enough, as Chen Yilang expected, after walking up, Cao Ze smiled and said the familiar lines just like the day before: "Come on, junior, let's go buy water."

"Okay." Chen Yilang replied cheerfully, "Should we just be together? I'll call one more person."

"Who is it?" Cao Ze asked.

"Xia Ling." Chen Yilang pretended to be casual and said, "I told her when I was chatting with her just now that she also wants to go shopping with us."

"Oh, that's fine too."

As soon as he heard the name, Cao Ze immediately became a little excited.

But [Conspiracist]'s expression management ability is obviously leveraged, and he doesn't show any emotion at all.


Hearing that Cao Ze agreed, Chen Yilang also smiled slightly.

So Chen Yilang called Xia Ling out, and the three walked to the old local supermarket together.

While walking on the road, while chatting and laughing, Cao Ze quietly completed a small walk and walked between Chen Yilang and Xia Ling.

The opportunity seized by this move was extraordinarily hidden, so hidden that Chen Yilang didn't even notice it.

And Cao Ze, who got the C position, naturally cut off the connection between Chen Yilang and Xia Ling, making it easier to talk to Xia Ling.

"Did you bring enough water for your department last time?" Cao Ze asked Xia Ling, "I don't know how many people there are in your department, and I don't know how."

Xia Ling said: "Enough, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Senior Xie."

"That's good, senior will bring you another box today." Cao Ze said with a smile.

"Ah, don't worry about it..."

"What's the matter, it's okay." Cao Ze smiled lightly and said lightly, "It's just a box of water, it's mine."

"Forget it, don't bother senior." Xia Ling shook his head and said, "Actually, they want to drink milk tea today, and I'll go to the milk tea shop later."

"Is that so..." Cao Ze seemed to be thoughtful, but his expression remained calm, "Alright then, but the milk tea is very heavy, can you handle it?"

"Probably, I don't know..." Xia Ling frowned slightly, "I'll give it a try."

Cao Ze's brows moved slightly, looked at Chen Yilang and said, "Well then, I'll go help Xia Ling Xuemei pick up milk tea, and then you go to buy water first, I'll come to help you after I've settled the matter over there, how about it? "

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Conspirator] activated the skill [Tiaohu Lishan]! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】

"Okay." Chen Yilang didn't think much, then nodded readily and agreed.

【Ding! 】

[Skill evasion failed, you have been attacked by the skill [Tiaohu Lishan]! 】

【HP-414! 】

That's right, this is Chen Yilang's response.

This wave of [Tiaohu Lishan] attack, he chose to eat hard.

"Go, I'll be right over here."

This made Cao Ze very satisfied. After he simply waved to Chen Yilang, he followed Xia Ling and walked away first.

The figures of the two groups of people gradually became farther and farther apart.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Cao Ze's mouth.

Chen Yilang too.

"This wave, hold it."

Both of them thought so.

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